PAILV EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, MAV 30, 1903. it Throw 'em Out Sale This week ends the opportunity to buy goods at cost ana less tnan cost. The hnildine we occupy has been in litiga tion for years, but the final case has 6 been tried and we trust the decision wj be handed down before June 1st, when we wish to commence remodeling AU prices adveitised last week will still hold good this wek, but at a corn sponding hour both Friday and Saturday we will quote Rome exceedingly "warm'" price?: From '.) to 11 a. m. 18 lbp. sugar $1 From 1 1 1o 1 p, m. 0 bars Owl soap and one Tar 25c. From 1 to 3 p. ni, Mocha and Java Coffee, per pound, 21la From 3 to p. in. f) packages A. S: H. Soda 2oc Remember this is your lasl opportuni ty to buy fine china at less than cost. If these prices were offered by a depart ment store in Portland it would take a hflifrin7Pn nnlirpmpn tn kppn thp npn I pie in line. OWL Souse I i i THE PALM ONLY the best of ceam ana tne very pates 01 llavOfS hqpA in n ice CtZ&tXi and ice cream sodas. . 4 1 r j y our ice cream witn cnisneo irun 1 Mrft 1 m t .. - I ffh. -si., J r 1 ' itt B.I n r-irv v 7tj ii l v mm iil W around and we will convince )? of the excellence of otir Cold and Candies. J. D. G ADDIS NEWS OF MILTON I SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS MH APPROACHING MARRIAGE OF WELL-KNOWN YOUNG COUPLE Great Number of People Attended I Roosevelt Day at Walla Walla and the Caledonian Picnic Favorite Boy Died at Spokane on the Oper ating Table. Milton. Ore., May 28. Mr. Fred 1 ' Cundift, a former student of Colum-1 bla CoIIcko, wns hero Sunday and .iuiiiiuy irom nis nomo nl Klcliland. .Monday p. H. Wilson moved Ills family and household goods to Walla Walla, whero ho will reside during thp summer. Mr. James Skee and family took their departure Monday for Califor nia, where they will hereafter reside. Mrs. Horatio Taylor and daughters are In town visiting. Mrs. Ida Thomas of Washtuena, Wash., arrived hero Saturday and Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ayers. The hearts or Mr. and Mrs. John Swanson were gladdened Sunday by the arrival or a 12-pound baby boy. Mrs. Kate Stewart, of Tahoe, Idaho, who has been hero the past week vis iting friends and relatives, left for a brief visit at Heppner, Monday. Monday the town was almost de serted. Nearly every one tar and near went to Walla Walla to see the president. Nearly all of the business houses closed during the afternoon so as to give the clerks a chance to see President Roosevelt. Columbia College dismissed at noon and all of the scholars and teachers went to Walla Walla. Gone to Salt Lake City fo Reside. Miss Elsie Lay ton. who has made her home for the past three years with Mr, and Mrs. C. J. McKenzic, left yesterday to join her mother at Salt Lake City where she will make her future homo. Mrs. C. 11. Uiuiker. after a brief visit here with relatives, HTt yester day morning for West lake, Idaho. Miss Mamie Cross, formerly ol Milton 1 ii t Inter nl' Hlirln. wns In Inu'ii Knvnrnl ilnvs hl wnetr vlRillne. 1 Miss Jennie Dykes wns In Athena several days this week the guest of Miss Elsa Hosenzweig. Mr, and Mrs. A. M. Elam nud Mr. and Mrs. Matt Mosgrove went to Weston Sunday to attend the funeral or H. II. Nelson. .Mrs. O. II. Oakes is here Irom her home at Colville, Wash., and is visit ing Mrs. Aaron Miller. Mr. Adam Crossman. or La Oraiide, was here Tuesday greeting his num erous friends. Mr. Nelson arrived here yesterday from Ills homo at Salem and Is visit ing his sister, Mrs. 1.. H. I'lants. Among those Irom Milton who at tended the Caledonian picnic were Mr. and Mrs, I). S. Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Still, Albert Hopson. Earnest McQueen, Charles A. Winn, the Misses Lizzie Hamer, Ada Pierce, Gertrude George, Ethel Church and Stella McQueen. Airs. 1,. Putnam and Mrs. Florence Kelly have gone to Westlake, Idaho, to spend the summer, J. 11. Hall and bride are expected home from Tennessee tomorrow. .Mr. Hall will resumo his duties as head miller at the Peacock mills. G. N. W. Wilson, of Portland. Is In town today and is registered at the City Hotel. J. E. Nichols made a business trip to Walla Walla yesterday. Messrs. N. A. Davis, G. A. Cowl and W. H. Steen returned from Adams tills morning where tiiey went to assist In singing for the graduat ing exercises of the Adams public school, The following Mlltonites went to Walla Walla today: E. L. Smalley, Lyda Neil, Mrs. D. J. Kirk, Mrs. Wil liam Hrldgewater and Mrs, J. S. niehey. Mrs, D. A. Mangold, uf Spokane, Is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Grosvenor. Arthur S. Kothvell, state agent or the Mutual Benefit Ufe Insurance Co.. of New York, was In town Wed nesday and Thursday. B E. Harder, after a three weeks visit in Portland returned home Wed nesdny. Miss Jennie Hutler has gone to Valley, Wash., to remain during the summer, III With Typhoid Fever. Charles Ii. Williamson, of Weston, Is homo and Is quite III of typhoid fever. To Business College In Spokane. The Misses Marguerlto Irons and Ada I'lerce will leave soon tor Spo kane to attend Blair's Business Col lege The young ladles have taught In the public schools here for seveial years and will bo greatly mlsbed from social circles. Approaching Wedding. Cards are out announcing the wed ding or L. B. Banks and Miss Elhol Taylor. The ceremony will lie per formed at the bride's home at 1:30 m. Sunday afternoon next. They will leave on tho afternoon train for Heppner, where Mr. Banks has ac cepted a position In u dry goods store, Died From Effects of an Operation. Gordon McLean died at Spokano yesterday of an operation. The lit tle follow has been a cripple for sev eral years and an operation was thought best to relieve him, but it ,,,-oved fatal. The remains will bo brought down on this afternoons i-rofessor Powell, of Washington, D. CJ Kecommends Ke-ru-na. (bSvvS SUP'T. PUBLIC SCHOOLS YCS O) Th-of. W. B. Powell, of Washington, I). 0., Is one of tho licst known educator In the country. For fifteen years ho lias Utn Superintendent of the Public Schools of Washington, which Is considered tho let school system In the I'lllled State. Professor I'owell is the author of a number of school IkhjUh which tiro used throughout the United States. This well known gentleman docs not hesitate to recommend Perunu to his countless friends and acquaintances nil over thu United States. Inn recent lettui from 1110 X street, N. W., Washington, !.(!., to Dr. llnrtnian, ho says t Persuaded by a friend I have used Perunu us a tonic, and I take pleasure in recommending your remedy. Perunu is Indeed u good medicine and should be in every houschold."'W. 13. POWELL. SUCH straightforward orldtncn cm not be overlooked. What the cotl won jwiido say carries weight, but yrhn a m nn of national liromluunro ay "Pi rutin should IwusollncTrry household Ulsn significant tact to tho IncroaalJ prominence and undoubted ctllcooy lVruna. Pernna 1 of national famoaa catn remedy. H Is tho only Internal ay tetulo catarrh remedy known tn th mei lent profession. It make diseased mi colli mcmbrancd hinlthv. vrlirtthrtr It tho mucous nicmlirauo lining tho nosl throat, lungs, stomach, kidney or pel vio organs, it cures vnriouadlM'aw all these organs, hecnure two-thlnU bo Ills of mnnklnd nro dun to catarri llh healthy niurou membrane eM tuntlodUcases loo their terror, the eya torn Is enabled to throw off contaglos ana iicaitn iguow incvitaiity. Mr. A. T. Wood, Mt. Sterling, Kjj vrjtes: For mitm-ycarx I haw been m cm fetvr tnnn catarrh, and bare apen time and money with phytlclant am used many a hits or remedies wan were guaranteed aurc cures', but, i it' e.ixB It was mnnev thrown awa reaped no benefit whatever trod them. Jn my seemingly vain sear for roller I purcnasea a ootue or r nin.i, having noconlldence In It wbai , ever at tho time, mis wasaoouio year ago, and I began to Improve ma was able to attend to my outturn without being constantly hampered I every kind of pain known toahumat being. My hearing, which was mlmoA entirely gone In one eer, got very muci better. I no metiicine net ontyseea to cure, but to prevent disease. 'This winter when every one wt suffering front la grlpite, I stood like , stone wall, absolutely proof against li lam not a believer In 'patent mtdtl clues.' having found the malorlty ti them fakes, hut I do not hesitate tk rcconunenJ I'eruna as the best mean cine tor catarrh tho world has eve seen. I keep a bottle of It at hoe constantly and shall continue to do so tecause I believe It to be the best med Iclno on earth. I never leave horns that I don't put a bottle ot It In ou grip." A. T. WUUU. Mr. Evan T. Ilowon, Dodge CUt, KattJ Conductor on tho A. T. it H. V. it. Ill writes: "I hnvo hnd catarrh of thoitomf itch for seven years, and I began to thins that I never was going to bo cured. Al tho tlmo I begim Inking Vorunn,! waat nblu to lnuke more thatt one or two trip on tho road ntu time, not being ablet keep anything on my stomneh. I thoM weighed liW ihjuiuIs. 1 have been taking I'eruuii kIik-o thut tlmo and hnvo novel lust n trip, and now Weigh 200 pound,' Evan I). Jlowen. I f you do not dcrlvo prompt and satis factory results from theme of Periina write at oncu to l)r Ilurtmun. giving i full statement of your cone unit he will 1k plcncil to give you IM valuable mi vice gratis. Address Dr. llnrtnian, President of The llurtimiu tSuiilluvluui, UolUlubu Uhlo. train to Weston, whero tomorrow, the funeral services will be held. Cor don was ,1 favorite of all his play mates and his death will be deeply mourned. ARTESIAN WATER FOUND. Another Fine Flow Found on Lie Bruce Ranch, A fine :il-incb How of tirtesian water has been struck on John Brute's ranch, on Jump creek about ID miles west of Kroman's Kerry, says the Caldwell News. Mr. Bruce has a tract of -145 acres and only water to irrigate about ouo third of It, so lie concluded to sink for artesian water to Irrigate tho balance. Tho How was struck at n depth ol' less than r00 loot, and by reservolrlng a quarter suction may he Irrigated Irom one well. Mr. Bruco will sink more wells to cover his entire truct. Mr. Price has a drilling outfit, a combination hydraulic and standard rig, worth over $7000 and one of the bust in tho state. Ho can boro any size hole from three to 22 inches, through any kind of substance, Tho cost of sinking is from 20 cents to 00 "outs per foot, according to the size ot the well. The elevation of .Mr. Bruco's well Is 2300 feet and the How comes out fully SO feet above the sinfnco of Snake river. MEXICAN CATTuE FOR IDAHO. 23,000 Calves Shipped by Mormon Colony Syndicate, El Paso, Tex.. .May 30. The shl ments of cattlo through this part of the country, which is tho largest cen ter for beef on the hoof In tho world, are unprecedented, Tho Mexican Mormon colonization syndicate shipped 23.000 calves through hero today for Idulto. Thlr teou hundred .Mexican cattlo arrived here tonight for Canada. Over 13. 000 Mexican cattle hnvo already gono through hero to tho north In two weeks. Sixty thousand terazas cat tle will ho shipped north and east next week. Tho total for three weeks will be 300,000. The World's Fair aerial tourna ment to he held at St, J-ouls next year has another entry. W. h. Tan ney, of Wheeling, W. Va., has invent ed an airship with whlcn he Is going to compete for the f 100,000 prize. mm DR. C. J. WHITAKER, Dentist; Pendleton, Or. Makes a snecialtv of Seamless Gold Crowns and Uridine Work, Extracting 50c, Silver Filling; ti, CJoli Filling ft uji, Hest Sut Teoili, Vulcanite or Celliioul, 8- All worK gnnramccu. What Others Say About the Underwooi ullu Wulln, Wash , April 10, IbO.'l. l- r ...... i.....ll.,i.... n.i,n J . n HtlCB. I llllllt IWM, .I. ft. ,11. .... 1 .J Dcur Kir-He. lylnj; to your enquiry, I ! U) .uy that I purolmsed Mj llnilerwood tyjiMwriltr in in;m, nun 11 un ihwh hi imjiiiiiiuiii iiu ' I liavo 110 seen any of the now iiiihIuU, but tills Is it HUeoliriwi of the! worK lone by my liiaeiiineauer neuriy miven yi-am unu(j". wwum 1 (diuiiKo It for any other niako .... J The only repairs I have luid Ui tho iiiachlnu Is to Imve tho platen renewed 1. ..1.... ii... .1 r 1.,. 1,.., 1 11 I Tliltt rendered neevsHitry by the liirKnuiiiount of tabula the liurd usage It wns subJecU il to In iimnliohlliiK. ...., Hlgned-Yours Truly, H, il. tlAI-OI THE ABOVE IS A COPY OF A LETTER REOBIVED Br J. S. KEES, Ageiit for UNDERWOOD TY lint; work, undH ICUIIKAI). H PKWRITEKsl