. rnM SATURDAY, BAY S3, 1903. DAILY EAST UHtuuniBWi rennet. 7,,, Going To Meet The PRESIDENT? You'll need a new suit if you arc. If you buy before Monday noon (May 25th) you can get a positive discount of $2,00 on any suit from $10.00 up. This will Pay Your Fare to W. W. And Return and Btiy Your Dinner. $ J 0.00 Suits $ 8.00 $ J 2.50 Suits tO.OO $ 13.50 Salts t i. 50 $15.00 Salts J3.00 $ J 6.50 Salts J4.50 $t7.50 Salts J 5.50 BAER & DALEY ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, HATTERS AND FURNISHERS i it HB' HKf MHftUC A CO, JA GENERAL NEWS. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Congressman William Lorlmer, re publican, was re-elected In Chicago, according to the result of a contest brought by his comietltor, A. C. Dux borow. His majority Is 1,001. It Is believed the Turkish govern ment Is meeting with reverses in its contest with the revolting Albanians, as nothing can he learned about the disturbances, the Turks suppressing all news. Loudon, England, is experiencing an immense influx of Russian Jew's. Moat or them are destitute and only add to an already distressing state of afTairs. I Simmons was arrested at Chicago charged with murder. He died In a cell at the city Jail a few hours later, apparently of fright and nervous IIL'SS. The money has been raised by pri vate subscription for the erection of a peace monument on the Hudson, above New York wy, mat $2,500,000 and be 700 feet In height. Southern Ohio has been visited by thunder storms of extreme violence. There were more than the usual num ber of fatalities from lightning. A negro bootblack slgnedfor first class passage from New York City to Antwerp as A. Z. Allen. United States consul-general at Antwerp. He received all the consideration and are always accorded first-class pas sengere during the voyage. Senator W. A. Clark believes his short-cut railroad from Salt Lake to Los Angeles will be built within two years, There are rumors that a party of American engineers was lately attack ed by Chinese some distance south of Haukow. Hotel Pendleton. M. It. Cobb, Portland. Fred Bleckner, St. Paul. W. D. Deaver, Portland. Jessie -G. Chaddock, Walla Walla. Mrs. E. H. Bradbury and son. Walla Walla. Fred Lasater, Whitman College. W. Mcrrit, Whitman College. L. Black, San Francisco. E. C. Goodwin, The Dalles. M. H. Patton, Spokane. J. F. Clark, San Francisco. A. S. Henrtfleld, Spokane, F. H. Hammond. H. D. Chase, Portland. J. E. Shleler, Havre. Ben F. Davis, Spokane. E. B. Wengard, Spokane. J. B. Brooks, Spoknne. C. L. McCoy, Spokane George E. JIasBer. Spokane. A. J. Cachadol. Superior. ; W. C. Bland, Superior, t F. A. Taylor. Portland. S. A. Keystone. San Francisco. I J. B. Whitcomb, San Francisco. G. S. Youngman, Portland. E. B. Canon, Portland. E. H Stirling. Portland. STRAIN TOO GREAT. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. The North American Fisheries Co.. of Auacortes and Aberdeen, has been put Into the hands of a receiver. Several hundred children have beeu exposed to smallpox in the Thompson street school In Portland. John W Bowers, a pioneer Tacoma dairyman, who was Btruck by a Northern Pacific train Friday morn ing, died later in the day from his in juries. The anarchist lloaheau, who is ac ousod of placing the Infernal machine on board the Umbrla last week, has been traced to Butte St. Mary's Catholic church, at As toria, u new structure costing $10,000, will be dedicated Sunday, May 24. Tho La Grande Beet Sugar Factory Company are building a new ware-' house 50x150 feet in anticipation of larger crops than ever thiB year. The state food commissioner of Washington, has discovered that Se attle milkmen are extensively using drugs as preservatives In milk sold to hotels and a wholesale arrest of dairymen Is expected. The Paddy Lynch sailor boarding house at Astoria, which was reputed to be the toughest Joint on the Paci fic Coast, has closed down perma nently, slnco Lynch was taken to the penitentiary to serve an eight-year sentence for Bhanghallng. Thomas Mitchell, of Seattle. Is un der arreBt for beating his aged father with a club until ho told whore a C00 treasure was Kept, and robbed him of It. Frank Seldon, aged 73, postmaster at Cle Elum, Wash, was found dead In his bed Friday njorulng. Gus Nelson was found hanging to u tree near his home at Seaside, Fri day morning. He was insano at times and It Is thought to be a caso of sui cide. Cltliens of Curry and Josephine mttna hovn mmnnRt rated against the formation of the Southern Ore-ifKoniforesL-rcserveo. i2z2L- Golden Rule Hotel. J. W Allen, Baker City. It, James. Baker City. A. Brown, Baker City. W. Mitchell. Baker City. H. Chandler. Baker City. D. Kelly. Baker City. J, Richardson, Baker City. R, Dodson. Baker City. I. Parker, Baker City. R. Neil. Baker City. Minnie Shields. Pilot Rock. J. B. Wnldeu, Milton. S. P. Hutchinson, Birch Creek. H. L. Palmer, Seattle. Mrs. Vaughn, Athena. Mrs. B. S. Woodruff, Wnlla Walla. C. J. Carr, Wooley. H. Johnson, Eugene. A. G. Walker and son, Eugene. R, Morrison, Walla Walla. John McBimle, Boise. J. Helfrich, Spokane. A. E. Carlson, Tckoa. A. M. Johnson, Athena. C. Herr, Freewater. B. H. Crisp. Durkee. E. J. Wood, Durkee. J. W. Nixon. Sprague. J. C. Scott, Helix. W. E. Ducranx, North Yakima. S. A. Miller, Milton. Ed Smith. Walla Walla . J. Oliver, Walla Walla. D. B. Ruckmau aud wife, Alien). T. W. Potter. Salem. MIsb Gift, Wallowa. G. W Smith, Medical Springs. J. T. Johnson, Hoppner. M. McCubbin. LoBtine. Huggins Brothers, city. M. Lowe, Union. J. Dobbin. Uniou . C Johnson, Uniou. H. Foster, Union. A. Mulochlll, Union. V McConnell, Baker City. Sick Headache absolutely and per manently cured by using Mokl Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures Consti pation and Indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfac tion guaranteed or money back. 25 cts and CO cts. Writo to W. H. Hook or & Co.. Buffalo, N. Y., for a free sample. F. W. Schmidt & Co., druggists. Attention Sheepmen, I can furnish fine range on the Grande Ronde river, 20 miles from Elgin; laud owned by private parties. Address Box 44, La Grande, Or, Miss Woodby Really, you don't think that I'd consider for a minute a proposal from him, do you? Miss Newltt Oh. no. Of course, you would not take that long. Philadelphia J?ress. Hundreds of Pendleton Readers Find It so. The bustle and worry of business men; The hard work and stooping of workmen; The woman's household cares. Are too great a strain on tho kid neys. Backache, headache, sldeache. Kidney troubles, urinary troubles follow. A Pendleton citizen tells you how to cure them all. Morris Doans G-r For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents per box. Foster-Milbum 'Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the United States. Remember tho name DOAN'S and take no other. Change in Time of President's Special Train. On request of various business people of the city, the O. R. & N. Co. has changed the time of the special train leaving Pendleton .May 25th for Walla Walla to leave Pendleton at 12 o'clock, noon. Instead of 10 a. m as advertised heretofore. Make a note of this aud bear in mind the special train leaves at 1 2o'clock noon, 'mis change in time no doubt will be appreciated by the business people, nnd public generally, as It will only be- necessary to be absent from the city one half day l nrdei " nial- the trip to Walla Walla. Those de siring to leave earlier in the day can do so by tiring the regular train at 1 S:16 a. m. I THE DEWEY ESTATE LEFT OVER TWO MILLION IN MINES AND MONEY. Palace Hotel at Nampa Will Be Run on Present Plans Thunder Moun tain to Be Developed as Was In tended by Dead Man. "I will carry out my father's plans. I know bis wishes In regard to all lus enterprises, completed and uncom pleted, and It will be a plensure to me to observe them. I have been 1 j 1- i.ini, nr., I Invn the state ns he loved It, and his work ot upuuiiums shall continue as fnr ns lies In my ability to perform." These generous and noble worus were uttered by E. H. Dewey to a, Nampa Leader reporter, anu 11 m were any fears entertained as regards the continuance of the colonels woik. these words ot his son will al lay them. As Is known, he has been left sole trustee or his father's Im mense estate, with power to bond, sell, mortgage and do anything that his judgment may deem wise and expe dient for the best interests of the property and heirs. The estate consisted of property in Buffalo and Tonawanda to the value of $40,000 or over; of mining Interests In Owyhee, Custer, Shoshone and Ida ho counties of Immense value and easily converted Into money If so de sired; of large property Interests in Nampa, Including the hotel, nnd same in Owyhee county, all figuring up very close to $2,000,000 Is disposed of at the present time, being more than all estimates hitherto published. Mr. Dewey stated that the hotel, would continue to be run on its pres ent plan, which guarantees Nampa the finest hotel in Idaho for many years to come. As soon as Immediate business here can he attended to he will go East to perfect his plans for the extension of the Idaho Northern, but does not expect to begin work on this extension until fall, owing to the difficulty in getting suitable labor dur ing the summer months, but he ex pects his trains to be running to Horseshoe Bend by early spring of next year. In regard to Thunder Mountain, Mr Dewey stated that he expected Mr. Barnsdall heie shortly to make ar rangements for development work In their mines in that district. At least a portion of the big 100-stamp mill would be taken In as soon as the wagon road would permit, and probably all of It. but said that his company was now figuring on estab lishing a new cyanide process for saving the gold, which might be adopted, as it offered prospects for a much greater saving. Visiting in La Grande. Ex-State Treasurer G. W. Webb left 011 last night's express for La Grande where he will visit with his daughter and son-lu-law. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stevens Usually a 5 cent Cigar is Commonplace, but the Parrot Cigar Assumes the Individuality of a Poetic Thought in Tobacco. " Jost Try a Parrot Cigar' 5 cents BELL X CO. Sole distributors Portland, Or. J Pendletoi sfptti I ... We have just opened. ctrfr met a v gonian Building. w. pared to do promptly. Consult J make special rates ' it.;' - - -juurc ""ui! wasn noiiwci , " ""ue oetter and less wear at our li,. none but white heln L Stephens & jor rnone Main 1101 1 I Accnp i it . a aaJ n MET PROMPTLY Rv thf Pi'ro I j .... i.- insurance panies we represent comDames stand ... . world. HnrtfV.Ivl tfln. .. - W uiiiiuiui -i.auc&8uire Fin Insurance (Jo.. .. North British & Merciiitut nujsi insurance uo., lU HUH II 111 11 rnu in n iii.n AGENT OUU MAIN N t A Dollar Saved is a Dollar Earned t You oau save from So to 50 per cent on the s'oek I have left. Thi portiere.-i, rugs, art squares ana mattings. 1 All 60c and 65o linoleum I am closing out at 50c a yard. All 30c and 50c wall paper I have marked down to 25c per T Oval Iramed irrencn i'late Mirrors 3d yi per cent off. j, I still have some liirli grade standard sewins: machines left bat ftll . - 1 . T - .I, - . . 1 . t JESSE FAILING. Store near the Stock Cattle for Sale. Have for sale 50 head of cows. 25 calves by Bide; 10 2-year-old heifcra, and 15 yearling heifers. ELMER SPIKE. Echo. Ore Jtist Received If you are troubled with Impure blood, indicated by sores, pimples, heartache, etc., we would recommend Acker's Blood Elixir, which we sell under a positive guarantee. It will j always cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons and all blood diseases. 50 cts and J1.00. F. W. Schmidt & Co., druRglsts. For Kent Suite of rooms, nicely furnished, one block and a half west of Main street. Inquire SOS AHa. Quick Arrest. J. A. GuelledRe, of Verbena. Ala., was twice In the hospital from a se vere case of piles cuusing 24 tumors. After doctors aud all remedies failed. Bucklen's Arnica Salve quickly cured him. It conquers aches and kills pain. 25c nt Tallman & Co.'s. druggists. For Sale. Three-quarter sections ot good wheat land, of which one-half Is In grain, and nil lies Ave miles north east of the city. A dwelling, two barns and other outbuildings, and a good water system. Call at Oliver & Co.'s grocery, or at tho home of v.. W. Rlgby, 704 Thompson street. St. GEORGE Restaurant Sinner Twenty-five Gents I'rom 11,30 a. in, to 7 . ui. Short orders a speciality Quick, Courteous Service Open all Day and Night T. A. Oldfather, Prop. WANTED Help wanted to harvest the straw berry crop in the vicinity ot Milton and Freewater. The crop promises to bo unusually large, aud outside help will be needed. There will hi employment for n largp t.umber o: persoi.b In harvesting the jri Fan Hies who wish to take a six weeks out ing nnd combine profit with pleasure are Invited to conio up to the Free water strawberry fields. Camping grounds will be furnished free. Twenty-five cents per crate is paid for picking. Address N. W Alum ford, Freewater, Oregon, or It. T. Motley, Milton. Oregon. ttf.. t : . 1 1 1 . . t i r. l,oF We made a good buy on this lot, This means bargains lor customers. Our new shipment embraces fine screens, Otirf moHtrino tirae flu ut linn i ptoinc ic VPfl' 3III2L Mivuiun v.aat.,1. wui ncn Hilt ui 9bwn j Call and examine our goods. Joseph Basle ---l--tnH--li iTnli itiili 1I1 it I iT f I - 1 BEAUTIFY Stock For Sale 75 head ot well-graded Shorthorn cat tie. 1 registered Shorthorn bull. 50 head of horses, mares, geldings and young stock, grade Olydes, aud 10 heart ot Cleveland Bays. 10 head broke to work; weight, 1200 1500 pounds, 1 stallion, 2duo pounds weight, Clyde and Shire. Cash, or time with bankable notes. Address JOHN L. COX, C20 Thompson St., Pendleton, Oregon. (Would like to dispose of stock b fore turning out on range.) THE SURE WAY to Preiunt Pneumonia and Consump tion Is to cure your cold when it first appears. Acker's English Rem edy will stop the cough Jn a night, and drive the cold out of your system. Always a quick and sure cure for Asthma, Bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles, if it does not sat isfy you the druggist will refund your money. Write to us for free sample. W. II. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. F, W. Schmidt tt. Co., druggists. 1 mum YOUR LAWNS. Niceh rnowfd Lawns are easily maintained. Take a at our Easy Running Lawn Mowers. -. - - ... r.t " mp mc) ait- uiauc on me correct principal. - 'uflS operate them. Let us supply you with GARDEN tiw Best goods at lowest prices. : : ' Thompson Hardware Co., 621 Main Street EVERYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LIKE Headquarters for Fishing Supplies. The Best is the Cheapest TI,.o ......!... . ... I o,flHl5. Wb'" affiles Jdiuuuiany 10 luruuurc a"" -r - , hill- 9 nlorn nt (......." It tn Innk Well DU . J f.www wi miuiiuiu vuu unui 1 w , Inf wel . Thnt c tl.u b:r,J ... n,ir pnodS spc - selves. We caray a large line of furniture, carts, carpets, art sauares. mattings, rugs We r not leltloe our uooJi t iwt Ha ara In builnou to m ' h-i'iw iu r.r iota iou to mil we cm tell them la tou ebeMr inau j" rrr.n r L.--. ' wtnuuuiiunBie, utii 11 oar iwe, uiuuiu v. ADrjce -umiTuu wiqi. 11 ws can't tell Ton a better mae 01 oom- v. ...uv, n) ws won-i expect your ireae BAKER fc FOLSOM, Next door to Postoffice.