East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 23, 1903, Image 5

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    1 'Srisl"''?r; j
r j
c is no beverage more healthful
tfce right kind of beer. Birley malt and hops
fooi ana a ionic vmy j3 per cent
f alcohol just enough to aid digestion.
at t the right beer, for some beer it not heslthfcL
ito 2 'the pure beer, the clean beer, the filtered tad
1,, No bacilli in it nothing bat health.
Aad Schlhz i the aged beer that never causes bilioaMieM,
CBf$r the Mrmtrj Etttlmg.
fM t tkmt asaate utu.
phone Bl Main, H. Kopittke, 007 Main St.,
'BwPMceUin Tubs
i j
I. tn De lounu i
Bber Shop and I
Ibehydranlic chairs. Every-
gfis net ana cjean. t
mloy none but first-class I
AmtTi. Our equipment is T
ladled in Eastern Ore.
LWvttt'3 Barber Shop J
Palace Cafe
i (tat Elwet has just been refll-
ittaegtoM. you win nna
mtUu nest, clean.wholeeoine.
ita tuts quick lunch we rati
SJtB awi serve icguuv
it w ix. we Deueve we
f Uw best meal in the city for
Our "teadiiy increasing
lendenceor tnti racu
: dinners a specialty.
MKtft Court Blreet.
Good Coiatry Butter 30c to 40c
per roll.
Creamery Butter 50c per roll.
Tillamook ud Califoraia Cheese.
We have just added a new' delive
ry wagoi to our equipment and
will sake prompt delivery to any
part of the city.
The Big Store in
Alt Stifwt. Opposite Sarings Baai
ST Mt to mm
On BUS for inMml
Uiuumi or wwni
; ZL. PaloliM- an Jnoi of-
luutua weupa. -""- -
prwut In UU wne-
New York. Mav ss sin Hrd.n
parties promise to be more popular
than ever this year, a pleasing note
..8UaJncr ls tn,ck the dresses
which have arrived from abroad and
are being built hero for wear at these
functions, a dainty gown which will
n5.1.dcn,al dut at 0tnC summer
festlv ties is shown In cream whlto
silk all exquisitely figured in pale pur
ple flowers arranged tn Uny clusters.
The Skirt ls formed in three tiers, the
top One belne minul amnnJ thn
waisi wnue the other two are shirred
mree rows deep at the upper edge.
too ooaice has a deep yoke- of
uiw rami nneiy tucned and trimmed
with butter colored laco medallions.
A charmlne Irreralar tin loll la fra I n aj
for the yoke by ftn edging of laco to
iiwjicn uxe meaauions with graduated
mu i ...
uo sieeves, which are tucked to
fit close over the shoulders, are trim
med below the elbow with laco and
gathered into a transparent cult of
wired lace supported top and bottom
by narrow bias bands of cream white
siik. -roe game Idea Is carried out In
the stock with a delightful addition
of French notes in palo purple smoth
ered here and there in the lace.
Nice and Inexpensive Dresses.
Since several gowns are necessary
to carry the well-dressed woman
through a season, it Is better to em
ploy the Inexpensive silky materials
which are dressy enough in them
selves to require but little trimming.
The silk mulls and muslins come un
der this list, although many pongees
are worn and procurable at reasona
ble cost. Here Is a pretty gown In
apple green and white. The bottom
of the skirt is embroidered In Bcal
lops, white and green being employed.
The embroidery Is carried out In flor
al design, the roses being arranged In
circles with foliage of delicate green.
The bodice has a dainty bertha
front for which the same trimming Is
employed. The belt shows a depart
ure from the customary ribbon and
chiffon girdles In that it is simply a
gilt chain clasped unpretentiously
around the waist
The bat Is extremely youthful and
pretty. The top is hidden in a mass
of deep cream lace ruffles and a
branch of beautiful silk roses with
natural foliage clusters In and out
the lace. The brim Is fastened with
moussellne to match tho lace and un
der the close-fitting brim at the back
are rosettes of cool green and white
liberty ribbon.
What really constitutes a smart and
serviceable summer wardrobe- Is a
difficult matter to decide where there
he Best is Cheapest
We bave a stock of goods that range from a Baby
Wker to massive quartered oak library furniture Our line
coaches and sofas is very complete including some beauti-
l designs for the home also some plain yet elegant black
fcr couches for office or library.
Our line of Carpets ranges from 2 or 3 ply ingrain to
Wiltons and body Brussells of latest designs. We nave t
lf8tf ires, rugs, curtains, mattings and linoleums in endless f
We are not selling our goods at cost as we are in busi
ake a living but we buy in car load lots so that we t
them to you cheaper than you could buy them in the
lUay them down here. Call at our store, examine !
5r and get our prices on what you want. If we can't t
a better gride of goods at as low prices as you can j
When xuhxr ovnortf vnitr trade.
) nVUl WAvv. J -
I Baker
.f 8
ML -
& Folsom
are so maiiv diauda f raakloax.ta
be satisfied. A Fifth areaue moMato
wno can. accomaodate her Ideas to
the purse of the averace wean
though ther time Is devoted to the
creation of gowns tor society's elect
assures the writer that at leaat two
smart gowns are necessary to the auo
cess of any summer outfit One of
these should be either of black or
white lace, the former for choice. If
economy has to be seriously studied.
Among tho secondary gowns there
should be Included a couple ot foul
ards, a serge, an alpaca, a linen and
muslin, besides the tailor mado cloth
and outing suits, the latter of which
might also be mado to do duty aa a
walking suit
A black and white, blue and whlto
or brown and white foulard is a use
ful possession, though tho first-named
adapts Itself to a greater number of
occasions. The serge should bo black
or navy blue and would serve for dull
days, business outings and traveling.
Suggestions In Suits.
A serge suit that ls both practical
and stunning has the skirt laid In hori
zontal plaits, three or tour starting
from the hips, carried around to the
back and allowed to fall In natural
folds to the bottom of the skirt. Tho
advantage of the style Is that it Is
alike becoming to slim and stout fig
ures. As a finish to each plait a nar
row embroidered In silk on cither sldo
ot the tablter.
The bodice Is also plaited horizon
tally and blouses over a black satin
band, the front openlug over a chemi
sette of one of the fashionable laces
trimmed with the tiniest of silk or
pearl buttons In series ot six.
The alpaca grey or dark clear
green would bo smart and the linen
and muslin In dresses are for coun
try wear and for mornings In town.
Oowns of yester-year can often be per
suaded to do duty again after slight
alteration and sorvo for wet weather,
notoring and so on.
The shops aro still full ot sugges
tions for the sweet girl graduate. For
trimming lawn, sulsso and mull bod
ices there aro bunches ot ribbon
roses, chiffon violets and hyacinths,
lace garlands and all sortB of what
nots for these Important frocks. Less
essential, but none the less pretty aro
little monograms that como for the
ribbons that tlo diplomas. These are
In gold and silver filagree and so del
icate that they look like embroidery.
A graduation dress that may bo
worn throughout tho summer is made
simply of white lan. The skirt Is
made with two bias vedants headed
and bound with white velvet ribbon,
an odd but pretty combination.
The bodice is formed of three vol
ants, scanty In fulness, simulating
those on the skirt. The yokes and
tops of the sleeves are formed of Imi
tation Irish lace. Across tho shoul
ders are narrow strips of the velvet
Chlffonette ought properly be class
ed among the familiar fabrics with
high-sounding names. It ls stronger
than chiffon, but not as fine and silky,
yet more so than srystailine, in fact
a cross between the two.
New Style of Sun 8hadts.
No summer wardrobe Is complete
without its array of sun shades.
Thero must be a shade for walking,
one for driving, one for calling, one
for "back" and even one for the sun
bath on the seashore. Tho latter, by
the way. Is a unique little arrange
ment by which the complexion ls pro
tected and yet leaves room for a full
exposure to the benefits ot the sun.
The designs in parasols displayed
for our debonolres are so fascinating
and seductive that ono longs for the
quicker approach of summer days to
admit of using them as quickly as
may be. Tbey run tho eldest latitude
In price ranging from the 98-cont spe
cial sale bargain, to the $100 Imported
Meeting of Great Interest to All
tcrested In a Great Industry.
Now York, May 23. Irwin Mabon,
secretary of the American Mining
Congress, expects to leavo tor ueaa
wood and Lead, 8. D., within a few
days. He will enter Immediately Into
the work ot arousing general Interest
and enthusiasm throughout the West
In the coming session of the Ameri
can Mining Congress, which Is to be
held In the Black Hills In September.
The various officers and committees
of the congress are working In unison
with the promise of making tnis com
ing session an eventful one In tho his
tory of the mining industry.
The mining men of tho Dlack Hills
country are taking their share of tho
arrangements for the congress. Ex
cursions to the workings of the vari
ous mining companies are being plan
ned, and plans aro being made to
profitably employ every hour of the
time spent by men who aro interested
In the great Industry. Assurances
have been received by Secretary Ma
bon that Idaho, Montana, Colorado,
Wyoming. Missouri, California, Mich
igan and other states in which the
mining Industry flourishes will be well
represented at tho congress. In con
nection with the gathering there will
be a large and comprehensive exhibit
of ore specimens, mining machinery
and equipment.
To CtlsbraU Emerson's Nam.
Chicago, May 23. Ministers of
all denominations have been Invited
by Rev. Jenkln Lloyd Jones, general
secretary of the Congress of Rsllgion,
to observe tomorrow as the 100th an
niversary of the birth of Ralph Waldo
Emerson and to preach sermon re
flecting the thought appropriate to the
occasion. In his appeal for a gaeraj
observance of the anniversary Dr.
II . "
.MMMMMk aJsisssB lasssHsisllssssssl
Motherhood is woman's natural destiny
actual barrenness is rare comforting
words to childless women.
Many wotaen are denied the happiness of children simply tecause of
some curable derangement of the generative organs.
Among- the many triumphs of Lydla K. Plnltham'a Vecetabla
Compound is overcoming cases of supposed barrenness. Thousand of
ISIISa Syi?,thclr.eutte,n! KlMnkham'a Vegetable Cow-
pound. This great medicine is so well calculated to regulate every functloa
muimiof womeranS ,U efllcieno ,B thl re,Pt iwwbed to? by
Nine Years Without a Child.
. . "V"!- ttKKJ": Wo had been married nine years and
never had children, and now we have a Uttlo baby girl nineteen months
old, tho joy of our life. She owes hor oxiste Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. '
"Before takinjr Lydia E. Plnkliam'a vegetable Compound I
was a constant sufferer. I had palna in my bock and sides, especially
before menstruation. I had doctored but received no benefit, ffiarinr
so much about tho Vegetable Compound I decided to try it, and after
East' $" d?Ohf WD" Mr8 T H Go""1! 1233 Nevada St,
Portrait of a Baby Girl Who
Owes her Existence to Lydia E.
Dlnlhaml.Vo.l.1. r" 1 1
lJEA.lt MllS, PlNKUAM : I Wrote
to you some tlmo ago asking- why I
could not haw a child. I explained
that I had displacement of tho womb
anu )varian trouble, and eullored
.with backache and headache. You
sent me a nice letter in reply
giving mo full instructions how
to treat myself, and in accord
ance with your directions I took
your Vegetable Compound, and
followed your kind advice faith,
fully in every respect, and now I
have a little girl, the joy of our
uomo. i never would nave nan
my baby if it had not been for your
advioe and mediclno.
"I cannot nraiso Lvdio. E. Plnk-
bam'l Vesretable Comnound nnnucrh for what
it has dono for me. I hope other childless
women Will ace this lAttar." Mtiil John TTnsn-
tJtciKB, 1111 Broadway, Cleveland, Ohio. ,
Another Happy Case In Brooklyn.
44 Dkak Mns. PivKitAx : I wrote to you a year ago telling you of
my troubles. I had pains in tho ovaries, menses were painful, and I
bad never borne children.
u You answered my letter and I followed your advice. I was com
pletely cured. Have Just given birth to a fine, healthy babe, and during
childbirth had a very easy time.
" Lydia E. Pinkhara's medicines aro a God send to women who want
to be mothers." Mns. Sciiumz, 12 Luznor St, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Man V women wIioko letters we print were utterly discouraged,
and life lacked all joy to them when they wrote Mrs. Plakhasa.
Lynn, Mass without charge of any kind. They receivf4 aMm
which mado them stronir. UM-ful women again.
1 fimW"
Jones says In part: "Tho Influence
of Emerson has long since become the
herltago or all reading and thinking
peoplo. First and always, a Mathow
Arnold called him the 'friond and
nldcr ot those who would live in tho
spirit,' we cannot fall to realize with
gratitude the great and benenciont
Influence upon our present moral and
religious conceptions ot Kmerson's
Carnegie Trust Not Unmixed Boon.
London, May 23. According to
Principal Story, of tho University ot
Qlasgow, the Carnoglo Trust Is not an
unmixed boon to the students. Tho
number ot students who pay their own
way Is rapidly growing less, and the
learned principal suggests that tho
young men aro becoming demoralized,
and aro likely to bave their honor
and their Independence sapped. He
declares that Instead of paying fees,
some portion of the money ought to be
devoted to the enlargement of the
staff of professors.
Harsh Judgment
An exchange says whenever you
find a man finding fault with a local
paper, open It and 10 to one he has no
advertisement In It; five to ono he
never gave it a job of work; three to
one If he Is a subscriber he Is de
linquent: even odds ho never does
anything to assist the publisher to
rnu a good raper; and 40 to 1 he is the
most eager to see the paper when It
comes out.
Vandalla's Nsw Train.
St Louis, Mo.. May 23. Tomorrow
the Vandalla will begin operating
new train from St. Louis to Now York
independent of all other trains. It
will start at 12:30 noon and reach
Nsw York In the evening of the next
Water tankJJ
We make a Specialty of Building Mound
or Square
We make them rii(ht and they
always give satisfaction Our
work is ntver slighted or botched,
Pendleton Planing Mill
and Lumber Yard.
Delightful Summer Res.rt
Whore aro you golbg to apond your
vacation this summer? Before you
decide this question, Investigate Leh
man Springs. It Is beautifully situ
ated. Plenty of shade, splenoid
water, oxcellent accommodations,
'phone connections with Pendleton
and other points, and It is easy of
access. A few weeks spent at Leh
man Springs will put new vim asd
vigor Into you, The waters of Its va
rious hot springs have curative prop
erties. There are 26 cabins, a large
hotel and plenty of camping room.
You will find It delightful stunner
resort Address C. R. Duttoa, La
man Springs.