East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 30, 1903, Image 8

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M, E. Church, South Sunday ser
vices os follows: 10 a. in., Similar
Bcboul, I. E. Earl, superintendent; 11
n. m.. preaching by Rev. G. V. Itlgby,
who fills the place of tho pastor, who
1b absent at Hcppner holding a quar
terly meeting; 7 p. m., Epworth
League, leader, Miss Jlay Jones,
subject; "Dr. Marcus Whitman."
Mission at 8 p. m. Preaching By
Hev. 0. W. Itlgby. Prayer meeting on
Thursday night. Everybody cordial
ly Invited to nttond all those services.
E. 13. Jones, Pastor .
The Aristocrat Among the
WhiBkles of the old School.
Without a peer.
For Sale by
Send Yotar
iSobscfiption Honey
;b. b. rich
J03 Third Street
Agent for ' ,
All Publications ri . 4
t. i
hottest this 'tad"
I will give a
Ten'PerlCent Reduc
tion on all
Subscription sent me
. during the month.of
J unu
The Colombia
Lodging House
Newly Furnished.
Bar in connection.
Be,t..Alta.& VVebb Sts.
"Iri Center of Block.
F. X. Schempp
Pr opri e t o r
First Baptist Church .Sunday
school at 10 o'clock. Preaching at
11 o'cqck. Subject, "The Ilqallty. of
Jacob's 'Dream.''' ' Young people's
service at 7 p. m, and preaching at 8.
'Subject of wening sermon, "No 'Man
Cared for My Soul.." All those who
havu no regular-' place of worship are
moat cordially invited to attend all
these Uur,vjceB. It. W. King, pastor,
First Presbyterian iChurch lOja.)
m., Sunday school; 11 a. m"., sermon;
7 p. m., Christian Endeavor; 8 p. m.,
sermon. Strangers are especially In
vited lo all the services. Robert J.
Dlven, pastor.
Methodist Episcopal Church
Suuday school. 10 a. m., A. J. Owen,
silfterlnttindoiit: sermon. 11 a. m.;
class meeting. 12:15 p. m.. Itov.lG; iV.:
lilab v.. loader. Children's meeting, 3
p. m. .Epworth League, 7 and preach
ing -ai!1!) P, m. Prayer meeting Tuesday-rind
Wednesday. 7:30 p. 'my 'A
cordial.' Invitation to all services,:.
Itdlert" Warner, pastor.
Church of the Redeemer Divine
(sqryJce.jtyngrrQW, Whitsuntide, or tho
feast of Pentecost, will be neiu at
hours ;n4)follows: Sunday school at
10 n.'in.; sermon and celebration of
the holy vtonimnnlon at 11 a-yDi
evening prayer and sermon at Sf
Congregnllonal Church Sunday
services as follows: Sunday Bchool,
at 10 arwuV Sunday school exercises
at 11. Children's day observed. In
addition Ito .the parts taken by-,thc
scholars tho pastor will preach a 1G
minute service to the children on the
"Secret of HnppIneBS." Christian
Endeavor meeting at 7:30, followed
by an address by tho pastor. ,.A cor
dial welcomo to all. J. Edwards,
i , WestEnu Chapel Corner Webb
hnd Maple Streets. Sunday school at
2:30 p. m.
First Christian Church Sunday
school, 10 a, mv W. H. Hayley,"" su
perlntjjnderlt) .preaching jlarm.
Children's day exercises will be given
In the ovonlng' at 8, o'clock. ..This Is
one ween earlier "than was llrs't .ex
pected, but many of me children are
to go to tho country In a few days,
hence the early date. The public Is
cordially Invited to all those servi
ces. N, H. Urooks, minister.
Conrad Platzoeder
All kind's of Fresh $
Meats a'lwavs on t
fJ 'hand. J Fsihe Bacon, J
Prices as low as the lowest $
l 1 II I 1 I ! II II IW'HIH-H.
4 With' .every piece Pure
Spotless, ' "White, ' Well
Washed, Nicely Starch
ed, Neatly Ironed, moth-,
ing Torn and Nothing
Stretched you are well
' That's just the 'kind ' of
w'ork the Domestic
Laundry turns out every
-day.- "
Can't we call for your
Bundle and Deliver it
Court and Thompson Btreeti.
onlcc. lanre bundles ot nwpapr. con-.
telnlns .ever 100 big papra cic be oIki
tlneUitor is cnu'monnuie,
Under Fire!
That's where the True Qualities of a
5 c Cigar
always make a hit. T
It's a cigar you'll smoke again and again.
Save the Bands
High School Class and Teachers Roy
ally Entertained.
The home ,o Mrsf J3oiul,. on .College,
street, was tho scene of a merry
gathering Inst Tuesday evening,
when Mrs. Cronin and Mrs. llond on
tertalned tho mumbors of tho gradu
ating class of the high school.
Tho rooms wero very daintily dec
orated in cut flowers and the class
colors, a dark rod.
Tho evening was very pleasantly
spent In social convorso and games,
and nt tho close a most bountiful ban
quet was served,
Professor E. XI. Couklln presided as
toastmastor, and the toaHts given
were both witty and entertaining.
As this is tho llrst class to graduate
from tho high school, so Is It tho first
entertainment of tho kind to bo glvon
nnd tho young folks are loud In their
praise of Mrs. Cronin and Mrs.
llond for their kindness to them.
Those, .ptesont at tho gathering
were Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Couklln,
Professor lloy Canklln, Miss Shop
herd, Misses-Mao Ferguson, Iter Nell,'
Kay, Carney and- Mary Hothrock
Messrs. Olln Arnspieger, Robert Cro
nin. Charles E. Hond and Wlllard
. (Electric Road .Sure Go.
Ocorgo E. Howe, chief engineer of
tho llonta electric railway surveying
corps, has returned from Prairie
City, whore he went to place another
engineering crew In tho field, says
tho linker City Herald. Major Bonta
Is at Prairie looking over the ground
fm terminal facilities. Work,. 'accord
ing to Mr.Howet Is bolns. (rushed on
tho survey,
A force of miners Is at work on
tho Oregon Wonder and Will Cleavor
groups of mines near Prairies City,
owned by Major llonta, nnd to afford
an outlet Tor which tho electric road
will bo built.
Coyote and Deer Lie Down Together,
F. E, O'Hourko, of Sump'tor, says
ho saw six deer and one coyuto Mon
day, while rturnlng from nurnt riyor
recently. The inforonco was that tho
bunch wero grazing sldo by side In
the samo meadow lot.
"Extray1" yelled tho bright news
boy "All about, tho terrible rumty-gumpty-grnh-rah
iMakp, jnura)lanKtobe''ln Pohdicton
on the Fourth.
R c s t a ti tan t
Dinner Twenty-five Cents
Prom 11.30 a. 1:1, to 7 p. m.
.Short orders a speciality
Quick, Courteous Service
Open all Lay and Night
T. A. Oldfather, Prop.
Tried to Poison -Large Family to 3ee,
How-They -Would -Act.
Los Angelos, May 29. Gladys Mil
lard, 11 years of age, has been mak
ing pyJtenintlc attempts to poison F,
F. Ward nnd family and five visit
ors, with arsenic nnn powuereu kuibs.
Tho child was adopted by Mrs. Ward.
Last Monday Mrs. Ward ontcrtalned
visitors and all wore taken III after
eating- strawberries'. Tho doctor
thought Paris green was used. The
child wns' not suspected and resumed
her poisoning plot tho noxt day and
put poison In tho asparagus and tea.
Mrs. Ward nearly lost her life.
Suspicion was aroused and Gladys
wns questioned. Sho protested that
she know nothing until an officer call
ed and nut hnndcuffs on her. She
then broke down nnd confessed.
Sho said sho wanted to see how It
acted on humans, as her folks used
to kill cats that way. Tho child was
adopted by Mrs. Ward in San Diego. I
Five Porcelain Tubs i
3 The Grand Trunk Gold Mine
Sumptcr, Oregon, Gold (Mining District.
Is located upon the GREAT MOTHER
LODE system of veins and has for neigh
bors on th'it vein such well known
mines as the NORTH 'POLE valued at
$10,000,000. 1 he COLUMBIA valued at
$5,ooo,ooo. GOLCONDA valued at $3,
BELLE BAKER mine valued at $5oo,
ooo. THE BALD MOUNTAIN valued at
$5oo,ooo. THE IBEX valued at $4.
ooo and many others.
Situation Very Serious at Des Moines
Oklahoma City Cloudburst.
Des Moines, May 29. Although tho
water Is slightly lower, serious
breaks In tho loveo make the sltua- 1
tion worso. The water has submerg-1
ed tho street railway's house and
only a few cars wore running. Tuo '
olectric light plant will probably bo
cut out by1 night, leaving the city n
darkness. Tho water plant Is being
protected only by vigorous work,
Throo hundred of the finest homes In
tho city had to be abandonod during
tho night. Hundreds aro living in
Oklahoma Cloudburst,
Guthrie, May 29. A cloudburst at
Oklahoma City today left four feot of
water In the .business districts and
the entire city Is doluged. Tho dam
ago will reach $500,000. Four men
woro drowned In the Arkansas river
near Tahama.
Are1 now to be found at
Privett's Barber Shop ancj
Bath Rooms. We also have
five hydraulic chairs. Every
thing is neat and clean. We
employ none but first-class
workmen. Our equipment is
not excelled in Eastern Ore.
Privett's Barber Shop
TV3 Main Street
The First National Bank
CAPITAL . T . . .$70,000
SURPLUS 960,000
Transacts a general banking but),
ness. Exchange and telegraphic trans
fers told'on San Francisco, New York,
Chicago and principal points In the
We sell the greatest of blood puri
fiers, Acker's Blood Elixir, under a Northwest
positive guarantee. It will cure all Drafts drawn on China, Japan and
chronic and other blood poisons. It Europe.
you havo eruptions or sores on your
body, or are pale, weak or run down, I
It Is just what you need. We refund
money If you are not satisfied. BO
cents and J1.00 W. Schmidt & Co
druggists. i i
collections on
LEVI ANKENY, President
'W. F. MATLOCK, Vice-President
C. a WADE,' Cashier.
The Grand Trunk Gold Minins and Milling Cflij
Owns Its Property Consfstlnz of 160 Acres of Rich flold BearlnSVtlll!
It has no indebtedness ol any character. (
It has a conservative mining and business tnanagen
It is offering 50,000 shares of stook.at 15? per snare'
It will become a dividend payer in a snort tunc. .J
it-will-pay-you-to-wntenis-ionnii parin.iii" --
.uaieiui investigation 01 iis-nieuis. n joai
It has the indorsement of mining men, business
bankers of Eastern Oregon.
Write us today and let us post you.
H. S. McCaltym Company,
3 Minors,. Brokenjand Financial Agents.
3 Or R. S. BRYS0N. Looal AKent, Pendleton, Oregon.
2 r.nld Mdi0"
3 Our Weekly Mining Letters on Sumpter, Oregon, u'
2 District Free on Application.
Write the '
LEfi AT. KT A 1XTKS w" ft
w r mm w aWaWsii mmwmwmv oriniaUi
alogoe pf them. A f U sppfy always kept to i
, , in... ii .