sWf SfTci s.jrr-iZESmWmM DAILY EAST OREGON IAN, PENDLHTOH, HKHOH. SATURDAY, MAY , 1WH. Cards and Societies ... -trades. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. ..nNS AN" ft r ,T7 JBDD Irtrt f!-FF 0 to V2.. -. ffiiSS . .... illlilt 2-" strip T""ini .. "ASSESS w .oiT f LTsatlngs Bank DU..U- wBE 'pbone black - :r.cri.EE. chronic KJ ., snd diseases 01 Sri -..TZTZmSE. OSTnOPATlI PSi"KiSjeM Pion. Main INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS b. s. bryson, attorney at law Collections sud Itsurancs. Omci In E. O. baUdlng. J. M. BKNTLKY REPRESENTS THE OLDEST and most reliable Ore and accident Insurance, companies. Office with iiartman Abstract Co. JOHN HAILKV, JIL, O. 8. LAND COM mlsaloner Specialty made of land flllnrt and proof; Insurants and collections, of. flea la J odd building, room 16. JOB H. PARKE8. OFFICE 120 COURT KT. land office business, aoch as Sling of claims and Initiating contests a specialty. BOARD AND LODGING. HOTEL ALTA, COItNKU ALT A AND Mill streets. Hoard by the dav or week. Good (able set Rates $3.56 and $4.30 per week. Tcndleton Feed Yard In connection. W. V. Edralsten, Prop. TI1R STRAHON ROOMlNOnOCSE. CIS Main street. Mrs. II. H. Cooper, Prop. Everything strictly first-class. Rates 23c, ROc and SI per day. DB. w. ? ARRET- SOD. ru u " y nlete optical parlor In woe Ore. No charged " DENTISTS. vTdENTIST. OFFICE IN LUI. Toon, r IJ- RnDBTIST. OFFICE IN AS y. MA or Schmidt's new drug ITS, rtd 2H. (mkkTano BROKERS. ! X1T10NAL RANK OF ATHENA. ttCtalttl. JjO.UOO: surplus and rfUW lUlTivo . 1 a iWpi and domestic exchange. 0 Broaptu auenoea iu. ncuij . T J. Kirk. vlce-nrcs- Wjl IrSros-, cashier , I. M. Kemp, I IllirttS- BANK OF WESTON, lOrnf. Pees a general uuu 30s. Exchange bought and sold. a mrotlr attended to. It. Jam- akat Georce W I'roebstel, mlar l. Migore, cannier; ui it 1 Ilirtman. JI. M. Johns. T. .S.U0rair. J. r Kllgore, lioo- :. j. iToeosiei. I BNCLCTOX SAVINGS HANK, lej. Ciceton. Organized March 1, I ClnL Ilim.aijO: sunilus. 100.- lennalliiTed os all time deposits. rtieatisa sold on all principal Iptsii! attention given to col i I. J. raroUh. Dresldent : J. N. ItrHlaWt. T J, Morris, cashier; I uwj. stsistant cashier SWriOUL RANK OF I'ENDLE 1 Mai, 170,000 : surplus. $93,000 ; asirotnl banxlng business. Ex t u4 itltnphlc transfers sold on i m maruco. ew York and tou In the Northwest Drafts MQIm, Jipan and Euroie. Makes F KU.mable terras. I-erl An. V Y Matlock, rlce-pres- FXRWuit cashier II r Johnson, won WITtCTS AND BUILDERS. LKW CxiMlaWjI! AND BUIL- j w worn ngureu on. Job MWjrtorj work guaranteed. 'D. ARCHITECT AND BU-?SL-?Sle complete and rcll- i i- ilSf ln the cltr or coun- L W CONTRACTORS AND i iir"1 'urnnuea on snort t iw ,?. "Pwlalty 1'rompt -7" "mu Fireei near Main 11T mv llklaitis C0TKACTOH AND HUILI- . u call B.IUU3 .S' r.lk"' ton wall", etc. "regonlan oliec ISZSV -"'CIIITEOT AND tU!l ll ICl... . ... llirwt- r o. box loi ND CARRIAGES. i.ISeff'pAKEI!, FROI-. P. M to Savings Hank WHEN YOD GO TO TILOT ROCK STOP at the City Hotel. Good meals and first-class rooms. Special attention given to commercial travelers. Mrs. C. II. Hie tel. Pilot Rock, Ore. TnE WniTE BOARDING AND LODGING House. 301 Sooth Main street. Mrs. Ilelao Whlttemore, Prop. Housekeeping rooms end lodging rooms. Good comforta ble rooms and clean, well-kept beds. Lodging 25 cents. MRS. H. L. IIUNHNGTON HAS PURCH PF.n the Lodging JIooc at C3 Uardau Street, when she will be glad to ee har Inends and patrons. TONSORIAL PARLORS. BILLY KRASSIG. BARBER SHOP AND Hath rooms. Main street, three doors nortb of Hotel Bt. George. First-class service. i?l?T, BTHKBT. GEN I .,J?Itr I", electrical . . V"?". wired for eWtrlo U4. .r"- K'trlel tlx. Ha,. I"1 prices. Repair OJHOE REPAIRING. OLD RELIABLE ii?tL tot "W'lng with MCi op la rear f Dlndinger S5DEALERS.' IN MICA lucptt i . . M ' UII Lllinir in! a -rJ-urt atreeL SWUaaS".". iJ Cottonwood furniture. GOOD8 money et NEW .TON SO It I A I. PARLORS, COURT ST. Three doors west of Golden Rule Hotel. J. II. Pace, prop. First-class workmen; everything clean; all modern Improve ments. PATTO.VS SANITARY BARBER SHOP, Dcspaln block. Court street: best work manship: all the modern Improvements; nil tools sterilized ; Dam rooms la con. nectlon. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. THE DEPOT STABLES, COTTONWOOD street, between Alta and nebb streets. II. Stewart, Prop. Best care taken of horses, uood stables and plenty of feed. THE CITY LIVERY BOARD AND SALE Htable. M. J. Carnev. tironrietor. for fine turnouts Stock boarued at reatonible rates, Stable IIS Alta street. COMMERCIAL STABLES, G. M. FROOME i-rop. i.ivery, teed and boarding. All kinds of turnouts. Competent drivers. Opposite Hotel Pendleton. ' Phone, main nil. MONSTER NUGGET GRANT COUNTY MAN FINDS $3,000 PRIZE, Say He Uncovered the Rich Find at Head of Old Spanish Gulch Digging Mined 36 Years Ago. J. R. Peters. Who hroill-lit n Ttnlrnr City the $3000 quart gold nugget on exhibition at tho Citizen's National Bank, was a caller at the Democrat office yesterday, says the Baker City Democrat According to the statement of Mr. Peters, who Is Interested lu the claims and who is manager of operations on the John Day, the nugget was found at the head of tho old Spanish gulch lllacers 62 miles down tho river from John Day city. The claims are own ed by Robert Hlnes and C. V. Brown and are located three and one-half miles from the John Day river. The nugget was piped" off the top of a ledge running across the head of Spanish gulch and above tho old nlno er workings, and which Is exposed S00 ' teet in lengtn. Ttio ledge Is develop ed by a cross-cut CO feet, showing tho vein to be about two and one-half feet in width at a depth of 25 feet. A shaft 23 feet deep shows a three-foot ledge. Mr. Peters further stated that the piece brought to Baker City is only a small part of the gold that has been taken out. He says there is at tho mine over S00 pounds of quartz gold in pieces ranging from 300 pounds In weight to one pound that are richer In gold than the piece brought to this city. Mr. Peters Is on his way to Salt I.ake City on business connected witn his mining interests and may take with him the specimens of Spanish gulch riches that Baker City people have feasted their eyes on the past day or so. Spanish gulch, In Grant county, was the scene of lively placer mining in 1S62-C3 and for many years thereafter considerable gold was taken out. "He loves his home, doesn't ho?" 'Why?, yes. It Is almost as sacred to .him as his club." Life. SUNDAY AT I THE CHURCHES 3VTALTl-tOED FRATERNAL ORDERS. DAMON LODGE. NO. 4. MEETS EVERY Monday evening in secret society nan, LaDow block, at Pendleton. Ore. R. W. Fletcher, K. R. S.; W. J Keyes. C C. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. 8TAR EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 688 Main Bt.: If too need nelD or seek em ployment call on ua. 'Phone, main 1011. ROOFING MISCELLANEOUS. W C. MOTLEY. PROF6SIONAL EXPERT Pi ano Tuner. Orders left at Ttiurkelseu't Piano Rouse will receive prompt attention satisfac tion guaiantcej. DIVORrE LAVTB-l-ETKR WE'T ADVICE free; fees, temis to suit; 23 years' experience. Office GOSGurdeu St., Pendleton, Oregon. Notice to Tax Payers, You can aave the countv exueii-e by oiling at tbe assessor's office to give in your persor&l and city property ' So many have employment away from home during the day that it is extremely difficult to find tbem In order to see such persons and adjust their assessments the assessor will not only remain ln bis office during regular office hours, but will, for two weeks, keep his office open ln the evening from 7tof o'clock. You areearnestlr Invited to call soon and go over your valuations with the a.senor perionally. Never corrodes, never sweats nor expands ; in fact never gives any trouble of any kind and is used for all classes of work, A very superior covering for barns, factories, depots, canneries, tanneries, sheds and mining property. Seal for booklet. 6 The Paraffine Paint Co. San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles I Denver, Loioraao. First Christian Chursh Sunday 3chool, 10 a, m W. H. Hawlcr, su perintendent. Preaching 11 a. in., subject of sermon. "Following Fur Oft." At 2:30 In the afternoon Dr. Penrose, of Walla Walla, will preach tho baccalaureate sermon for tho Pendleton high school. We. shall dis miss our services Sunday ovenlug to attend tho baccalaureate services of the Pendleton Academy, at the Hnp tlst church. Prayer meeting Wednes day evening at S o'clock. Christian Kndeavor and choir practice Friday at S p. m. N. H. Brooks, minister, First Baptist Church Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Preaching at 11: subject, "A Vision of the New Life." Young people's service at 7 o'clock. At S o'clock this church will join ln the union service to listen to tho bac calaureate sermon of tho Academy. The public aro cordially Invited to attend the services of this church. R. W. King, pastor. M. E. Church, South Services as ronows: 10 a. m.. Sundny school, I. K. Earl, superintendent. No service at 11 a. m.. as the pastor Is absent hold ing a quarterly meeting. No Kpworth League at i oclock on account of children's service. Children's serv ice at 7:30 p. m. Interesting program and everybody Invited. Prayer meet ing on Thursday at S . in. K. B. Jones, pastor. o Congregational Church Sunday school at 10 a. m.j preaching at 11 o'clock. The preacher will ho tho Rev. B. U Penrose, D. D., president of Whitman College. There will bo a reception of now members and Lord's supper. Christian Endeavor meeting at 7 p. m. The congregation will unite In the afternoon nnd even ing services, when tho bacalaureato sermons will bo delivered. J. Ed wards, minister. West End Chapel Corner Maple and West Webb streets. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. Song service on Tuesday evening. Methodist Episcopal Church Sun day school. 10 a. m., A. J. Owen, sti' perlntendent. At 11 a. m. tho annual G. A. It. memorial service will bo held. Special music for the ocension has been prepared. A Bermon suita' bel to the occasion will bo preached by tho pastor. Special Interest In this annual service deepens ns the years go by and we note the rapidly diminishing ranks of this bouored class of men. A cordial invitation is extended to this service. In the oven Ing the Epworth league will meet at 0:45. There will be no other evening service, as the church will unite with the union educational services of tho Presbyterian church. Robert War ner, pastor, o Church of the Redeemer Divine service tomorrow at hours as follows: Sunday school at 10 a. m. Sermon and celebration of the holy commun ion at 11 a. m. Evening prayer anil address at 8 oclock. The midweek service will be held aB usual. o I First Presbyterian Church No I meeting of the Sunday school today, ,11 a. m. Annual Children's day Borv lie: 7 n. m.. Christian Kndeavor. There will be no preaching service In the eevnlnc owing to tho baccainure I ate service of Pendleton Academy to ho held In the Baptist church ut 8 p. in. Strangers In tin.- city are especial ly invited to all tho services. Robert J Diven, pastor, T C. TAYLOR, Agent HOTKL. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel in Pendletoo and as rood as any. The Hotel I'crullcton has just been refuted and refurnished throughout. Phone and fire alarm connections with all rooms. Baths in suites and single rooms. Headquarters for Traveling Mei Commodious Sample Koom. Rates $2 & $2.50 Bpecial rates by week or month fixecllcnt utiiHiue. Prompt Ulnlugroom service. Bar and billiard room lnoonneotlon Only Three Blocks from Depot GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Oorirtr Court and Johnson streets, Pendleton, Oregon. M. F. Kolly, Proprietor. HEATED BY STEAM LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY American IMuii, mien si.'-tS to (S'J.tMl por ilnv. Kiiii)miii rian. too, 7fiu t.M. Hhh;1ii1 mtttH by wuok or month. Free 'bus meets all trains Commercial trade solicited Fine sample rooms Special Attention Given Country Trad 1 HE QUEEN' IIOTKL. Clean comtorUble rooms from i' cents u,i. Newly tarnished throughout. Queen Chop Houe ln connection. MeaU at all hours. Only white help em ployed. Give us a trial. . The Columbia Lodging House Newly Furnished. Bar in connection. Bet. Alta & Webb Sts. In Center of Block. F. X. Schempp Pr oprietor NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Healed proposals will if rm'hl at the oSlce of the undersigned, and at All"' Oregon, until - p. in.. June 1. for the ereetlou and rompletlou of stone iMetnodlst Clnirih, according to t e plan- nud siK-clficatlons now on nie nt t he study of the I!ev. Arnlleld. of Athena. Oregon, or at the office of the ; areli illeet. Ituuui uwt !:'"" Xl"'?- ,I"d'', H", received separately for each branch of the "oil. or for the entire work. A ceitifled cheek of .1 per cent of the hid must nc com.mny aA hid. to I '"Mled to the llulld ug t ouun lice auouiu mr " to "it"; Into contract )iffiU,M IViull-ton. Oregon ' Architect Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury. Vk mercury will surely destroy the sense of ,me" and completely derange the bole si stem when entering It through the mu Children's Meeting. Don't forget the children's servlco at tho M. E. Church. South, on Webb street, Sunday night, beginning at 7:30. Interesting urogram by the children. Everybody is cordially In-, vitod to come and bring their friends. HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STS Jm as. "I lodgo. !hyTj; l.I.rfal and mucous aurfaces of the S)I ?' MS Toledo, Ohio, by V. J- Cheney I 7...A soHu In Toledo. iold KS . jtL" Hall's l araiiy li'lls are the l-t. A Sure Thing. It Is said that nothing Is sure except death and taxes, but that is not alto getl er true. Pr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption Is a sure euro for all lung and throat troubles. Thous ands can testify to that. Mrs C. B. ?,. .t?, nf fihpnherdtown, W. Va., tail . e lon. nvn "I had a severe c-' fhitis and for a year tried everything heard of, but go't no relief. Ono bot tie of Dr King's New Discovery then cm"! mo absolutely" It's Infallible for croup, whooping cough, grip pneu monia and consumption. Try It. It's guaranteed by Tallmau & Co . drug gists Trial bottle free, Regular sizes 50c, fl COMING EVF.NT8. May 201. O. O. V. firand Portland. May 20, Juno 3 Presbyterian gen-' eral assembly. Ujs Angeles, Cal, May 24-29 Commencement at ren ton Academy: 21, baccalaureate ser mon; 27, class day; 29. commence meiit; 30, banquet i May 23-28 Commencement week, field day; 24, baccalaureate sermon; . 23, Juniors entertain seniors; 2C, pub lic program by Juniors; 27, senior clasM day; 2U, commeiHeinent; alumni banquet, 30. May 20, 27 Caledonian picnic ui Athena. , May 28, 23 and Juno 12, 13 Wool sales, Pendleton. June 1 Circuit court. June 2, 3 nnd June 23, 24 Wool sales, Heppner. Juno G, C Wool sales, Tho Dalles. Juno 0, 10 and Juno 2C, 27Wool sales, Slianlko . June IE, 1C Wool sales, Baker city. , t Juno 11, 12, 13 Ninth annual ro union, Umatilla county pioneers, at Weston. June 17 Oregon Pioneer Associa tion, Portland. June 18, 19 Wool sales. Elgin. Juno 23, 24, 25 and 20 Eastern Oregon Baptist Association, Pendlo- June 23, 24, 26 SUte Federation of Women's Clubs, Astoria, July 2 Eastern Oregou 0. A, U. en campment. Union Jul cio Forty-second annual mMnir National Educational Asso ciation. Boston, Mass. july 7 improved Order of Itedmcn great council, Portland. TRANSPORTATION UNW bunion Pacific Two Trains to tbe East Daily Through Pullman standard anrlTourlst Ing ears dally to Omaha, Chicago) tourist loulsand Memphis) recllalng chair cars m sleeping ear oallr to Kansaa Cllys thrrsajli rullman tonrlal Heaping ran (personally ot dnelad) weakly to Uhlngo, Knsa tnty, as. trra'i to the Kail dally. DSTiST Ttnio Sahetul aaaisv roa Kroiu I'ondloton saost rortland l'ortUnd Ppeetal No. I Tha KaM siloam tt.'COa.ai. Chicago Chicago Rpeelal No 1 PorttamS ftaopm 3:iopsa rorUand Mail sad Bsprass No. Th BtM l:iu l:aaa ThAKastl Kail and IxpraasNe.t I"ortU4 4U0am (Mass lPsndUtoQ ItMengsr Spokaas) Nss7 aiiftstB Hpokan Bpokane raassnctt stlSam No. S PtndulAn Branch imsb Mlisd Train No. It " Walls Walla Branch Wpm Mlswt Trala No. a Oceaa and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. All aalllag dataa sab- Ball vary a days. ""Daily ' SSLaV Co,0,,U m P. as. iMOp ns. To Astoria ana Way Baadar Saturday Landings. 10 ao p. in. Willamette Hirer. Boats Isara l'ortUnd dally, exoapl Bnadar. 'slag ol water permitting) lor Willamette IU Yamhill Blrcr points. UT " jLoT Hlparla Baaks Rlyar Lswlstoa (!05a.in. Klparla to Lewlston 1MS.B. Pally Daily ticpl Mon Esspt Mm r. r. WAMBLKY. Agent, Itadlataa. Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this route for Chicago, Ht Paul, Ht. Louis, Kan saa City, Bt. Joe, Omaha, and All Points East and Sooth Portlaad and polsts on the Sound Tim CABD. Laara fsndleton, dally ezoapt landayt 7:00. pnt. Arrive rendition Monday, Wednesday 4 ' Arrlr 'I'eoSiaton Tuesday, Thursday aa Saturday 23 am. LeT Walla Walla dally, east bound, 11 DO pat. Arrive Walla Walla dally, west bound, 8: asz. ITor Information regarding rates and aeeeaa odllon,.c.l. on o, ""aUAM.. Agent 1'endMsu, Oc. 8..B.OALD-HIIKAD.U P. A.. Walla Walla. Wuh. GEO. DARVEAU, Prop Elegantly Furnished Steam Heateo European flan. Block and a half from depot Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE 50c, 76o, $1,01 Pendleton Savings Bank OHOANIZKD MAItCH 1, 1(19, CAPITAL 110000, TransacU a oerwrsl banking business. interest allowed on tint deposits. Exchange bought and sold on all nrlneloal rjolnts. Special attention given to collec tions. W. J FURNISH, President j. N. TEAL. Vice-President- T. J. MORRIS, Cashier. J. W. MALONKY, Aeet CssahUr. GOOD SOUND WOOD Is always rccoivctl when you place your order with us. Fir. Tamarack and ..Pine.. Why buy poor coal when you can Ret the liest for the name price? Laatz Bros. Telephone Main Si CHICHCSTtfl'a gNOUBM PglHViPL.eiSii em mm- turn in ie la MKM Ml jel- niilU kwiw. iibUMriiMi i a al.. Urn ssf mmttt its ! skf Se Mall 0,U4 1eUiU. BH JSeiHB e-qsaia e w THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. OREGON Americas Plan, j per day and "". Ilradauartera for tourists end commercial Inse eltrs? special ratta made to tamUUe sad ssaaja gcallemcu. Tbe saanagesscat will be pssasM si all times to show rooms, and gl prfcfie. modern Turkish Utn rstsbludiuuatla the bsesi. II. C. BOWREH, Msaagw.