East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 30, 1903, Image 1

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t? i r Tr i
eastern wrcgon wcamn
EtMi!!J SU st
Tonight and Saturday.
i orally fair.
NO. 4757.
onu i ncna long PARTED. .
I Since 1877 Has There
n..u Wo tor in
ight in That State.
Bri River Four" Feet Above the
,a j.oqo People
.. in Kansas City, Kan.
L Detperate Situation In the
ai City, Kan-, '"'1
i river Is four feet above me
.... i- -tin
illne IWs morning nnu i ..
More tban 2,n0 people nre
. imlsv and finding rciugc m
Le stations and other public
which are open tor men
Ltltr Is now cut off by car com
a-ion. The, Santa Fc shops and
wres of engines and hundreds
l the water pumping stations
wds and all u-e great
tUrlne districts are wholly or
nbmereed. The packing
ire either partly submerged
icross the river. Is com
r ikmloned. It Is feared thn
iHI change Its course, as It fs
! i channel where the town
p reports come from Kansas
I beginning as far west as sn
1 nliway and wire communl
i rat off. The district tn-
ITopeka and Lawrence. The
nits, depot district In this
I probably be submerged to
ll railway service westward
i abandoned.
i Water Plants Submerged
Kan.. May 30. Ail the
i portion of the city Is sub-
IIM neither the electric lig..
r plants Is running.
m Partly Under Water.
, Kan, May 30. No trains
raay. Tho dally papers
i forced to suspend. Ten
are under water and
i flooded. The rains con-
'"Southern Kansas.
i Kn, Mnv 30. Thnu
I are flooded Thp wnrtr
i rarmers n boats mnMn
nilway communication
t Flood in Fifty Years.
Jr The terror of
"m increases. The Kaw
3IeetimB. av.n.. i ...
I' unnnown men wore
" morning, In sight of
: tO aSSl9t Tl.n ...n-
c.H?tJ)lant8 ar now sub-
r""a iopena and Oakland
i HWmerzuil Tim .
scream n,- iv... i......
nam nroerpss nn.u. ,i,
1 He DO I'll 'I'M- I ... -
mi NcorasKa.
I Ham u . rT ' 1 cai
Pkkii BCQrea or
. lD.,;"a lne crop ,iam
appaiiine. niniri i
. lire I nm ml o..,l
Amines are sl.oiinr.
New ork, May 30. Three broth
ers, who havo not met in 29 years
aro to have a reunion at Liverpool'
England, early next month. One is
David Cochrane, owner of two hotels
at Riverside, Cal., nt one of which
Prosidont Roosevelt was a guest re
cently. Mr. Cochrane and his wife
have been in Now York for some time
and today they sail for Europe on the
"I nm looking forward to a very
pleasant timo," said Mr. Cochrane
today. "I have not seen my brothers
In nearly 30 years, but I am thankful
to bo able to say that I believe we
havo all prospered. My brother Wil
liam was lor years a captain in the
old National line of trans-Atlantic
steamors. His latest command was
tho Spain, of that fleet. He Is now
living in rotlremont nt Liverpool, and 1 Today is again tho last day of tho
it is at his home that I am to meet 1 month of flowers, and again tho olti
my uruiuer juuwaru. jjuward went I somiors wno followed the flag
to South Africa many years ago and I through tho dark years of the civil
he has been vory successful. He war. and tho young men who fought
served under General Haden-Powen ror tho nation's Integrity on the
at Matching, and Cecil Rhodes count- bloody heights of Sail Juan and in lh-
cd him as among his best friends. ' tangled jungles of tho far nwny Phil
Edward, who makes his homo at j IPI'ines, have gathered together wit!.
Bulnwayo, will arrive in Liverpool ! wreaths and garlands to deck tho
at about tho same time I do." graves of those who have nrcil
, their time and at last have answerrd
".'N llUS8ln0 .....
I ttln j w "UVUU 10
Lr'M drowning ni.
'Niirt, " 8 commoner
T yln8 his
" temporarily stored
" iiifcw PAPER.
'"VRiiul.. ...
17' -m
tak. "K Wat on f,l..
wtlng of a
e(lloj T -ir-
Hw.?.Wrabet7 xi
&tr the
rior t u. ""isian
.J VI1VH to k .
Refuses to Be Chairman Democratic
National Committee.
Lincoln, Neb., May 30. Personal
friends of Bryan today say he would
not nccopt the chairmanship of tho
democratic national committee even
if offered him, after Jones resigns.
Ho reiusos to discuss the matter as
he says It would lie in had taste at
tills time.
Decoration Day Is Being Observed Under the Pines of
Maine and the Palms of the Philippines
0 .
l.atlon. both North and South, would
bloom with flowers.
Progress Brings Friction.
"Progress Is tho cause of dlfferenco
ir the affairs of nations and rovolu
Hon Is tho effect. Were the nations
to drift In the same plane, to make no
advance In their intellectual achieve
ments or to go forwnrd In no par
ticular, then there would bo no differ
ences hi enough moment to canso
war, and peace would be always over
rs. Hut the spirit of tho age Is prog
ress and when this spirit comes lu
contrast with the interest ot ono (sec
tion then friction results and war
may follow.
"When the body politic wnnts to
turow off an excresence and to clear
Us system of some noxious growth,
Reduced Railroad Rates From All
Neighboring Towns Interesting
General Program In Addition to the
Special Features T, G. Hailey Will
Be Marshal.
The Progress Club moi. last even
ing for tho further consideration -of
the Fourth of July celebration. After
an Informal discussion, the meeting
was called to order and the business
of tho meeting taken up.
Messrs. Cohen and Teutsch wero
added to tho financo committee and
the committee was instructed to
raise more money if possible for the
use of the general committee in
their apjiortionment among tli-o sub
committees for prizes and general ex
penses. Reduced Railroad Rates.
A transportation committee com
prising Messrs. Teutsch, Tallman and
Cohen was appointed by the chair,
for tho purioso of securing reduced
rates from all tho surrounding
towns. The committee will negoti
ate with the O. R. & N. and the W.
& C. R, with the view of securing ex
cursions for that day from Walla
Walla, Milton, Helix, Athena and In
fact, nil the surrounding towns near
enough to visit us.
General Miscellaneous Program.
A music committee composed of
Fitz Gerald, Therkelsen and John
Hailey, was appointed by the chair
and It was given them to provldo for
the grand stand program. They aro
to provide the entertainment that
comes in conjunction with tho ad
dress of the dny.
Thomas G. Hailey was elected pres
ident of the day and tho general di
rections of tho day's exercises will
be under his command.
Ten Thousand Programs.
C. E. Roosovelt waB empowered to
nave 10.000 official programs printed
for tho general distribution among
tho crowd. Those will bo in the form
of folders and will contain advertise
ments from tho various business
houses of the city. In this way the
programs, will pay for themselves and
cost the club notliing.
Freedom of the City,
T. G. Hailey was asked to extend
an official invitation as mayor of tho
city, to the surrounding towns, invit
ing them to the celebration and ac
cording them tho welcome of the
city and its freedom.
There is now on hand something
like $1,000 available for the use of
the club. The finance committee will
raise more on Monday next. As
soon as this is raised the distribution
will bo made among the various com
mittees and they will go to work in
The, complete program of events,
will tbe -published at tho earliest pos
sible date, perhaps In three or four
the call of the Great nnmmnniW f 1
join In the ranks of the other shore
And so today the boys of the jUI
war, with their silvered hai- lavo
formed their ranks once more and
with tho swinging stride of 40 yerrs
ago have gone to hold in sorrowful
remembrance those who have passed
on, and with them have ,;onr their
sons who fought in these later days
for the same flag, and with them, liu.
stranger and more gratifying l'll
have marched the old men v. ho v, .Ti
the grey; those old soldiers who ove
their all for the lost entire ns 1 II
llngly and as earnestly as the i.oys
in blue struggled to hold lioft the
flag of their cause.
Today across a chasn of half a
century the old men clasped hands
in friendship and in tin -aiui! '.iuk3
marched to decorate, in eomiron, th'
graves of those who fell.
Program for the Day.
Tho ve terans met this morning at
3:30 o'clock In HenlnUis Hall ni'h
went from there to liic cenieici
where memorial sevvic-fn veic held, I
Fire Among Barge and Dredgers
Creates Excitement.
New York, May 30. Another water
panic off the Jersey Central pier on
North River early this morning was
caused by tho burning of a big dred
ger. Eight men, unnblo to emerge
from tho doors, dovo through the
windows In their night clothing. Tho
dredger was surrounded by barges on
which woro children, who were com
pelled to fight fire. A small tug pull
ed tho line of barges out of tho dan
ger scene. Tho big now pier caught
fire, but was extinguished after a
stubborn tight. The damage Is com
paratively small.
Rides Sixty Miles on Horseback With
an Escort.
Laramie, Wyo., May 30. The pres
ident arrived nt 8 o'clock and spoke
from a stand at tho Statu University
and then mounted a horse nt !) to
ride over tho trails to Cheyenne, 60
miles distant. He wns accompanied
on tho ride by Dr. Rlxey, Senator
Warren, of Wyoming; Sheriff Cook
and six others. 1'Ive relays or horses
vylll bo used on tho trip.
Portage Board Organized.
Salem, May 30. Tho board of com
missioners for tho construction of
The Dalles-Celllo portago road, organ
ised yesterday with Governor Cham
lierlnln 11S chairman, Socretnry of
State Dunbar as secretary. Treasurer
Moore as treasurer, mid W, N. Gnn
tens clerk. Tho clerk was instructed
li. 1,tvll.i A tlninmnn.l n l..ll .....
It Is done by the spirit of progress. Kcer, to meet with tho board on
hen revolution has come then It is j,mo 4 vlana for ,ho work wm ol
again the spirit of progress that ce
ments the hearts and Joins the brok
en ties of friendship once more,
irouldlng us into n nation Inseparable
and Indestructible.
Progress Reveales Mistakes.
"This spirit of progress opens the
eyes of all to their mistakes; li
makes the North see In whnt tho
South should be condoned; it tem
pers and cools tho blood of the
Southern man and allows him to see
wherein hi wns wrong and upon
which ground they should meet as
Old Soldiers i.econciled.
"The old soldiers, those who
bo formulated until nfter the bonnl
has conferred with engineers,
Very Pretty Decorations Were
Shown, and Attractive Mus
ic Was Listened To,
and the graves of the soldiers wMiloHgm and those who suffered are
have passed away wer decorated j i.ie ones who havo become reconciled,
with flags and flowers. At i o'clock I Those who havo suffered In camp
this afternoon the memorial services j rnd met in battle, see the upelessnoss
were held in the circuit court room and tho folly of strife, and meet to
at the court' house. The room had hy brothers again after their nuar
been decorated with flags and ban-liel of the past. It takes the highest
ners, tho regimental colors of thn p-j-t j t.pe ot Christian to produce recon
and tho flags being miiu-.'ed and 1 dilation, and that type Is found
draped In a most artistic manner wherever the stars and stripes are
across the walls and o-r t'n- judge's flung to the breeze,
bench. j "The grand spirit of brotherhood
Tho room was fillM with th 'se Is shown by all, and in no moro fit
come to honor the memory of the 1 ting or emphatic way Is this shown
nation's dead, nnd as the opening than by the last war, when the boys
number on the afteiMonu'i program, I who wore the blue and the boys who
M. A. Rader led lw assembled c!ti-1 wore the grey met and fought and
zens In the singing of "Amerita" idled together; side by side, wearing
The invocation was delivered by I tin- same uniform and wrapped In the
Rev. Jonathan EdwariU, nnd was an I same flag,
eloquent appeal for the continued wel-1 The Amercan Type,
fare of the old men who were there
assembled in memory .if their van-; "Our country Is founded on a
Ished comrades and for the contlnu-1 great principle and to this principle
e,1 advancement and prosperity ot r uuu uie i-u-uii 01 our iiiu ii.iiij
Will Be Fighting Before Jett and
White Can Be Either Tried or
Taken Away on Change of Venue.
tho nation which is so dearly loved.
Peter West read the address made
by Lincoln at Gettysburg, and that
c-Insslc of American literature lost
Mine of its grandeur by the leading.
Tho address of tho day was made
i... nQ. t n M HpII nf linker CltV.
who will 'need no Introduction here 1 as long as that form of government
Rev ug Is an oiilitJl,l"D ou 's "- tni.-jioiii
Lexington, Ky Mny 30. A cipher
message from Major Allen, command
ing the troops nt Jnckson, wns re
ceived here at midnight, urgently
asking that moru men or n full com
pany he sent forward by 8 this morn
ing. Orders have been Bent to a
Louisville company to hold itself In
readiness to take the field. Allen's
message did not say what prompted
the call.
Fear Reopening of an Old Feud.
Jackson, Ky., May 30. A big crowd
watched tliu arrival of additional
tioops from Lexington this morning,
ordered because tho commanding of
ficers learned last night that a party
of old-time Freneh-Evursolo feudlstH
wero expected to arrive today to at
tempt to release While and Jett to
night. Court convened tills morning. The
luwyers aro wrangling over the Jury
to try Jett.
In condition and place among the na
tions. From the nature of our gov
ernment springs tho type of our men 1
and their breadth of mind. The per
secutions of the old world aro result
ant from the despotism and nion
aichy of their parent slates, and
us a sneaker.
soldier and he wore not the blue, out
the grey. His theme treated in par
ticular of why the chasm that yawn
ed so wido in the years gone by as
closed now, and of how tho old ene
mies now met with outstretcned
hands eacli to welcome the other and
to mourn In common over those who
lill Irresnoct ve ot the flag uiey mi-
inwi.,1 or tho rause they upheld. He
eaid in part:
Rev. Bell's Acdress.
"Memorial day Is the day on which
we gather to mingle in common our
tears in sorrowing memory for those
vhose blood was shed In the grtat
conflict which convulsed our naimn
a half a century ago.
Origin of the Day.
"The idsa of the Mcir.oil.il dny
came from the South, the land of
flowers and of sentiment, and was
shaped Into practical form by th?
loyal and sympathetic mind of Mrs
John A. Logan, the wife of the found
er and comraanler of the Grand Army
of the Itopubllc.
"While passing through tho ceme
tery at Petersburg Mrs. Logan saw
the graves decorated with flagR and
flowers an discovered that they were
tho graves of tho soldiers of tho
South who had fallen in battle. The
idea impressed Mrs. Logan ana sno
carried ilft3he general, who with
thn aid fef his lirothers in the army
arrangedUhe pesent day of memori
al observafrror The last of May was
chosen" because on that day all the
be on a more dependent scale
Look Not Back, But Forward.
"Memorial day Is not alone a day of
tears and of memory and of mourn
ing, it Is nut alone a day upon which
we shall look back upon tho past lu
sorrow for thu devastation that was
wrought and the blood that was shed.
It Is not alone a day upon which wo
gather to spread flowers over tho
graves of those who aro gone anil
mingle our tears in common over the
ashes of our departed brethren, but
II Is a day upon which we may meet
in thanksgiving and in joy, a day ot
handshaking, and of gladness, a time
upon which wo may meet with thank
ful hearts In the great spirit of kin
ship and patriotism and brother
hood; a day upon which thu blue and
tho grey may meet and Join hands
across the years and with thankful
hearts give praise to the great God
for the healing of the broach, for tho
unity and the preservation of our
great nation, and for tho common
spirit of progress and of Christian
fellowship that clasps, tho hands and
warms the hearts of those who once
faced each other In anger, but who
now lie side by sido and shoulder to
shoulder In brotherhood, each heart
beating with love and loyalty to the
old flag which floats over our homes
and whoso precious bloodhrdluaoln
and whoso precious folds shall wrap
us round when we go to that long
sleep from which wo wako no moro
on earth."
(Concluded on page C.)
Treacherous Wind and Weather or
Long Island Sound.
Glen Covo, May 30. Thu Consll
tutlnn arrived this morning for tho
last raco of the Glencovo series.
which Is today. This is an ideal rac
ing day with 11 12-knot breeze. Ho
cause of tho holiday, 11 great siiuaih
ron of yachts and excursion boats Is
hero from New York awaiting tho
A hard mist fell just as tho start
lng boat readied the line, shortly
after 11, A northwestern Is kicking
up whltecaps with 15 knots velocity.
Undertakers, Hackmen, Street Car
Men and Laborers All Struck,
8an Francisco, May 30. Tho Labor
Council declares u boycott against
tho Cypress Lawn Cemotory as tho
undertakers, hackmen and street car
men aro boycotting It. It is a very
hud time to die In Hun Francisco,
Wholesale Thinning Out of Tennes
see Blacks.
Memphis, May 30. A special re
ceived hero this morning states that
1C negroes constituting a colony -10
miles above hero, woro drowned May
27. They had embarked to cross tho
river and their skiffs wero overturned.
Francis Tumblcty, 82 years of age,
died In Ht, Johns hospital, 8t. Iuls,
entirely friendless and supposedly al
most penniless. An inventory of his
effects discloses that ho leaves an
estate valued at $100,000, much of It
In cash,
Literary, Musical and Social Sum
mary of the Year's Growth Pleased
and Instructed a Large Audience
at the Presbyterian Church Last
Standing room was not to be had
Inst evening nt the graduating exer
cises of Pendleton Academy.
Beautiful Decorations.
The Presbyterian church wns doc
orated In tho clnss colors, cronm and
red, and over the rostrum was huug
a largo floral piece with the class
motto, "Friction," In whlto letters on
11 green background.
Mrs. Mnrston gave tho first num
be ron tho program, In a very pleas
ing pliuio number, anil wns followed
by tho Invocation by Rev H, J.
Entertaining Class Program.
Miss Anderson's solo, "I Lovo You."
was much appreciated by thn audi
ence anil well rendered.
The essay by Miss Mublo McDIII
wns very good Indeed, nnd In bar
treatment of the Greek nnd Roman
myths, sho mndo the old charactcra
live again and pictured tho gods nnd
uyinpliH of tho old days in ft most
realistic style.
"Struggle," was tho topic of tho pa
per read by Miss Eva Holts, and in
lt treatment bIio showed tho neces
sity of effort nnd the fruit of endeav
or. Tho paper wns vory Interesting
and Instructive.
J. A. Kennedy treated tlw subject
of finance, und In his remarks made
clear thai ho had studied deeply and
well. Ho treated the effect of finan
ces on trade not only of tho state, but
or nations and in his handling of tho
subject evinced considerable ability
ns 11 student of tho money nuoHtton.
Miss Sheridan followed with ft very
Hwoet song, "Uive's Sorrows," which
wns well delivered nnd 11 great treat
to tho audience.
Miss Nelllo Whitemoio In hor ills
ciiHulon of art, handled her question
lu n thorough manner und treated It
from tho standpoint of n lover of art
for art's sake. Her paper was very
Interesting und grncefillly handled.
"Tho Influences of tho Ancient
Classics" was tho title of Miss Flora
Walker's esiiay and her paper was a
good exKJsltlon of the question and
pictured In clear style the good that
lias como to the literature of tho
world und through It to thu civiliza
tion of tho world by this study of thn
old cIuhhIcs and thu absorption of thu
lessons they tench.
Miss Gruyco Crockett told of tho
evolution of woman, and her paper
was very Interesting. Sho spoke of
woman and her position In tho early
years and of the advancement which
had como with tho growing civiliza
tion, Tho paper was ipilto interesting
and well written.
Dr. McNubb sang "Tho Sontlnel
Asleep," lu 11 very pleasing manner,
following which Professor Fortius
awarded tho diplomas in a few Mill
chOHvn remarks,
Small Town Almost Obliterated and
Several Persons Killed.
Foit Worth, Texas, May 30. A cy
clone lu Western Texas Inst night did
great damago to ranches and to sev
eral small towns. Haskell was al
most obliterated and a number of
peoplo Injured and several others
killed. Thu Isolation makes It almost
Imposslblo to get atcurato Information,
Stockmen Arrested.
Ilaiiuuck, Idaho, May 30. Twenty
prominent stockmen of flwau valley
have also been indicted, Tlioy or
dered Robert Smith, a newcomer to
remove his band or cattlo from tho
rungp and afterwards drovo the cat
tlo over a bluff, injuring many.
Press Censor Murdered,
Johannesburg. May 30. Sir Ed
ward Hub, press censor hero during
tno Door war, was found dead today,
with several bullets In his body. No
cluo to tho murderers. Ho was an
old conservative member of parlia
ment for la years,
, a in BHIMtiSas
. j21lAMaailSiMkSSWItlti