East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 27, 1903, Image 2

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27, 1903.
The Shield to Health
i Belfast Ifcesb
Lin-en . . .
Unexcelled for
Pit and
i BaerO Daley
Five Chinamen being smuggled In,
were captured nt Buffalo, N. Y.
A great protest Is going up against
the further Importation of Asiatic la
borers Into the Hawaiian Islands.
Dickinson county, Kansas, has had
two water spouts resulting In de
structive HnodB, within the past two
The nellance, the American yacht
which Is America's reliance to keep
the cup, is fitted out with English
made sails.
The Brotherhood of Railway Train
men In session at Denver, has voted
to Increase Its protection or strlko
emergency fund from $100,000 to
The first money put up on the re
Bult of the coming yacht race. Is
$1,500 to $1,000 In favor of the Reli
ance. The hot was promptly taken
by an agent of Sir Thomas Upton.
Frank Dlaku and Henry Hockzcma
have been arrested In Chicago. They
had a sot of keys that would unlock
every mall box In the city, nnd nre
believed to have stolen 25,000 letters
In the last eight months.
Olllcors of the district military
court have loft St. Petersburg for
Klshineff. As this Is the only tribu
nal that ran Inflict capital punish
ment, it is believed by many that the
government intends to make a real
effort to punish the murderers of the
International Arbitration.
Lako Mohonl;, N. Y., Muy 27. The
ninth nnnua. conference on Interna
tional arbitration opened here today
nnd will continue through the re
mainder of the week. John W. Fos
ter, ex-secrotary of state. Is the pre
siding officer, and among those who
will address the conference are Wil
liam L. Penfleld, who represented the
United States government before The
Hague court In the Plus Fund case;
Dr. B. F. Truoblood, of Boston, and F.
W. Holls, who was one of the repre
sentatives to The Hnguo Peace Con
ference. The considering of the Ven
ezuelan trouble at The Hague court
and other ovents of the pnst year arc
expected to make the present confer
ence unusually interesting.
The Dallos-Falls City railroad will
bo completed by June 1.
Alfred A. Ayn, a Japanese, is one of
tho 10 applicants seeking admission
to the Oregon liar, before the supreme
Presldont Iloosovelt shocked the
onemles of Governor Mcllrlde, nt Tn
roma Sunday, by complimenting the
governor In their presence.
Tho 33d company of roast artillery,
now nt Fort Canny, haB been ordered
transferred to Fort Columbia, in order
to improve the barracks at Canity.
Mrs. Ed Stapleton, of Granite, has
sued tho Monumental Mining Compa
ny for $2,500 damages, for i.ie death
if her husband, a miner, Inst Novem
ber. Bondsmeu of the late Police Judge
Nelson, of Astoria, havo paid $3,500
to tho city and the clntms against
them for Nelson's shortage are re
leased. All but two of tho Portland laun
dries havo resumed work. Tho em
ployes say thoy are now fairly well
hatUfied with the settlement, but give
no details.
Work on tho south extension of the
Columbia river jetty will begin at
once. When complete this Jetty will
be six and a half miles In length and
is to be finished by July 1. 1901.
The state Insane asylum anil pen
itentiary will use slab wood hereafter,
as cord wood haB become too high In
the vicinity of Sulom. Over 3,000
cords of slab wood have been ordered
lor tho two Institutions.
J, A. Mock, of Grant's Pass, who
Is supposed to have loft that place
on April 22, for his old homo In Iowa,
has nover been heard from and It Is
thought ho was murdered at Orant's
Pnss boforo he reachPd tho depot to
leave the city.
F. T. Wrlghtman. of Salem, has
been appointed corporate clork In the
office of secretary of Btnte, at Salem,
to succeed B. F. Glltnor, a brother-in-law
of George W. McBrldo. and who
haB held this position for the past 12
j ears.
A man named Leland, at Astoria,
cut up with a butcher knlfo and tore
Into shreds an entire trunkful of fine
wedding warmonts uolonglng to a wo
wan to whom he was engaged to bo
married Tuesday. He had furnished
money to buy the clothes, and then
tho woman had shaken him for a
A People's Palace.
As many as 20.000 persons have
beon admitted on one day to the Peo
ple's palace of Nicholas at St. Peters
burg, The cost of a ticket Is only
five cents, and It Includes admission
to tho theater aB woll as to the
grounds, libraries and lecture halls.
Hotel Pendleton.
W. C. Wltzel, Philadelphia.
W. H. Cohen. Arlington.
P. V. Dattn. Spokane.
W. B. Moore, Walla Walla.
ThonuiB Duncan nnd wife. Walla
H. M. Tomllnson, Portland.
N. A. Heath, Portland.
C. E. ltoosovolt, city.
C. J. Freeso, Hevlow.
W. .1. Bowon, Union.
A. J. Near, Spokane,
William Matter, Spokane.
C M. Smith, Spokane.
T. Donovan, l.a Grande.
Thomas A. l.umly, Portland.
G. W. Hunt. Portlnnd.
Mrs. O. Hunt. Portland.
G. Oaylord. Portland.
Jnmes H. ICoontz, Echo.
Mrs, James H. Knnntz, Echo.
Charles H. Miller, Echo.
G. Abbott, Echo.
B. A. Nonrl, Spokane.
Daynu Scott. Sioux Fnlls.
Mrs. Sylvin Knhn, l.a Grande.
.Mrs. D. W. Scott, Lower Falls.
Norman Scott, Lower Falls,
Owen Scott. Lower Falls.
H. T. Caswell. Portland.
L. B. Blumenthul. Chicago.
George Connor and family, North
Mrs, J Dodson, North Powder.
E. A. Connell. Philadelphia.
Edwin J. Burke, city.
C. W. Henderson, San Francisco.
W. B, Denver, Salt Ijiko.
Golden Rule Hotel.
P. A. Wor ..ingtou, Portland.
H. P, Tucl, Echo. j
Mrs. It. Wurd, Portland.
H. Wllklns. Portland.
C. B. Wllklns. Portlnnd. f
G. B. Duker, Mayvllle.
J. Larch, Clom.
H. B. Lurcnn, Glum. ' '
Susan Dohorty, Clem. ( '
Nora Doherty, Clom. "
J Iirch, Clom.
A. Fix. Clem.
T. H. Beathe, Westou.
W. L. Davis, Portland.
F. J. Berg. Walla Walla,
Miss Stongcr, Spokane.
Miss Brown, Spokane.
Miss Hinton, Spokane.
J. II. Lovy. Seattle.
H. S. Young, Tacoma.
Mrs, C. J. MuKenzIo, Milton.
Elsie Layton, city,
Doug Glenn, city,
C. L. Downer, Spokane.
W, II. Mclloborts, Spokane.
J. Kllllnn. Hunt's Junction,
W, D. Marks, Spokano.
C. Wllklns and wife, Arlington.
Mrs. E. Hammer, Denver.
J. D. Mclntyre, Donvor,
E. Hoon, Pasco.
E, M. Tomplo, city,
O. A. Simpson, city.
Cherries Dropping From Trees in
Wasco County No Grass In Many
Districts Rain Badly Needed.
Tho past week has beon unfavora
ble for crops. Up to the last two dnja
It was too cool and frequent frosis.
nrpiirred. Hlch winds wore also
prevalent, und the rainfall, except In j
tno coasi couiiuea 'u ""
lnmotte valley, has been scanty. In
this district there Is no ijreen g-as.s
to be found, except near tho melting
snow, high up In the mountains In
the coast counties and In the Willam
ette valley pasturage Is excellent, mil
the flow of milk In the dairy sections
is tho best In several years.
The frosts hnve done Rome Injury
to fruit, but It la too early to deter
mine the extent of the damage. Ap
ples have undoubtedly Buffered .o
quite an extent, nnd complnints of
cherries dropping are increasing.
Prunes and pears promise well nnd
strawberries and other small fruit
will likely give full crops.
Spring Bov.-n grain Is unuBiially
backward and the fall sown Is becom
ing quite weedy In the Columbia
river valley, where the cold drying
winds hnve retarded growth. More
rain Is needed In tills section, and
also in Southern Oregon, where tho
corn crop is turning yellow and mak
ing a slow growth. In the Willam
ette valley grain la thrifty and prom
ising. No improvement has beon not
ed in the conditions or hops; some
yards are promising, while others
present a poor appearance. Ilaln la
badly needed In the Grande Rondo
valley, and the crops there are unusu
ally backward, but may yet show up
well with ravorable weather condi
tions. Columbia River Valley.
The Dalles, Wasco rounty. O. D.
Taylor, Jr. Light rain Wednesday;
more needed; continued cool; cherries
dropping; only about half a crop
left; strawberry shipments heavy;
pear crop will be light; otnor fruits
full crop.
Wnsco, Sherman county, W. C.
Morehouse. Heavy winds from west;
grain prospects nre not flattering;
weather too cold for wheat to make
any progress; most farmers through
or almost through summer fallowing.
Arlington, Gilliam county, R H
Robinson. All crops growing finely;
weeds are smothering n small pot'ou
of the wheat, but good vnlns In June
will bring It out all right; all grains
backward, but healthy.
Douglas. .Morrow county, H. W. Grn
ble. Cold, with high winds; cups
backward; fruit all right; gardens
Blow In growing; stock looks woll.
Adams, Umntllla county, C. S. Fer
guson. Heavy frost Wednesday; dry
wind all i.ie week; all lender vegeta
tion badly killed; what harm It baa
done to growing grain ran not any;
nil fruit of tender nature Injured;
some apples, cherriea, plums and
prunes bndly hurt; potatoes, beans
and young corn frosted; need a good
warm rain.
Iowa Prohibitionists.
Marshalltown, lown. May 27. The
prohibitionists of Iowa are gathered
hero for n two days' convention at
which a full state ticket to bo voted
for this fall will bo named. During
tho last two years the party in Iowa
hns not grown in strength and Influ
ence In accordance with the promise
of former years and the convention
will lay plans for pursuing a vigorous
campaign throughout the state this
summer. The name of Captain K. W.
Brown, of Ames, Is prominently men
tioned In connection with the guber
natorial nomination,
Lots of Claims Like This But so Dif
ferent Local Proof Is What Pen
dleton People Want.
There are n great many of them.
Every paper has Its share.
Statements hard to believe, harder
to prove.
What people say in Florida.
Public expressions from California.
Oftimes good Indorsement there.
But of little service hero at home.
Pendleton people want local proof.
The sayings of neighbors, friends
and citizens,
Homo Indorsement counts.
It disarms the skeptic; is beyond
This is tho backing that stands be
hind ovory box of Doan's Kidney
Pills. Here Is a cuse of it:
S. 11. Baldwin, retired, of 709
Thompson street, Pendleton Ore.,
snys: "When I saw Doan's Kidney
Pills advertised, I desired to try them
nnd got a box nt tho Brock & McCom
as Co. drug store. They did mo a
world of good. My kidneys had both
ered mo off nnd on for 35 years, al
ways more severely after I had caught
cold. Thoro was not much backache,
but I was annoyed with n weakness
of the Uldnoys which disturbed my
rest several times each night. I got
Doan's Kldnoy Pills nt Brock & Mc
Comas' drug storo, and used seven
boxes In nil. Thoy corrected the
function of tho kldnoys and strength
ened my back as woll."
Fore sale by all doalors. Price CO
cents por box. Foster-Mllbum Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y., solo agents for the
Unltod States.
Remember tho name DOAN'S
and tako no othor.
Plateau Region.
Joseph. Wallowa county, R. A.
Shlnn.-Rnln needed; spring grain
looking well; late sown grain has
suffered some from high winds; nlfal
fa badly damaged ny cold weather
in winter; some fields will have to
be reseeded; prospects for fruit good;
apples and pears ready to bloom; gar
dens planted; lambing season about
over; where sheep were lambed on
top" the Increase seems to be some
what larger than where Inmblng was
done earlier.
Baker City. Baker county. W. C
MrOiilness. Woathrr cold, windy
und frosty; npples and pears havo
suffered, and It Is doubtful if there
will be hair the usual yield; grass
rr.rccly growing.
I.a Grande, Union county, W. K
Oekeler. Weather cold, dry and
windy; rain badly needed; slight
frost cm Wednesday night; summer
fallowing well along; erop-i mnklng
slow growth; pasture still slic-rt
The state health board Is now in
vestigating Portland's Chinatown,
with a view to condemning the entire
district as unannltnry.
ft 0 0 M -
Buggy and Hack Wheels at Cost.
See us for Wheat racks before
ordering elsewhere
WANTED-First-class Horseshoer
$3.00 per day steady.
Missouri Blacksmith
Shop. West Webb St.
Is an especial feature of our
store. We realize our re
spoiiMlil'ty nnd are verv
particular in every detail,
using onl the best and
purest drucs. It matters
not what phvstcian writes
your prescriptions they will
be compounded by a com
petent, reliable pharmacist
when presented Iitc and at
prices, that are always reasonable.
F. W. Schmidt's
The Reliable Druggist
Usually a 5 cent Cigar is
Commonplace, but the
Parrot Cigar
Assumes the Individuality
of a Poetic Thought
in Tobacco.
" Jast Try a
5 cents
Sole distributors
Portland, Or.
n j. .
Steam Laundi
We have just opened
ly equipped laundry L"S
Street 1I1SI Met L 1"
gonian Building, We
"u nrst cass
puces and give us a ,
make special rates to a ,
Phone us and v,cw,ll call foT'.
laundry. Don't send yi'
to Chinese wash houSes,vh '0'
wo.. b UUIle DeUer ,
less wear at nur
none but white help are emp'
Stephens & i..
x iiunu mum nui
By the Fire Insurance
panics we represent.
r - I11SI m
Hartford Fire Insurance Co flj
Alliance Assurance Co... . aj
London & Lancashire Fin-
Insurance Co i
North British & Merwntlk
twjw xunuraui'U A)
Jast Received
We have just received a large shipment of goods from the EaJ
We made a pood buy on this lot, This means bargains fur cl
customers Our new shipment embraces fine screens, via
pockets, easels, coat and hat racks, toilet cases, toot stooil
and medicine cases. Our new line ot steins is very attracinl
Call and examine our goods.
Joseph Easier
IVwtofiict: IllocL
I'll out' MnitiHji
Engine, Boiler and Machinery
Of all kinds is our specialty. All
work guaranteed.
Extra Parts Furnished for all Kinds
of llarvestiiiir Machinery.
Manufacturer of
709 East Alta Street.
Baltezore & Howe's Old Stand.
of suffering from Indigestion if you
cat what you want, or of starving
yourself to avoid such distress!
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets taken after
eating will digest your food perfectly
and free you from nil the disagreeable
symptoms of Indigestion and Dyspep
sia. Eat what you like nt any time,
and take an Acker Tablet ntterward.
Positively guaranteed. Tour money
will always he refunded If yon
arc not satisfied. Write to us for n
free sample. W, H. Hooker & Co.,
Buffalo. N. Y.
The Grand Trunk Gold Hi)
Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Mining District.
Is located upon the GREAT MOTHER
LODE system of veins and has for neigh
bors on that vein such well known
mines as the NORTH POLE valued at
$10,000,000. The COLUMBIA valued at
$5,000,000. GOLCONDA valued at$3,
BELLE BAKER mine valued at $5oo,
000. THE BALD MOUNTAIN valued at
$5oo,ooo. THE IBEX valued at $400,
ooo, and many others.
The Grand Trunk Gold Mining; and Mil
Owns Its Property Consisting of 160 Acres cf RIchQold Bearltv1
It lite r r inili.litnilnut- n( inn li o r!l r t ff
It has a conservative mining and business nianagcme j
it is otienng 50,000 snares ot stocK at 15c y'
It u.;n i,n, ,i:.. :.!,) ;n clmrl time.
It will pay you to write us for full particulars and w1
careiui investigation oi its merits.
It has the indorsement of mining men, business men
bankers of Eastern Oregon.
Write us today and let us post you. '
that gets your lungs sore and weak
and paves tho way for Pneumonia or
Consumption, or both. Acker's Eng
lish Remedy will atop the cough In a
day and heal your lungs. It will cure
Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis,
and all throat and lung troubles. Pos
itively guaranteed, and money refund
ed If you are not satisfied. Write to
us for free sample. W. H. Hooker &
Co., Buffalo, N. Y. F. W. Schmidt ft
Co., drueglBts.
H. S. McCailtim & Company,
Minors, Brokers and Flnanoial Agents,
Or R. S. BRYS0N. Local Agent, Pandleton, Oregon-
rnr Ai.i,. m:: 1 o rvpiron. Gold Mil
ww, ,ii,vhij tinning lCllGIb UIJ iJUWipn-M
District free 011 Application.
rnae ol Umatilla. Made at home. A. Knuvp.