Wit-- o DAILY EAST OR EGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY. MAY 27. 1903. EM'S MY FOR IT THERE IS i inaugurate a sale of Men's and Boys riothing. 47 suits Actual $12.50 and 1 500 values, Correotup-to-date styles. Choicest Scotch, English and American woolens. Your Choice SOflT lexander Dept. Store i Its Merit Has the large demand for Byers' Best Flour built up. Only tne cnoicesi wiicai inai K'ows eniers in- ms Best Flour, li s peiiecnoa m riuur, tuaue oy me )LETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor. Furinsh the need. We Satisfy it 1 We are showing tcday a fine line of Arabian and Brus tells Nett Curtains, $7.00 to $10.00, See them in the liiidwr. late a look at the Vudor Porch Shade U ft. $4, 6x8 ft $3, 4x8 ft $2,50 Wthve a lew more of those Art Squares and Rugs lelt-you wont have another chance to buy them so Cheap. SSE FAILING, Store near the Bridge H.. ..!.. ... . t t 4 4 4 4 4 4 ICK FARM FOR SALE I m sole agent lor the Lee farm of 1000 acres, six jiles from Pendleton, on Birch creek. Good Wiiet, Buildings, fine Orchard, Alfalfa Bottom, loos, hall cash. Will sell with or without stock. IT. CONKLIN. DRY WOOD Jt rtoBld know that the very best, DRY WOOD of ffl kinds is to be found at p. Collier & Cos Yard COAL. 638 Main St. THE WOOLJMARKET BUYERS AND GROWERS SPARRING FOR POINTS. Three Quarters of a Million Pounds Now Stored In Pendleton Montana Losses Give Sheepmen Hopes for Higher Prices. The wool niarUut at the present tlmo resembles the great American Game ot poker, at least from the growers' side. Every man who has ool thinks his wool Is worth as much or more than the other fellow's, rno sales at Arlington yesterday woro a farce so far as any movement of wool was concerned, according to re ports from there. The buyers are scaling from 10 to 13 cents and this figure the growers refuse to accept. Several small sales of special grade were made In the Arlington country prior to the sales, for 15 cents, and the growers took the cue and hold for higher prices when the ware houses opened with the pools. The buyers refuse to pay the price asked and the wool is still In pool. There will bo about 750,000 of wool in storage for the sales at this place on Thursday and Friday next The buyers are Independent In their at titude and claim that the growers will not hold out longer than the sec ond sales or if they do will yield at last in private sale, to the terms of fered them. Whether or not this will bo true remains to bo seen. The sheepmen know the ravages ot tho recent storm In Montana and can guess something of the conse quences on tho price of wool. They' realize that the loss of a million or more sheep from the Western mar ket means much to tho neerecnto nut. put of wool and will hold for the 1 market to raise. The wool quotations have been strong and with conditions prevailing since the storm they hope for a still stronger upward tendency, so the growers say. On the other hand, the buyers con tend that there Is plenty of wool in the market and that they can pay so much and no more. Then again," the growers lose by eacli added day of in surance and storage. Hence they are Independent and refuse to stretch the limit. Each side holds good cards. and Is playing to fill Its hands. The Washington output is practi cally sold, and the Idaho market is cleaned out. The Oregon market is yet to be opened, in fact the Pendle ton sales on this week will draw the cork. Twenty-seven carloads of wool came In yesterday for the scouring mills, and 17 today, while all the warehouses are receiving thir sea son's cllti about as rapidly as It can be handled. After the sales here the situation may be a more open book, and the movement of the market can be per haps more readily discerned, but until then It is a game between the buyers and the sellers, a feinting and spar ring for an opening, with the odds about even. If the buyers can bluff the growers into the belief that the market will not Tlbe, they will get the wool, If, bowever, tho growers hold a while. they hope to (ill to the cards they have and call the bluff. BRIG9S0N ITEMS CLOSING OF THE LOWER COLD SPRING SCHOOL. Going to the Mountains for the Sum mer Driving Horses to Buck Mountain for Summer Pasturing General Neighborhood News. Etisgson, May 25. .rsus Glllls. of Athena, is visiting with his family at their mountain home, for a few days. It. J. Hoddy and wlfo were In Athe na on business last week. Mr. Bodily has closed his butcher shop there for a few months' recreation In tho moun tains. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Embusk, of Cold Springs, were visiting Sunday at tho home of Mr. Embusk's brotner, Peter Narkaus. Mrs. Tllllo McQlauthlln, ot Mooch am, Is Usttlng at tho homo of her parents, hero, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lelul. James IJeuallen took a band of horses back to nuck mountain for Bummer pasture yesterday. Thcro wero about 40 head and all two-year-olds but three. I.ieuella 11. Crulpen will return homo Wednesday nex. after having completed a very successful term of school in the Lower Cold Springs country. "Don't you think that people pay too much attention to money nowa days?" "No, I don't," answered Sen ator Sorghum. "Time wns when a $50-bill looked as big as a farm to a member of the legislature. Now he won't pay any attention to It what ever "-Washington Star. Evaporated Cream Ibearinff the a bore cap label, flows irom me can ricn in every ingreown I which entert Into DMy Duuaing. Economy Brand I carries our guarantee as tn Its carelul preparation, nenness ana I purity, u is aiiierent irom ma i watery DT&nas ana aaas a ncn- I ness to your looa. i ry ii ana you will rje convinced it is me Den. Look lor our cap label. HELVETIA MILK CONDENSING CO. Highland, mioois " The Livestock Exhibit A quarter of a million dollars has been set aside by the Louisiana Pur chase Exposition for the uso of the livestock department. Chief F. D. Coburn and his assistants have ac complished much, and are alrraib as sured that the livestock display at St. Louis will excel that ever made at any previous exposition. Tnirty-sevcn -i-e,"t---4-4-4 t a. 4 4 . 4 "I liuto Im-i-ii froiiblrU i cr-Mt ilml ivim u lorniii liven wuiiU muiiuri-H i-mibiii&' lion 1 round ( M'AIM'.TS Mlio.ill youcUlm Call at Office Phone Main 1121 r 4-4'.44 UNABLE' FACTION ITh Ks exceptionally complete all sizes and prices EEN DOORS ""fence ib t W,n.dow Screens are not only a con ' )ati bv n necess''y and we have anticipated your ' tejrly g ,n a stock of a" sizesgive us your Pot enmr "pes Examined and Repaired at Once i i-cS16,10 serious breaks Next Door to Postoffice acres of beautifully wooded land is tor tlium, unci m-uiuM mu-Ii h HiMIio urm trial, ,i ... ..... t.ii.t4 nnri I tbat I nui- UUMcliniolliLrhiiDiiiy uiul vrai rom' '., " Vlul" ,"" plotcly iuiciI Im.iiII only lie luuvluil loieo- niiu pavilion. Miiim-s, rti-.. nit m-'ij oinuji-iui t awurrts wunevcr mo opportunity pror-tPf , IS prt-ocntcii j, a fiNim I WMfeusqueliunutt Avu.. l'liilalullila. t'. work guaranteed by Sfcjfe Reliable Plumber. opposite the Golden Rule Hotel Old Men and the Unions. Employers of skilled labor In all itt bi anches aro Inclined to take the view i that the problem of what to do with I ho aged employes is up to the unions. I They say that some remedy should be suggested and acted upon at once. . Tbnt there are many men who are htlll able to do first-class work, but who on account of ago or for other! reasons are not able to perform the! nmount of labor that Is expected irom the ordinary workman and who are In consequence, driven to seek odd lolix and other branches of employ ment that are not so remunerative, is a recognized fact among those who emnlov large bodies of workmen. Chicago Daily News. The Coachmen's Union. Coachmen in private families, who formed a union in Chicago auout two months ago, have been chartered by tho Teamsters' National Union of America and its delegates seated in the teamhters' Joint rouncll. The union has a membership of about 200 and Is stJH growing. No attempts will be made, according to the statement of Business Agent Johnson, for a uni form waee scale, but instead efforts will be dlrotted toward bettering tho condition of members, furnishing em ployers with good, reliable men and elevating the calling in general. "Your new boss is an old campaign er I believe," remarked Crumley. "Well," replied Worrit, "he's a great handshaker." "Is that so!" "Yes, he has shaken nearly all the old hands in the shop before be took charge. Philadelphia Press. CANDY CATHARTIC v i riMitl it TfMDf MAHK HIOIlTtllfD Ple.ii.nr, I'lilatul'ic. I'olpm raMe Unod. IK lioud. ..over Mrkl-ll, Wt'ilhcll, vr iHlfV luc. !C,LUC ... CURE CONSTIPATION. .. RltriUf UrM.4y 4M,.,. ll., MMtlr,l. I.w T.H. un Til DAP Solit anil iMiiiraiiienl I17 all drug. . U. .' II lit: Tub.ccO JUUll. The Columbia Lodging House Newly Furnished, Bar in connection. Bet. Aha & Webb bts. In Center of Block F. X. Schempp Proprietor FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS On Friday, May 29, and Saturday, May 30th We will make the following prices on reliable goods Ladies' walking Skirt?, regular $1.45, special $1.00 Ladies' Silk Juokots, latest stylo coats 25 reduction from our regular prices. Wo have a few loft. Now is tho time (o buy Ladies' fa-t Black Hoso, all sizes, special only 07c Ladios' fiunnier Corsots, all sizes .... 19c pr Men's Negligee Shirts worth 50c, for this sale only -10c Men's IMackeoeks worth 10c, for thin Falo only 07c pr Boys Shirts, lijiht colors, for this ealo only ' 20c Boys dark striped Shirts, 2 in I good values, special 30j Calico, any pattern iii the houpo 10 yards for 50c Best grade Zephyr Ginghams 12o regular, special 10c Boy now and get the advantage of the special prices on the two days above mentioned THE FAIR Agents For McCalls Patterns Gray's Harbor Isyrups Commercial Co. We Don't Keep Everything Uut we do Keep n good lilg Ntock of nleo dry Flooring, Oiling, Jttmtic and KIiiIhIi. In all grades. AIhi ull klmlx of Dimension LuiiiUr, In cluding Lath and Hhliigle. Our stock of Doom, Win dows, Moulding, iiulldliiK and Tar Paper mid Apple Boxen la complete, and any one in need of Ltimlier will not l wrong hi plnclng their order with the s : : Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. Wi & C. R. Depot f Conrad Platzoeder f All kinds of Fresh Meats always on hand. Fine Bacon, Hams and Sausage. I Prices as low as the lowest i IIHIIIMIIIHIIMtm Lee's Lice Killer Insect powder and Poultry Supplies, also Hay, Graip and Feed. C F. Golesworthy 127 39 East Alia St. Monopole, Rock Candy, Red Star and White Rose in half gallotK, gallons, jackets and pails. HOT HOUSE VEGETABLES Lettuce Radishes Onions Celery THE Standard Grocery Court Street Low Sellers of Groceries Good Country Butter 30o to 40o per roll, Creamery Butter BOo per roll, Tillamook and California Cheese. MONOPOLE COFFEE Wo haviJuBtuddedanew delive ry wagon to our equipment and will mako prompt delivery to aujr part of the olty, D. KEHLER & SON The Big Store in a Small Room. A1U Street, Opposite Sayings Bask Th Eatt Oreoonlan It EiUrr Or- gon'a raprfttntatlv paptr. It load and tha paopla appreciate It and (how It by thtlr liberal patronaoa. It la Mm advertising medium of thla taction.