East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 26, 1903, Image 8

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One of the largest shipments of the
year has just nrrrlved and we now
have a complete line of the latest
and most Up-to-date Footwear in
town. Fine Kid patent tip, Fitan
Calf, dull finish, Pateut Corona
Calf In all the latest shapes with
French, Military or Cuban heel,
the prices range from
$1.50 to $4.00
TWndincer. Wilson & Co
Phone Main 1181
Good Shoes Cheap
Mrs. E. B. Parent, of Eureka, is vis
itlnc in the city.
Alex Mcltae is in Athena today at
tpnillnir the nicnlc.
Frank Merriman, of Heppncr, Is in
the city on business.
I. h. Ray is in Atliona today, aB a
loyal statesman snouiu ue.
n n TpoI and J. H. Koontz, of
Echo, are in the city today.
J. McNaughton, of Elgin, is trans
actlne business in tno city loaaj.
MIbs J. Lee, of Pilot Uock, is the
guest of friends hero tins weoK.
L W. Damon, of La Grande, is a
business visitor In I'enaloton toimy,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Nelson, of Athe-
nn. nro the miests of tno uoiuon
Mrs. L. E. Walker, of Athena, is
visiting Pendleton friends for a Bhort
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Ness, of Wal
lace. Idaho, are visiting Pendleton
Robert Lnng Is at Athena today,
mingling with Ills kinsfolk, the Cale
Miss M. McCrackon, of Pilot Rock,
is stopping In the city for a short visit
with friends.
C. R. Dutton, manngcr of the Leh
man Springs resort, Is In tne city
buying supplies.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Privett and
family arc at Athena today in attend
ance on the picnic.
Miss Eva Switzlor, of Walla Walla
arrived In the city last evening, to
visit MIbb Maulo Nyo for a few days
Mr. H. Stewart, accompanied by
his wife and family, went to Athena
this morning, where they will help
celebrate at the Caledonian picnic to
Q. W. Proebstel and bride, of Wes-
ton, arrived in La Grande Saturday
on a short visit with relatives, boing
tno gueBts of William Proeustel and
family. La Grand Chronicle.
F. & S. Bitters
The great System Tonic.
The remedy that is so
popular because of its
real murit. Now is the
time to take F. & S. Bit
ters and tone up your sys
tem. One bottle is equal
to a month's recreation.
Manufactured by
Telephone Main 4
Work Must Be Completed by Novem
ber or Forfeit Ensues.
Tho contract for the construction
of tho new sower haB been signed by
tho J. H. Sutherland company and
they will commence work on or be
fore the first of June.
By tho torms of the contract the
work is to bo finished by tho first day
of Novonibcr and In case tho company
docs not finish it by that time a for
feit of $25 for each additional day
will bo demanded by tno city.
Another stipulation of tho contract
is' that preference snail no snown
Pendleton labor whenever anu wner
ever nosslble.
Tho comnany is now busy gather
Ing together its material and in a few
days the work will bo actually begun.
A Friend's Mistake Causes Mrs. David
Ingram No End of Trouble.
Mrs. David Ingram, of Birch creek,
had nn unpleasant experience yes
terday. She left Pendleton on tho
morning train for Milton, whore she
expects to visit her uncle, K. T. iuot
ley. for a few days. The train stop
pod at Biggs, a warehouse and water
tank, several miles this side of Mil
ton and a friend who was with her
remarkod that they had reached Mil
ton and offered to help her oft the
tialn with her two children and grips,
Tho train pulled out nnd left her
on a platform at a desolato wator
tank. Mr. Ingram, who is pressman
for tho East Oregonlan, learned ot
the matter from a friend who was on
the train, and saw the mistake that
had been made, and informed him of
It this morning on his return rrom
Walla Walla.
Mr. Ingram immediately 'phoned to
Milton and had a team 3cir to hunt
up Ills wife, nnd she arrived at her
destination this afternoon.
No blame Is nttached to the tram
crow, as they did not holp irs. Ing
ram off tho train and know nothing
of the occurrence until Informed to
Sale of the Skee Farm.
Ilcrtha L. Skee and James Skee,
her husband, have sold to Jennie W.
Glllls for ?9,000, tho east half of the
southwest qunrter; tho cast half of
lot 1 of the northwest quarter, and
tho enst half of lot 2 of tho northwest
quarter of sections 3 in township 5
north of range 35 cast, containing 160
acres, oxcont a right of way held by
tnq O. R. & N. Tho gTantors further
convey all water rights acquired by
them for irrigation and anotnor small
tract of land lying along tho Blalock
Class Day Exercises.
The class day exercises of Pendle
ton Acadomy will be Held in tne
chapel Thursday afternoon at 2
o clock.
Women Strongly,
to Tnko Doctor
Tierce's Favorite
This advice comes
from a woman who had
suffered all the miseries
women can suffer from
disease, and had been
perfectly and perma
nently cured by the use
of Dr. Pierce's Favorite
This great medicine
for women establishes
regularity, dries weak
ening drains, heals in
flammation and ulcera
tion and cures female
Read Mrs. Kempson's
letter nnd, If you are
sick, follow her advice.
"Although It has been nulte a time since
I wrote you.1 nays Mrs. Fred Kerapson.of
nmria, uuiAuaie wo jmcn., uox 37,
"till your lunie is n blessingln our house,
anil I think it my duty to let you know
ttut I am still enjoying ttooa health,
thanks to you aud your Favorite Pre
scription. When I think how I was live
years ago, and then see how I am now, I
say, God bless Dr. Pierce's works, and
may he live long to help poor suffering
women. I have never had any return of
my weakness and am well and hearty.
Can do all my own work without any
paiu. Yoa saved me from the grave when
all others railed. I advise suffering women
strongly, to take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre.
scription, aa I know it will cure in all
cases, if indeed there Is a cure,"
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are
an excellent laxative, suited to the
use of delicate women.
The genuine, the bicycle
which is the undisputed
leader, is handled in Pen
dleton only by us. Come
in and see the Racycle.
Committee on Music for the Fourth
of July Makes a Master Stroke
There Will Be a Liberal and Very
Attractive Prize List.
By the call of President Alexander,
the Progress Club will meet Wednes
day evening at 8 o'clock in the conn
ell chambor, for tho furtherance of
tho Fourtli of July colobratlon. At
this time It Is Mr. Alexander's wish
that all of the committees have their
reports ready for submission. The
time has now como when it Is neces
sary to begin to rush the work in
every department If tho colobratlon
is to be a success, and it Is the wish
of those behind the movement to rush
tho work.
During tho time of President Alex-
nndor s absonce In Portland, the com
mlttecs have not been Idle.
Colored Band From Fort Walla Walla
Tho music committee, of which C.
C. Sharp is the chairman, has secur
ed tho colored hand of the Ninth TJ. S,
Cavalry at Fort Walln Walla, to fur
nlsh music for the day. This band
Is an aggregation of musicians from
the first cometlst to the base drum
mcr, and will give Pendleton an op-
portunlty to hear band music of n
high order.
The other committees have also
been nt work. The committee on the
comfort of tne people have been dili
gent in their efforts to provide means
for the hniulling ot the great crowd
expected here and hnve about com
pleted arrangements for tho seating
of the multitude and other matters
which will come before tho meeting
tomorrow night.
Will Be List of Events and Prizes.
Lists of events are in course of
construction, lists of prizes are being
considered and nfter a definite con
elusion has oeen renched at the meet
Ing, arrangements for the coiebrt .i-"
will be prepared in detail and tho
work rushed to a successful conclu
slon. Tho club is determined to have
tho banner celebration of Eastern Or
egon, nnd witli the help and co-oner-ntion
of the people will put up an on
tertalnmont that will linger long In
tne minus or tnoso attending,
Program Will Be Rendered Tomorrow
Afternoon at High School Grounds.
Tomorrow is class day In Pendleton
high school and the interesting pro
gram for tho occasion will lie render
ed on the high scnool grounds, begin
ning at 2:30.
Following is tho program:
Opening address, Olin Arnsplegor.
"History," Iter Neil.
"Statistics," Mary Rothrnck.
"Admonition to the Juniors," Mae
Response, Fred Hartman.
Address on the consignment of tho
rock monument to tho earth, Robert
Closing, Olin Amspoiger.
Tho music for the occasion will ho
furnished hy the Jimiym
Tlio nubile is cordially invited to at
tend all these exercises.
Tho teachers and members of the
high school dosorvo great credit for
the work of tho past yenr and Pen
dleton people Bhottld show due ap
preciation of it by lending their pres
ence and thoir encouragement In tho
closing exercises.
Those Suitable Are Held at Too High
a Figure for the Government.
First Lieutenant W. Calvert, of tho
Second Cavalry at Walla Walla, was
in tho city yestordny in search ot
government horses for tho cavalry
service. Tho Pondloton market had
110 horses at government rates. Lieu
tenant Caivort went on to Echo this
morning, whore n band Is held under
contract for tho government at ?117
per head.
It is almost impossible to cut
horses for tho cavalry service at tho
present time, as tho maruct is very
scant; besides, thoso holding horses
ask for them a price In advanco ot
their worth to the government.
Persecuted Hebrews Coming to the
United States.
Now York. Mny 26. Four hundred
Jewish refugees from Russln arrived
today on tho Vadoriand from Ant
Bit Court
Judge Cameron at Athena.
Judge Camoron. of Portland, ac.
companled hy his family, was a Pen
dleton visitor for a short timo today,
en routo to Athona, whore the Judgo
will bo ono ot tho chief Caledonians
at tho two-days' picnic.
Eminent Scholar Passes Away.
St. Louis, May 20. Dr. Solln Pea
body, tho distinguished educator and
locturor nnd formor president of the
University of Illinois, nnd asslsstant
director of exhibits at tho World's
Fair, died this morning of apoplexy,
aged C4.
On Monday ovonlng, May 25, 1003,
at tho family home, C16 Garfield
streot, to tho wlfo of Harry S. Dlxby,
a son.
Mrs. R. R. Bradshaw, of
(hithrie, Okla., cured of a severe
case by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
A (jrcat manv women Buffer with a
form of Indirection or dyspepsia which
does not seem to yield to ordinary
medical treatment. While the symp
toms hcera to bo Blmilnr to those o!
ordinary indigestion, yet the medi
cines universally prescribed do not
seem to restore tho patient s normal
condition. . ,
Mrs. riukhntn claims that there
is a, kind of dyspepsia that s rnufed
bv derangement of tho female organ
ism, and which, while it causes dis
turbance similar to ordinary indiges
tion, cannot bo relieved without a
mcdicino which not only nets as a
stomach tonic, but has peculiar uterine
tonlo effects us well.
Tliounnntls of testimonial let
ters provo hpyoncl question that
nothliifrwlll relievo this tlistres'.
Inir condition so surely lis lvain
E. Pinklitiin's Veprctnblo Com
pound. It always works In har
mony with tho female system.
Sirs. IMnl:lmm ncMsos sick
women free. Address Lynn, Muss.
.Miss Elizabeth E. Brant, sister of
Captain L. B. Brant, of tho United
Stntos army, was married at Cavito,
in Cavito Province, Philippine
Islands, on April C, to Captain Pat
rick C. Bruin, of tho United States
army. Miss Brant is n sister of Mrs.
Thomas Htz Gerald, of this city, and
visited here for some time last sum
mer. She made many warm friends
In Pendleton, who send their best
wishes to her, in her far away home.
Her brother, Captain Brant, nnd her
husband, Captain Bruin, aro stationed
permanently in the Philippines.
Shearing Machines Start.
The sheep shearing plant located 10
miles southeast of Baker City on the
road to Pleasant Valley, commenced
operations this morning. Between
CO.OOO and 75,000 head of sheep are
ready for the process and it will re
quire a month's time to finish.
Victims in a Critical Condition.
Paris, Mny 20. Several victims of
the nutomoblle accident are still in
a precarious condition. Mr. Barrow
has a high fever and his recovery is
doubtful. Renault is still nllve, but
ins condition Is critical.
Water tahkJJ
We make a Specialty of Building Round
or square
We make them right and the)
always give satisfaction Our
work is never slighted or botched
Pendleton Planing Mill
and Lumber Yard.
Rouekt Fokstkk, Prop.
Is alwavs received wh en vntt
place your order with us.
Fir. Tamarack and
VVllV buv poor coal when von
can get the best lor the same
Laatz Bros.
Telephone Main 51
The St. Joe Stor
We Propose to make this week the Greats
Sales week we have had since losating in Penleton
i r iff 1W, T3i it
j yyc win itcw& nw mat
; Astonish the Natives
, .
i L,yu.i5 mci canine MJinnam
j A Safety Propositi
We ask our Customers to call and take home cne ol
the REAL Safety Razors
Use It TWO WREKS and at the end of that tlme-lt
with It-bring it back. If, on the other hand, You knnwltUjfi
A 14- ft- ... r V"L-
you wnni iu n., ihch vay ua 3.uo tor It nnd
go tell your friends vhere you got it.
W. J. CLARKE & Co. 2ii Court
Of ooi Great Wash Goods, Shitt
Waist, Stilt and Shirt Waist
Saturday was our Buisest day of the Season
and man)' of the gocd things were carried
off, but there is still a very fine assortment
of our Sale Goods.
Our Shirt Waists An
The Finest in The Cit
We Are Still Selling Embroider
ies at Our Usual Redaction : :
The Underwood Typewriter Is
best machine on the Barjej.
1,1 rmnAo cf ltlHfl (1. ball I
ing, visable typewriter and it
the tabnlator on the macMM
will put it on trial agains i ail
nhinn nn tho market. Call aid
amine my sample.
741 Main Street, Pendleton, I
- vMkCRf..ld
mmn guaranteed coitfTRuttion
Finest line of Co hes and Extension Tables in Eastern Orj
. 2XDE-
MAIN AND WEBB STREETS. Undertaking Parlors in
1 wVJVo