.'J' r.-. in DAILY EA8T OR EQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. 8ATURPAV, MAY 30, 1903. BMIMiiI every afternoon (except Siiuilay) at Pendleton, Oregon, by the EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. TLunc JInlti 11. suimcitimoN uatks. Jtally. one year by mull . $.",.00 Sally, "Is months lit' mull '!." Jtolly. three months by mull 1 .'-" Itally, one monlli by mil 11 , .50 IMIIy. ar month by rnrrlor G." Weekly, one year by mall 1.50 Brail-Weekly, mie year by mail .... -.00 The Hast Oregonlaii li on sale nt U. II. ikh'd Ne-8 Manila nt Motel l'ortlaiul anil Motel Perkins, Portland," Oregon. Membor KcilppaMcItae News AFSocIn Hon. San Prnnelreo Iliireaii, 108 Kourth St. Chicago llurean, H0! Security UuHcllng. Wiulilnutou, I). V. llurean, BUI llth St., : w acnteml nt I'enilleton tofIlce as ncreond clais matter.- t(i linker City in a body It will be a tromomloiiB advertisement and that much aid In asslntlng tig In the prop er department to secure government irrigation. Tito general sentiment of those lu have Httidied the situation is that linker City should have this con vention at any cost and that Immedi ate steps should be taken to that end by the county association, or the mayor and citizens nt Inrge If the association Is not Interested In the matter." BREMERTON'S REWARD. The United State. government has fioiii) a wise thing nttd sot a worthy uxnmple by boycotting thr towr. of Hrernevton, He It Does Not Matter Now, slender, blue-eyed was n i hoy, Yet scarcely reached sixteen; 1 His widowed mother's hope and pride, i Of brave and gallant moln. A jaunty soldier enp was press ed Upon his girlish brow, But whether It wns blue or gray It does not matter now. Close to her hi east the mother held Her boy. In llorce embrace. Her ldsses hungered on his lips, Her tears bedewed his face. Yet yielding him at duty's cnll She rrayert as mothers pray. And gave her nil It matters not, Whether for blue or gray. On Shlloh's dread and bloody field He lay among the slnlti, The ruby of his youthful lips Dyed u more crimson stain. The blue eyes were forever closed. And cold the waxen brow: Hut if he died for blue or gray, It does not matter now. Just where he lies she may not know. Yet, on some grave Instead Of his, she lays a snowy wreath For all the "Unknown Dead." And on his grave some kindly hand Will place a wreath today, Nor seel; to know If the dead- b-?low I Had worn the blue or gray. J. H. Cradlolmugli. I WAKE UP, IRRIQATIONISTS. It Is a hunltlilul lesson that othc Pacific Coast towns may profit by. Is an indication Hint the government recognizes the moral standard and I going to Insist on Its observance. Is a rebuke to the city that open; Its doors to the vile and Invites th slums of the earth to infest it. This does not signify that Bromcr ton Is any worse than othor coa.- towns It only signifies that when; such gross Immorality conies In the way of good service in the govern ment, It must yield or the govern ment will seek othor locations for lmportnnt headquarters. It is a warning to the people the vice is not tolerated by the United States government, it is a declarn tlon by the head of one of the great est departments In the national gov renment that the worst class of cltl .ens In the community shall not sit the standard and form the environ ment for employes of the people. Hremorton opened her doors an gave hor keys to the nifllnn class She built saloons, gambling house;' and unspeakable ileus with which to allure anil demoralize the sailors of the United States government. 8h soon won the unenviable reputation of being the "toughest" town on tu Coast, and If the navy departmer. permanently abandons the yard there It will be only a mild rebuke io the low element which tries to dominate every now Western city. The agltntlon of the East Oregon am In the matter of holding the semi tnnual Irrigation convention at Uakor tc .lime, in spite of the apparent tick of Interest, Is hearing fruits The Bake.- City Herald prints the Kast Orogonlan's editorial on the iiitfiject In full, and Introduces It wltn j. cordial appeal to the bettor judg ment and public spirit of Kastorn -Oregon frrlgationlsts to see to It that ahls:,Jr8t meeting does not go by de fault. The linker City Democrat, which Aas been mum on the subject, seem !' willing to abandon Hie meeting, Mid 'was Baying nothing or lining oiotliiug- to save this pectlni) of Ore gon from the undeserved reproach of liofug too flow to hold a meeting In ilb own Interest, until after the I.ish e". the East Orosonlan was cracking pr Its head Awakening from lis dream. It makes a good fight foi the meeting ami with n word of cncourngcmcut from the local associations, the meet rng will bo held. Tho Democrat hits Ihe nail on the head In coming back Ha consciousness, when It says: "Tho mistake mado by tho locnl ir mgatlon association in throwing over me semi-annual convention of the Slate 'Irrigation Association, which was scheduled to be held in Uakor Ciiy In Juno, because an under ofllc nl of the government did not at tho Unit glanco recommend an Irrigation ieervolr for linker county, is glar ingly apparent J "Baker county sent thirteen dele gates to tho last irrigation convun Uion held In Portland. At their In itiation tho members of the stilt.' as ,'icclatlon agreed to make n special rule mid hold a semi-annual meeting Baker City, tho noxt regular nn jioal meeting to bo hold In Pendleton. "The! hospitality of Baker county iu at tstuke. What noes It mutter chetheV u government official lids' .for tho moment turned us down or wot? k'JTlio way to get Irrigation Is to so Sear, .widi Southern Oregon delegates como One of the most exciting scenes of the president's tour wns witnessed yesterday at Pocatello. Klve hundred Fori Hall Indians, mounted on the best steeds and dressed In their Sun day blankets, met the president's train near town and raced for three miles beside It. The only mad man In tlie party was the locomotive engin eer, who had orders to hold his steed down so the ponies could keep up with the train. discovered at other points on the coast, from which shellfish are sup plied to the markets, The Infection Is pronounced duo, altogether, to local sewage. There have been other fatal warnings since tho terrible Winchester banquet, where tho eating of oysters. It was claimed, spread death m that boro These indications make manifest the truth Hint tho limit has been reached and may be accepted as nature's pro test against crowding bo vast a popu lation in ono locality. During Eliza beth's reign, which ended just three centuries ago 1603 there was nn outcry against tho increase of the number of buildings In tho British capital, hut aggregation has .gono on until the population of a second class power Is now crowded upon a few score miles of surface. It Is not only tho pollution of food resources that has to be dcalth with, but the water supply Is found to be inaile- quale, it is now admitted that the Thames valloy, with its contributing streams, Including artesian wells furnishes an Insufficient supply, and even an ordinary drouth causes seri ous Inconvenience as well as sanitary and lire perils. The only solution suggested of this menacing evil is an immense aqueduct to Wales, to be built nt fabulous expense, and this, again, would renuer the drainage problem the more serious. Here is an alarming physical con dition brought homo to our business and our bosoms; tho moral degener acy resulting from this herding to gether of millions of human beings has long been the terror of moralists and social reformers. Dr. Johnson, of a century ago, pronounced his fa vorite London, "tho needy villain's general homo;" and slnco his time the crime and illiteracy, with all their unspeakable evils, have been growing and extending in that Immense swarm of humanity, notwithstanding horolc and Increasing efforts to leaven tho mass, until the condition of- things now evolved Is tho dospalr of states manshfp and Christian effort. iew York Is tho second city In point of population and without the room for oxpanslon that tho old world capital possesses. Greater Now tork hns three million Inhabitants with nearly another million who do uusines8 within Its walis. but are crowded outside tho Island for shel ter. The congestion In portions of thnt city exceed that In any other known community. When You ThlnK Gray's Harbor Commercial Co. FOR SALE Of the periodic pain which nuuv women experience with every month (t makes! the gentleness and kindness always as sociated with womanhood seem to be almost a miracle. While in general no woman rebels against what she regards as a natural necessity there is no woman who would not gladly be free from this recurring period of jkiin. Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong and sick women well, and gives them freedom from disease. IL establishes regularity, dried weakening drains, heals itillatuma tion uml ulceration and cures female weakness. Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free. All correspond ence strictly private and sacredly confi dential. Write without fear and without fee to Dr. U. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N". Y. Mm. T rutin, of Madrid, l'erktm Co., Nehr., writes M was cured ol palulul period by the tne of Dr Pisrce'a Favorite 1'rencripttou, mid hi Compound Kxtract or Sniati-Weed. I think Dr. Pierce's medicines tlie best In ttie world." "Favorite Prescription." has the test i molly of thousands of women to in complete cure of worn a nly diseases. Do not accept an unknown and unproved substitute in its place. The sluggish liver made active by the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. We Don't Keep Everything But we do Keep a good big stock of nice dry Flooring, Celling, Rustic mid Finish, in ull grades. Also nil kinds of Dimension I,iunbtr, In cluding Lath mid Shingles. Our stock of Doors, Win dows, Moulding, Building ami Tar Paper and Apple Boxes Is complete, nud any one in need of Lumber will not be wrong lu placing their order with the : : : Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. W; & C. R. Depot surface For want of heavens are invaded with twenty-flvo to tower in the air, to and industrial space ants tnat nost there. growth the and buildings thirty stories furnish homes to the human And lmmigra Tolstoi s.i ltussln If. .solely to blame for murdering the .lows. She meil not try to shllt the responsi bility. And the whole case against her Is summed up by this fearless philosopher by saying that the hot torn cause of the outrage is tlie idol nlrous faith that has supplanted Christianity in Russia. She no lunger l ows to the cross but t the rouble tion irom anroait is pouring in at a rate unprecedented in our nnnals. What is to come of this piling up of Humanity? in London wo perceive nature has already begun to inflict her penalties, and It requires no prophetic power to predict that a con tinuance of this disregard of natural law will bring evils upon tne human race, which to. borrow Oom Palil's memorable words, "will stagger hu manity." FRED I.OCKi.KV, Sit. Missoula, Mont. FITS MEN FOR JOURNALISM. The crop reports trom the world's great wheat countries, now indicate a sliortag" of 300,00(1,000 bushels This means money to the farmers of Umatilla county, although it may mean want to iieople less favorably Pl'tlliltl'll It Is rather a grim bit of iiouy to say that bartenders got 40 per cent more wages in Oregon than county school teachers. The bartenders aro organized and the teachers are not There may be something lu this. O lifeless presence, mule, unknowing clay. Accept from us our sorrowing heart's behest Ah with n sigh, we reverently lav The blossoms on thy breast. This Is the day of dead. To thoso who know Its meaning, through sor- mw, words aro empty To them, tho eloquent silence of the tomb Is the greatest incentive to high resolve. jaiiv nnj i I, if)U lit,,, in lu . iifterUaiid i noidown-ln abject r, (IftlioPortlaiid and Western THE WHITE MAN'S BURDEN. In London a discovery haH been mado which la likely to become ono or ino toughest problems of tho ago. D. V. Collugrldge. tho chief medical nuthorlty of that city, has issued a report In which ho announced that all of the Thames fisheries, Including tho estuary, aro contaminated with tho bacilli of typhoid fever. Ills .con demnation lncludesthu famous i.Wnito tablo oyster beds, wlierq -ji per Jent of tho oysters ,oxnmliioil were; fojund to bo Infected. A ban has also been laid on the whitebait, shrimps, smelt and cockles. Contamination .by sow ageikwas ifound (50,anlle jaway tfrom London in tho drainage outfall, while nn ovon worso stato of .affairs was In the first place, let us say that American college life and work as now carried on. are of themselves a better training for Journalism In tho tecimlcaf sense than they aro for any oinor calling, except teaching. Thfs is in part becnuso tuo work of lour- nnllsm Is at many points so closer roinieu to tho work of education; and also because the best college work nowadays Is In such close svm pathy and touch with tho best social. etnicni ami economic progress of tho community at large, such progress neing tne material with which jour nallsm most concerns Itself. Another renson Is that the skillful and correct use of language, whether to state a fact or convey an Idea. Is oi tlie very essence of iroml lournal ism; ami our college work more and moro recognizes the Imnnrtnnrn of training alf students in Uio art of direct and lucid expression. Iu COlloge. ono ought to acmilre the habit of seeking tho truth nnd liking it lor its own sauo, In n disinterested way. One's logical faculties ouuht to got good training, iu order that lauacious reasoning may be easily iiiuuyzeu unti uisposeu or. 8clenv...e study should havo as its groat object the training of tho Dowers nf ovnet observation and accurate analysis. prom "Journalism," by Albert Shaw Ph. D iu the Juno Cosmonoiitnn. THE DAY . OF THE DEAD. To croivu Memorial hour. She brings tlie tribute of the laud To deck Its deathless brave U hat wonder If they thrill to feel Her step be9lde each grave7 Columbia, Empress of the West, Alike on laud nud sea, our starry vestments wake acclaim The banner of the free! O Sovereign-Mother! smile on us, The while we kneel and pray. For thoie who died to live again On eaci, .Memorial Day. Martha McC. Williams. SYRUPS Monopole, Rock Candy, Red Star and White, Rose in half gallons, gallons, jackets and pails. HOT HOUSE VEGETABLES Lettuce Radishes Onions Celery THE Standard Grocery Coart Street Low Sellers of Groceries is throbbing drum nnd shrilling fife Call through this morn of Mav. Tho veteran thrills to youth again Tho sad years drop away; Again he's supple, strong and strnlght Part of a dauntless line. That sweeps the flold and drowns In cneers The bullots' fearsomo whine. Today he Is tho household's pride Far greater than a kinc: Tho grandchildren look up to him With awe and. wondering. Thoy fetch big hat .and touch his nwwru. And shuddering, whisper low; 'I wouder, did' It kill a man, v mug, long timo ago7" Frondust 'of 'death nnd dow of Mrs1 Upsprlngs tho finest flower? '.So blooms tuo daughter of tho post HALLELUJAH DAYS. The sun Is cllniln' higher in the mid die o' the day, An' I tell you I'm n-feelln' like the Summer's on the way; An' we'll be chonnin' cotton nn' we'll soon be atackln' hay, An' we'll all sing hallelujah in the mornln'! Some folks they Hue the Winter. when the frost Is on the shed. An' the stars are like bright diamonds in tlie co d skies overhead Hut give me Summer blossoms an' the water-melon red, An' we'll all sing hallelujah In the mornln"! I don't keer for the hot days for the twinkle o' the heat In the long and weary furrows where ! the sand'll burn your feet: For the noonday bells are ringln' an' the noonday rest Is sweet. An' we'll nil slug hallelujah In the monilu'! I don't keer what the season In this mortal world may be; I want to roll In blossoms reel the breeze a blowin' free; In the shed I see the harvest, an' the harvest Is fer me. An' ue'll all sing hallelujah in the mornln'! Atlanta Constitution. A flume has been constructed in Ronton county, the purposo of which is to float lumber from tho Denton Ceunty I.umuer Company mill to Philomath. It Is six ami three-quarter miles long, and has a capacity for carrying 23.000 feet of lumber ait hour. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT THE OLD DUTCH HENRY FEED YARD Cor VV. Alta and Lillith Sts. L. Neff, forinerjy of the Hotel Alta, has eliutge of the Old Dutch Henry Feed Yard, and would be pleased to care for jour horses. Plenty of stalls, large corrals for loose horsts and cattle. Hav and grain for sale. Chop mill in connection. liave 'e BestBargai, in Real Estate. tye some nice hornes that Lot8' AlfalUn(l frotn( Horn 160 acre tracts 12,000, acies Dihnrn 9 P... VU Room 10 over Tayi0,'s Hardware Store. TAKE YOUR CHOH uue OE me linnet aij.. I Peiidletou-li rooms 3 Afi, ' , , balanM on t "..".ud resilience 7 roami IbMn a a nmrn - 1 1 . . ' eieciric llgOU: I lawn, shade trees, within tbree b of Main street. 42.5M utner houses and lots from t Nice residence Into titn i. I cum T" '-"I Much Other Town Property, Ranches. Easy Terms, Where Desired, U.D.BOYD, III Court Track laying on tlie t.k-i em railway Is now in progress. HII I III 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...xa. rresn Berries Every Day AT I F. 6. YOUNGER & SON . . rATEK TANKS We make a Specialty or Building Round or Square WATER TANKS, We make them right and they always give satisfaction. Our work is never slighted or hotched I Going to l Improve Repair your homes or of business by having them ed or papered. Come to us Large and nicely sell stock of wall paper and paiaJ E. J. Murphy 111 Conrt Street. Agency for the Sherwii Hams .Paint. THE RACYC The cenuinc, the bicjcJ which is the undisps'l leader, is handled 111 P(J dleton only by us, "1 in and see the tcaccir.i Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. Rour.n-r Forstiik, Prop. 1 m . t jwe are Headquarters for P berries and traits of all kinds t GOOD SOUND WOOD Is always received when you i....,c juur oruer witli us. Fir, Tamarack and ..Pine.. Withee, 3U Sti Why buy poor coal when you pi the best for the same price? Laatz Bros. Telephones Main 5 c?rDJWPilf'?n8-T0 TUT ..HNPEit Humane Harness SAVES the HORSE SAVES the MAN SAVES the MONBY J. A. Smith SOLE AGENT for Umatilla County 218 Court Street i ii a T 0 pi f Co to IIMHtHWtut) I