! 1 j (ft - -W . " 11 DAlLYEVENIWGEDlTIOfc .iTTV Eastern Oregon Weather 5 - tout "" (5c A vr Tonluht ami Wednesday cloudy (and threatening, with showers. C ifai hid I TASK RIGHT Ljent Welcomed in a rthat will not oe roi enby Him nor the City WHENCE FAVORED HER W1TH AN IDEAL DAY. i. Detail President's ,Are Put to a Gallop to Make Appointments in tne rro- ii-.il. Mnv 2fi. Xcvcr was fore perfect in weather i tor me ieui"o in.'asm man Kaa . '"'.V :'V"J.' Tfl, president of the uniiwi .. f.t uiion Walla Walla I" . II. i,.nnr Tho wr-nther i la co tim " 1rxt! ami a slight breeze rim & foliage of the tires wh cu tte streets througn which the rim passed. no a "ua nartlcular anil the m of neople was the largest I bora m mis secuoii, Arrived on Time. mrw at 4:20 the presidential trolled Into the depot amid the jj of cannon ana tne cneers oi iids of people. The Ninth Cav- liail the Thirteenth Batter' were btu military escort, and tne pa kns formed without delay. Introductions were indulged the president was shown i carriage, drawn by two snow i horses and fairly covered witn tr-cnt Hovers. The parade was (Colonel Godfrey witn the Ninth unmounted, followed by -ne battery. The president and lotcnpied a dozen carriages, all ttljr decorated. Over 100 old i followed the president in the tairch. lux of March and Address, keiine of march was irom the de IfcJIiln street, thence to Whit luCeje. a distance of over At the college an immense I tad gathered, and It was im- e (or the president to he heard Jtarta of the crounds. so laree Ik ptherinr. The Dresident itofoced by Mayor Hunt, In a wu, ana wnen he appeared at t of the platform an Immense steal op. For Just 30 minutes went spoke. He paid a trib ( lit old soldiers, tnn vpfppnnfl t Spanish war and the pioneers 'jwuwwi, especially Marcus a and the men who hart mafla 'duration DOSSlhlfi lrlth io Kreiooment nf th mnir jrea was received with iwause throughout. -fen at Courthouse, WITNESSES STAY AWAY, Failure of Prosecution in Great Swlnd ling Case. Chicago, Mny 26. The pollco court this morning dismissed all those charged with being Inmates of a gambling house who were nrrested In the raid on the Sullivan Grain Com pany. Sullivan will answer to the charge of bucket shopping Thursday. Detective Woodridgc, who mado the raid, did not appear. Tho judge In making the dismissal scored the ab sent officers. This Is the ending of the first chap ter of the effort to break up one of the greatest alleged swindles of the day. Sullivan Is reported to have secured over $l,0uo,000 on a get-rkh-quicU scheme, which entrapped a large number of business men as well as those of moderate Incomes, and those very poor. UP THE WALLACE BRANCH. PENDLETfYN". mrArpTTT .- -, 11 ' "" wujnxx, uiUWON, TUJ S DAY, MAY 20, 1903. EB IN NO. 475.'l. Mill PORTLAND MIDDLE STATES DEVASTATION Brutal and Drunken Ruffian More Ruin Wrought by Tor- t:il u: riL. ... i o . .... . Kills His Father-in-Law for Revenge. ANGRY BECAUSE HIS WIFE WAS DIVORCED FROM HIM. Assassin Captured This Morning Asleep With His Wife In a Barn Ten Miles From Portland Murder er Armed to the Teeth. President Takes a Short Trip Into Idaho. Harrison, Idaho, -May 20. Tho I Portland, May 2G.-Enra,U bo president was given an impromptu causo hts wfo had obtancd a dlvorco reception at 1 a. m. by the citizens from alul refllsed longcr to assoclnte of Starbuck, where the train stopped , with hlm M. V- Leasn yesterday for water. The reception was in the Killed F. H. Djews, the woman's fath naturo of a. chlvari, the president , cr) at Us llome Iloar poni,,sular. on not responding. ; tne east E1(l0 and tnon comi,oled Mrs Cannon Salute at Wallace. i.easa to Joln nlm ln fllgnt aftcr Wallace, Idaho, May 20. The pres- ; leaving their two infant chill! ;n at iuent stopped two hours with tho ca- the home of a neighbor, on a pretext. am "J ""'"'".. " i- TU1S morn no- a Blin wis lpnrrt n tempted to make a salute with a can non near the depot. After the fourth shot the gun refused to work. The chief magistrate still has 17 coming to him. He visited Senator Heyburn and made a speech In the rain. nadoes In Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska. SMALL TWISTERS IN A WIDE GENERAL STORM. OFF FOR AMERICA. Severe Flood at Oklahoma City Two Female Inmates School for Feeble Minded at Des Moines Killed tin. mense Destruction to Property. St. Joseph, Mo., May 20. Great damage was done by an electrical storm which swept over tho city last night. Many buildings wore unroof ed and new buildings wrecked. There were no casualties. Great Destruction In Nebraska. Omaha, May 20. Reports from va rious portions of tho state, osneclnl- ly the eastern section, show that nil day yesterday smnll twisters, accom panied by heavy rains, marked phe- c conditions in Reliance Leadt In Last Trial Race on Long Island Sound, Glasgow, May 20. Sir Henry Up ton entertained tho city council of Gonrock at luncheon today and bade them farewell before crossing the At lantic. Ho hinted broadly this will be tho last attempt, but expressed groat hope that tho cup will bo lifted. Last Trial Race on the Sound. Glencovo. Mny 2G. On the IR-tnllo course today In tho trial of the yachts, tho wind held a strong 10 knoth. The starting gun wns fired at 12: 1G. Tho llellance crossed the lino thVco seconds later nnd the Columbia eight, nnd tho Constitution 2S. Short ly afterwards tho Constitution pass ed the Columbia, working well tip to windward niul also tho other two yachts, and at 12:20 hnd gained con siderable on tho Reliance, which hold tne lead. Tho Reliance rounded tho first mark, which Is six nml a half miles out, at 12:43, tho Constitution second, and tho Columbln n minute and three-quarters Intor. Tho Reli ance's crew wns slow In breaking out the ballooner and -tho Constitution crept up still closer. The Rellnnco finished at 1:13:10, the Constitution. 1:40::!, tho Colum bln a long ways behind. MARTIAL L IS POSSIBLE Portrait of Murdered Girl. Baker City, May 26. A beautiful portrait of Miss Minnie Ensminger, painted by Mrs. Edward C. Bowen, is on' view ln the window In this city, of the Alexander Clothing Company. The likeness Is an excellent one, and will be hung In the Rocl: Crook school where Miss Ensminger used to teach before the tragedy of which she was a victim. The picture has been ac cepted by the school and is attract ing a considerable amount ot attention. the woods at about the locality where the couplo are sunnoseu to be. and It is probable that Mrs. I.easla, too, has nomenal atmospherl .uiii-u wtiiui kii uui luiuiur mis-1 xenraska uuuu ui uai veiiKeuncu. l-osses OI officers are scouring tho neighbor hood, and it probably Is only a ques- The total loss of life so far reported is 22. At Springfield the rain was so heavy Turtle creek overflowed In two APARTMENT HOUSE FIRE Kb tine -i u j i and began to march to ( nrMlilA.ii.i . a fci,rT.i 1 eafnage was EST tt the horecs at a sat Tr i fer minutes' speech to " i children massed at that re was erected an Immense " words, "The flag SJW" The address tS upiea about five mln Military n.ui.,.. lie lim fi.. '. Im-CT.. luc procession passed - square the president x,1?. tons line KiMh 7, walIa Walla, ninth Parol,... c. . w.l Mruetl1 "atterj J7 the president from wWfaf 5vements of the IP 8 reaalr i. TIi ' uul "e I"0' iNejcTi M J"ven to SWT? Moody, willlan, i,n Ki"bo, M.-rT'.t,.cuu-ucnerai H i ,r"oe- Colonel norfinnnrtnn e,Cor Vu" ei. hieing laid for' frrtM. ti in- renrtiuir, , '... a the nrnol. the Dresl tely locked "Ore null., il. 17" far w.. mce, Idaho. BRAVE POLICEMAN KILLED ATTEMPTING RESCUE. Two Others Seriously Injured While Many of the Tenants Are Rescued With Difficulty. New York, May 2C. A four-story apartment house in Fulton street was destroyed by tire early this morning. One policeman was fatally hurt and two seriously burned, while 15 In mates. Indue. ng many children, were rescued with difficulty. Tho fire started ln a Wells-Fargo Express of flco on the ground floor. The police man broke down the doors and start ed a rescue, but were shut off by the flames. They made several brave rescues before the firemen came and when help arrived were In tho thlru story with a woman and three clillcl ren. Montana at St, Louis Fair. Helena, Mont., May 2C. The Mon tana legislaturo convened In extra session today, ln response fo the call of Governor Toole, for the purpose of making appropriations for the Mon tana exhibits at the umistana I'ur- cbase and Lewis and Clark exposi tions to be held at St. Louis and Port land in 1904 and 1905. It Is expect ed that President Roosevelt, who will be In Helena tomorrow, will address the members of the legislature In Joint session. CANCER OF THE STOMACH. It Is Feared That Yvette Guilbert Is In Her Last Illness. Berlin. May 2G. Yvette Guilbert. tho singer. Is still seriously ill with cancer of tho stomach. It is feared her public rareer Is ended. tlon of a snort time until Leasla will j hours and houses weer Hooded, four ue Kiuca or capiureu. Cowardly and Brutal Deed. Leasla took a peculiarly savage re venge upon tho woman and her fath er, whom he held responsible for the divorce proceedings. Sunday morn' ing he stole upon his wife's father, P. H. Drews, and shot aim to death in a most cowardly fashion. The as sassln's aim was deadly, and his deeu was coolly premeditated. One bullet was sent through tne head of the vie? tlm from behind, and the second one between the shoulders, the pistol be ing held so closely when the latter shot was fired as to scorch the dom ing. Leasia Not Crazy. Leasla lives ln a scow near a broth? or on the North Portland water front. Since the separation from bis wife he has been driving a team for the Banfield-veasey Fuel Company. A week ago ho received his wages in full and quit work. A member of tho t-olice force who worked with Leasia and knows him well, says that he Is not crazy, but has been planning re venge upon Drews, his father-in-law, who, he says, was responsible for -is wife's leaving him. The Leasias for merly lived at The Dalles and remov ed to Portland about two months ago. Leasia married Paulino Drews in Colfax In February. 1E01. He worked in a butcher shop In Colfax and has been employed In a livery stable in Portland. Been Threatening Murder. Leasia told all his Slabtown ac quaintances that he was going to kill the old man Drews. Tne murderer also spread some hard tales concern ing Drews. Leasia is addicted to tho use of liquor, but it is stated by those who know him that he has not been drinking more than usual during the past few days. Leasia and Wife Both Taken Portland, May 2C Murderer Leasia was captured in a barn 10 miles from here, at S o'clock this morning. His wife was a captive with him and both were asleep. Leasia Claims Self-Defense. Portland, May 2C Leasia has been found to have a flesh wound over his heart, and ho claims that his father-in-law shot him first, making it neces sary to kill him in self-defense. Mrs. Leasia, however, claims she shot her husband In defense of her father. RUSSIAN JEWS IN TERROR. Rumors of a Wholesale Massacre May 29. St. Petersburg. May 26. The Jew ish colony hcie is In a mild state of anle thromili tear of a massacre dut- Ing the celebration of the city's founding, whlcli will take place Ma; 9. New Gunboat Sinks. Plymouth. England. May 2C. . French trawler arrived today and landed the crew of the Peruvian gun boat Loreto, which sprung a leak 40 miles norm of Scllly Islands and sank an hour later, Tho Loreto was newly built Liverpool ship, accept ed by the Peruvian government. She started home Mny 23. Russian Ambassador Sails. Now York, May 20. The Russian ambassador and his daughter. Coun tess Marguerite Cassinl, sail today for Europo on the Kaiser Wllhelm II. They go first to Paris, where they maintain an apartment all year round, and later will proceed to Russia to spend tho remainder of the summer. CHICAGO BAi.BERS STRIKE. Four Thousand Tonsorlallsts Went Out at Noon Today. rhirnrrn Mav 2C Four thousanu feet of water stnndlng over the town sue. rne railroad Ice house was washed away and tho fair grounds destroyed. The main storm v.vlded Into five cyclones, which traveled simultane ously. They were funnel-shaped twisters, traveling with terrific force and left many bodies crushed to n pulp. Mumma's farm house, near Pau line, was scattered threo miles, tho largest piece picked up being the bot tom of a cnalr. Of six who wer at table, all were horribly mangled. Mrs. Mumma's body was found dis emboweled, a string of beads nnd u pair of shoes being the only articles of clothing left. Tho path of tho storm was so nar row at Pauline, that eye-wltnessos say that had the victims seen tho storm approaching they could have taken a few steps and escaped. The storm culminated this morning In a verita ble cloudburst In the eastern portion of the state. It reached cyclonic pro portions in Ijncastcr county. Re ports received this forenoon say tho town of Archer was destroyed and seven killed. Damaged Home for Feeble Minded. Des Moines. May 20. Tho cycloni struck tho Home for Foeblo Minded at Glenwood last night. The roof of the gill's dormitory wbb broken in. and a number of Inmates crushed be neath tho debris. Two young girls are dead and 10 others seriously In jured, but they will recover. The wires are all down and additional particulars are unobtainable. Floods In Oklahoma. Oklahoma City, May 20. High water continues, 2uo houses in the city being nooded. Trains are aban doned and the farmers sustain great damage. Two Killed In Iowa. Oskaloosa, Iowa, May 20. A cy done struck Buxton, Iowa, last night destroying two dwellings and several JIght buildings. Two persons were killed and 30 moro or less Injured Seven Killed at Archer. Omaha, May 20. It Is reported that the same cyclone whlcli killed seven at Archer this morning, has destroy ed Valparaiso and Raymond, north of Lincoln, lunny are reported Killed All tho wires are down, including thoe to Archer. The death roll duo to storms up to noon shows a list of 33. Reports of low barometer In the trans-MlsslsslppI valley continue to be received by the weather bureau Hanna Isn't Talking, Cleveland, O., Mny 20. Up to noon Senator llnnna refused to mako any comment on President Roosevelt's Wulla Walla talk about Ohio's In dorsement. Mr. Hanna Is holding n conference this afternoon with Gen eral Dick. COAL MINE EXPLOSION. Four Killed and Five Others Fatally Burned. Pittsburg, Mny 26. Four wcro killed and n uumbor slightly Injured, nnd sovernl missing as a result of an explosion of gas In tho Chnrtlors coal mine near Brldgovlllo, at 12:30 this nfternoon. Tho dead nro all young men. Eighty men wcro at work when tho accident occurred. Tho mine Is on tiro nnd It is fenred many of thoso missing will bo burned to death or smothered. Threats of Raising Army of Mountain Men to Oppose Tho Militia. SERIOUS CONDITION OF AFFAIRS IN KENTUCKY. Jett, Who Is Accused of Shooting Marcum, States That He Can Make a Confession Implicating Men of Influence and Wealth. Winchester, lvy ly 20. Acting Sheriff Llttlo, with 12 soldiers, has arrived hero to escort Curtis Jett back to Jackson to answer nn Indict ment for murdering Marcum. Tho posso loaves with Jett tonight, Lexington, May 20. A dispatch to n local paper from Jackson, says tho situation In the feud cases Is critical. It sayH Jett will confess, Implicating men of Influence and wealth, and that a mountain ntniy of 500 men can bo secured to wipe tho hniidtut of troop, out of existence. A consultation wns held with offic ers of tho mllltla today ns to tho ad visability of nuking tho governor for nn Increased forco. It Is foarod tho tuiln bearing Jett tonight will bo held up nnd tho prisoner reelnBed. Tho grand Jury Is still In session. Sheriff's Posse Not Heard From. Jackson, Ky Mny 20. Tho officers Posbo which went nfter Tom White, Indicted ror complicity In the murder of Marcum, has not returned, which lends to tho belief that thero Is either trouble or that White has escaped altogether. FREIGHT HANDLERS' STRIKE IS FAR FROM SETTLED. Railroad Companies and Laborer Both Obdurate Merchants Are Laying In Immense Stocks. Chicago. May 20. Tho flat refusal of tho railways to even consider tho compromise demands of the freight handlers for a 25 per cent Increase In wnges threatens n repetition of last year's tie-up, when several million dollars loss was sustained by delay ed freight. Anticipating n paralysis of trafllc, the merchants are sending out rush orders for goods nnd muklng every ciTort to augment present stocks threo fold. The cold storngo warehouses nro filling every available foot. WHOLESALE MURDER. VII- Entire Population of Macedonia lage Put to Death. rtorlln. Mav 2(1. Tim Frankfurter 9alhinv .hlu mnrnlnw Tirllnlu n fllu. patch from Its Macedonian correspon dent showing that tho massacre at Albanltza, near Seres, Mny 10, In which tho Macedonian cnlef, Delt cheff, lost his life, was much greater than previous reports Indicated, It ,. rour uiuusam i ,. .. ,.nllI,ifl f (ho vll. barbers quit work at noon today and . . h oxcetion 0i J5 I)erlionB, nour longer iuih.- .. - ..,..., ... ,,..,- rri,.. iemandml a half hour longer The employers nnd down town teamsters and packing yard drivers r-nnforenee today to try and settle differences that may cause fur ther differences unless aujusieu. Tii forests of Maine are ablaze In 30 different localities. was killed by Turkish troops. Thero wcro 1,500 families In the village. Prize Fight Postponed. Buffalo, N. Y., May 20. The Mc-Govern-Attell contest scheduled to take place Saturday has been post poned two weeks and possibly for good, owing to Terry's Illness. Terry loses 1,000 forfeit. BREMERTON IS FOUL. Criticisms of Secretary of War Are Bearing Fruit, Bremerton, Wash., May 20. Tho navy yard is practically closed until social condition-! nro bettered. A ma jority of tho town council favors tho saloons and refuses to enrry out tho wishes of tho citizens and depart ment. Tho mayor said today tho cit izens nio In tho humor to tar and feather the eouncllmeii If they per sisted In refusing to pass a prohibit ory ordinance. POSTAL FRAUD8. Arrest of a Prominent Indiana Poli tician. Rockvllle, Ind., May 26. J. M. Johns Is In charge of an officer and will be tnken to Terro Hnuto todny, accompanied by sovornl prominent citizens who nro prepared to go on his bonds. JoIuih, It Is nlleged, Is connected with Miller, who wns ar rested yostordny at Washington In connection with tho postolllce scan dal. 1 t . 1 Ohio Prohibitionists. Springfield, O., May 2fi - Prohibi tionists are gathered here In consld crnhlo numbers for tho two days state convention at which candidates will be named for tho stnto oftlces to bo filled at tho election this fall. J. C. Stowart, of Chicago, tho national chairman, Is horo and will deliver tho keynote sitocch nt tho oponlng of the con vent Ion. A number of names are mentioned for the head of tho ticket and tho ultimate selection Is a matter of speculation, ALLEGE GERMAN HOSTILITY. Catholics Allege Animosity on the Part of the German Clergy. Homo, May 20. It Is announced at the Vatican that Mgr. O'Connell, rec tor of Washington University, will shortly bo In Rome to ask tho assist nnce of the church against tho hos tility to his work shown by the Gor man element In America, Including the German clergy. Great Damage to Property. Lincoln, May 20, A hurrlcano swept over Lincoln nt 6,30 this morn ing. No lives wore lost, but 1250,000 damngo was done, Broken nnd twist ed trees, telegraph polos and other debris makes tho stroets In many places Impassable, Tho trolley sys tem Is completely stopped, Many buildings aro unroofed and smoke stacks down. The wholesale district suffered tho worst and the railways are allium! at a standstill. Communi cation with tho outside world Is prac tically cut off. GRAIN MARKETS. WAR ON MORMONISM, Agitation In Presbyterian Assembly Against Latter Day 8alnti, Los Angeles, May 20. Dr. L. Thompson, of Now York, led tho fight on Mormomsm In tho general assembly this morning. Ho snld be ware of tho octopus which claims a senator, and that tho only way to crush .1 Is for a federalization of all denominations. Alonzo Wright, a pioneer of Sher wood. Or., died Monday aftor a lin gering Illness. Ho ramo from Now York to Oregon In 1807. Quotation! Furnished by Coe Commis sion Company R, L. Boulter, Local Manager, 120 Court Street, Chicago, Mny 15. Minneapolis, May 26. Whout On rather dull rubles the wheat market opened practically unchniiKoil from previous i-loMt Receipts nt tho threo primary points wcro slightly In ox- cess of those nf last yonr. Tho cntlro winter wheul bolt Is complaining of oxcosslvo molsturo and heavy damage being dono by tho chinch ling. Wo can see nothing to chaugo our opin ion on the market nml st.ll firmly be. Ilovo In much higher prices. Chlntgo, May 20. Opening. July 73 Sept 70?d Corn July 45V4 Onts July , 33 Minneapolis, May 20. Opening. Close. July 77 77-H Sopt , 70 00 Close. 73 70 3114