East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 29, 1903, Image 2

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The Shield to Health
Belfast Ibesb
Linen . .
Unexcelled for
Fit and
BaerO Daley
Town Was Well Represented at the
Caledonian Picnic at Athena Hot
Lake as a Health Resort To Idaho
on a Visit.
A relief map of tlio United States
covering G.l acres, will bo exhibited
at tlio St. I.ouls fair.
The Motlocs In tlio Indian Terri
tory, are all reported to bo extremely
homesick for their old homes In Ore
gon. Iady Henry Somerset has resigned
the presidency of the National Brit
ish Women's Temperanco Associa
tion on account of 111 health.
President Harper, of Chicago Uni
versity, Is vigorously opposed to stu
dents working for the railroad com
panies as "strike breakers."
It Is claimed that tho town of
Jlelazgherd, Armenia, was entirely
nestroyed by an earthquake, April
29, with tho entire population of 2,
ono. Labor troubles based upon practi
cally the same causes as similar dis
turbances in America, navo broken
out in Russia, Ton thousand men
nre on strike at Woronesch.
Ilov. Joseph Alblnger, pastor of n
Catholic ciiurch at Jit. Vernon, N. Y.,
is dead. He was a miser and left
$30,000 lu gold and $27,000 In real
estate. Ho lived In penury and dress
eel In rags.
M. Leopold Alabllleau, a French
sociologist who is delivering o course
or lectures at the University of Chi
cago, declares that a great many
American collego protossors are "only
hired men in cages."
Thomas A. Edison has become a
director in the Marconi Wireless Tel
egraph Company, and tho prediction
is made that tho system will now bo-
como a commercial success within a
comparatively short time.
Two men are alleged to havo rob
bed a sum In Birmingham, Ala., of
$7,000. It is said they learned tho
combination by studying Us opera
tion with a magnifying glass through
a hole in tho celling,
Hotel Pendleton.
W. L. Crawford and wife, Portland
II. W. Ormandy, Portland.
R. It. IJarrall, Colfax.
L. H. Penkham, Portland.
M. Bandor, Utlca.
Sam Colo, Portland.
Frank Wamsloy, city.
W. A. Myers, Portland.
George E. Mosser, Spokane.
F. S. McMahon, Portland.
M. J. Meadows, city.
K. Burns.
.1. B. Craslleld, Portland.
Georgo Abbot, city.
AI. S. Marks, Portland.
W. H. Oarrett, Portland.
A. Nylander, Chicago.
H. F. Harbour, Chicago.
I. M. Blair. Chicago.
Kdwln G. Brown, Salt 1-ake.
A, W. Llchner, Spokane.
It! A. Seeds, Spokane.
Helix. Mav 28. Frank Moulu, with
his wife and Miss Harriet Thompson,
from Pendleton, were visitors m mis
city ye3terday. ,
Helix was wen represented ai
Scotch picnic In Athena yesterday.
Miss Nellie Tltsworth, who has
been stopping In this placo with her
sister, Miss Grace, returned to her
home In Athena yesterday,
Mr. Curts, of College Plate ,was
visiting w.iii his daughter, Mrs. Alex
Montgomery, of this place, a few
days this week.
Ira Scott accompanied his father
and mother to Salem on a visit to his
Mrs. G, W. Knight and daughter,
Myrtle, have gone to Idaho on a visit
to Mrs Knight's sister. Airs, uaiia-
her. Thoy will stop on tnelr way at
Pullman to visit old friends at tnat
Mr. AlcKlnney. of Portland, repre
senting the Portland oregonian, was
In Helix ast week.
Clyde Bolt will go to Hot Lake
soon, wlin nopes or improving m
Elliot Hlchardson started for Pom-
oroy by team on Monday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Halm spent Tuesday
with Mrs. Halm's mother, of this
Need a Woman's Club.
The high wind yesterdny filled the
air with dust, and great sheets of
waste paper were seen blowing around
and gathering In eddies on Main
street. This is a good tiling to cause
runaways. Someone should try to
keep such waste from tho street.
La Grande Observer.
Golden Rule Hotel.
Portland painters are still out and
neither side will make concessions.
Tho Oregon cliaptor. Order of
Eastern Etar, will meet In Portland
on June 8.
Tho North Yakima concert Hand
will hold a week's harvest carnival
In August.
A. II. Kurtz, of SHvorton, Or., will
put In n now electric light plant at
A lloral company, with $30,000 cap
ital, has been organized at Norm
Tho building laborers strike at
Hpokano has been settled and all
work has resumed.
Tho Alodoc Indians, now confined
In Indian Territory, aro making ef
forts to be sent back to Klamath
Tho Puynllup and North Yakima
hop crops aro reported to be In bad
condition on account of cold weather.
Public announcement has been
made of tho opening of the Colum
bia llhor k Northern Railroad to
traffic on Juno 1.
Frank Hnrt, who was found dead
in his room at linker City Tuesday,
was wanted In Seattle for embezzle
ment at Valdoz, Alaska,
The first crato of home-grown
strawberries nt Tacoma, brought $0,
Thursday. It was grown by John
Fox, who also brought to town tho
(lrst dozen homo-grown cucumbers.
which Bold, for $1.11). J
Governor Chamberlain Is In ro-
G. Wlllard, Spokane.
It. H. Chilton, Dayton,
W. H. Glllls. Dayton.
Leo Campbell, Manhattan.
E. W. Helm, Portland.
It, Ripley, Colfax.
1,, E-Preston, Weston.
E. Auhoff, Portland.
A. AI. Naylor, Portland.
J. H. Itlcker, Portland.
Doug Belts and wife, Pilot Rock.
Doug Glenn, Pilot Ilock.
D. D. Kelley, Tekoa.
T. C. Harloy, Jewell.
J. C. Pierce, Jewell.
Laura .Merce, Jewell.
S. D. Lackey, Spokane.
W. C. Bassett and wife, Starbuok.
I j. olsen, Starlmck.
J, G. Helfrlch. Spokane.
L. Leporo and wife, city.
S. S. GUI, Spokane
B. I.oland and family. Helix.
C. C. Scrogglns, Culdesac.
A. B. Stephenson ami wife, Uma
John Leiinix. Umatilla.
Z. Houser, Echo.
J. AI. Wynn, city.
Joe Connelly, city,
C. S. Arnold, city.
Country Butter . , 30c to 40c roll
Creamery Butter 50c roil
We've added a new delivery wag-
to our equipment and deliveries
to all parts of the city will be on
the moment promised.
Unionism Falls Flat If Not Used as
a Political Force-Men Have Not
Yet Come to Know True Meaning
of Power,
m "n r'lnrnnce S. Dar-
row, who was chief counsel for tho
mlneworkers in the recent nrbltra
Hon growing out of the strike In the
anthracite ?oal fields, delivered, an
address before tho Henry George As
sociation here on io " - "
Trades Unionism." Tho general tone
of his tnlk was that labor unions no
not understand tlio pniicijiu
which they nre founded, and along
which thoy must work If they are to
continue In existence.
Trade Unions Monopolistic.
Ho said In part: -Trade unionism
1.. ,nii in 11 h Inst analysis, the ei-
fort to monopllzo the labor market
ti tlin rrnar 111 I III!
rtnn1ln nnulllCtlOll. TllQ
Ulltlll IU Hiuiiwi'"'""' j..--
groat growth of trade uniomam m
last few years has taken Into Its
to-.,,. n.imiinrH of men who were
not familiar with Its principles, or its
value whoso one dcslro has been to
better their condition who havo not
tho understanding of nffalrs to rec
ognize the relation tnai iruuu mi.u.i
iat I, to eoneral progress, and
who therefore, havo narrow views as
to Its management, control aim mv.
Combination an Epidemic.
"In the growth of trade unionism
tho men seem to hnve lost sight of
the fundamental principles, which in
!.. ..mi must control. Alen catch
tvn.in unionism. aneculatlon. combina
tion as they catch tho measles or the
mumps. Capital hns cnught tho fe
ver of combination until It has gone
mad over corporations and trusts.
Likewise labor has caught tho fover
of trade unionism, and without know
what It means or realizing how It
may bo of real service to tho world,
has turned its power and energy in
the building up of organizations. Un
less this force Is turned to political
power or turned to substantial meth
ods for bettering Industrial condi
tions rather than gaining temporary
or personal advantages, then all this
great movement must bo for naught."
...f.i-f yTT"T T -m T r-T-
The Big Store in a Small
Alta Street, Opposite Savings Bank
Barbers Fall to Pass.
Three of tho seven barbers who ai
peared beforo tho barbers' stato
board of examiners whon It convened
In Walla .Walla soveral weeks ago
failed to pass. Tho nunllucatlons re
quired by tho state law nro high. Tho
board directs that the threo men who
failed to pass must ceaso work at tho
occupation of barber In cities of tho
first, second and tnlrd class Walla
Walla Union.
We can supply you with
Building Material of. all
descriptions and sa v e
you money
For Sale,
Three-quarter sections of good
wheat land, of which one-half Is in
grain, and all lies five miles north
east of the city. A dwelling, two
barns and other outbuildings, and a
good water system. Call at Oliver
& Co.'s grocery, or at the home of u.
W. Msby, 701 Thompson street.
Building paper lime
cement brick and sand.
Wood gutters for barns
and dwellings a specialty.
Oregon Lumber Yard
Alta St., Opp. Court House
Is an especial feature o our
store. We realize our re
sponsibility and are very
particular in every detail,
using only the best and
puiest drugs. It n.atteis
not what physician writes
your prescriptions they will
be compounded by a com
petent, reliable pharmacist
when presented here and at
prices that are always reasonable.
F. W. Schmidt's
The Reliable Druggist
Usually a 5 cent Cigar is
Commonplace, but the t
Parrot Cigar
Assumes the Individuality
of a Poetic Thought
in Tobacco.
" Jast Try a
5 cents
Sole distributors
Portland, Or.
Ntpam li
we nave just opened,
iy equipped laundry
street just east of the p
gonian Biiildinp. w.
;u uo hrst tla
ru,iU,l,y. consult oor
ptices and give us a i;
laundry. Don't a ...
can cot it done L....
less wpnr nf i. .
11UUC Dili Wllltp loin.. '
- "p are
StpnhAtio.ii'. il
I vv, .111
fnnnn main lint ..
ul m.
f fC tyrr ...
, iiijiin
1 1 1 . i i i viiiir 1 1
nv inn iir in.....
Dailies W tnn....
companies, stand
Hartford Fire Iiwumnn
.in i .
finance .Assurance Ixt
Loudon a .Lancashire
Tnnuranra (V,
kta.i. n-u i.i. t' ' '
Uoy.il Insurance Co..
r f T T iff I I I nvnliili ii ou1 enrtin omr ciinn
r- ' n
X nnf urn inirn n TIT If-1 tin 1 1'M VflllT WSniS I1V HV
1 . . . rn . TI II !
15 . . 1 . ,.T ....
fact everything you might need in camp at
Liuuai ctuiii iui iim iiuini ill.. -
-T "1 1 1 " " " -
1'orI office lilocU
I'honc .Main 851
c The Grand Trunk Gold
Sumpter, 0eon, Gold iMining jji
I lF J J LV11I W ft Tk -
.. 4.u madth POI .E valued
. 1 r inn nnn iim t. i 11 .u 1 1 -
nnn fim mNDA valued at
000,000. THE iuOINlHt; 1 n vi.
hci 1 13 RAipD mine valued at:
m -k a v Mil m 1 rvi aim vaiu
iiiiii. . ii wi -
. . 1
S500.0OO. 1 nt IDEA. Vttiuwu -1
000, and many others.
Charity of the Fair 8ex.
Ho Airs. I'owilorlelRli eortalnly lias
a lovely complexion.
She Vos, Indued, ami alio oiiKlit to
be very grateful to lier husband,
He Becauso why?
She IlecauHO lio buys her every
thing alio wants,
Stock Cattle for Sale.
Havo for Bale BO head of cows, 25
IIUTL-IIIUI lillUIIIMQl IUII! in 11, 117- , . , . , , . , , .
col,.t of a letter from Mrs. Clara f y "'yl"??a T'm 1,e,fer3'
S,n,,.r nf lln,on,nn Mnnt B,ltln 15 yearling heifers.
HLMEIl SPIKE, Kcho, Ore.
Boiler for Sale.
Summer, of Hozeman. Mont., seeking
Information about a fnmlly that came
tn Ontirnii In 18.10. fitim Now Vrl.-.
She does not remomber tho name. Twenty horso-powor fliio tuuular,
hut says there were 10 pairs of twins In good condition: Inquire nt tho Do
in tho family anil tho momoors carao niostlc Laundry,
on foot from Now York to St. Louts, 1 ; " , , ,
where thoy purchased mules with Hlggest celebration In tho history
which to cross the plains. 1 of Pendleton next tourth of July.
of suffering from Indigestion If you
eat what you want, or of starving
yourself to avoid such distress?
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets taken after
eating will digest your food perfectly
and frco you from all tho disagreeable
symptoms of Indigestion and Dyspep
sia. Eat what you like at any time,
and take an Acker Tablet afterward.
Positively guaranteed. Your money
will always bo refunded If you
are not satisfied. Write to us for a
freo sample. W. H. Hooker & Co.,
nuffalo, N. Y.
Engine, Boiler and Machinery
Of all kinds is our specialty. All
work guaranteed.
I The nranri Trunk Gold Mining and
t Owns Its Property Coiulsting of itio.Acrea of RlchOo
that gets your lungs sore and weak
and paves the way for Pneumonia or
Consumption, or both. Acker's Eng
lish Remedy will atop tho cough In a
day and heal your lungs. It will cure
Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis,
and all throat and lung troubles. Pos
itively guaranteed, and money refund
ed It you are not satisfied. Write to
us for free sample. W. H. Hooker &
Co., Buffalo, N. Y. F, W. Schmidt ft
Co., druggists.
Extra Parts Furnished for all Kinds
of Harvesting Machinery.
Manufacturer o(
,.. i nv rharacler.
i. i. ,. ,;,,;n and business
lt is offering 50,000 shares ot swl - ., ,irae.
It will become a dividend payer in a s 11
It will pay you to write us for full particnun
careful investigation of its merits. ineSS
t, 1.00 :.ran,nt nf minine men, uu51"
n uua vui ittuuiaiiMu w
bankers of Eastern Oregon.
Write us today and let us post you.
709 East Alta Street.
Baltezore & Howe's Old Stand.
k 0 0 w
Buggy and Hack Wheels at Cost.
See us for Wheat racks before
ordering elsewhere
WANTED-First-class Horseshcer
$3.00 per day steady.
Missouri Blacksmith
Shop. West Webb St.
H 55 Mrrailum & Comf
Miners. Brokorsand Financial Met
Or R. S. BRYS0N, Local Agont, Pendleton, 0
Our Weekly Mining Letters on bumpier, u o
District Free on Appl',,0D'
nn vnn uwinv a nnnn SMOKE? Try
Pride of Umatilla. Made at home.