Hold this meeting at Baker City. Wake up tho state executive commit tee and have a date set Advertise the meeting and save Eastern Ore gon from tho humiliation of having abandoned her first opportunity to demonstrate her possibilities of irri gation. The first wool sales of the season In Eastern Oregon will take place in this city on May 28-29 and tho wool- The Bugle Call for All Smokers- I'uullnliwl every afternoon (except Similar) at I'cndleton, Oregon, by tbe EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. 1'lione. Mnln 11. sunscuiiTinx RATR8. s.i.nn Dally, ne year by mall . . Dally, Mr months by mall Dally, three months by mall I:illV. one month tr mall ... 2.no . . . l.sn . . . .rid . . . ,m Dally, per month by carrier Weekly, one year by mall 1.B0 Icml-Weekly. one year by man Tho Kant Oregonlan U on aale at It. 11. illrh'a Ncwn Standi nt Hotel Portland and Ilotcl l'erklns. rortlaml, Oreson. Ansocla- i Member Hon. Scrlppil' Ilac News ins Fourth Su Kan Kranelnco Ilureatt riilrasn Ilnrenn. !00 Security Iinllillng. Washington. I). C. Ilureau, "01 14th St., X. w. nntm-.d nt Pendleton postofllce as M-cnnil- i class matter. The man Is a poor American who falls to see that there aro two qualities, two characteris tics equally base; the charac teristic of arrogance toward those who are less well off and the characteristic of rancor and envy toward those who are bet ter oft. The most dangerous citizen in the country Is the man who would strive to persuade any set of our people that It Is to their Interest to mishandle any other set of our people. The rich man can he helped permanently only If the condi tions nre such that tho wage worker is well off. Wo Bhall make our govern ment what it is to be and will be only when we hunt uown the scoundrel who succeeds as mer cilessly as wo hunt down the scoundrel who falls. Theodore Roosevelt at Salem. IS IRRIGATION A FAILURE? The semi-annual meeting of the State Irrigation Association, which was to have been held in Baker City some time in June, will not be held on account of a lack of interest. The state secretary has written the local committee at Baker City that the convention might he aban doned If the Interest was not suffi cient to Insure a good meeting. Oregon began hor irrigation cam paign last November with a nourish of trumpets, and within eight months after the outpour of enthusiasm which deluged tho state convention, the first scheduled meeting of the state association goes by default for lack of Interest. Government engineers are now in the state hunting the hills over for Irrigation plans. The fund of $1,000, '0 which Is uue Oregon from the gov ernment, lies Idle In tho treasury, the arid belt is still on the map, the snow from millions of acres of forest area still goes to waste, anil yet tho sub ject of Irrigation Is dying In Oregon for lack of interest. Every Eastern Oregon county has a local Irrigation association, which -would send dolegates and this semi annual meeting nt Baker City, was plannod for tho special purpose of In viting the government's excrts to an Irrigated district In the irrigating season, so they might know by actual observations tho results and the pos sibilities in Eastern Oregon. It was to bo an object lesson In Oregon Irri gation, and now that crops are grow ing and Providence Is smiling upon the blossoming orchards and waving fields, tho keen edge on the subject of irrigation Is blunted and the lrrlRn tlonist forgets his mission. Other states which aro watching Oregon will decide that her Irrigation talk is mostly pastime. People who aro looking for results will turn else where, Peoplo who are looking for homes will not be attracted by tho lethargy which seems to deaden tho enthusiasm and tie the tongues of Oregon lrrigationlsts, In the summer season. Eastern Oregon should nut disap point her neighbors and follow-lrrlga-tlonlsts in the West Sho should hold this meeting and it should have a rep resentative from every Irrigation as sociation in tho arid counties. She should not halt in the midst of the good work, The government has sent men to Investigate her possibilities and upon her activity and interest will largoly depend the government's work In this state. If she lags and loses interest can sho complain If the government with draws Us surveyors, engineers and experts to more .encouraging fields? Can sho blame 'any but herself, If the high ideal llxed at the Portland con vention Is not attained?. growers aro highly encouraged with I the prospect for good prices. Tho I price of wool Is climbing slowly In all j tho principal markets of the West. At Bolso City, last week, 15 cents wns refused by tne owner oi a cup amounting to 500.000 pounds, while, J the largest single woolgrowcrs In tho , West, sold his crop of C00.000 I pounds, at a little better man lo cents, In Southern Idaho. The great shortage occasioned by the awful loss of sheep In the Montana blizzard, last ' ! week, has given a briskness to the . ' market, which promises the wool men j , a slight return, for the outrageous ad- j ! ' vnnce In salt. The members of tho 1 ! wool pool must remember that the J i ; loss of one million sheep in Montana I i .. . H,I t Mm t,.nnl mnvl.-nt 1 Jlll-uua nwumnuMf, it, .hi. " "' ....... v ' and prices will bo regulated to a large ! extent by this misfortune, i 1 jax OTtell, the noted French auth- 1 i or, is dead. In later journalistic cir- I clcs no other writer has done so much j as OTtol) to portray the Inside of , American social life. His letters on j American women have attracted wide , ' attention on account of their genu- , j lno humor, and delightful character I j painting, ms place in the Sunday I i TipwRimnnri of the ilav will be hard to fill. Ills letters ranked favorably with thoso of Ella Wheeler Wilcox in i I the portrayal of life and sentiment. The committees appointed by the Progress Club to make arrangements for tho Fourth of July celebration all report the most satisfactory results. Tho city will bo beautifully decorat ed, nmple shade, scats, ice water and other conveniences will be furnished for the people and Pendleton assures ( her visitors that their comfort and j entertainment will be maae matters of special attention by the commit- tees in charge and the people of I Pendleton In general. Pendleton Is soon to elect two school directors and the matter is of much Importance to the patrons of the public school. In electing men (or women) to this poorly paid, though important positon, care must be taken to select those who are I known to be Btrong believers In the public school system. The school question that confronts the distrct will admit of no luke-warm members on the board. Next year should see at least twen ty graduates from the renoieton pun lie schools, as many from the Acad emy and Business College. Pendleton la a city of 0,000 souls; she has over 1,000 children of school age and there should lie one hundred gradu ates from her educational Institu tions each year. The money that is sent to Portland will buy just as good an education at home nnd It should lie kept here. Thomas A. Edison lias been called back from his wonder world of sci ence to the prosaic earth by a com mon, every-day strike among his em-1 ployes. They probably think he' should pny them ten contB per day more. In view of the fact that he can now squeeze gold out of common salt sea water, with "is latest Inven tion. Baker City and Iji Grande want a government meat Inspector for East ern Oregon. Pendleton Is in favor of everything that will protect the peo ple nnd the industries of Eastern Or egon and joins hor neighbors in this move. The automobile Is another method of reducing tho population of tho earth. According to statistics just is sued, tho number of people killed by automobiles averages six to each ma chine in existence. RAILROAD THROUGH GALILEE. Tho following has been received from Consul G, lllo Ruvndal, of Beirut, under (Into of April 14. 1903: Te Ottoman government has bought tho English concession for a line of railroad from Haifa to Damascus. It Is intended to build a railway through Galilee to Mzerlb, by way of eBlsult, connecting at Mzerlb with the Damascus-Mecca line. On the fifth Instant five German civil engineers, employed by the Turk ish government, arrived In Haifa, and on the 11th the vail of the province of the corps, a battlement castle era o? Itelru unveiled a monument in broidered in white, and a white mto I ot iH-iriu "e' ,,nu nr with the battalion designation in let- COmmemumuuil ui ""-" nnnrnttnns The estimated cost oi mis line from Haifa to Mzerlb, by way of Helsan. Is $2,000,000. It is to ue a narrow-gauge line (about 40 inches in width). Tho Damascus-Mecca line has now reached a point east of the Dead Sea. 1 have reason to believe that this railroad, Instead of running to the Hejjaz, including Medina nnd Mecca, will take from Mo'an a southwesterly direction straight to tho Gulf of Aha ha In tho lied Sea. While the nne will be built ror strategic purposes, it can hardly fall gradually to develop the trans-Jordau country hitherto another Tibet by bringing it into touch with the outside world. NEW ARMY STANDARDS. Te war department has adopted a new set ot standards and regimental, battalia nand other colors for the ar my of the United States. The main feature of the new flags, as well us of the buttons and ornaments. Is In the representation of the coat of arms of the United States. They are made or the best quality or silk In solid colors, and the United States seal, the insignia, scroll, Inscriptions and other emblems are embroidered In colors. The different standards are described as follows: That o fthe secretary of war is scar let, with white fringe, nnd contains the United States seal embroidered in colors, and four white stars, ono near each corner, Tho cord and tas sel are scarlet and white Intertwined. Tho cavalry standard Is yellow, and the fringe, cord and tassel are also of the same color. Under the em broidered seal Is a scroll in red, with tho regimental designation In letters ot white. The artillery standard Is red, with rod fringe, cord and tassel Below the seal is the insignia of the arm-crossed cannons above yellow scorll, containing the regimental des ignation In lettors of ml. The Infantry standard is blue, with yellow fringe and blue and white cord and tassel. Below the seal is a red scroll bearing the regimental deslgna tlon In letters of white. The standard of the engineers Is scarlot, with white fringe and scarlet and white cord and tassel. Below the seal Is the Insignia 5c CIGAR There's an army of Smokers now re sponding to its captivating goodness. Have you answered the call? Save the Bands. .,, -,. ,, . utnml:.,., ui - """ yi IS UlUIIgC Willi jviium LLiufes iy and tassel of orange and yellow Be low the embroidered seal Is the insig nia of the corps, crossed Hags and torch embroidered In yellow uul white, under which is a blue hcroll with the designation In letters of white. Washington Letter. Charles Adams, a prisoner In tho Mlddletown, N, Y jail, drowned him self in a bath tub. A cloudburst raised several Okla homa streams to an abnormal height und destroyed much property. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT THE OLD DUTCH HENRY FEED YARD Cor W. Aha and Lillith Sts. L. Neft, formerly of the Hotel Alta, has chatge of the Old Dutch Henry Feed ard, and would be pleased to care for j our horses Plenty ol stalls, large corrals foi loose horses and cattle Hay and grain for sale. Chop mill in con nection. No Dessert More Attractive Yhy u.kj gt-latlne and spend Hours so.iKing,i sweetening, tLivuriiib'l and coloring when Jell-O produces butter n-tiltn in two minutes? Everything in the package. Bliuply ndd hot Wuterandsottocool. It's perfection. A sur prise to the housewife. No trouble, less e. pense. Try it to-duy. lu Four Fruit FUu roist Lemon. Orauge, Strawberry, Rasp berry. At grocer. 10c l II STOCK FARM FOR SJ I am sole agent 'or the Lee farm of ioooacres.su miles from Pendleton, on Birch creek. Good Water. Hiuldines, fine Orchard, A falfa BotiornJ Terms, hall cash. Will sell with or without stoct N. T. CONKLIj Bring Us Your Second Hand Goods GURDANE & McBROOF The Best is the Cheap This applies particularly to furniture and carPelsj, nd ouy a piece of furniture you want it to look wei well. That is the kind we carry. Our goods 5PK selves. Wo caray a large line of furniture, w k carts, carpets, art squares, mauings, rups, We re Totalling our t;ood ateoit Wearcln bMliie1J!.5ldWl In cr loud Iota to tint wo ran sell them to you cheaper Jbod5JJ ea Hid Uj the in ilown here ChII at our utore, einmlne ff "Kjow prk wlut yon wint. II we rain it'll you a bet'er israde ol c u"d Kuiruewnere, why He won't eipect your iraae. BAKER & FOLSOM, Next door to Postofnce. DO Y0D ENJOY A GOOD SMOKE? Pride of Umatilla. Made at home. We will pay you what is right for tj Bargains in new and second hand g 312 East Coi rt Si kh i Try