East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 01, 1903, Image 1

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NO. 4758.
fill! MEET
n fnnvpnfion Sched-
L fbr Baker City Uurmg
L present Month.
LT revival interest
- ruuelnrtment of the
hthe crop' r
I i, summer Fallow, Winter
Linj'and Artesian Systems, a
Lotion In Farming Will Follow
L Eastern Oregon.
L time is drawing near when the
twal meeting of tne btaie ir
,ta Association will bo hold In
city, and the Interest conso-
fct mong tne peopiu ui mu wu-
ibli rlter basin, wno aro concern-
. j.ilknratlnnil nf Mint llflflV
a IBB UCuc'"""H
j He rise. The meeting was sot
lie executive, committee of tho
Nation to meet In June, anil
ut the day has not yet been do
dr announced It Is oxpected
w Ttartman. the nrcsldcnt of
Columbia River Basin Associa-
I comprising umatina ami iuor
mmtles. U verv enthusiastic
It the cause of Irrigation and
Ihoids, m spite or the com man
town on the proposition from
Bp sources, mat u is uesuneii 10
iMonlze the Industry and condi-
I ot the inland empire.
Iinre Deal by the Government,
r. Hartman lias all confidence In
I fairness and ability nf the cov-
tent engineers now engaged on
geological survey, and is certain
lira reports win be in accord
It Tfth thfi farts nf tun mho nn
mi by the conditions of the land
tiae laciuties for procuring
. He thinks the question all
upon the favor or disfavor of
raimeers report and lias no
Fit but what the ultimate decis
reiChed bv thlm will lin In nn.
I nee with the dream of the peo
t the country,
e "Plrlt of Umatilla county Is all
regard to Irrigation and tho
'(have treat hnnoo fnr tho nnni
of the project.
e unfavorable decision of the
rasion, however, considered as
note and tn lm inr.im-o.i .,ri..
P. Heed nnt nf nnr.ouc.lttr
MM of the Irrigationists. If the
i snoum fall to attempt the
100 nf thlct eoMln r .1. .
It.. slu "i me siuie
le scale, it would be well and
Hlnhn Hint h. .
l.u , i,tul" interest.-
fw keep the Issue alive and
IZ "ew tne results to be
t ,1 ?eL ttlat l,rlvat0 cai'I-
iwuir inn acD cinnn f n
"Ja make it one of the most
parts of the Northwest.
&!?7J,.?.t'or City.
KJni . i. .'U"'K cou'd see tlio
imu ts of Irrigation and the
I,,." " orK m the condition
1 F;ur Available Systems.
h a k z 7 I, .."v1"?.. nves.u-
57rrH& ho
toiirt i. u Ullt ln "'6
TMt5A.to.!?k the
wire .'. M.ro
Kth. " meant the flood-
ts Zr y.?cans 0( '"tches
Iinto the ?" wnicr will
mT? 80 t,eat1 to
IWem l . ?'U1? summer
Where .L' r:1, 01 this con-
te, ?i.wei 0 e fallow it
Um with 01uro of two
EmL ! "5 .thl stored sunnlv
. - Jiih win
f." raise cnn.r "B "cctimu
MW eood o.,s with judlc
r irtiih.
rtti u a.nother faetor
'tavS0, 0ne well has
"UJciP ? county win,
LS1 Wever F a',out fi0
P.ttt lan ri.th!SQ we" n
rrlert . i. B,"e to y eld.
N..toPtaily a,lat,t:
Elt l in ,.?s ellmato is
M tho retard
' HI ..,.e evenness nr t,,
?5lrTal 'W make
b Ple ffiCB?rtaln,y Sure.
j a ti thl ln"ned ate
trlr,ri ,tfte labled miiu ,
,e of tn0 investlga-
tion will mako no hasty examination
or come to no rash conclusions, but
when they have decided, their work
will havo been performed carefullly,
consistently and to the best of their
knowledge and effort. In tho mean
tlmo It behooves tho people at large,
tho Inhabitants of the semi-arid belt,
who aro so anxious for the benefits
of Irrigation to como to them, to
watch and proparo for tho finnl otit
como, and above alll, to await in pa
tience but not in sloth or inaction,
for tho tlmo to come when the
scheme of irrigation will have been
proven to be practical and then
bo ready to accept tho assistance of
fered by tho government and by pri
vate enterprise and mako the Inland
Umpire the garden spot ot tho stale
iind the great center of wealth and
cultures of tho Pacific Northwest.
two sims
Effects of the Great Freeze Outgrown
and Large Crop Is Expected.
Washington, D. C, Juno 1. Ad
vices from Florida are to tho effect
that the results of the big freeze of a
few years ago, in which a very large
proportion of the orange trees of tho
stale were killed, aro rapidly passing
away, and that Florida will shortly
be prepared to furnish oven a greater
number ol oranges than before tho i
disaster. It is said that this year's
crop will bo worth about $2,700,000, j
and will exceed tho crop of last year 1
by about 1,000,000 boxes.
Tho reports are also favorable to
tho growth of pineapples, many
snuare miles of territory having liecn
placed under cultivation. The ship
ments of pineapples this season
havo readied 2,000,000 boxes, which
are valued at $3 per box.
Eastern and Central Kansas and Iowa. With Hundreds of
Large and Small Towns, Experience Heavy
Losses of Life and Property,
Not in Historical Times Has a Catastrophe o. Such Magnitude Befallen
Central Iowa and Central and Eastern Kansas and Western Missouri
Hundreds of People Drown and Burn.
Naval War College Opening.
Newport, It. I., June 1. The offic
ers of tho navy appointed to take
the course this year at the naval war
college, reported today to Captain
French B. Chadwlck, president of the
college. Tho session will bo formally
opened tomorrow by Secretary Moody
of tho navy.
In Memory of Brigham Young.
ijunxz inj, omit: i, itiuuj io
tho 103d anniversary of the birth ot
Brigham Young and the anniversary
was observed In tho customary man
ner by the descendants and admirers
of tho great Mormon leader. The
chief featuro of the observance was
tho holding of a family reunion at
Restaurant and Hotel Employes Con
fronted With Issue Laundry Union
So Far Has the Best of the Contest.
Chicago, Juno 1. Tire restaurant
and hotel mon this morning asked
longer time in which to consider the
demands of the 20,000 unionists.
Their decision will probably be ren
dered tonight.
Two large launurics signed the
i.calo this morning and resumed
work. Only 150 men" are still Idle.
Attending a Bronch Busting Show at
the Fair Grounds.
Cheyenne, Wyo.. June 1. Tho
Roosevelt party was driven around
this city this morning. At 10 o'clock
was the broncho busting show nt the
lair grounds. Mr. Roosevelt was pre
sented with a $500 saddle horse and
accoutrements. When presented, the
horse knelt and bowed to Its new
Spencer Is Guilty.
Spokane, June 1. The Jury In the
trial of Ed Spencer, returned a ver
dict of murder in tho second degree,
for the killing of Ella Mundt in this
elty last January. The vordlct also
contained a recommendation for
mercy, on the grounds that Spencer
was temporarily crazed by absinthe
when he did the killing. The penal
ly is from 10 to 20 years.
Bookbinders Strike.
San Francisco, June 1. Two hund
red and fifty women and girls em
ployed as bookbinders, went on strike
this morning, asking for minimum
wages of $10 per week. They now
receive $8.
Kansas City, Mo., June 1. The
river has reached 35 feet above low
water this morning, having risen four
feet and five inches during the night.
A cold, drizzling rain continues. The
Hannibal & Milwaukee bridges the
last links connecting the city with
the outside world, arc still standing.
The known death list this morning is
four, but 20 others aro believed to be
The fires In the flooded section are
all out. There aro no cars, lights or
water. A thousand industrial con
cerns have been suspended.
Forty Thousand Homeless.
The papers have . so far issued
their usual editions, but threaten to
suspend on account tit no paper. Tho
meat and vegetable supplies are al
most exhausted. The saloons hnve
been closed by jiolice orders. The
city is orderly. Forty thousand peo
ple are homeless In Argentine, Ar
mourdale and Kansas City, Kan. ..e
destitution Is extreme.
Wagons loaded with supplies reach
ed Armourdale refugees by a narrow
neck of land, relieving families at
that point. Buildings in the west
bottoms manufacturing and whole
sale district are continually collaps
ing. Armourdale is practically off
the map, whole "blocks of three-story
buildings having crumbled away.
Tho river has cut a new channel
where tho town was, and only the
tops of great packing houses remain
and they show signs of crumbling.
Harlem is gone. It is lmpossihle to
estimate the damage or loss of life
with accuracy .this time.
Guarding Abandoned Property.
At 10 o'clock the Thin, regiment
is still guarding abandoned property.
Orders have been Issued them to
snoot thieves on sight. There Is im
minent danger of all telegiaphlc com
munication being cut off within a
few hours. Systematic rescue work
began this morning of those penned
in the tops of the big buildings in tne
bottoms. A narrow neck of land to
the south is now all t..at prevents
tho city being an Island. A portion
of the Hannibal bridge has just gone
The last of 100 men Imprisoned In
the Schwarschlin packing house were
just landed at the bluffs. The steam
er Columbia started at 9 o'clock in
an endeavor to reach l'arkvillo wheio
there aro 200 people on the roofs and
In trees, according to information
brought here by men in rowboats.
Suffering and Losses In Kansas.
Topeka, Kan.. June 1. Three
steam launches did excellent rescue
work today. By 9 this morning all
who had been clinging to tops of
trees were removed to safety. Some
of those seen In trees when darkness
settled last nlglit are believed to have
fallen off exhausted. Many others
were rescued during the night. Con
servative estimates of tho property
loss this morning mako the total
The list of missing is continually
Vigilance Committee Organized.
Two thieves were caught looilng
in North Topeka and their boats were
riddled with bullets. A vlgllanco
committee has been formed.
All those suffering from contagious
diseases havo been isolated In tem
porary hospitals around which lines
ot soldiers and special policemen
were placed this morning to enforce
The chief of pollco this morning
places the loss of life at 175. but nil
nilts it may be either hnlf or three
times this number. Tho earlier esti
mates of the number were not over
drawn. There are between S.000 nnd
10.000 destitute.
It Is probable Governor Halley will
be asked to appeal for help. Neigh
boring (owns have been appealed to
to hurry provisions in ns famlno
threatens. Heavy rains fell last night
and the river again shows signs of
rising even higher. Cold north
winds add to tho misery of tho refu
Under Martial Regulations.
K.iiiFns Cltv. Mn.. Juno 1. At 10:30
'.the rescuers now believe all Imprls
oned by the flood In the west bot
toms havu been tnken off In safety.
Military lines now extend around tho
flood district, and no ono Is allowed
to pass them without nuthorlty.
Hundreds of vagrants havo been
rounded up nnd three thieves nrrest
ed. Street cars are attempting to run
with horbes. The property loss Is es
timated this morning at between
thirty and fifty million.
Government Assistance.
Washington, Juno 1. General Cor
bin this morning by wlro ordered
Fort Leavenworth to send 200 army
tents to Kansas City to tho Knnaas
flood sufferers.
Scared at St. St. Louis.
St. Louis, Juno 1. Tho rising
waters cause grave apprehension al
ready along tho danger line. Tho
water 1b several Inches deep ln tho
main streets of East St. Iiuls.
Wholesale Drowning Reported,
Kansas City June 1. It Is believed
li' were drowned near Fowler's pack
ing house during the night and 21
from tho Union Pacific bridge. Twen-
uty thousand dollars was raised here
today to assist tho destitute.
Telegram From Roosevelt.
I Cheyenne, June 1. President Hoos
! tvelt wired the governor of Kansas'
I "Am inexpressibly shocked at tho ro
liorts of the dreadful calamity that
I lias befallen Topeka. If thero Is any
i thing the federal authorities can do,
j let me know. Roosevelt."
Textile Workers on Strike,
I Lowell Mass., June 1. Tim mills
this morning opened with a very
I small percentage of non-union textile
workers. Tho strikers aro porrcctiy
More Promising for Dei Moines.
Den Moines, Juno The river Is
fulling at the rate of an inch an
hour. The suffering Is still acuto.
Encampment at Huntington.
T. F. Howard returned from Hunt
ington Sunday morning, where he or
ganized an encampment of the Inde
pendent Order of Odd Fellows Sat
urday night. Tho new encampment
started out with a membership of 20, i
and an excellont territory to draw
trom, which Insures a strong and ac
tive membership ut that place. Mr.
Howard says It Is very hot lu Huntington.
No Japanese, Chinamen or Negroes
Will Work on the New Sewer.
The rumor that tho J. H. Suther
land company would employ Japanese
labor, and whlcn was f plead over tne
city so earnestly last Saturday, hai
been proven to be a canard, originat
ing In tho idle brain of somo one who
saw a Jap on the street and put two
1 .. InrrotllOl- V tt (llontOH. thO
mm r-- -r
chairman of the sewer committee, re
ceived a telephone message irom j.
ti cii,rri-in,i thin nftfriioon. deny
ing in emphatic language any such
an intention.
Mr. Sutherland stated that he
-..,.,. i,,i .limit n Chinaman or Jan
in his life and had no thought of do
ing so at the present time. He fur
ther said that the work would be
done ns far as possiblo by Pendleton
labor. Ho will employ only white
help and will get ns much as pos
sible of It from Pendleton and vicin
ity as he can. Tho skilled laborers
he will bring from abroad If ho can
not find thpm here, and what men ho
has to have abovo the number pro
cured In Pendleton, will bo Imported,
but they will all be whlto men.
New Corps of Officers.
Pendleton Camp No, 241, W. O. W.,
elected tho following officers on last
Saturday night to servo tho ensuing
terra of six months: Consul comman
der. J II. I-awrey; advisor lieutenant,
I.eu Drake; escort, S. H. Ivo;
watchman, S. Everlngham; sentry,
O. F. Steele; manager, T. F. Howard.
Returned to Pendleton.
Miss Beula Dial, of Spokane, Is tho
guest of Miss Ethel Klmbrell, at her
homo on Aura street. Miss Dial was
formerly a resident of this city, hav
ing spent her girlhood here.
Celebration of the Ordination of Wil
liam Ellery Channlng.
Boston, Mass., Juno 1. Today,
which was tho 100th anniversary of
tho ordination ot William Kllery
Channlng, tho founder of Unitarian
Ism In tills country, witnessed the un
veiling ot tv handsome stnttio of thp
famous clergyman, erected at tho
cornor ot lloylston nnd Arlington
streets, near tho Arlington Strcot
church, of which Dr. Channlng was
pnstor for many years. Tho statue,
which is tho work ot Sculptor Her
bert Adams, of New York, Is a gift
to the city from the late John Fos
ter, a life-long member of tho Uni
tarian church and a great friend and
admirer ot tho fatmms clergyman.
The unveiling of tho statue was ac
companied by Interesting evxerclses,
Including addresses by President
Eliot of Harvard, Rev. Dr. Edward
Everett Hale. Lieutenant Governor
Curtis Guild and others.
Eighty-fivo Thousand Mill Op
eratives Strike for Shorter
Idaho Parties Attentton Taken by an
Item In the East oregonian. i
Somo tlmo ago Thomas (tiilmgnn,
on returning from a trip to Walln
Walla, brought with him a samplo ot
Turkestan alfalfa, grown on unlrrl
gated hill land nbovo the city, and
mention was mndo of tho fact In tho
East Orcgonlnn, telling ot tho plant
nnd tho facility with which it grew
In dry soli without water.
Mr. Gahngnn Is now ln receipt of a
letter from J. 1. Stovenson, ot Good
ing, Idaho, requesting full particulars
concerning tho nlfnlfn. Its hardihood
and adaptability to various climates
nnd nsklng whore and for what Heed
could ho procure. Mr. Giihngau has
written to tho Inquirer giving all tho
Information asked.
Homeward Bound.
North Platlo. Nob., Juno 1. Pres
ident Roosevelt emerged from tho
tho Rocky mountain country today
and speeding iutohs thu plnlus of
Nebraska begins the final stretch of
his long trans-continental trip. Tho
only stop of consequence Is sched
uled for this place, whoro hundreds
of visitors gathered early In tho day
to bid tho president welcome. Tho
presidential special will enter Iown
early tomorrow morning nnd liefnro
nightfall the Mississippi river will bo
reached. Tho following day, will ho
spent In Illinois and will bo tho last
day of spcuchmnklug for tho presi
dent. From Illinois the run to Wash
ington will bo nindo straight through
without stop.
Manufacturing and Business Center
of the City Is Swept by an Awful
Storm Scores of People Killed,
Atlanta, June I. A telephone mes
sugo says a terrific tornado struck
Gulnesvlllo, (la., shortly after noon
today and that probably 100 wore
killed. Eight victims are beneath
the cotton mills. Eighteen were kill
ed In tho center of tho town, where
they had sought refuge In stores.
'I nere were too In tho mills when
the storm came.
Tho list of Injured Is very great.
Tho actual number cannot ho known
until tho debris of tho mills Is clear
ed away.
Formal Good-bye to Dr. F. L. Forbes
and Wife.
Tho members of tho Presbyterian
church and the fuculty and students
of tho Academy will tender a faro
well reception to Dr. nnd Mrs. F. I..
Forbes tomorrow evening ut tho
Presbyterian church.
Tho services of Dr. Forbes and his
wife hi their efforts to upbuild tho
Academy aro miicli appreciated by
those Interested In tho growth of the
school, and they take this meuiiH of
expressing their legnrd and tender
ing their regrets that .Mr. and Mrs,
Forbes will toon remove from the
Recovering From the Grip.
Miss Flora Walker has recovered
(torn a long attack of the Klip, and
io once more ubln to res nine her po
sition In (ho Owl Tea Store. MUs
Walker was a member of this year's
graduating class at tho Arudomy and
was nearly prevented from being
graduated by her recent Illness, buy
ing been out of bed but two or tlin o
days before tho night of tho exercises.
The widow of George Alfred Town
send, the famous correspondent, died
In Washington, D, O., yesterday.
Nearly All Are Residents of Kenslng.
ton, a Milling Suburb The Great
est Protest of Textile Worker!
That Has Been Made lit Many
Years In the United States.
Philadelphia, Juno I.-The threat
ened strike of textllu fabric employes
at Kensington, took plnco today, for
n working week ot 55 hours. Nearly
S5.000 workers went uut. Tin action
was most remarkable In Its unanim
ity, not n fclngle worker showlnr; up
nt the mills eltlior in the morning or
at noon.
Ono fnclor that mnkos for prcat
Interest In this strike Is the entrenio
ly largo proportion ot women, ulrla
raid chlldrin who an out. Alt aro
members of the Textile Workers' va
rious unions nominally oven when
active membership Is denied to so
ninny on account of youth.
Tho Issue U mndo that shorter
hours lu this lustnnco the strike ts
lor nine houro per day aro nl.soluto
ly necessary on account of thu known
insalubrity of tho occupation. Tho
pievnlenco of pulmonary and nasal
dlsensei aiuoiiu operatives lu mllll
ot this chnrnctcr Is well known ami
Is lu Itself a great factor in leading
to discontent nnd contributing to tho
ensons for a shorter working dny-
King Edward and the Queen Sent
Messages of Condolence.
Loudon, Juno I. In a lire early
this morning at Entun College two
sludentH perished and several wero
Ir.jured. The king and queen iUYm
tent messages of condolence.
Putting Yachts In Shape.
Ililstol Conn., Juno 1 Roflttlnk'
the Itellauco and Constitution for
next week's races began nt the Hers
elf yards today. Tho latter will bo
materially strengthened.
Stricken With Apoplexy.
Washington, Juno I. General Alex
ander McCook was stricken yestor
day with iioplexy and Is in a trltt
ml condition todny.
Merger Case Postponed.
Washington, Juno I. The Hiipritua
i ou it todny advanced tho licnrlnK 'if
the Northern Securities cane to De
cember II.
Mrs. Finch Does Not Recuperata
Rapidly Following the Accident.
Mrs. Finch, who suffered such an
unfortunate ucclile'il nt tho Puiullo
ton Hi en in Laundry somo time ,iro.
Is still quite sick ut the hospital. Tho
wounded hands are healing ua nlcoly
as could bo expected, but tho vitality
of thu woman Is nt such u low ebb
that shu hfiH a hard tlmo rallying
from the shook resultant from thu ac
cident and thu operation,
Mrs. Finch has not been strong for
a couplo of years uud her syntem
finds It hard to wllliHlund tho added
strain ot tho accident. While a very
sick woman, shu Ih doing well and
strong hopes are entertained for her
ultlmato recovery.
Won by E. Y. Judd, Who Is Now the
Club's Champion,
Tho long-delayod finals of tho Pen
dleton Golf Club wero played yes
terday morning and tho championship
of tho club fell to E, Y. Judd.
Tho contest had narrowed, us tho
llnul matches were played from tlmo
to time, until yesterday the honor
lay between Messrs, Judd and Keller,
and lu tho lust play-off tho former
gentleman won by a score of threa
up. This gives him the champion
ship or the club and all tho glory at
tendant thereto,
Removed to Portland,
Fred Htorer, who has been employ
ed In Hilly Krnsslg's barber shop for
tlio lust six months, has resigned his
position to move to Portland whoro
lio will conduct u lodging Iioubo. IM
Mills of Ilaker City, accepts the vacan
cy cuuaed by Mr, Store's departure.