.'la. J'i.' 1 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY, MAY 25, 1603. Real Bargain Week in Boys' Suits . Tuesday and continuing all week we will Bg Ratiinde. discount of 20 per cent from our regu. pVe - on every boys and childs suit in the house. Jjjfjfi chance to save some money. 55.00 suits 540o suits S3.00 suits $3.50 suits $1.75 suits less 20 per cent $4.00 less 20 per cent 3.20 less 20 per cent 2.40 1 An m n . r ICSS JCI LEIll less 20 per cent 2.00 1.4o In Rear of Dry Goods Department j t mn mn IYDn IDrpiUrUMffl OmADD TEUlbtirl 0 Dlu uuirARiiumu oivim Corner Maui ana Alia oireeis. City Briefs dsWBMts at Houser's. !jrn for paper banging. tte Ma s Iced drinks. Kc (5c work at Teutsch's. Wk.oib Ice cream, The Delta, jles- tail soles 40c Teutsch. iwr spri"? sults at JerSer's Via faralsied rooms to rent at b Com street. i! Hods of imported and domestic 'idfi it Gratz's- tUt tip." store headquarters for attsri supplies. fcs received a new line of Jap wt bits, at Campbell's fortr different styles of extension M from J5 to $30. Rader's. "B Sidelo," the best cigar made, at l-S cir store. Court street. TorU'.wys in sight on the Under bid tjpcirriier J. S. Kees, agent. 5eo business for sale, Main street, ktrat Alta and Court See E. T. e. KRjlooe. Apply Mrs, Baker, 1208 lie: Webb street Ifct bnadred and sixty acres. Half A lattom land. Rnoil lmnrove- Iku. 11600. E. T Wade. The Difference between the lasting qualities of good and cheap Jewel ry is great We will Bell you good goods at cheap figures while you pay a big price for tne cheap goods to some one dse. Yours for f?wd goods, HUNZIKER THE ; ELER and OPTICIAN j Castle's for fresh fish. I Smokers' supplies at Neuman's. See Sharp's artistic wall paper. Dining tables $5 and up. Rader's. Pecan Sundae, Schmidt's pharmacy. Fresh strawberries dally. Hawley Bros. Gedney's Queen olives. Hawley Bros. Delicious strawberries. Hawley Bros. Store for rent, inquire of Chris Ranlcy. Have your shoes repaired at Teutsch's. Wanted Ironers. Apply Pendleton Steam Laundry. Fresh strawberries. Oliver &. Co. Seeds, package and bulk. Hawley Bros. Camas Prairie stock ranches, 1C0 to 1.000 acres. Prices right. E. T. Wade. Hanlon's cigar store, headquarters for smokers' supplies, Association block. Blacksmith shop In Pendleton for sale. See Earnhart, Association block. For Sale The Delta candy store. Doing a fine business. Owner In poor health. E. T, Wade. For Rent Suite of rooms, nicely furnished, one block and a half west of Main street Inquire 208 Alta. Houser always furnishes good meat Send In your order. Market Alta street, opposite Savings Bank. Hazelwood Ice cream bricks at Ward's. Three flavors vanlla. straw berry and chocolate. Price 50 cents. Notice to Builders. Sealed bids will be received at the office of T. F. Howard, architect, room seventeen Judd block, up to three o'clock p. m., of May ICth, 1903, for the erection and completion of a two-story brick building, according to plans prepared for the same by T. F. Howard, architect. Stone founda tion and cement work reserved. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids for the work. May Gth, 1903. SPEED CONTEST SUNDAY'S DRIVING MEET A GREAT SUCCESS. Four Very Interesting Events Display Some Fine Horses Fast Time Made for Untrained Horses Track and Weather In Perfect Condition. The Pendleton Driving Assoclntlou gave the first of their series of sum mer meets yesterday afternoon on the Simpson-Porringer track. A good sued crowd of horso fanciers were present to view the races and the meet was a decided success. Four events were run and all were Interesting, especially tho third, where the time was good and the horses were faster still than tho schedule. The management of the meet wish to state to the public that tho many subscriptions by the people toward keeping the road aud track in driving condition was so used in Its entirety. The horsemen ran their horses with out any compensation whatever, sim ply as an amusement for themselves and a pleasure to the people attend ing. The $1.30 per month subscribed by many people is used as was stated It would be used, for the Improvement of the road and track lor driving pur poses and the benefit of the public. Two horses were entered in tho first event: Boy, a bay horse owned by Gus I.a Fontaine, and Alton B, a black stallion owned by Frank Fra 7.ler. Alton B won the first heat In l:23H. while Boy took tho second in 1:22 fiat. The third heat was not run. The second race was for buggy horses, and had two entries: Mnck, a black gelding owned by Tom Thompson, and Prince, a bay gelding, owned by Lester Swaggert. Prince won the first heat In 1:30 and Mack the second In 1:26. The third heat was not run. The third race was the best of the day. Three horses were entered: Onlta, a bay mare owned by James Irwin: Kitt.v Clover, black mare, owned by Martin Lynch, and Nancy Cole, a brown mare owned by George Perrlnger. Onita won the first heat in 1:10 and the second in 1:15. Kitty Clover was second In both heats. The fourth and last race had three entries: Lady Memo, owned by T. W. Ayres, Nancy Hanks, owned by W. J. Furnish, and Little Girl, owned by Gus La Fontaine. Nancy Hanks won the first heat In 1:2S and Lady Memo the second in 1:20. It is the intention to give an after noon meet once every two weeks throughout the summer. STUDENTS TO SPOKANE. Custom Made Shoes to Fit $2,50 to $4 A, EKLUND Car. Court and Main Sat. 1 Jurfd Block Will Present President Roosevelt With a Pendleton Blanket. Misses Myrtle Dizney and Mabel Reynolds, and Se Williams and Furn ish Slater, chaperoned by Miss Mary Rltner, of the Pendleton high school, left this mbrning for Spokane, where they go through the courtesy of the Peoples Warehouse to attend the cel ebration In honor of the president. The party will be met at the Spokane depot by representatives of the Spokesman-Review, who have ariang ed for their entertainment while In the city. The party, acting as a committee from and In behalf of the high school as a body, will present to President Roosevelt tomorrow morning a very handsome and costly steamer tug. tho product of the Pendleton mills. This gift will be expressive of the good will ot tho school children In particu lar and the people of Pendleton in general. The rug Is the finest speci men of work to be found In the stock of the mills, and will be a most sug gestive and valuable souvenir of tho Inland Empire, as the wool from j which it is made was grown upon I tho Oregon range, prepared by the Pendleton Scouring Mills and woven into -fancy design by the Pendleton ' Woolen Mills. fit".- I'll- MxtPowder anbiilk i I 'wide of ""pecans Kti Castile Soap ioc cake, 3 cks. 25c pure im ported kind Household Ammonia 15c Bottle Dis- i1 odor but k i0ng pbor Unfortunate flie cleanest and most careful house wives are often attllcted with the trouble and discomfort of bed butts. I he thing to do when they are die covered is not to waste a minute but Procure a good reliable bug destroyer aud jco at them at once. KOEI'PiN-H BED DUO DKSTKOYKK ! liquid and ctiaie tbe peU outoferry cratk ana Piaca wj,ere t,c na tide and w'JT deitraclloii with It. Mon-nolKuou 10 human Mag but death to all Termln. lor a large bottle Ittt aprlnUer top reidy to uw Koeppens Drug Store 'Ice Crean Nugget ioc a delicious dlili ci t r,am and 9 " will nerer know what pure ice cre.ra nutdreMlng T lintltllffniitrrMiri I f Furniture .j, Polish, 25c bottle the best T you ever had f . t Pinenut cream f for the com- plexion 25c 4. Sponges all sizes 1 Pure cream tartar 15c pkfi. j, Sullivan vs. Palmer. IJiulon, .May 23. "Twin" Sullivan, the Boston fighter recently arrived In England. Is scheduled to go 1.1 rounds with Jack Palmer before the National SKit!ns Club. The contest Is for tho middleweight championship of Eng land, a title now held by Palmer Sul livan has leen training faithfully lor the past 10 days and appears to be M- good shape for the contest The fight Is for a purse of $lVtu aiul a -Idi-bPt of f 1000. For Sale. Three-quarter sections of good wheat laud, of which one-half Is in grain, and all lies five miles north east of tbe city. A dwelling, two barns and other outbuildings, nnd a good water system. Call at Oliver & Co.'s grocery, or at tho home of u. W. Rlgby, 701 Thompson street. Bicycle Thieves Beware. Attention Is called by blcycllstB to tho fact that there is a standing re ward of 150 offered for the arrest and conviction of any person who steals a bicycle. The origin of the fund was $1 contributed by each of 150 cyclers for tho purpose named. Convicts for Texas Iron Mines. Austin, Texas,' May 25.-Puisuant to the decision of the board of state pen itentiary commissioners, the iron in dustry at the state penitentiary at Rusk reopens today. About 500 con victs are to be employed In the man ufacture of pig Iron and Iron pipe tHIIMWtiMmHMtMIMMlMMIMIMMIHMMHIHIMIIIMIUII IT PATS TO TRADE AT Men's coat& Pants J The PEOPLES S12.00 WAREHOUSE Boys Wash Shirts Large Variety 48 Agos 3 to 10 years X We've been to see the President and are glad we went. Saw the largest crowd of good natttred people we've seen in many a day and they all seemed glad they were there, God speed the parting guest and now once more to business. White Mercerized Oxford?, 3i inchse wide, 25c qualities 17c White Pique firm quality 25 cent grades 17c I Good qualities Gingham ioc, now I 6 l-4c t Lawns Lace Striped ioc values 6c i2ic values 8c j 55 Yuiuca o' J . . hrencn uingnams. one line anc quality 17c White Dotted Swiss 25c qualities i9c 33c qualities 25c 50c qualities 35c Silk Ginghams, 32 inches wide, 35c grades 19c New Arrivals By Express today Chataiine Bogs, with chains 5oc Shirt Waist Sets 25c to 50c Belt Pins, very latest 15c to 50c Childrens Slippers Red, twin strap sandals 60c Black kid, fancy strap sandals 60c Patent Lea, Sandals 75c Court ties $ 1. 00 to $1.33 THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Cl 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I ft! I I I I I I I M t " 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I H 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 H Ill A DAY OF SERMONS. Baccalaureate for High School and Academy Preached Yesterday. At 2:30 yesterday afternoon Presi dent Stephen B. L. Penrose, ot Whit man College pieached the high school baccalaureate seimoii, at the Chris tian church, and at S o'clock In the evening President F. L. Foibes, of tho Pendleton Academy, preached tho baccalanreato for that Institution at the Baptist church. The churches wero both elegantly decorated for the occasion. The at tendance at both the services was very large and the prograniH preced Ing the sermons were appropriate and Interesting. Tho speakers and their high order of ability are too well known In Pendleton to need an) Introduction or comment and the twi graduating classes were the recipients) of many heartfelt wishes for future success. Boycott Still In Force. Tue l-cjcott on the Rlgby-Clovc factory Is still In roreo today. Tim carpenters nro nil at work, nrrnngo mentH having been made whereby tho Iron for tho buildings will bo pur chased flBnwhore. Tho employes In the Itlgby-Clove factory have purch ased stock In tho concern nnd It was hoped that this action on their part would bring the matter to a close. Try tho Palm, 221 Court street, for nuts, candles nnd fruits. Police Court. Tho case of the city of Pendleton vs. Lester Hicks Is 011 trial In Judgo Fit 7. Gerald's court this afternoon. HIckM is charged by John Schmidt with ci'cutlng u disturbance and fight ing In his placu of business on Main street. Saturday night. Mrs, Trotter I don't know what Is the matter with these slippers. Ilor Husband PeihapH they're largo enough. Puck, Roosevelt In State of Washington. North YaKlma, Wash., May 25. All the surrounding country poured vis itors Into North Yakima today and when the piesldentlal special arrived 20,000 people were on hand to greet tho nation's president. After leaving Seattle the train made a brief stop at Ellensburg and reached hero on schedule time. The town was decor ated for the occasion and a delegated committee met the distinguished visitor at the station. Tho program provided for a brief drive about tho town and a short speech from a stand erected for the purixjse, The exercises concluded, the Journey was resumed without delay toward Walla Walla, which is tho last stop provided for In tho day's Itinerary. During tho after noon brief stops will he inado at Pas co and Wallula, Stock Cattle for Sale. Have for sale CO head of cows. 25 calves by eldo; 10 2-year-old heifers, and JC yeaillng helfera. ELMER SPIKE. Echo, Ore. Attention Sheepmen, I can furnish fine range 011 the Grande Ronde river, 20 miles from Elgin; laud owned by private parties. Address Box , I-a Grande, Or HERE ARE A FEW New Arrivals AT The Nott Stoe 1368G American Flags 2205 Hormonlcs 108 Fine Quality Base BallB 18780 Sheets Tissue Paper 1345 Rolls Crepe Paper That's the Shoe Hiiying in tartfe lots, wc certain ly can make you some interesting prices. Havo You Heard Of It7 Speoials: Galloways Medl Toilet Paper . . 3 Rolls cated 250 Size 5 Enve lopes for 25c 38c Always think of this store as the one moat likely to have what you want. We'll gt ' int' t I hail. The Nolf Store FLAGS AND FIREWORKS The $3 00 Donglu Shoe All men who wear it, praise it, "It's a beauty," "It fits." "It wears." And other commendatory phrases express the (act that our new I3.00 DUUULAS 5IIU1C Is the shoe o ! the hour, Boston Store