East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 26, 1903, Image 5

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    S'. ' n .1
" " 1 " - WORK OF PICKPOCKETS. H 111.11 mMIMUtll HUM
A Real Bargain
Week in Boys' Suits
nine Tuesday and continuing all week we will
B.eg'n Bonifidu discount of 20 percent from our regu.
B'VeVc on every boys and childs suit in the housn.
jjjls a chance to save some money.
55 00 suits less" 20 per cent $4.00
$4 00 suits less 20 per cent 3.20
fi'oo suits less 20 per cent 2.40
2co suits less 20 per cent 2.00
j I "75 suits less 20 per cent 1.4o
Rear of Dry Goods Department
Corner Main and Alta Streets.
City Briefs
T ' I
-.,1,, matB at Houser's.
to Sharp for paper hanging.
ITS The Delta's iced drinks.
Est fhce work at Teutsch's.
Midous ice cream, The Delta.
UJies- half soles 40c. Teutsch.
Gft your spring suits at Joerger's.
Nice furnished rooms to rent at
JOS Court street.
AH kinds of imported and domestic
taches at Gratz's.
Hjs' cigar store, headquarters for
itoters' supplies.
list received a new line of Jap
met hats, at Campbell's.
Forty different styles of extension
uMes from 5 to $30. Rader's.
E Sldelo," the best cigar made, at
lt cigar store. Court street.
Tort always in sight on the Under
wood typewriter. J. S. Kees, agent.
iviwt hmlnpsc fnr snip. Main street.
Wn Alta and Court. See E. T.
, Wanted Girl to take care of child.
Step home. Apply Mrs. Baker, 1208
tut Webb street.
"fee hundred and sixty acres. Half
uiic oi uui mass win
"easy picking" (or June
". The stock is new and
-tsh designs many an beautiful
w our prices wilt surprise you.
Is 13
important branch of our
wsiness w Ar. i :.
Castle's for fresh fish.
Smokers' supplies at Neuman's.
Sec Sharp's artistic wall paper.
Dining tables $5 and up. Rader's.
Pecan Sundae. Schmidt's pharmacy.
Fresh strawberries dally. Hawley
Geduey's Queen olives. Hawley
Delicious strawberries. Hawley
Store for rent, inquire of Chris
Have your shoes repaired at
Wanted Ironers. Apply Pendleton
Steam Laundry.
For alfalfa hay, see G. W. Rlgby,
704 Thompson street.
Try the Palm, 221 Court street,
for nuts, candies and fruits.
$4.45 and $4.85 for two styles fold
ing go-carts. Strongly made. Nolf's.
Fresh strawberries. Oliver & Co.
Seeds, package and bulk. Hawley
22 Btyles new paper napkins, extra
fine line tissue and crepe paper.
Camas Prairie stock ranches, ICO to
1,000 acres. Prices right. E. T.
Hanlon's cigar store, headquarters
for smokers' supplies. Association
Blacksmith shop in Pendleton for
sale. See Earnhart, Association
We call attention to the Owl Tea
House "Throw 'em out" sale. It will
bear looking Into.
For Sale The Delta candy store.
Doing a fine business. Owner in
floor health. E. T. Wade.
For Rent Suite of rooms, nicely
furnished, one block and a half west
of Main street. Inquire 208 Alta.
Houser always furnishes good
meat Send in your order. Market
Alta street, opposite Savings Bank.
Hazelwood ice cream bricks at
Ward's. Three flavors vanllu, straw
berry and chocolate. Price 50 cents.
Fatality at Walla Walla.
A blacksmith named Olson, of
Touchet. waB killed at Walla Walla
yesterday In a collision with a team.
Olson was passing down the street
ou a bicycle, and in meeting a team,
in the crowded street, he made a mis
take in dodging and was run down.
His skull was broken and he died in
the hospital about two hours after
the accident,
Another Game for Pendleton.
The morning game at Walla Walla
yesterday was won by Pendleton on
a score of 8 to 7 and Walla Walla won
the evening game 4 to 3.
Vssect Powder
II ioc package
H ' in bulk
Pickpocket Touched Two Well
Known Pendleton Men.
Many a man who went to Walla
Walla yesterday came homo with
lighter pockets, some from legltlmato
expenditures and some through the
efforts of a horde of pickpocKcts who
infested the city. Two Pendleton
men at least, were ca.. upon to con
tribute to the case and luxury ot the
light-fingered gentry,, and from one
of them the robbers got a tidy sum,
from the other a gnmpso or what
might bo.
P. P Rounds, tho mechanical fore
man at tho O. R. & N. roundhouse,
and James McCloud, of Webb and
Thompson streets, were both passen
gers on tho excursion to see uio pres
ident, and while theso men wore
standing with open eyes and ears,
watching and listening to tho na
tion's chief, Mr. Rounds yielded up
his annual pass over tho O. R. & N.
system, and $70 in good coin of the
realm, while Mr. McCloud contrlbuteu
a $300 check, tho payment ot which
he stopped as soon as ho discovered
his loss.
From the accounts given by Mr.
Rounds the thieves must have reap
ed a harvest, for tno gentleman saw
14 pocketbooks all ripped open; lying
,in an alley. Ho thought at first ho
had lost his money and commenced
to search for it, but when he saw
tho purses scattered about he gave
up and accepted his loss.
Big Seventh in Kansas Will Probably
bly Go Republican,
Topeka, Kas., May 2C Under gen
erally fair weather conditions today
tho successor to Congressman, now
Senator Long, is being chosen. Vic
tor Murdock, a republican editor,
will probably bo elected.
International Telegraphers.
London, May 20. Tho Internation
al Telegraphic Conference met today
with 100 delegates, representing ail
the leading countries present. Gen
eral Greely Is the one American representative.
Boy Wanted.
A boy from 14 to 17 years of age
wanted to work In the East Oregon
Ian office.
Had Charge of the Excursion.
M. J. Buckley, tho assistant super
intendent of the Oregon Railway &
Navigation Company, Is in the city
today. Mr. Buckley went along with
the excursion yesterday and had the
matter under his immediate charge.
Tuesday May 20, at 3 o'clock in the
afternoon, at the office of the city re
corder, Frank Parr and Martha
Payne were united in marriage by
Justice Thomas Fitz Gerald. The
principals reside near the agency.
Chancellor Maloney's Record.
Local club men have been feeling
mighty chesty over their bowling rec
ords, but It remained for our esteem
ed grand chancellor of Pythlandom,
J. W. Maloney. of Pendleton, to re
duce this morbid exultation to the
proportions of a trio of ten cent
pieces, which he gracefully accom
plished last evening. Mr. Maloney
ran up a score of 70 just to let those
present know that he was In the
cocked-hat class. Eugene Register.
Chloride of
- -IHJC Iff
1 A
wine itc
J5C cans
fjkUos Dis-
iMor but
Tr t
Castile Soap
toccake, 3 cks.
25c pure im
ported kind
The cleanest and moot careful house
wives are often artllcted with the
trouble and discomfort of bed buirs.
The thing to do when they are dis
covered U not to waste a minute but
procure a good reliable bug destroyer
aud go at them at once.
liquid and caaiea the pe.u out o( every
crack and place whore they can bide and
ca-rr deitructlo 1 with It. Non-nolsonoui
to human bt,infl but denth to all Terrain.
Zjo lor a large bottio wlta prlukler top
ready to ute
Koeppens Drug Store
You win nerer know what pure Ice cream
1. until vmi twmira
Furniture T
Polish, 25c T
bottle the best T
you ever had
Pinenut cream f
for the com-
plexion 25c 4.
all sizes
Pure cream
tartar 15c pkg.
Ice Crean t
Nugget ioc T
a dellcloui dMi rf
Ice cream and
nut dreulng
Notice to Builders.
Sealed bids will be received at the
office of T. F, Howard, architect,
room seventeen Judd block, up to
three o'clock p. m.. of May 16th, 1903,
for the erection and completion of n
two-story brick building, according
to plans prepared for the same by T.
F Howard, architect. Stone founda
tion and cement work reserved. Tho
right Is reserved to reject any and all
bids for the work.
May Cth, 1903.
Captain Martin Property Sold.
The well-known residence proper
ay located at the corner of East Webb
and Thompson streets formerly own
ed by Captain .Martin, now occupied
by Mrs, Mays, was so. today by E.
T. Wade to Mrs. Elvira Teel, of Echo,
for $3,000. Mrs. Mays will still oc
cupy the property with her boarding
For Sale.
Three-quarter sections of good
wheat land, of which one-half is In
grain, and all lies five miles north
east of the city. A dwelling, two
barns and other outbuildings, and a
good water system. Call at Oliver
& Co.'s grocery, or at the home of .
W. Rlgby, 704 Thompson street.
f, uelcale to Be Given.
A musicale will he given on Tiies
day evening, Juno 2, at tne Christian
church, by the music class Mrs.
H. W. Marston, under her direction.
'' White Mercerized Oxford", 3i
:; inchse wide, 25c qualities
Coat & Pants
For Summer Wear
Wash Shirts t
Large Variety J
Ages 3 to 10 years X
We've been to see the President and are glad we went.
Saw the largest crowd of good natured people we've
seen in many a day and they all seemed glad they were
there, God speed the parting guest and now once
more to business.
I White Pique firm quality 25 cent
I Good qualities Gingham 10c, now
6 l-4c
Lace Striped
ioc values ...
!i2ic values
25c values ..
.. 8c
French Ginghams, one line 25c
White Dotted Swiss
25c qualities i9c
33$c qualities 25c
50c qualities 35c
Silk Ginghams, 32 inches wide,
35c grades
New Arrivals
By Express today
Chataline Bogs, with chains 5oc
Shirt Waist Sets 25c to 50c
Belt Pins, very latest 15c to 50c
Childrens Slippers
Red, twin strap sandals 60c
Black kid, fancy strap sandals 60c
Patent Lea, Sandals 75c
Court ties $l.oo to $1.23
T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 I 1 1 1 1 1 I l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I H I '
New Arrivals
The Nolf Stove
13686 American Flags
2265 Hormonlcs
168 Fine Quality Base Balls
18780 Sheets TlBsue Paper
1345 Rolls Crepe Paper
Buying in large lots, we certain
ly can make you some interesting
Stock Cattle for Sale.
Have for sale 50 head of cows 25
calves by side; 10 2-year-old heifers,
and 15 yeaillng heifers.
Attention Sheepmen.
I can furnish flue range on the
Grande Jlonde river, 20 miles from
Elgin: laud owned by private parties.
Address Hox 44, La Grande, Or,
Members of Daphne Circle am re
nuested to attend the meeting of
Wedresday evening. May 27, In full
force, on account of the election of
3 Rolls Galloways Medi- OCr
cated Toilet Faper ... uxjj
250 Size 5 Enve
lopes for
. Alwy think of this store an the one
most likely have what you want.
We'll get it If It's to he had.
The IStott Stof e
Lee's Lice Killer
Insect powder and Poultry
Supplies, also Hay, Grain
and Feed.
C F. Golesworthy
127 129 East Alta St.
Going to
Repair your homes or places
of business by having them paint
ed pr papered.
to ss
Large and nicely selected
stock of wall paper and paints.
E. J. Mtirphy,
til Court Street.
Agency for the SherwlnWil
liams Paint.
One of the finest residences In
Pendleton U rooms all modern Im
provements; pretty lawn; complete
$6,500. 12,500 down, balance on time.
Another residence 7 room, with
bath, sewerage, electric lights; pretty
lawn, shade trees, within three blocks
of Main street, 2,500.
Other Iiouicb and lots from J COO to
1 Nice residence lots, 1150, '50 and
I Much Other Town Property, and
I Ranches.
That's the Shoe!
Easy Terme, Where Oeilred,
! C. D. BOYD. Ill Court Street
Heard Doagiai
All men who wear it, praise it,
"It's a beauty." "It fits."
"It wears."
And other commendatory phrase
express the fact that ournew J3.C
DOUGLAS SHOE is the shoe
the hour.
Boston Ston
Custom Made
Shoes to Fit
S2.50 to 54
Cor. Court and Main t.
JuaM Moob