WL DAILY EAST ftRcrON(AN, PENDLETON, 0fte60. SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1908, , stoess Ca ds and Societies SESSIONS AND THAUto, urnot iiwlly ARRANGED. Bf 0 "-r1! ri;d ' Rii rTTiKsrAiN w.ock, ATTORNEYS. LT n. IIOMKOPATHIC BiMM'r:1rrm,7n Office in jucra trill P-r"fmi K00.M it asocIa nrrKnie main 031; real lM" ..ttvainilV 1 T- Id Savings nank ou.m i i.. 0'cf,s' . ;ai rc. Main till- "' JAhnlinin PRK' LAW OfPICB IN JUDD KAILEY A WTOU ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In Dcspaln block. DAIJ;FAYAcCotmT' AWVntlS. AS- CAI1TEH A lUr.KY, ATTO ItNP. YS AT law, omce In Saving Hank building. iirkry J. hkan, Attorney at r.wv Auoclatlon block, Pendleten, Oregon. II. J. SLATER, ATTOIINEY. J udil building. IIOOMS 23 iu-AII. PHYSICIAN AND ! D 5i?.HL i...aln block. Tele- is"' ."?.', i!.lilfnce 'Phone black run '" .... nit imvm UlVi .SJ and diseases of I ." ;,. rnrnir Main and tt ml " Tru'iius nooxi:. osteopath lt"..'1!;l.IM.,n treet Telephone i ii,i.u.r"'- an? in AiclVllon Block Office ."...SSSi Phone Main 1421. Ell. Ornn OPTICIANS. tin. W GARRET dim, graduate optl clnn. The only com plete optical parlor In the city Sis doors south of I1. O., Main ...Auirm tire. o fee cuargea aislnitlon nd i-onsnltntlou. DENTISTS. Ii tirtiiiAS, nnxTisT. ofi-ice in iM liHJinit. Tlione, red 71. rimm:NTisT, opi'ici: in as- blMl tllwK, over Mlirami new urns t Tint, ted 271 BANKS AND BROKERS. if! NATIONAL HANK OP ATHENA, tmi cinlinl. S.iii.iiu0: mirnluB and Interim on time deposits. Li Ii forelra mill domestic exchange. tiu prompllr attended to. Henry Ellas, prUont T J. Kirk, vlcejirea- m ii i.ttjrin' cnsnier , i. m. Kemp, i nstler K PitJIEliS' HANK OF WESTON, mod. Oregon. Dim a general bunk- iksUm exchange bought and Hold. ttM promptly ulteuili'il to. It. Jam iiMkMt. (ifon.'!" W. Proebstel. Iyiit J. It. Kllgnre, cashier; di va. 0 A Ilartniau. M. M. Johns. T. Mftli P draw. J P Kllgore, Hob- laiouB. C. V I'rnelntt-l. : PKDI.CT0.V SAVIXOS HANK, aiktja. dresou. Organized March 1, 1 rinttil twiuniirt ......I... eimi- ........ v , nut (Finn, ,iuu,- curnt illueil on all time deposits. ".-""wuianu kuiii on nil principal ciwiiai uiii-iitiuii given 10 eoi- iMptoUtatt T J Alorrls, cashier; - jwwuej, awuani ensmer. ' MTIO.AI,nANK 01'I'KNULB- L linr.l triimuA l... - n.,.. . Miipafral banking business. Ex- Q ILfl lfl-Mlililn ,.Anuf... I.I t - ....K.,,lv tmiinicin biiiu uii ri Ma Francisco. N- york and In the Nurthwost Drafts miw. Japan anil Europe. JIakes IflK V 1 s'Vlock. vlec-preR- kif-m.i rl 11 1 -lounson, flCHITECTS AND BUILDERS! kli.K coXTIiAC-ioii AND lil'II,- 'tk iigur-d on. Job ' tM 543 rl! B"ai a"tced. te,l;n.AJll'''i:':,'' AND SU- IAk r ki. i, 'wni'leto and re lis i n"? ',' '" nr rl,lln- --' I'liiiiiui, 5 1 cm t .... rr l E.. u';"wnulls AND S."1 fiirnlsbcd on short h HZiA W lte1,,?:'i;oir-i' "mi,d. BkL lurnlslied on nil klmu ait Oiegonlan office. t?IJ.r.lL Pl.AKT-n. -..-r Li ii ri.Vi . ,rK Kunrnnteed. E. D. IIOYD, ATTOKNCY AT LAW. Ill Court street. L. n. IlEEDEH, ATTORNEY AT LUY I'endlcton, Oregon. ' N. BErtKEf,EY, ATTOP.NT.Y AT hKW. Offlce In Savings nank building. T COLI.IEU, I.AWYEIt, OPFICB Iiooms 7 and 8, Association building. STILI.MAN & PIEItCE, ATTOItNEYS AT I.pw Mr. Stlllman has been admitted to practice In united States patent offlre nnd makes a specialty of Patent Law. Itooms 10, 11, 12 ami 13, Association Itlock. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS R. S. nitYSON, ATTORNEY AT I.AW; Collections aid Irsurancc. OfBce in E. O. building. J. M. BENTLEY REPRESENTS THE OLDEST and most reliable lire and accident Insurance companies. (IHlcu with Hartmau Abstract Co. JOnN HA1I.EY, JR., D. S. LAND COM mlsaloner Specialty made of land Bllny, and proof: Insurance and collection!. Of flce In Judd building, room 10. JOE O. PARSES, OFFICE 120 COURT KT. Irrrt office business, such ai tiling of clalma and Initiating contest! a apeclalty. BOARD AND LODGING. MRS. H. L. HONTINOTON HAS PIIKCHABED the Lodging House at Oa Qardcn Street, wber-i he will be glad to ee bar friends and patrona. HOTEL AI.TA, CORNER ALTA AND Mill streets. Hoard b7 the day or week. Uood table set. Rates JS.fiu and ?4.5U per week. I'endlcton Feed Yard In conupctlon. W. W. Edmlsten, Prop. THE STRAIION UOOMINO HOUSi:, 018 Main street. Mrs. II. E. Cooper. Prop. Everything strictly tlrst-class. Rates 25c, rUc and $1 per day. WHEN YOU GO TO PILOT ROCK STOP at the City Hotel. Oood meals and llrst-clnss rooms. Special attention given to commercial travelers. Airs. C. II. IMe tel, Pilot Rock, Ore. THE WHITE HOAHDINcTaND LODGING House, 301 South Main street. Mrs. Helen Whlttemore, Prop. Housekeeping rooms and lodging rooms. Good comforta ble rooms and clean, well-kept beds. Lodctnc 2.r, rents. TONSORIAL PARLORS. HILLY KRASSIG. UARIIER SHOP AND Hath rooms. Alain street, three doors north of Hotel St. George. First-class service. NEW TONSORIAL PARLORS. COURT ST. Three doors west of Golden Rule Hotel. J. II. Pace, prop. First-class workmen; everything clean ; all modern Improve ments. PATTON'S SANITARY HARDER SHOP, Itt-spnln block. Court street; best work inaushlp; nil the modern Improvements; nil tools sterilized ; bath rooms In connection. mAU,AA.MAftft I WEEKLY FASHION LETTER, f Now York. May .10. Women who can not leavo town so early In the season aro consoling themselves by wearing, the most delightful thin frocks. Crash is very fashionable for street wear besides belnc extremelv comtortable Special attention Is being, paid to skirts or this material, because they are effective with sheer lawn and linen shirt waists. The curved flounce that has long been n favorite mode of finishing the bottom of a bklrt is eoiployed again this season, with an addition above the line whore the flounce is set in. This consists of fanciful slltchings and strappings of the same material with sometimes a piping of whlto linen or chambray of a contrasting color. The linen colored braids are exceedingly chic for crash suits as well as skirts and many show touches of color such as veil berries, green leaves or delicate flowers embroidered very small In the mesh. Many women aro using linen braids 1-ecauso they have not been "done to death as have the lace insertions over and is especially jaunty and chic, A style that has proved very popular Is the Ureton sailor with vel vet trimmings. The dlsttngulsnlnK feature of the decoration Is the quaint way 1 nwhlch the flat velvet loops whimsically dispose themselves over the crown and over the hair at the back, where there Is often fruit or vivid flowers. Not oven the sailor has escaped the cnue for elaborate decoration and It can be made as dressy or as simply ns ono likes. The hat that permits or llttlo trim ming Is the reversible straw. White nnd blue, white and salmon and white with green, brown and mauve aro very modish. Utrds or wings aro gen et ally used for decorations, and the color, to accord well, must bo of tho same shade as that placed under the brim The l;als are simple and plain almost to tho point of severity, but that very seriousness imparts a clmrui nnd dignity that distinguishes tho re versible straw rrom the light bios somed chapeau. As one would naturally expect, fashion just now Is all for tho gauzy fabric, but there may In; much pic turesqueness with Bhot taffetas, a soft rich sort which will lend ItseU to many llttlo gauglngs nnd tucklugs ami manipulation into attaint llttlo trimmings anil dangles. Then there HOTELS. I:, fact, the latter has been acepted ' " tno advantage of wearing such a the the the gown In the early fall and at after Mxin receptions during tho winter. Simplicity Is tho keynote of sum mer modes nnd everything tnnt Is In nocent of pomposity will find favor with the smartly gowned woman. MAUDK (JHIKFIN. Ohio Letter Carriers. Klndlay, O., May .10. The sixth annual convention of the Ohio Asso ciation of Letter Carriers met here today with the largest attendance in the history of the association, Among the Boo delegates were many repre sentatives from Toledo, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Mansfield, Columbus nnd other cities. In audition to state of ficials there were present and deliv ered addresses some ol the national officers, including President Jamen C. Keller of Cleveland, ltoutiuc busi ness occupied the tlny's sessions There was also a large parade of the carriers in uniform, headed by a band composed entirely ol letter carriers. Before final adjournment Ibis after noon the convention will choose new officers and decide upon the place for tho next year's meeting. "Marso Hill gone llshin' again." "Yes; I hear him say terday dat git tin' full at home win glttln' mighty inonot'nous," Atlnuta Constitution, ou Court Strtet been refit ted throughout. You will find everything neat, clean, wholesome, if you want a quick lunch we ran serve you We also serve regular meals for liao. We lielleve we serve the best meal In the city for money. Our -leadlly Increasing trade is good evidence of this fact. Farmer' !!5i; dinners a specialty. THE PALACE CAFE 81U Ksl Court Blrevt. malthoid LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. THE DEPOT STABLES, COTTONWOOD, street, between Alta nnd Webb streets. II. Stewart, Prop. Rest cnie taken of linrses. Ootid stubles and' plenty of feed j Till: CITY LIVERY HOARD AND SALE i Stable. JI. J. Carney, proprietor, for I Hue turnouts Block r mr-ea rates, Stable lb Alta ftlreH nt uasomble CO.MAIEIICIAL 8TA11I.ES, G. JI. PROOME Prop. Livery, feed and boaidlug. All kinds of turnouts. Competent drivers. Opposite Hotel Pendleton, 'Phone, main 101. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. STAR EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 088 Main St.; If you need help or seea em ployment call on ns. 'Phone, main 1011 MISCELLANEOUS, iW. C. MOTLEY. PR0PS3I0NAL EM'Ur ' aim Tuner Order lelt at Therkelnen's Piano ! House will receive prompt attention. SalUlac I Hon guaiuiiieej. DIVORi-E LAWS-I'ETKR VKJT. AHVICt free; fees, lenm to ult; is yean' experience. Office 608 Garden St., Pendleton, Oregon. nt to Savings Hank SHOE RcTrTrTT tetlt'ATli I .tV , 0U) '"''I'lAHLE E- VfiL. i1 pairing with JUtS1 'a jenr of DlVidlnge" KCONlUuiu,. - ! C-UEALERS. Ntfj-M&W GOODS 732 c.V,tlClM- , Wat " lottunnco, -tret. ISW'THING. ll;V1S-'nlriar- h ALl "LACK. lVS l. e"?.l to; call ATIIE.VA HOTEL. LEADING HOTEL IN THE city l,oo to 11,60 per day. JI. P. Molley I proprietor. Notice to Tax Payers. You can aave the county expeue by eIimg at lb asesor' office to gi e in your personal and city property , . 8o many have employment away from home during the day that it a extremely difficult to Ond them lu order to eo kuch pnoin and , Bdiuat their ineameuta the msewor will ii"l i ouly remain In hit office during regular offlce , noure. but will, for two weeki. keep hlf office 'open In the eveniug from 7 too o'clock. nu areeariiestlr Invited to call oon and go over , your valuations wltn the a-aefcior perioually. THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. OREGON American Plan, $1 per day and upwai Headquarters for tourists and commercial tr clera. SpecUl ratea made to famll ea aud aujgU (enUemcn. The management will be pl t all times to ahow rooms and give prices. modern Turkish bathestablUhuientln the hoUi K. C. BOWERS. ManaEei CNICHCSTCM'B ENGLISH NNYROYAL PILLS HAre. -i"".,,'.''.'.'....,".,"T.w;.i -USS la HF.II ml lllil imlll Uim ajflat Mllh hliM rlwwa. 'I"iikisi" lCrua MaUlllalliiaa J laaUf lluaa. ant ir in-i' lir'UXi.l. ar aa4 4a. ! uaiiia I rrii- ul-r. I callaaaHwaa aaj "Kalli-r fur I ..II-," i Mf. HJg' lyrnlUII. 1 . ' -iiaijaiai.. SaUlaT lrll. til. w ,'"' fit! I, llaillaaa laan. I'ltlM-a rm Pe 1 m kivuu 'SSI I Maall, a ui.p.i with rather too much zeal and inexpensive laces with which counters overflow have rung oeatn Knell. Yet there remain some very dainty patterns that will no doubt success fully defy the crusado against lace decoration. Among these are Ham burg Insertions and antique lace, the best of t.ie new showings. In mnny skirts trimmed with the former the embroidery runs in rows five and six inches apart from the hem to the hilt line. In others tho front gore Is perfectly plain and the sides and hack aro trimmed. Tho prettiest ef fects gained by the use of antlquo lace form tabllers running the entire length of tho skirt and waist. Shirt Waists and Dresses. Shirt waists and summer dresses that were exhibited at prices beyond all dreams of avarice, ono might al most say, at tho beginning of tho sea son have been marked down and it Is possible to get an exceedingly smart bodice or thin frock for a rea-1 sonable sum. Some of the daintiest j designs are In the most tantalizing i shade of green a shade which seems to refuse the counterfeit.. Whatever elso can bo said In Its fa vor, it must he admitted that It Is i poor policy to buy a very cheap green dress; It not only wears badly, hut looks ugly and plays havoc with the t complexion. None of tho dainty shades of green can be purchased In materials costing less than 35 cents , a yard. It Is economy in the long run, however, to pay more and be , sure of getting your money's worth In style and design. A charming little green dimity has the skirt tucked below a close-fitting yoke strapped with bias bands of the 1 same material. Accentuating the out-' Hue or tho yoke Is a band of Ham-1 burg insertion which extends down each side or the front gore over the scams. The bodice has a round yoke form ed of dimity laid in tucks about an inch and a half wide, llelow the yoke and extending only to the front are hands of insertion. The space be tween is filled with a bow or black liberty ribbon formed by streamers which emerge from under the lace Very Little Black for Trimming, Though black Is extremely laBhlon able for entile suits, It Is Bparlnglv employed as a trimming for summer dieshes. Only the faintest suggestion Is seen in n choux or small bow hor.' nnd there. As the season advance more uiillned dresses are seen. Tills lr. an opiiortunlty to display some itrv dainty lingerie. The striking leature of new summer underwear is Hit abMMico of lace, except ol the :,oltest varieties. Torchon and Clonv are rarely observed on the finer mod els. Hemslltchlni: and delicale hand-, i it, broidery ate In great demand foi decorations and even liand-paln'liic Is used upon handsome gauze p-'Mi coats. Gradually the fullness cf the sie ve . creeping above the i-lhow iioiii which point the arm is moie or lets closely fitted. Helow the elbow am pie cults are trimmed with sclera' t'ers ol late flounces ol braids put on to simulate flounces. There seems to be tho mnglc number and one sees three Hills on the Airt. tiny. tows of iiibCittlon above the frills the bodice tucked lu groups of three the sleeves trimmed with three epatl- , lettes and three materials used for tlie stock the silk foundation i-hir-lon covering, then final applique of , late. Stocks and collats weto never m pi city as this year. French knots which, too, have done valiant service an belnt' replaced to a certain ex tent by pretty coloted stones Imbed detl through the huivy laces. Then-, I absolute nc sot ruie oy wi.i-n -can select neckwear this season, lie cause one portion of tho fashionable world Is da.noring for soft throat coverings while the other is ndvocat lug the more trying lines or tho stiff linen collar Hoth are pretty and have their place In the up-to-date wardtobe, but the woman Is little less than a heroine who will encaso her throat In a high-standing, three ply stock during the sizzling days or July and August. Sailor Hats Now In Vogue. The sailor hat lias arrived and lu for Information retarding raUa and a variety ol now' shapes. The high , aU..el.u crowned, broad-brimmed uffali Is a , pndltu, din ignore1 '""cSS j CUSMW9& WSSSSSSSSSm Malthoid Roofing. Fire resisting. Will thoroughly protect all buildings covered with it. A better roof ing for less cost than any other roofing made. Quickly laid and lasts for years. Srad for booklet. I The Paraffine Paint Co. San Fnndico, Seattle, Portland, Los Anjtlei and Denver, Colorado. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hptel in Pendleton and as good at any. The Hotel I'endlcton has just been refitted and relurnislicd throughout. Phone and fire alarm connections with all rooms. Baths in suites and single rooms. Headquarters for Traveling Men Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 & $250 Special rates by week or mouth Kxcellent Cuisine, Prompt Dllllngroom service. Bar and billiard room in oonneotloo Only Three Blocks from Depot TRANSPORTATION LINKS. mm. OREGON ShojjtLine and union Pacific Two TralnB to the East Dally Through Cullman itandard andToutUt sla. Ing rars dally to Omaha, Chicago; tourist leeplng ear nallr to Kansas City; through Pullman tourlit Heaping car tpetKinally cos. dueled) weekly to Chimin. Kanaaa cut, m, loutiand Mrmpbla! reclining chalf crt(acat freer to the Kan dally. Mrat roa Portland Sill) ant Chicago b'M pm Portland 1!M a m The Katt IMin Hpokan mm m taupm Tliup Solmluln Krtim IViulltitoti Portland special No. 1 taaivi rao The last mo a.m. Chicago Special No, Mall and Ktprm No.3 Mall andhprMi No.e Portland siMpaa The Baai ttttaa PortbuMl IHSasa IPamlUton raateoiar HO, 7 Spokane Faaaaaget No. 8 Pandaibui Branch Mlied Train No, 41 Walla Walla Branch Nlied Train No. it SasaaaM S:a Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Corner Court and Johnon Itreeli, ' Pendleton, Oregou. M. F. Kolly, Proprietor. Mop... r.7i,nfra,nnoV I uHlBfDlalatt aaaaaaaaaaaaH HEATED BV STEAM LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITV AiiKirlenn l'lnii, rutMt,'J3 tuS'J.OO per tla v. Kump.ian l'liin, flOo, 7. I.IH). 8ecll in t n hy wihik or iniiiitli. Free 'bus meets all trains Commercial trade solicited Fine sample rooroi Special Attention Given Country Tr.vJ HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STS T C 1AVLOR, A(;ent I Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this route for Chicago,- Ht Paul, Ht. Louis, Kan aaa City, Ht. Joe, Omaha, and All Points East and South Portland aad points . on tha Sound ! TIMKCAKD. i Pandlaton, dally except Sanaayi TU10. pm. ArrlT Pendlawn Monday, Wtdna4ay y rl day lias paa. ArtlT Paadlatoo Taaaday, Tkaraday a' Saturday g 33 am. i Laare Walla Walls daily, ea.it bound, II M at ArrtT wsiu waua aauy, weai oonna, a GEO. DARVEAU, Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam tieateo European Plan. Block and a halt (rum depot, Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE 50c, 75c, $1.01 MEN AND WOMEN. Uaa Ell U for onnatalaJ ilialirMjaSajuaillaa. IrrlUlUua uf oRarallotia n( uucuua iiMiaUattai PalaTaal. aD'i cut MttU TttmCmM'ci'oa. ' H" JI (JUfaaU44 lMMAacaiaJTi,o.ffl All lalllng dates asb- jeci locnanga, Par Ban Pranelaeo Sallamyftdaya. Dally iJirtini I -a. a. a . .a Bund-ay voiumoia niT.r 4 amup m. io Aiiona ana Tf ay i annnay naniraay , Lanainga. lOJWj jn.l WlllniiiPttoltlvir. Hoati leare Portland dally, eieept Sunday, 'liga ol water permitting) tor WlllamilM anal Yamhill Hirer pulnti. Bnaka UUer Klparla to Lewltton Lear a Urrlitoa 7Ma.ni, Lear Klporla IV) a.m. Iiallr Kicpt Monl P. P WAM8I.KY. Agent. Paadlatoa Dally MM Kacpt THE HIT OP CVCRYTHINO ONLY 70 HOURS PORTLAND TO CHICAGO via tho 0. R. R. & N. Co., Orison Short t.itio, Union I'ncifio ami Two train u ilay, with through Pullman drawing-room ulevpitiK carH, frou ri't'liiiiiij? uhair earn and iliniiiK cam (u la carte). ani "SPECIAL connoctH at OraiiKur with tho famtitiH Overland l.imituil, the morit luxurlouri train in the world, to Chicago from thu Coant. lie lure your lie ktta icad ocr the Chicago & Nuith-Weitctn, A. Q. UAnKEII, OlN't Aor. O. At N-W, Rr, 111 THMD ST., PONTLANO, ONf, SINGER Sewing Machines Sold on the installment plan Old machines taken as part payment J. E. COLEMAN. Agent Oflli .-, Airi KitHt Court rttrwtit MANHOOD RESTORED "CiiPliENr aannVH TliU grrat Vim-ut.lo V lallier. the preaeriiiiion ol a laaioui rroora pniaician. mm afKVsB quieklr iuro-ou of all iierrtiua or dlaeawa uf Iliiiaeiienilijeoriianajauch ...(,. MP (V luauaaulB. 1'i.la. I tha . a-'"?' KPt"l,""l ,rfaUtJiV',l!fc K I'laaplra. 1'uBlaraa tu laurrr, Kabauallav Uratlna, Vau-fMl, uaal I aWV Jk L"ii. Itaiopa all loawa by day or nlalit. Pienialtirllr. whTjiti If luil cuawl bam r4JmB K.HiJ-nlai. irrlura and all lUo liofrora of Jinpoteru-y. villflUKMtl elaaauMM tlw Uvra. KhSuil"rii!ruentnlltU4 UM I'roalaitllla. OlifIII:NK la tlio ouly kuoii WiiNlr in with oil an ftberaUoS leatlaionTala. , A wrliwo suaraiuao V yen and inooer reionil If nj 5?rdWu.i eii t a permanent lore, SLIIJiUiii al for &U) br mil. H-nd for 'rea elreulaf aiat uil uioul.U. AUJreia UWOl. MKUICIMK VO.,nu Praatlaea. t'al. SOLO BY TALLMAN A CO., DRUGGISTS, PENDLETON, OREGON.