East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 26, 1903, Image 2

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    DAILY - .nmxTOH. OREGON. TUESDAYi MAY 26, 1903,
The Shield to Health
Belfast llbesb
Linen . . .
Unexcelled for
Fit and
Baer& Daley
.. Heavy, destructive frosts occurred
In New Hampshire the night of the
A small tornado did considerable
damage to Elmo. Mo. No lives were
Simon Wilson, a Newark, K J.,
hostler, has Just died of slanders,
contracted from a horse In his care.
Five heavy shocks were necessary
tn till Antonio Trola In the electro
cution chair In Slug Sing.
Two thousand five hundred tanners
are on strike In Milwaukee for an in
crease of 15 per cent in wages.
The famine in Southern China has
brought to the last extremity or suf
fering thousands of people. Hund
reds have died of starvation.
It is an established fact that Bus-
uln la T,nL-int n-tlVf lironnfnt InnR for
war in Manchuria is fortifying Nlu '
Chwang ami rushing In artillery ana
Dr. Madison C. Peters, of Chicago,
declares there is a latent and not nl
wnys well-trained and concealed anti
Semitic prejudice In America that
is unreasonable and must he guarded
The cable ship Anglia lias left .Ma
nila Tor Guam. By the end of the
summer there will be a cable connec
tion between San Francisco and all
the Pacific possessions of the United
states. i
Tho Bridgeport, Conn., street car j
strike has resulted in the company
winning out by Importation of non-1
union labor protected by extra police- j
men. Trouble Is expected when the ,
IHillce force is reduced. j
D. V. Miller, assistant attorney to J
tue assistant attorney-general of the i
United States, has been dismissed
from office and will be arrested chare- (
od with accepting a bribe In connec- j
tlon with the postal scandals.
The Spanish government has inter-j
fered to prevent the conclusion oi xiie
automobile race which resulicu in tho
death of six people ut Paris the nay
of the start. As soon as the automo
liilistB cross tho frontier they must
abandon racing speed.
Hotel Pendleton.
A D. Chase Portland.
M. S. Fagnn. Portland.
A. J. Hunt. Portland.
Edgar Burk, city.
William Ellery. city.
E. W. Brlgham. city.
W. W. Robinson. Portland.
Charles Schwclger. San Francisco,
D. C. Schweiger. San Francisco.
Miss M. Albert. San Francisco.
W. R. Dennis. Salt Lake.
Theo. Gentsch. Salt Lake.
E. H. Burke, Portland.
H. W. Cameron, Spokane.
S. Shomberg. Snn Francisco.
J. H. Kloeckman, San Francisco.
A. S. Armuth, New York.
L. W. Damon, La Grande.
F. Burkidge. Spokane.
.1. A. Darling. Spokane.
Harvesting Will Begin About the
First of June Big Sale of Horses
In Progress Unusual Number of
Farming Implements Being Sold,
Echo. May 25. H. C. Willis return
ed from Spokane yesterday and he
and Mrs. Willis left this morning ror
Portland. Mr. Willis reiorts very en
couraging returns from his efforts nl
the inaerest of his cannery. Mrs.
Willis expects to have an operation
performed on her eyes.
Charles H. Miller and wife return
ed yesterday from Portland, where
he had been In attendance at the sos-
- ....1 In.lnn I II II -
i SlOn 01 lUl" glullll luufev i. v. w. . .
I C. W. Albright and L. B. Baker, ot
' T.. ... 1 n .i .1 nfa llAl tflflflV.
i 1 1 1 iinnu . . . . . -
rinit. n number nf Echoltes took 111
i the basket dinner had yesterday ou
i Butter creek, and all report an en
, Joyable time.
r tinviion nf Hnniiner. Is here
to take in the big horse buy to he
had here tomorrow.
J. C. Meek nnd wife, who have beeu
spending a few days of their honey
moon at the Arlington hotel, left yes
terday for their mountain home.
n- i i. RnnvU. nf l.n Grande.
..L .... tim lnst nf last week nnd
built his shack on his homestead,
which he filed upon about two
months ago. Mrs. Reavis and the
children came up and Installed him
in their new home.
Harvest Begins About June 1.
Mowing machines are in evidence
here now, as so many are being pur
chased for the coming harvest, which
will commence about the first of
Additional List of Taxpayers Who
Have Returned Money on Assess
ment ,.,.
The following list of taxpayers haje
given in tho amounts of money, notes
and accounts set opposite their
names: .
C. F. Colesworthy $2'W0 12200
a rtl.lncnrt 7500
John Schroder'. J""''
M. Alice Sherman
H. T. Johnson
August Gudarlan ".
R- J- Sip1" 300 3000
G. P. Skelton 3" ,0
W T. Sellers 30,J
Elvira McAfee
Isabella Cryst J
Carnes Bros. 4jt
George R. Hatch S im
.nines i. iu mnn
j W. McCormmach ... 2"" "
Nathaniel potwinp 0
Agues .) -- ,
H. L. Cauvnl -"
A- J- Crigler 1:00
(j. J. amun
. ..... -. nnoH eomDlexion use
Mokl Tea. a pure herb drink. It acts
.i.- ii - Hint-PS the skin
Oil UIV !! , , ,,,!
smooth and clear. Cures sick head
aches. Twenty-tive cts. ami -
. . fu if It ilnea not satlSIJ
i.i. . - it ttnoker & Co..
VOU. witr ivj - , ...
Buffalo. N. Y.. for free samples.
H. Schmidt & Co., Druggists.
in the Swim
An amalgamated farm hands' union
has been organized m iiii""'- "--
nin iipmnnd a minimum
1U11U uunun "... .
.i.i .. r tir, nmi board. The
wage scale will Include threshers,
com buskers, plowmen, uinners. mui.iv
ini,,i-,.ru nmi nil men employed about
Usually a 5 cent Cigar is
Commonplace, but the
Parrot Cigar
Assumes the Individuality
of a Poetic Thought
in Tobacco.
" Jast Try a
Cigar' '
5 cents
Sole distributors
Portland, Or.
Similiter Episcopalians will build a j
new church, reading room mm urc
bath rooms this summer.
ri.n .aiif,ini.n tt n I. nmmaltf. of
Albany, was entered by burglars Mon-1
day and jnu in casu Hiuieii.
The Don Juan mine in the Green
horn district, has been attached on
a labor account of about $3,0(10.
The large sawmills of Sumpter
have not yet started, but are waiting
for high wntcr to drive the log sup
ply down.
Honry Jones, of Woodvllle. Or., bus
.....aioriniiaiv rilKamicnred and no
traco of him can bo found. Foul play
is suspected.
B. Koto, Imperial professor of geo
logy of tho Japanese University, has
arrived in San Francisco and will
tour the coast in the Interest of his
The citizens of Grant's Pass are
aroused ovor the failure ot the pres
ident's traiu to stop at that point,
Tho Southern Pacific trnin dispatcher
Is getting all the abuse ior the failure.
Locke, one of the most l
Golden Rule Hotel.
A. Nelson and wife. Athena.
Mrs. U E. Walker, Athena.
Mrs. F. E. Parent, Eureka.
A. Murk, Seattle.
H. P. Tuel, Echo.
C. G. Taylor. Farmington.
N. D. Showalter. Farmington.
C. N. Larkan, Farmington.
M. H. Toopey, Farmington.
W. .1. Moore, Spokane.
A. J. Hall, Spokane.
Frank Merrlam, Heppner.
A, B. Cooley, city.
Doug Glenn, city.
E. Sheppard. Baker City.
L. W. Bristol, Portland.
Joe Connolly, city.
C. Thornton, Portland.
P. B. Stephens, Portland.
William Biggs, Pomeroy.
K. A. Ness and wife. Wallace.
U. E. Rogers. Walla Wnlla.
E. Henry. Wnlla Walla.
C. C. Thompson, Dubuque.
O. W. Helvcy, Omaha.
S. J. Helvey, Omaha.
J. C. Helvey. Omaha.
S. H. Helvey. Omaha.
T. H. Thompson, Spokane.
J. J. McDonald, Spokane.
G. Johnson, Spokane.
N. Thompson. Spokane.
A. Thurman. Spokane.
T. McNaughton, Elgin.
William West. city.
Sam Spores, Pilot Rock.
Mrs. McCraclten. Pilot Rock.
Miss J. Lee, Pilot Hock.
D. K. Ball. Pendleton.
D. H. Nelson and wife, city.
Mrs. Tuel city.
F. J. Gardner. Portland.
Will Give a History of the Scotch in
the Northwest.
Mayor 1 nomas u. nunc mm iuiu.u
went" to Athena this morning, where
Judge Halley will be the speaker of
the day at the Caledonian picnic.
Mr. Halley will take for the subject
of his remarks the early Scotch set
tiers of the Northwest and uieir in
fluence on the growth and develop-1
mom nn,i civilization of the country
He will point out McLaughlin and the ,
old Scotch settler anu irupimrs oi wc ;
Hudson', Bay Company, will treat of
i... c-n..nt. nnmimiiv nni! their help !
lilt; tDi.ukv.it .....j -
in financing the new enterprises of
the state iu particular anu tne coun
ty in general, and will show, in fact,
the whole Influence of the Scotch
men in the upbuilding of the state.
Onion-Flavored Eggs.
The flavor of eggs may be iuten
enced by the food eaten by laying
hens. The North Carolina experiment
stations, by feeding a quantity of
chopped wild onion tops and bulbs to
hens, obtained eggs so pronounced in
flavor that they could not be eaten
and this continued while the onion
ration was fed.
Parasites Cause All Hair Troubles.
Nine-tenths of the diseases of tho
Kcalp and hnir are caused by parasite
germs. The Importance of this dls
coverv bv Professor Unna of the
Charity Hospltnl, Hamburg, Germany,
can not be overestimated. It explains
why ordinary hair preparations, oven
of the most expensive character fall
to cure dandruff; because they do not.
and they cau not kill the dandruff
germ. The only hnir preparation Iu
the world thnt positively destroys the
dandruff parasites that burrow up the
scalp into little scales called scurf or
dandruff. Is Ncwbro's Herplclde. In
addition to its destroying the dandruff
germ Herplclde is also a delightful
hair dressing, making the hair glos
sy and soft as sill;.
Dnl.l t... l.iiwltrt, flrtici.iata Qdtirl
JOllU H. LOCliO, UUU OI me mini uuiu iv -(. ..."nr.-
prominent stockmen of Eastern Ore- 10c In. stamps for sample to the Her-
gon, died Mommy irom me uuuvib ui j jm ..u kuhu., .........
a kick from a wild cnyuso which frac-,
turcd his skull. He owned a large! Caledonian Souvenir.
utn.l- fnrm in miles south of Hunt-. Thn Wnlla Wnlln f!nlpl1milftll Scele-
Ington. ,ty yeaterday received 500 medallion
The Umpqua Valiey OH Company, t badges to be sold at 2G cents each,
of Iloseburg has beeu forced to aban- to serve as a basis to the games and
don ono well at a depth of 1.C00 feot. picnic to be held at Singleton's grove
on account t tho caHlng breaking at; Thursday, May 28. The medallion is
a great depth and completely plugging . about the Blze of a silver dollar, on
the well. Anothor well will be bored : tho front sldo of which Is a thistle
Immediately to a depth of '2,000 feot, wrought In tho metal, surrounded by
on Myrtlo creek. I the name of the society.
Is Proverbial Pendleton Women No
tinti- miii-ri wp owe tn the sympathetic
side of womankind! When others
suffer they cheerfully lend a helping
hand. They tell you the means which
brought relief to them that they may
profit by telr experience. Head tht-
testimony given here ny a renuieiun
sire. L. Hodson. of 717 Aura street.
says: "While my kidneys have never
caused me any trouuie which maue
Itself apparent In the kidneys them
selves nor In the secretions, I have
been bothered more or less by an ach
ing ncross the small of my back, then
dowii and through my kidneys. When
i caught cold It hurt me across my
loins and made me leel lame and sore.
I got a box of Doan's Kidney Pills
at the Brock & McComas Co. drug
store and used them. While I did not
tnke them accordiug to directions, be
ing a poor hand to dose myself with
medicines at all, they benefited me In
every way, making my back stronger,
nnd toning up my whole system."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents per lox. Foster-Mllburn Co..
Buffalo, N. T, sole ngents for the
United States.
nemember the name DOAN S
and tnke no other
tOOrrl I
we nave just opwtd,
ly equipped hnmu. '
street inei -i
t""tu lu uo hrsi ,i.
make special rates to
laundry. Don't ...
to v-ninese wash !,.
. wu3CS
can ect it r1nm i....
a -v.ii, i if-1 r r.
less wear at nnr u.
7 """UU
none out white heln
Stpnhoni! X. t
Til r .....
I Ci;
I Annnn , ...
- - i i
MV tllP Hiro I.
companies stand
Hnrtforil Fin InemnnrL
Aiiittuut; Assurance IX).
T .ltlrtnil k T OHII.bIiIu I-! '
TnftiirRiip fVi
- . . u. tium
Royal Insurance Co.
r rah i d. ii
Is an especial feature of our
store. We realize our re
sponsibility and are very
particular in every detail,
using onl the best and
purest drugs. It matters
not what physician writes
your prescriptions they will
be compounded by a com
petent, reliable pharmacist
when presented here and at
prices that are always reasonable.
F. W. Schmidt's
The Reliable Druggist
imloRice Mock riiunt Mnuij
- "j- t -j- --- - - - - - - - - -
Jtist Received
v k ttnih. .www.. 0 1 t,
pockets, easels, coat and hat racks, toilet cases, loot
ailU IIII.Ull.lllb V-IUk-.l- vu ..w-. 4
Call and examine our goods.
Joseph Basle
"TTT1 r t - - -
Engine, Boiler and Machinery
Of all kinds is our specialty. All
work guaranteed.
Extra Parts Furnished fur all Kinds
nf Harvesting Machinery.
Manufacturer of
709 East Alta Street.
Iialtezore k: Howe's Old Stand.
The Grand Trunk Gold
a . 1 M 11 .1111111 I llkl
. a. W L M I I r I 1(11 I I II
i lULUlCU UUU11 Lliw viiui - .
DUrS UI1 Ilia- vein suwn t,
mines as the NORTH POLE valued
. nnn nnn i 11 11 i riiun. t mi"'- - "
ooo.ooo. i nc iiuniuwniw" -
SDOO.ooo. i nc idea
ooo, and many others.
Tho nrand Tnink Rfllil Mining and 1
l II ll 4W I UilU WVIM O
Owns Its Property Conistlnz of 160 Acres of Kicnuu.u
Speakers at Emersan Centennial.
New York. May 25. One of the
mnai nntnhld nf thn in.inv flinptlonR
to bo held tliruuehout the country thin
weeK in ccieurauon or ine one nun
dredth anniversary of the lilrth of
Haliih Waldo Emerson, will be the
commemoration dinner to be held by
tho Society of the American Authors
this uvenlng at tho Waldorf-Astoria.
The speakers Include Col. Henry
Watterson, Chancellor MacCracltcn.
President Schurman. of Cornell Uni
versity, and Dr. William T. Harris.
United States commissioner of edu-ration.
The Tall and the Hide.
Emigrants from the continent of
Europe introduced oxtail soup Into
England In the sixteenth century. Bo
fore their arrival the London butchers
sold their bullocks' hides with the
tails on. Tho tails were thrown away
and wasted, but tho refugees obtained
them for next to nothing and made
soup of them.
of suffering from Indigestion If you
eat what you want, or of starring
yourself to avoid such distress?
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets taken after
eating will digest your food perfectly
and free you from all the disagreeable
symptoms of Indigestion and Dyspep
sia. t.at wnat you nte at any ume,
and take an Acker Tablet afterward.
Positively guaranteed. Your money
will always be refunded It you
aro not sauanea. wruo 10 us ior 11
free sample. Vf. H. Hooker & Co.,
Buffalo. N. Y.
t. 1 :.i..t...l - f om. fliarncter
ii ,c - Mnunhvp minimr and t)USine -
It is offering 50,000 shares 01 sioc u- r;
It will become a dtviUena payer m .
1. ...:n . if ,,fnr full uarticulars w
lk viii LJa vu iu iv- m - - - .
careful investigation 01 its mein.
It has the indorsement of mining men,
bankers of Eastern Oregon.
Write us today and let us post you.
that gets your lungs sore and weak
and paves the way for Pneumonia or
Consumption, or both. Acker's Eng
lish Remedy will stop the cough In a
day and heal your lungs. It will cure
Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis,
and all throat and lung troubles. Pos
itively guaranteed, nnd money refund
ed It you are not satisfied. Write to
us for free sample. W. H. Hooker &
Co., Buffalo, N. Y. F. W. Schmidt ft
Co., druggists.
Miners. Brokersand Financial "
1 1 -ton II
Or R. S. BRYS0N. Local Agent, remu
Our Weekly Mining Letters on Sumpter, ueb
' . . . A nrOir-atlOD'
District rree on nnr1
nave 1 our water x-xp - -
Delay will lead to serious break.
First-class work guaranteed w
T-m-WlMWVYW A V Bsft I A W M.
Court street, opposite the Golden au.v