East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 25, 1903, Image 2

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    unun&V MlV 25. 1903.
nniLnunu iuuuimu i nxxx I
The Shield to Health
Belfast Ibesb
Linen . . .
Unexcelled for
Fit and
I Baerfr Daley
Son of Professor Schnepper Meets
With Fatal Accident at College
Walla Walla. May 25. Hugo . LNE FROM SUMPTER
Schnepper. 14-ycar-old son or Hugo I MAY EXTEND SOUTH.
Schnepier, professor of German and I
a member of the faculty of the Walla I . u f Pnadelphla. Has
Walla college, was drowned before the MaJor Bonl7 ' . p ,
eyes of several companions In Oarri-! Two parties ci purveyor ...
son creek yesterday afternoon at a! Field Bonds for New Corporation
point sereral hundred yards south j noated in the East.
Young Schnepper and several other E E cleaver, auditor of the Stand- j
of College Place. Li'nn'.iu.isj rnmnur nt Quartz-
boys from College Place were enjoy ) . . E A H,,Chlns, mining and
i rpHnivr. in tne employ "i
ing the .first swim of the
1 ii ii i ii oumuvui. .wv umii lunula in u
was observed to sink below the sur-
. face. Becoming frightened the other
, boys made an effort to reach him
' with branches of trees but were un
J successful.
The pool was about 10 feet deep,
t and neighbors who were immediately
J i summoned bad considerable difficulty
i l in raising the body to the surface.
Dr Stiles was called from town and
J ' made an effort to resuscitate the lad.
i The boy's parents were at Pendle-
ton at the time of the drowning, re
I ' turning home last night. No funeral
, arrangements as yet have been made.
i Coroner Smith was undecided this af
I tcrnoon whether to hold an inquest
or not
In the United States 40.000 locomo
tives haul 1,500,000 cars.
Europe had its first railway in 1S25.
America two years later.
In San Francisco the per capita
yearly receipts of street railway com
panies Is $13. S3.
The forest fires in the Adirondack
mountains are under control, but
rains are needed to put them out.
About 620.000,000 cross ties are now
laid on American railroads, and 1'0.-1
000,000 new ties are required annual-1
ly for renewals. j
London reports are that J- P. Mor- i
gan is hard at work trying to revive '
his underground railway scheme there
in rival to Yerkes. j
Mrs. Collis P. Huntington has pen
toned for life Lizzie Connel, her sen--!
ant, who was shot by Daniel Harkins. '
her gardener, some months ago. i
Two more railroads, the Lackawan-.
ua and the Erie, have applied for
permission to build a tunnel under
the Hudson river to New York.
Lichtnln? struct: a nollre station in
Williamsburg, X. Y last night, stun-1
ning 11 officers. Policeman Gorley
was seriously injured.
Tit T n..l.i. TT r T... .-!...-
president nad treasurer of the defunct
North American Realty Company or '
Newark, N. J.. have been convicted
of fraud. j
Father Barnhard Claus, Roman
Catholic priest at Columbia. 111., was '
stricken with apoplexy last night and i
Tell with a lamp. His body was badly
"The Gordian Knot." a problem ,
play by Claude Lowther, member oft
the British parliament, was produced '
by Beerbohm Tree in London last .
night, but was a dismal failure.
A free rural mall route is to be es
tablished at Oregon City June 1.
The Portland Lumber combine is
to be sued for damages for restricting
The annual commencement at
Whitman College will take place
June 4-10.
Workmen at Walla Walla unearthed ,
a skull Saturday in excavating, which j
resembles a wild boar's head.
Mrs. Lizzie C. Howell, of Oregon i
City, has been elected president of
the state Rebekah encampment. :
The Seventh Day AdventlsU of j
Western Oregon are gathering at Sa-j
lem for a ramp meeting to begin on '
May 2S. ;
The Canadian Pacific has completed J
the work of building temporary tracks I
around the great slide at Frank, N. I
W. T I
A beet sugar factory will be built 1
at Prosser, Wash., a comany having !
organized with a capital stock of 30,
000 for that purpose.
Roderick Cameron and John Me
Connell were drowned In the Pelly
river last week In attempting to de
scend to the Yukon. This makes
nine drowned this spring on the north-1
em trail.
A. J. Brojack, a Northern Pacific
fireman of Olympla, was killed Sunday
by being struck by a passing train.
He leaned too far out of his cab win
dow and was bit by the light on the
Rev. Elvert L. Jones, aged 19, of
Albany, Or., has gone to Tacoma to
take charge of the Evangelical
church in that city He is tbe young-!
est minister on tbe Pacific Coast, and ;
has preached since he was 17 years i
Robert Stlckney. an ex-minister,'
has been arrested in Helena, Mont., j
for luring three young girls into (
houses of ill repute.
E. G. Cox, a local contractor, has '
secured the contract for building the!
new Walla Walla high school building I
to cost $32,000. j
Hotel Pendleton.
Edwin J. Burke, Hartford.
A. J. Luckner. Spokane.
R. H. Caston. Spokane.
A. G. Howard. Spokane.
W. E. Woods. Moro.
J. G. Woods, Moro.
J. L. Ray. Yena.
Ed Blackburn. Yena.
J. F. Donellv, Baker City.
F. C. Harback. Salt Lake.
A. Wyland. Portland.
A. G. Mcintosh. Orford.
J. S. Wilson. Kansas City.
W. H. Brooks, Pendleton.
Charle3 Holman. Portland.
Miss Clark. Spokane .
C. B. Lehman. Portland.
J. G. Conrad. Chicago.
Louis Hunzlker. city.
A. S. Drumheller. Spokane.
F. R. Whltcombe, city.
Stephen B. L. Penrose. Whitman.
S. A. Keystone. San Francisco.
W. D. Chamberlain, city.
W. C. McBride. Portland.
F. A. Menziers. Portland.
B. M. Cummings. Eugene.
H. Malloch. San Francisco.
A. R. Jacobs. Portland
A. H. Matthew8on and wife,
, Francisco.
r . u. Kay. Salem.
Mrs. J. A. Churchill. Baker City
Mrs. S. F. Mcllvy, Kansas City.
T. M. Elmendorf, San Francisco.
A. Roderick Grant. Portland.
E. E. Dirkey, Portland.
S. B. L. Penrose, Walla Walla.
E. M. Rambo. Vancouver.
J. M. Sutton, New York.
E. H. Clark, city.
George Stevens, Siokane.
W. R. Glendenning, Portland.
R. A. Seeds, Spokane.
I. L. Ray. city.
Golden Rule Hotel.
J. J. Worcester, city.
R. Morrison, Walla Walla.
Ira McBlrney. Boise.
H. Grubb, Boise.
R. L. McClure, city.
J. D. Wood. Salt Lake.
R. J. McLean. Salt Lake .
O. C. Wright, Sumpter.
S. E. Hahn, Spokane.
M. M. English, Spokane.
G. H. Green, Chicago. '
V. I. Shaw, La Grande.
John Shaw, La Grande.
Mrs. Miller, city.
A. H. Chambers, Olvmpia.
Ed C. Allen, Portland.
W P. Freeman, Falrburg.
T. W. Lusk. La Grande.
J. C Wood. La Grande.
T. K". Beard, Modesto.
C. C. Simpson, Spokane.
S. A. Frans. Spokane.
G. D. Galley. Portland.
Ed Sheppard. Baker City.
T. W. Jackson, Spokane.
J. H. Leran. Dayton.
C. J. Hanscom. Portland.
C. L. Thornton, Portland.
W W. Bristow. McMlnnvIIIe.
J. Hanscom, McMlnnvIIIe.
S. E. Hanscom. McMlnnvIIIe.
L. A. Hanscom, McMlnnvIIIe.
W. Remington. Canyon City.
B. A. Marquis and wife. Adams.
Eliza Morrison, Adams.
E. V. Scott. Kamloups. B. C.
E. M. Gongner. Columbus.
C. L. Gougner. Columbus.
F. R. Gougner, Columbus.
D. C Gongner, Columbus.
Mrs. Charles Hicklnson. Columbus.
S. C Hicklnson, Columbus.
D. A. Hicklnson, Columbus.
J. T. Johnson. Heppner.
Miss M. McCubbln, Heppner.
J. N. Scott. Pullman.
Louis Olscn, Pullman.
Doug Glenn, city.
A. C. Russell and wife. Denver.
L. Wilson, Denver.
B. L. Sheridan, Echo.
Annie. Sheridan. Echo.
F J. Gardner. Portland.
O. G. Cates. Baker City.
P. Carrel!, Baker City.
F. U. Cundlff, Richland.
H. P. Rolfe, Walla Walla.
Charles Carson, Baker City,
Parasites Cause All Hair Troubles.
Nine-tenths of the diseases of the
scalp and hair are caused by parasite
germs. The Importance or this dis
covery by Professor Uuna of the
Charity Hospital. Hamburg. Germany,
can not he overestimated. It explains
why ordinary hair preparations, even
or the most expensive character fail
to cure dandruff: because they do not,
and they can not kill the dandruff
germ. The only hair preparation in
the world that positively destroys the
dandruff parasites that "burrow up the
scalp into little scales called scurf or
dandruff, is Newbro's Herpicide. In
addition to its destroying the dandruff
germ Herpicide is also a delightful
hair dressing, making the hair glos
sy and soft as silk.
Sold bj leading drugcists. Send
lnc In stamps for sample to the Her
picide Co.. Detroit. Mich.
Caledonian Souvenir.
The Walla Walla Caledonian Socie
ty yesterday received 500 medallion
badges to be sold at 25 cents each,
to serve as a basis to the games and
picnic to be held at Singleton's grov
Thursday. May 2S. The medallion Is
about the size of a silver dollar, on
tbe rront side of which Is a thistle
wrought In the metal, surrounded bv
the name of the society
Speakers at Emersan Centennial
New ark. May 25. One of the
most notable of the many functions
to be held throughout the country'this
week- in ceienratlon or tbe one hun.
dredth anniversary or the birth or
Ralph Waldo Emerson, will be the
commemoration dinner to be held by
uie society or me American Authors
this evening at the .Waldorf-Astoria.
The speakers include Col. Henry
watierson. Chancellor MacCracken.
president Schurman. of Cornell Unl
verslty. and Dr. William T Harris,
United States commissioner of edu
Is Proverbial Pendleton Women No
How much we owe to the sympathetic
siae or womankind' When others
suffer they cheerfully lend a helping
hand. Tbey tell you the meanB which'
brought relief to them that tbey may
profit by telr experience. Read the
testimony given here by a Pendleton
Mrs. L. Hodson, of 717 Aura street.
says: "While my kidneys have never
caused me any trouble which made
itself apparent In the kidneys them
selves nor In tbe secretions. I have
teen bothered more or less bv an ach
ing across the small of my back, then
down and through my kidneys. When
caught cold it hurt me across mv
loins and made me feel lame and sore.
got a box of Doan's KIdnev Pills
at the Brock & McComas Co. drug
mure ana usea uiem. While I did nnt
take them according to directions, be
ing a poor band to dose myself with
meuicines at all. they benefited me in
eery way, making my back stroneer
and toning up my whole system."
ror saie oy all dealers. Price 50
cents per box. Foster-Mllburn Co.,
Buffalo, X. Y.. sole agents for the
United States.
Remember the name DOAN'S
and take no other.
Made Young Again.
"One of Dr. King's New Life Pills
each night for two weeks has put me
la my 'teens' again," writes D. H.
Turner, of Dempseytown. Pa They're
the best in the world for liver, stom
ach and bowels. Piirelv
Never grle. Only 25c at Tallman i-
Co.'s drug store.
Major J. W. Bonta of Phuaueipma,
were in the city last Friday on busi
ness savs the Grant County News.
Mr. Hutchlns was contracting lor
supplies for a third crew of surveyors
to be put In the field this week, forj
the purpose of rushing the work ofj
survey on the electric road from Ba
ker City to Prairie City. Two crews
have been in the field for several
veeks. but as the survey had to be
completed by a certain date. It was
neeessarv to secure the services oi a
third crew.
The bonds nf the company amount
ing to J2.000.000 were floated in the
East by .Major Bonta last winter. It
is reported that Sumpter capitalists
offered to take up JSSO.Otllt of the
bonds af.cr Major Bonta's return, but
the money having already been rais
ed, the offer was refused. Although
the objective point of the electric
road is Prairie City, it is thought that
It will eventually be extended to
Burns. A delegation of business men
from Burns has been selected to con
sult with Major Bonta In regard to
the extension of the line to Burns.
Engineer Hutchlns stated to a
News representative that on January
1. 1901. the road would be completed
to Prairie City The rails have been
ordered in Europe and will arrive in
Portland on the first of August It
was necessary to place this order in
Europe as the factories In this coun
try could not supply them for at least
two years. All of the rolling stock
has been ordered In the East and will
irrive here during the month of Aug
ust. Major Bonta's company own the
Oregon Wonder and Will Cleaver
sioup of claims on Strawlerry mountain.
Bogus Government Agent In the Toils
of the Law.
Baker City. May 25. E. W. Bates,
V. S. G., the bogus government agent.
-as bound over for trial by Judge
rravilllon yesterday in bonds of J500.
In default of the security Bates re
mains in jail.
Instances where Bates secured mon
ey from people on various fraudulent
pretexts continue to be disclosed. His
principal graft In this vicinity ap
pears to have been to promise men
Jobs on survey parties and then bor
row money from them.
Usually a 5 cent Cigar is
Commonplace, but the
Parrot Cigar
Assumes the Individuality
of a Poetic Thought
in Tobacco.
" Just Try a
5 cents
Sole distributors
Portland, Or.
We have just mead ,1
equipped J'?
street just easl 0i
Ped to do first c
promptly. rw..i.' c
, bc US a t,
make special rates to
Phon licand - . ... "
to chs;."!.
can tret it l... l
. u, nuue neipare J
x-iiuae main UQl pIjl
By the Fire Insur J
i"""" .we represcJ
v-uiupanies, stand fim
HMfurd Fire Insure
AllUnee Assurance Co
uuuuou a tjuicasiilre FW 1
North British 4 Me'icjatik
Royal insurance Ca.
A Correction,
The Missionary Society instead of
the Aid Society of the First Presby
terian church of Pendleton has been
invited to spend the day with Sirs.
J. J. Raulston at her home near
Eastland on the third of June. The
Missionary Society Is looking forward
Jo the treat with a creat deal of
You Furinsh the need. We Satisff
We are showing tcday a fine line of Arabian andBrus
sells rett Curtains, $7.00 to $10.00. See them in tM
Take a look at the Vudor Porch Shade
8x8 ft. $4, 6x8 ft. $3, 4x8 ft $2,50
Wc have a few more of those Art Squares and Rnjsl
iett you wont have another chance to buy them so
JESSE FAILING, Store near the Bri
Jtist Received
We have just received a large shipment of goods from thefi
We made a good buy on this lot. This means bargains lot
customers. Our new shipment embraces fine screens,
pockets, easels, coat and hat racks, toilet cases, loot sta
and medicine cases. Our new line ot steins ts verj-attraq
tall and examine our goods.
Df suffering from lndiecstion if vou
eat what you want, or of starving
yourself to avoid such distress?
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets taken after
eatine -will ditrest Your fnnrt nprfiWIr
and free you from all the disagreeable J "J1
symptoms Of Indlcestlon and Drsnen. ' 4.
sia. Eat what you like at any time. I ------
an.l ..I.. n t v i I ... . T
iabe u rtcwr i amei aiierwaru.
Positively guaranteed. Tour money
will always be refunded if you
are not satisfied. Write to us for n
free sample. TF. H. Hooker & Co..
Buffalo. N. T.
Joseph Basle
iiiinm t h unit
Help wanted to harves' the straw. I
berry crop in the vicinity of Milton
and Freewater. The cron promises
to be unusually large, and outside
help will be needed. There will be
employment for a large number of
persons In harvesting the crop. Fam
ilies who wish to take a six weeks out
ing and combine profit with pleasure
are Invited to come up to the Free
water strawberry fields. Camping
srounds will be furnished free.
Twenty-five cents ner crate is nM
for picking. Address N. V,. Mum
ford. Freewater. Oregon, or R. T.
Motley, Milton. Oregon.
Nicely mowed Lawns are easily maintained. Take J
j; at our
I Easy Running Lawn Mowers.
l They are made on the correct principal. It's a f!s!HB
i operate them. Let us supply vou w ith GARDEN HU5
Best goods at lowest prices. ;
Thompson Hardware Co.,
; 62 Main Street
Mearlnnnrtrc fn, T?:rt,:nrv Cnnl!ac
p T taunts JUJJJ.'in.a. . .j-U
H"H III Hill lliiiiuillllll M
that gets your lungs sore and weak
and paves tbe way for Pneumonia or
Consumption, or both. Acker's Eng
lish Remedv 'will fttnn till fn.iwh In a
I day and heal your lungs, it will cure
consumption. Asthma, Bronchitis,
and all throat and lung troubles. Fob- I
itirely guaranteed, and money refund-'
ea it you are not s&usneti. Write to
us for free sample. W. H. Hooker
Co, Buffalo. N. T. F. W. Schmidt ft
Co., druggists.
Stock For Sale
"5 head of well-graded Shorthorn cat
tle. 1 registered Shorthorn bull.
50 head of horses, mares, geldings
and young stock, grade Clydes, and
10 head of Cleveland Bays.
It head broke to work; weight. 1200
1500 pounds.
1 stallion. 20uo pounds "weight, Clyde
and Shire.
Cash, or time with bankable notes.
Address JOHN L. COX,
C20 Thompson St.,
Pendleton, Oregon.
(Would like to dispose of stock b
fore turning out on range.)
The Best is the Cheapest
This applies particularly to furniture and carpets.
him o t ?. ' . i. .. oil and to
--j .liv-c ui lurnuure vou want it to . , ..jm
well. That is the kind we carry. Our goods speak lof
selves. We caraV a lari. Hn- nf f.;rn ture, I'") r J
carts, caroets. nrt uimm .noinmrc rues, curtains.
li-SVn'r.!.1 " Lhi '!'.' o you ehe.per tt" Jwff 5
tn elwwliere, wl.jr e won't expect your trade.
Next door to Postoffice.