East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 30, 1903, Image 7

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    A Real Bargain
Week in Boys' Suits
BezinninR Tuesday and continuing all week we will
rjve a Bomfide discount of 20 percent from our regit,
fjf price on every boys and childs suit in the house.
Here i a chance to save some money.
$5.00 suits less 20 per cent $4.00
$4.00 suits less 20 per cent 3 20
$3.00 suits less 20 per cent 2.40
$2.50 suits less 20 per cent 2.00
51.75 suits less 20 per cent 1.4o
In Rear of Dry Goods Department
(Continued from page 1.)
amtimn All)
Corner Main and Alta Streets.
City Brsvifives
OA's (or fresh fish.
3 Sharp (or paper hanging.
Isj The Delta's Iced drinks.
8: iho- work at Tetttsch's.
Mctas ice cream, The Delta.
Uiies' half soles 40c. Teutsch.
Set your spring suits at Joerger's.
pur shoes repaired at
S.ce furnished rooms to rent at
) tart street.
i kinds of Imported and domestic
kin it Gratz's.
n' cljsr store, headquarters for
im' supplies.
1 recelted a new line of Jap
tet hats, at Campbell's.
' different styles of extension
I'ts from 5 to $30. Rader's.
rH Sldelo," the best cigar made, at
I'cljir store. Court street.
ftrt altrays In sight on the Under-
i typewriter. J. S. Kees. agent.
J business for sale. Main street.
frees Alta ana Court. See E. T.
Choice meats at Houser's.
Smokers' supplies at Neuman's.
See Sharp's artistic wall paper.
Dining tables $5 and up. Rader's.
Fresh strawberries dally. Hawley
Gedney's Queen olives
Store for rent, Inquire of Chris
Try the Palm, 221 Court street,
for nuts, candies and fruits
Fresh strawberries. Oliver & do.
Seeds, package and bulk. Hawley
strawberries. Hawley
In Memory of C. K. Davla.
Washington, May 30. In the na.
t inn Ol i 1 . .
tojuiui iouay uusiness was sua-
i iuuu wniie thousands of citizens.
cterans of three wars and their de
scendants paid tribute to the nation's
muic ueaa. Washington Is encircl
ed by cemeteries, each the resting
Place of departed soldiers Glen
wood. Oak Hill, Holy Rood, Bright
wood, Soldiers' Homo, the Congres
sional Cemetery, with Its acres of
soldiers' graves, nnd Arlington,
wnere thousands upon thousands
have their resting places marked
with Imperishable granite and sad
Inscription, "To the Unknown Dead."
in each of these cemeteries today me
morial services were held, and ora
tlons delivered hv unmo nt ti,
nb,c orators of tho country. As usual
mm coremonies were at Arling
ton. A prominent fent Urn nt Mia n v.
erclses thero was the unveiling of a
handsome bronze bust of tho latoi
Senator Cushman K. Davis, nf Mln.i
nesota. The bust Is life-size and was
moueieu oy signor Trentanovc. It
rests upon a nolisheri hH r.r itniinn
granite, upon four sides of which are
Hie WOrtlS "SOlIel-" "Br.hnlr
Statesman," "Friend."
Tomb of McKlnley Decorated.
VaniOIl. O.. MnV 30 Vnlr.ro,,.. of
the Grand Army, the Rnnntah war
unu Ule ClllZenR nf 1'nntr.M iynnitpi.il!.
united today In paying tribute to the
memory or President McKlnley.
Many beautiful floral offerings to be
placed on the toom nf tlm into
ident were received nere last night
unu rouay. 11C 11(1 np wrpntha from
Washington, Chicago, Cleveland,
nusuurg and Eastern nolnts. Mrs.
aicruniey took the flowers to West
lawn and had them arranged nlmnr
the tomb. Memorial services were
held at the cemetery this afternoon
under the auspices of the veterans'
Memorial Day in Chicago.
Chicago, May 30. Memorial dav
was generally observed In Chicago
today. In the forenoon the veterans
visited the various cemeteries, where
memorial exercises were held and
the graves of departed comrades dec
orated with flags and flowers. This
uuermion mere was a monster pa
Camas Prairie stock ranches, ICO to j rade wlt'i 10,000 veterans In lino. A
printedGirl to take care of child.
1 some. Apply Mrs. Baker. 1208
Webb street
e hundred and slxtr acres. Hnlf
bottom land. Good imnrove-
11600. E. T. Wade.
1 Sale The Delta candy store,
t lite busltieas. rtemi. In
'lHth. E. T. Wade.
1,000 acres
Hanlon's cigar store,
for smokers' supplies,
Blacksmith shop In Pendleton for
sale. S"e Earnhart, Association
Wanted Job by young man, any
Kind of work, city or country; best
of references. Tel. Red 14.
For Rent Suite of rooms, nicely
furnished, one block and a half west
or Main street. Inquire 208 Alta.
Hazelwood Ice cream bricks at
Ward's. Three flavors vanlla, straw
berry and chocolate. Price 50 cents.
Houser always furnishes good
meat. Send In your order. Market
Alta street, opposite Savings Bank.
Skull In Ratlesnake Den.
Prices right. E. T. : l)retl' ceremony was held for the
nrsc time under the direction of the
Illinois Association of Naval Veter
ans. From an auxiliary cruiser slow
ly steaming about the harbor the
Aeterans cast roses out upon the
water in remembrance of the naval
heroes who rest In unknown graves.
1 At Lincoln's Tomb.
SpriiiKfleiu, III,, May 3d. A general
observance 'of Decoration day was
held in Springfield today. The cere
monies at the tomb of Lincoln In Oak
Rldgo cemetery were more than usu
ally Impressive. In the forenoon tho
graves of the soldiers were strewn
with flowers and on the surface of
Sangamon liver flowers were cast in
honor of the memory of dead naval
Sherman Statue Unveiled.
New York, May 30. One of .e
ililef features of today's observance
of Memorial day In the metropolis,
-no' of GenerSnrZ
Plaza entrance to Central Park.
Secretary of War Root delivered the
oration and Grand Army veterans,
regulars from Governor's Island and
detachments of militia took part.
Unveil Statue of McKlnley.
Adams, Mass., .May 30. The heroic
cast bronze statue or President Mc
Klnley was unveiled today with im
pressive exercises and in the pres
ence or a large crowd that Included
many persons of prominence. The
statue repiesents the president In the
uttitude of delivering an addiess. It
mounted on a pedestal of granite
' line ol rtr.i. ...n1.,.. ,0,es "VV 80lllll0 ol,o a triangular plot or land In front
It " i I v"iuut nnu is kihih 11. (,r tm, mraiy. of which President
j m-Mng tor June! McKlnlev laid tho corner-stone on his
Notice to Bullderi. visit to Adams a Tew years ago, us
Sealed bids will be received at the Kcst !' Ills friend, William 11.
office of T. F. Howard, architect, I'lunkett.
room seventeen Judd block, up to 1 Decoration Day in Manila.
thiee o'clock p. m., of May 16th, 1903
We have all the new novelties in the new
weaves and color combinations as well as
staple and reliable kind of summer dress
materials a large stock too large in
fact and so we are making prices that
will certainly tempt you to have them
sent home.
z Colored Lawns
In small cots and dress patterns at
one-half price.
75c goods 38c 65c goods 33c
50c goods 25c
I Embroiderid Swiss
35c goods f Ac 25c goods J 3c
20c goods 10c
Marsatles and Dimities
White lace striped
35c goods 20c 25c goods 15c
20c goods J2ic (5c goods 9c
JOc goods 7c
We offer
No newer lines shown in the big
cities than we are showing in
Osiris Novelties
Mercerised Oxfords
Afton Dimities
Osiris Cloth, nile green and
blue, only 23c
Fancy Oxfords, in pink,
blue and green, worth
50c, only 39c
Afton Dimities, large varie
ty of colorings, styles all
new, worth 20c, only 1 5c
TDue Peoples Wsnrelhioiiiise
HIIIIHtlH Ml I M 1 1 I lit t I M ! H
' line of (
'!" Pirtir
Surprise you.1
l with a den of rattlesnakes C. J. .Mat
thews and some fellow workmen dis
covered the skull of a human skeleton
I on Black creek, a tew miles from i
BolBe. The men had been engaged
I In shearing sheep and while hunting j
they ran across tho rattlers. They .
killed a number of the snakes and
1 finally one of the party threw a rock 1
1 at a snake a short distance olt. It
struck something which gave forth
a peculiar hollow sound. On Investl
1 gation this proved to be a human '
. skull which had been yellowed by
line, mere were wnar. appeared io no i.
branch of
6daIot of it,
for the erection and completion of a
two-story brick building, according
to plans prepared Tor the same by T.
F. Howard, architect.' Stone founda
: tlon and cement work reserved.' The
i right Is reserved to reject any and all
bids for the work.
May Oth, 1903.
Wanted Two or three furnished
rooms for housekeeping. Inquire at
this office.
.Manila, May 30. eDcoratlon day
was observed In the Philippine capi
tal by both the military forces and
the citlxeus. In the Ameilcan ceme
tery, where tho bodies of a consider
able number of soldiers have been
burled during the past year, there
were Impressive bervlces held under
the auspices of the officials and of,
the American Club of Manila. I
Women of Woodcraft Meet In Social
Session and Choose Officers.
Tho Women of Woodcraft held a
very entertaining meeting last even
ing In Hendricks' hall. At that tlmu
tho semi-annual election of oilleern
was held.
Following the business or the meet
ing a social hour was very pleasant
ly spent by those present. Grand
Clerk J. 8. Wright, or i.eadvlllo. Col.,
was present and gave the ladles a
very Intel estlng talk Herieshments
were served and altogether a very
pleasant evening was had.
Following is tho list or officers
elected tor the eusulng term: PaHt
guardian, Minnie Stone; guardian
neighbor, Mary Johnson; adviser,
Mrs. Mary Knight; magician, Minnie
Itenii; captulu or gunrds. Sara Catch
ing; musician. May Krebs; Inner
sentinel, Kmmn Holts; outer sentinel,
Mrs. Cook; manager, Mrs. Means.
Wool Sale Light
Hair a million pouudH or wool were
o He rod for sale last Monday at the
II. G. Co'h. warehouse, but buyers
did nut seem to be Inclined to coiud
up to wooigrowei'H' prices, says the
Arlington Record. However, thero
were four lots changed hunds at
prlceB ranging rrom 12 to 1314 cents.
Eaglet Notice,
Special meeting or I'eudlelou
Aerie Sunday night, Muy 31. There
urter, regular meetings on euch sec
ond nml fourth Tuesdays nt 8 o'clock
p. in.
J. T. IIINKI.H, President.
HOY ItlTN'Klt, Secretary.
. ' can?
Ctile Soap
'occake, cks
25 -pure im
Ported kind
T1....1 Unfortnate
Prour- ,.Uot,to.,!'a9tea "mute but
S"at?i d re iab,e bu destroyer
t for I ii;,S2,.5,.u df"'11 vBtraiu,
Urge bottle H ttl .prlukler top
re uiy to ute
JPeas Orng Store
Polish, 25c
bottle the best
you ever had '
Pinenut cream t
for the com
plcxion 25c 4.
New Brick Business House at Athena
C. K. Troutinan went to Athena to
day to consult with N. A. Miller, or
that place about the plans tor a large
brick business block which Mr. Mil
ler will erect during tho coming summer.
Warned Position of Trust.
JJy a middle-aged man of good
habits, having a good general busi
ness experience, good penman, cor
lespoiulent and collector. Hest refer
ences; modest salary. Address P. S
care B. O.
all sizrs
Pure cream i
tartar 15c pkg. I
Ice Crean
Nugqct 10 tl
a delicious Jlli ft 4r
ice et'uxa ana
nut dreeing
On Her Way From the East.
Mrs. Sherman, of Spokane, Is the
guest or her brother. Conductor A.
P. Nash, at the home on West John
son street. Mrs. Sherman Is on her
way homo from a visit In the Kast,
and will spend several days with Mr.
and Mrs. Nash before proceeding to
her home.
Pace That Kills.
Muggins Yes. Scorcher Is going the
pace that kills. Buggins Drink?
Muggins No. automobile. Philadel
phia Record.
Board of Officers for the Ensuing
The ladles of the Daphne Circle,
Women of Woodcraft, met last Wed
nesday at their regular place of
meeting in Ijj Dow hall, and at thin
lime the following officers for tho eu
sulng term were elected: Guardian
neighbor, Mrs, M, Cronlu; adviser,
Mrs. Jane Sloan; magician, Mrs, Alice
O Daniel; attendant, Mrs, Agnes Nel
son; inner sentinel, Mrs, I;mbaugh:
managers, Mrs, Stanlleld and Mrs,
Poylen; musician, Miss Vina Hale.
Woodmen, Attention.
Pendleton Camp, No. 41, W. O. W.,
will have election of officers Saturday
night. Other matters or official im
IKH'tnuce will come up for discussion.
Tho consul commander, would earn
estly request that all mombers come
out as a full attendance Is desired.
The Nolf Stove
The walk, the ride, the hunt,
or a spin in your wheel are not to
he enjoyed unless yon are correct
ly booted
Our Shoes Show
the Correct and
Latest Styles in
Business Wear
Paper Bound Books! Or Occasions of
Pleasure : : :
1450 copies, hundreds of leiding
authors, jc to 50c The most
complete line ever shown here.
Toilet Soap
About 10 gross fine Toilet Soaps
from 2c to 24c a bar, Most
coinpletete line at lowest prices
You can't go wrong In them
Boston Store
The body of Kdward M Thayer,
who carried $500,000 life Insurance,
has been exhumed at Newtonvllle,
Mass., to make an examination Into
the cause or his death. He was 28
years or age and some allege he took
poison that beneficiaries might bene
fit by his death.
Cook Books
Another large shipment of these
useful hooks, The "While
House," "Home Queen" and
"Every Day" Cook Books, from
38c to J 1 24. I
The Nolf Store
Mlank kooks and office supplies
$2.50 to $4.00
They wear well too
Judd Block Court 4 Mala 8t4.