East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 27, 1903, Image 6

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    . ....ir-r UAV 97 1tl3
With every piece Pure
Spotless, White, Well
Washed, Nicely Starch
ed, Neatly Ironed, noth
ing Torn and Nothing
Stretched you are well
That's just the kind of
work the Domestic
Laundry turns out every
Can't we call for your
Bundle and Deliver it
Court and Thompson Btreetn.
n 'I
n i
carpets, on satires, frails, or (or wrap
pins purposes. Old newspapers la large
burdles of 100 each at 20 cants a bundle
at the EAST OHEQONIAN office, Pendle
ton. Orecon.
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
ai...m n.Pn-4wAlr xulm mails tllC I1CWB-
papcrs is sure to know of the wonderful
t i.'".- "J
i Kilmer's Swamp-
II Koot, tile great Km
ILucy, liver and ulad-
t n ucr rcmcuy.
f5 It is the great med
ical triumph of the
nineteenth century ;
discovered nf tcrycars
of scientific research
by Dr. Kilmer, the
tit lciilnev and
bladder specialist, and is wonderfully
Sra, "J'df. V- finder and
Bright's Disease, which is the worst
fnrtn of kidney trouble.
nr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec
ommended for everything but f you havc
kidney, liver or bladder trouble It w 1 be
found just the remedy you need. It as
been tested in so many ways, in hosp tal
work and in private practice, and has
proved so successful in every case that a
special arrangement has been made by
which all renders of this paper, who have
not already tried it, may have a sample
bottle sent free by mail, also a look tell
ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to
When writing mention reading this
er !.. .I.. -.nnirnT1llKPnil VOUr
generous oner in uiuri w
address to Br. Ktimcr
& Co., llinghamton,
N. Y. The regular
itt... ....... n.i1 nlle
dollar size bottles arc Home or sw.mp.Ewt.
sold by all good drnggists. Don't make
any 'mistake, but remember the name,
Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
and the address, llinghamton, N. Y., on
every bottle.
nkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
1 R M
Is a good thing bat when the warm weather
tnrns your thoughts to things such as : : :
You will find a Complete line of the very latest
Banitory ideas in Refrigerator manufacture at
our store. The prices are right too from
1 T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man
Ml 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I'M I It It I 1111 l"l H1 1 ' l'H"H-
Would a Cream Separator Pay You
A De Laval Cream Separator
Will positively save 10 per cent to 50 percent in skim
ming, save time and labor, insure purity of product,
remove tuberculosis and disease germs, saves woman
and housework, saves ice and water, saves $10 per
cow every year.
The De Laval is the only separator that absolutely
took all the butter fat out of the milk in the govern
ment test.
I Thompson Hardware Co., 62 i Main St.
Headquarters for Fishing Supplus.
II 1 1 1 II 14HIH I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 -H
Price $35
Equal to any $100 Machine
Typewriter BupplIeHaml llub
ber Stamp Goods
The First National Bank
CAPITAL 7 . . . $70,000
SURPLUS $0,000
Transacts a general banking busi
ness. Exchange and telegraphic trans
fers .aold on 8an Francisco, New York,
Chicago and principal points In the
Drafts drawn on China, Japan ond
Makes collections on reasonable
i.EVi ANKENY, President
W. F. MATLOCK, Vice-President
, C. B. WADE, Cashier.
Pendleton Savings Bant
CAPITAL $100,000.
Transacts a general banking bualnesi
Interest allowed on time deposits.
Exchange bought and sold on all
principal points.
Special attention given to collec
W. J FURNISH, President
J. N. TEAL, Vice-President
T. J. MORRIS, Cashier.
J. W. MALONEY, Ass't Cashier.
Additional List of Taxpayers Who
Have Money and Notes on Hand,
As tho assessment ot the county
progresses the taxpayers clvlng
money, notco and accounts Is being
published In the East Oregonlan and
Is proving to bo an Interesting feat
ure. Following Is another list taKon
from the assessor's rolls:
money. Notes.
A. W. Orovor $1149
I. A. Scott J'J auuu
James Cameron 2600 175
A. P. Sc T. O. Mont
gomery -uu
C. E. Bott 200
D. A. Ooltorne zzb tuu
Horace Walker 100
Sacrles Hondrlxson . . . 150
John Wilt 1500
August Jonske 1000 250
W. H. Bond 1000
Henry Hill izw
W. H. Jones 7500
A. J. Black 200
Maillson Jones 600 9000
J. J. Baumgardnor 200
Conrad Platzoeder .... 480
Esther M. Brown 1600
Carl Hansen 300 1000
Bobt. Lalng 150
Left by Train This Morning.
Dr, B. L. Steeve, of Welser, Idaho,
learned this morning that tho move
ments of tho O. B. & N. are verily
wondorful and mysterious. Numher
6, westbound, was nlno hours late and
reached hero about 8 o'clock, stopping
for breakfast. Dr. Steevos, accom
panied by Dr. G. W. Tape, of Hot Lake
came down town for a lunch, and
reached tho depot again just In timo
to see the train pull out up tno tracu.
ur. Stevens Is formerly of Salem nnd
Is en route there now, called by the
announcement of an accident to his
brother, who is a well-known baker
there. Dr. bteeves was accompanied;
by his aged mother, who wob loft
alone without tickets or breakfast, as
the doctor had both with him.
Do the Hair No Good, But Often
Cause It to Fall Out.
Mnnv lint,- nrnnnrntlnnD nrfi "Inkn"
because they are merely scalp Irrl-
(tints Thnv nflnn pnilRfl fl drvnOSS.
making mo hair brittle, and, finally.
llieless. uanururt is uic cause or an
trntililn with hnlr. It Is a cerm dis-
oniin Tim pnrrn mnkna nlltlclo scales
as It digs to tho root of the hair,
where It destroys tno nairs vitality,
causing ie hair to fall out. To cure
ftamlriifT thn frnrm milflt llG killed.
"Destroy tho cause, you remove the
enect. wowuros ncrpiciuc is inu
only hair preparation that kills the
dandruff germ, theroby leaving the
hair to grow luxuriantly. Sold by
leading druggists. Send 10c In stamps
for sampio to tho rierpicuie uo., ua
trolt, Mich.
Protruding Ears.
Protruding ears may be coaxed to
lie nearer the head by wearing a cap
at night. This simple contrivance is
made of bands, which aro passed over
the head, binding tho ears. These
should be narrow, so that the drum of
tho ear may not he Injured- by shut
ting out sounds.
If you desire a good complexion use
Mokl Tea. a nuro herb drink. It nets
on the liver nnd makes the skin
smooth and clear. Cures sick head
aches. Twenty-five cts. and 50 cts.
Monoy refunded If It does not satisfy
you. Writo to W. H. Hooker & Co.
Buffalo, N. Y., for freo samples. W.
H. Schmidt & Co., Druggists.
We sell the greatest of blood puri
fiers, Acker's Blood Elixir, under a
positive guarantee. It will cure all
chronic and othor blood poisons. If
you have eruptions or sores on your
hody, or are pale, weak or run down.
It Is just what you need. Wo retund
money If you are not satisfied. 50
cents and $1.00 F. W. Schmidt & Co.,
Forty millions of calendars aro gra
tultlously distributed in the United
States during tho first month of every
Only 85,000 Pounds Sold Out of a
Clip of Half a Million Pounds One
Crop Sold for 11 Cents, Two at 13.
Sales of this year's wool clip to the
aggregate amount of 85,000 pounds
wcro made In Lowlston Monday, F. ..
Green, representing the -Koshlaud
wool house of Boston, being tho pur
chaser. The clips sold wore those of
James Madden, of 40,000 pounds, nnd
of Oeorgo Riggs, 30,000 pounds. In
each caso the price paid was 13 cents
n pound, tho wool being of unusually
fine quality. Tho third sale was of
the Patterson clip of Asotin. Tills
wns 15,000 pounds, for which 11
cents n pound was paid. Those are
the first wool sales reported In this
section this year.
There nro now three wool buyers
here, who nro endeavoring to mnko
arrangements for tnklng in the larger
nart of this year's clip, which they
estimate will be In excess of 500,000
nounds. The buyers now here are P.
E. Green and Jack Lycottc, each rep
resenting Boston parties, and .1. J.
Chappclle, of San Francisco. Thoy
expect to remain until after this week
and state that the wool raisers who
desire to eoII had better see them
mm-, as thoy will not bo able to be
here on Juno 15, the date fixed by
tho woolgrowors' association as sales
Attendance here will bo prevented
by a provlous arrangement to attend
a wool sales day In Baker City on that
date. Yesterday Mr. Green made an
offer to J. D. C. Theissen of $18,000
'or his wool clip of this year. This
fiir, it la oatlmntpil welched between
130.000 and 140.000 pounds, and Is
of lino quality. Mr. Tiieisseu ruiuauu
tho offer, at the same time stating
that ho would refuse nu clfer of A20,-
Veteran Lecturer and Writer Cele.
b rates an Advanced Age.
Boston, Mass., May 27. Hundreds
of friends and admirers of Julia Ward
Howe congratulated her today upon
the attainment of her 8ltn uiniumy,
Felicitous letters and messages
were likewise received from ninny
narts of the country.
Born three days alter ti.e uirtii oi
Queen Victoria, Mrs. Howe is today
very active In the Intellectual aim so
clal world of New England, and one
of the most remarkable examples of
mental and physical vigor extant. It
is not unusual for her to deliver three
or four addresses a week, and no wo
man in Boston enn equal her as a
toastmlstress at a dinner or as nn
ntter-dlnnor speaker. She rarely falls
to attend a meeting of the Boston
Authors' Club, of whlcn she is presi
dent, and she still takes nn active in
terest in the Now England Woman's
Club, tho omest and one of the largest
woman's clubs In America. She Is
nresident of a number of other clubs,
and It Is not unusual for her to attend
two or three meetings In a single
day, while she Is frequently seen at
evening meetngs.
Merger of Traction Companies.
Indianapolis, Ind., May 27. The
largest lnterurban deal thus far In In
diana will be consummated at An
derson today when officials of the
Union Traction Company ot Indiana
and the Indianapolis Northern Trac
tion Company meet to comploto the
final details for the merger of tho
two companies. Tho plan Is to form
a holding company and to gunrnntee
a dividend on tho stock.
Quay In control w
i i- r i iiii t ...
'"j1 i i n 1 1 i i i '
Gold Medal Butter, Pure,
Sweet, Clean. The chief I
characteristics of good butter T
t are purity and cleanliness.
A AMI, IMIlkGl lVJllllt.v.i ,i u . i , , ,
T and will letain its rich and J
ueiicaic nuvui iu mi; iaai. j
X Try i and you will never J
T use any other. Your money
refunded if )ou do not like it
. & SON - .
The Innocent
The Guilty
Tjio world to-day is full of innocent sufferers from that most lotU
disease, Contagious Blood f oison. reopie Know in a general way thatitT
a bad disease, but if nil its horrors could be brought before
.i i -i , ne thnv do the Leprosy. Not only the nerson whn J T TV
suffers, but the awful taint is transmitted to children, and the fearfS
and eruptions, weak eyes, Catarrh, nnd other evidences of poisoned g
, ... i. i;tt itinnrnnts are suffennc the awful conspmim.., gw
be contaminated oy nnnuuB amcies in usebv ,
person afflicted with this miserable disease. There is danger even indt4
inir fiom the same vessel or eating out of tie same tableware, as many Z.
and innocent men and women have found to their sorrow. The virw rf
Contacious Blood Poison is so
first littlcsore appears xne wnuic
io itifpi-trd nnd every
cyaiwiu ' " .
drop of blood in the body is
tainted With tne poison, mm ....
skin is soon covered with n red rash, ulcers break out m the mouth at
throat, swellings appear in the groins, the hair and eyebrows fall otf,
and unless the ravages of the disease are checked at this stage, ffl
violent and dangerous symptoms appear m the fonu of deep and offensive
sores copper colored splotches, terrible pains m bones and muscles, aal
ircneral breaking down of the system.
S. S. S. is a specific for Contagious Blood Poison and the only remcdr
hnr fitirwinii's liu u.v.uiiui . -iiv.kv, uie
- t Tlntnrili lltlfl if 1 fSIWnlr C-V Innrr n 41.. A
the disease, jucrcmy ui -t, m ojfaicm
tiHHnr TTIHir inilULTIlU-:. UUb Ji - .... - -w i'wuu
ajrain as baa or worse umu tvu. - 7 """ua m
Plmtittintism nnd stomach troubles of the worst kind, and frequently 1
1 t.i..1 - enAtimtiPCQ CiT HIP PliniS HHU UCCUV OI IIIR tePth N CD
nil -a4iririil! nil tmnorJ 4-to .!
rntA0 tllA lllrltlMI 1 frt11 tha n.iLI.
u kss v S' vy w iasut to IW1V IU UIC VI
it- i:nua(n YivaaI- nA 4i j
f- O 4-. 1 l 1
i. ni.n -rttriirtiir !i n v iiiiiiiiiiLia v. 14 vv-cj nuibtn tin LAULiicnrr
can uc ium j
1 ...... unnm nmimu iii'v.iiiii i ill ii 1 1 l l. iu. . v v. ... fii muuu I 1 1
. - . urn,. 9rr r .. . . nnlo i rn-ir m I'L.
completely anu pcrmancnuy. vrwi -.""un jjwi,
which describes fully the uiuereni siagc ujiu yiujii.uius ui uc disease.
General Assembly In Session In Mis
souri. Tarklo, Mo., May 27. About 300
commissioners nnd an equal number
of visitors nro horo for the general
assembly of the United Presbyterian
Church of North America. Those
present represent every presbytery
of tho church in America and also
the mission fields of Egypt and Indln.
The opening sermon will be preached
this evening by tho retiring modera
tor. Dr. J. C. Wilson, of Eric, Pa. The
sessions aro expected to continue
one week.
Tho present assembly promises to
ho one of the most Interesting in the
history of the church. Questions
concerning the plans of working In
tho foreign mission ileitis are 10 come
up, and It 1b also believed that ad
vanced stops will he taken looking to
a union of tho Associate Reformed
Presbyterian church of the South nnd
The United Presbyterian church.
New Tailoring Establishment.
Charles 11. Hecht, of Sumptor, Is In
tho city looking for a suitable loca
tion for a tailor shop. Mr. Hecht has
been located at Sumptor for the last
five years, and has decided to locale
at Pendleton.
R e s t a uraot
Dinner Twenty-live Cents
Prom 11.30 a. si, to 7 p m.
Short orders a speciality
Quick, Courteous Service
Open all Day and Night
T. A. Oldfather , Prop.
International Congresses.
Two hundred thousand dollars has
been appropriated by tho Louisiana
Purchase Exposition to cover tno ex
penses ot the International congresses
that will assoinb.d In St. iLoiils. Sep
tembcr 19-25, 1901. The congress of
arts and sciences will have ono defln
tto task: to demonstrate the unity of
knowledge, nnd thus bring harmony
and Inter-relation Into tho scattered
scientific work of tho present day.
Lending scholars from nil over tho
world will deliver lectures before the
Grand 8tand for 31,050 Persons,
Tho grand stand erected for those
who viewed tho display of fireworks
at tho dedication ceremonies of tho
Louisiana Purchaso Exposition at St
Louis, Is tho largest, with ono excep
tion, over built. The oxcoptlon is the
grand stand built In London for tho
coronation ceremonies ot England's
ruler, Edward VII. Tno St. Louis
stand has a seating capacity ot 31,
050. I tls 800 feet long and 185 foot
broad. Tho lumbor In the structure
alone cost $20,000,
Dandruff and
Falling Hair vanish
before t'ic magic touch of
Nev. brij's Herpicide, the
lotest scientific discovery.
It k ills the dandruff germs.
Destroy t'..c cause, you re-lii-'vc
t'ua effect. Kill the
d indraft germ, and your
hair vail grow abundantly.
, St. !iTno:rr, Idaho, Tw.a,1.
Ik-rplcUc i'" tdUlluil you claim torlt. It
!ui cK-.iiiw) my beaillroin dandruff, and lell
my li.ar itii and toft. Om-ton ii. Uxohiks.
For Sale it all Flrit-Chsj Drug Stores.
Grant's Cabin Is on Art Hill.
The log cabin, built in St. Louis
county by General U, S, Grant, In
185-1, has beon transferred to Its new
location on Art Hill at the Louisiana
Purchaso Exposition, Some of the
logs show the ravages of time and the
olements, but the structure Is yet
sturdy. Its present owner, G. F.
uianke, has decided to allow the his
orlc cabin to romain permanently In
Forest park after tho World's Fair
. ..... . ...........
I Five Porcelain Tubs
Are now to be found al
Privett's Barber Shop and
T Bath Rooms. We also liaie
five hydraulic chairs. Every.
S thin;; is neat and clean t
T employ none but fust-das'!
? workmen. Our t qmpment s
I not excelled in Eastern Ok
t Privett's Barber hop
T 723 Mum mrcfv
I t
coinloruble r"ini
In tonnoctlm ,.';.",.
(Illly Willi -
(ilVO U' : "I"
I. .mm
To Aid Nature
This health giver is most speedy
in action and satisfactory in
results. There will be no bil
ious attacks or sick-headaches
if you take
Sold Everywhtrt , la boxes 10c. sad Sc
",: S i'7op. W3
nr a w-nTVYOTJB
iw ost-j '.",3, in i"""'
oe-area. "