East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 23, 1903, Image 1

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    Pjj '1zfe "SiT tf V 1 DAILY EVENING EDITMMb
Patronlied by Capitalists. !
fcnsofLabor and Capi
bbgo Very Uneasy
u Critical.
. . mMA tmnloVCS Will
out and Added to the
r,e Unemployed-Employ-Cd
strike Leaders Pugnacious.
Ew May 23. The prospects
r.Uci yesterday looked so
h Calcsso's great labor crisis
J this morning at the confer-
h tilt ecaeo - .
Mer leaders nuruus
ett Scnraai. 01
lite, ami the Employers' As
h'i committee met the com
itate Lacniiry Workers to sct
k itifte of 7,000 laundry cm
, He unions waived every
Iht the right to strike and de
Iktreued wages, which the
tj oners were willing to no
lle Employers' Association, to
I tie laundry employers belong,
iiiteed to permit a settlement
6 lusli The association then
t to lubstltnte an agreement
1 4e unions declare Is an unms
1 pfct to gradually weed out the
Sifjoyers' Association threat'
Hi ben the strikers out of em
t fewer. President Schradt
W tint not an engineer, fire
bj other employe would ever
mm to return to work until
hat spirit is shown. He im
IHr titer tdrlsed the employes
tto seek other employment as
ttiemalning out Indefinitely.
Mtttale of the railways also
Ml change from that of con
Ik to defiance for the freight
mi the demands of the stock
jut, waiters, bartenders and
B Totkers, embracing 30,000
Milch yesterday seemed im
KWay teems farther away
The unions regard the
kai unexpected change in the
tithe employers as evidence
ns agreed at last night's
tfg of the Employers' As
. to make the fight against
Rations a dsath struggle.
Pflcted that unless conces
fnaide beforo June 1, that
f be paralyzed with
Chicago, tny 23. What Is believed
to bo the biggest get-rlch-quick
scheme ever set In operation, was
nipped this morning by police raids
on George E. Sulliwin, head of the
"Red letter" stock and grain compa
ny. Detectives have been Investigat
ing for weeks past. Millions of circu
lars have been sent broadcast which
Induced hundreds of Investors bv al
leged fraudulent representations to j
Invest in stock, grain and cotton fu-!
tures. When they wanted to with
draw they were Informed their money I
had been lost. Alluring circulars
were always printed in red, hence
were called ' red letter reports." Dur
ing pollco surveillance ?50,000 wero
received within less than two weeks.
A few days ago Sullivan sent out
2.000,000 circulars and teolgrams to
Intended victims. An Immense
amount of drafts and checks
Baccalaureate Sermon By
Stephen B, L Penrose of
j Lawyers Promptly Signify
Mheir Willingness to Bathe
Wednesday Is Class Day and Will Be
Observed With Imposing Ceremo-
at Opera House Thursday Evening. J'Pjace In June Peter West May Not
Attorneys of the City Promc-tlv Ac-
cept the Challenge of the Physicians
i But'Bar Dentists Event Will Take
The first of the Pendleton high
and 1 school commencement exorcises will ' Pendleton Is to have bnscbnll In
other remittances commenced to flow be held at the Christian church to- gfeaufchunkB, and for blood nnd bones
In yesterday, which led the police to morrow afternoon at 2:30, when Pros-' ., nraetir xhp ,,WVer nmi thn
believe Sullivan wns preparing a big ident Stephen B .L. Penrose, of Whit- , a. Pract,ce- Tne l-wjers and tho
haul and anticipating flight. Tho po-! man College, will preach the bacca- j doctors are at It In earnest and hair
lice made a descent on Sullivan's lux- j laureate sermon. ' will fly, so will the ball,
urious offices this morning. Three of The program as arranged by the j The doctors want to create musclo
tnesc oown town were crowded with i nign scnool, for the end of another
richly dressed women speculators of j successful and prosperous school
all ages. Hysteria and panic follow- j year, Is as follows:
ed. More than. 100 persons were ar-1 On Monday the high school will go
rested, Including Sullivan and 25 girl j to Spokane and Walla Walla to see
stenographers and many telegraph j President Roosevelt
and speculators of both I On Tuesday evening tho seniors
ths 50,000 men now employ
llMOClatlnn nro .,,.. t
P Wag locked out. These
Phthers. 9,000 freight handl
P testaorant employes and
Fj Jirds men,
f"t Reached In Omaha.
iy !3.-The Union Pad
who have been on
months, will return to
Em ' t set,oniunt having
The- details have not
pwtjtorjhe public
Make Arrangements.
m..m Pr.esl''enf8 return
'ird will pn,i , ,,,,,"
U?J toja rido across the
KuSMf ,tlirKb the
K m,tH,ntaIn rt-Klon. It
K.X lnce thl? el'y lms
It ill ec"tlv of the
"11 practically be a
r,fr to dtlzons. The
pwh? hni visited
S.herc ln company
for a big
KIM 's expected
"tlll v . " leai-
khS?!S. 'od "t the
in mo
I M LI.. . .
iiw." Princf. f nr
t ft. ' Paltnpr nt
m, T ha8 Rained
-sement will
Sullivan locked himself in his pri
vate office and tho police battered
down the door. A long line of patrol
wagons was necessary to carry the
prisoners. The police then cut all the
telegraph wires leading to tho offi
ces and carted away tons of litera
The concern had leased wires to
nearly every city of importance from
Portland, Me., to Omaha and on west.
It Is estimated Sullivan has already
obtained more than $1,000,800. He
had memberships of the open Board
of trade of New York and of the
Consolidated Stock Exchange of Bos
ton and various mining and stock ex
changes. Sullivan was formerly a telegraph
operator. The detectives developed
the fact that Sullivan permitted turf
Investment companies to use his pri
vate wires and that he has agents all
over tho country.
and a long sweep of tho carving arm,
while the lawyers are desirous of Im
proving their voices aii.l gaining In
creased lung capacity for tho next
term of court. Incidentally, both of
the teams wish to help out, by their
will be banquetted by Mrs. Cronln sweat and blood the financial condl
and Mrs. Bond
Wednesday will be class day at tho
high school and the program for the
afternoon will consist In planting a
granite memorial at the high school
ground. The initials of the flvo mem
tion of the hospital.
The declaration of war was Issued
yesterday by the doctors and before
the shades of night had fallen thn
legal men had formulated a document
of much wit and forensic power, which
bers of the graduating class will be they trarled In the teeth of the enemy.
graven in this monument and it will - . m " ,K. ,iX H- .
bo planted with imposing ceremo- such syriceless Tlece of llteraturo. In
nles order that Uie legal phase of the stu-
On Wednesday evening the juniors Pe,naus, f,l,to? be KIve to t'j
will entertain thn seniors at hlch ur8bt light of the sun, and so aa to
school assembly hall, with a public
On Thursday evening the graduat
ing exercises will take place at tho
opera house and on Friday at 2 p. m.
will be held the closing day exercises
on the north steps of the high school
people for tho harrowing details of
the conflict that Is to come, tho docu
ment is printed here. It reads aa fol
lows: Lawyers Object to Dentists.
Pendleton, Ore., May 22, 1903. Dr.
C. J. Smith, Secretary. Dear Sir:
Precarious Winds Make Results Un.
certain Half Holiday in New York
Brings Thousands to the Scene.
Glen Cove. May 23. A good north
east wind this morning presaged a
fine contest netween the Reliance,
Columbia and Constitution today.
Tho latter boat lay at anchor this
morning alongside tho vJolumbla, and
Is In fine trim. At 9 the Columbia
and Constitution were ready to move
to the starting point. Over In Echo
Bay tho' Reliance's lingo sails were
seen slowly running up. The wind
indicated 11 miles to windward
thrash, a three mile broad reach and
an 11-mile run with wind abaft the
beam for tho course today. This gives
an excellent chance to try the defend
er out In good shape. A slight bubble
to the seaward made the Columbia
admirers hazard the prediction that
tho Rellancn would not have a runa
way race, such as marked tho trial
of two days ago.
Even more steam yachts and pleas
ure craft are off Glen Cove today than
on Thursday. A hair holiday In New
York seemed to have caused all who
are able, to attend the trial. Steam
.yachts and a private regatta commit-
too boat came up early tms morning,
while the New York Yacht Club's
steamer Slrakas had her decks Jam
med with crowding yachting enthusiasts.
' mv. ., in ii .i i j
mi,n will ,nc(et ' fUUIlCIIKO OI U1U IJIiyHlCIt&US UUU
of songs and drnTsrasslsted iy the "Mttota of the city of Pendleton -hs
high school orchest'ra and will bo fZi ''J8 f ..V L8
participated in by all the public school f"' P ft?" of ' MLi!.
children of thp cltv terms and conditions to be hereafter
parli have takPn tho utmost Dalns the Physicians are concerned, but
I ) . fi?n VnLw Al think it only fair that wo should ex-
clses will be such as will make pu , ha b h h
plls and public long remember tho phvg,caI anu eSpCclaIly (l0 wo ol)Joct
tnerm ,just closing has JJS
rons of the schools fully appreciate baqueatlonaWy pull
the tireless work of tho teachers in , don tnrce.ba'RKi;rs wlllc,1 Uo
charge, t legal profession would undoubtedly
The public is cordially invited to seml Bkyward, and this would bo a
attend all the exercises and Pendle- Kreat handicap upon our players, as
and a hard man to hnndlo. Tho now
otppl nls of the ritv Jail will be If
arrangements can bo to made, car
lieu ma in tho diamond bciuro tho
game nnd tho umpire locked therein
by disinterested parties. Tho Key
will then bo carried to a secluded
spot until after tho gnmo Is finished
nnd all the funerals liavo been held.
Tho game will be played between
tho first and tho fifth of Juno and all
tho proceeds will go to tho hospital.
It there are any left over nftcr tho
bills for arnica, splints nud bandages
havo been paid. A wholesnlo lot of
thoso latter things will bo ordered
from Portland, nnd tho nnibulanco
will bo on the grounds under tho
chargo of n specialist from San Fran
Cisco, It will be a good game, as j
highly Interesting as an ancient gtad-j
tutorial combat in tho palmy days of
Home, nud all Pcndletonlans nnd In
habitants of Eastern Oregon, and tho
surrounding states who nre not afraid
of the sight of blood nro Invited to tio
farmer Beaton into insensi
bility-17-year-old Daugh
ter Outraged and Murdered
Real Estate Transfers.
Burr B. Courtr.ght and wife
havo sold to James M. Slnck
for $1,000, lots 9 and 10 In block 11,
of Haley's addition to Pendleton.
K. Boottchor and Bertha Boettchor,
hts wife, havo sold to W, J .Furnish
for $3, ('.00, tho northwest quarter nnd
the north halt of tho southeast quar
ter of section 27, In township 4, north
nnd rnugo 30 east, and tho south
half of section 3 and all of section 29
In township 3 north of range 30 cast,
being a tract of land locnted about
eight or 10 miles east of Echo.
Returned From Portland.
R. Alexander has returned from his
visit, In Portland whero ho went to at
tend tho Masonic encampment and
to sea tho president. Mr. Aloxnnder
reports a very pleasant trip nnd Im
menso crowaa In tho metropolis. Tho
decorations wero vory profuso; tho
electrical display being particularly
Sheep to North, Dakota.
Pope A Howard, will ship 11 car
loads of sheep from tho Pendleton
stock yards tomorrow to North Da
kota. Tho sheep aro billed to Chi
cago, but will bo summered on tho
Dakota range. In tho fall tho sheep
will be taken further cast and sold In
the Atlantic markots. Thero will bo
2.200 head In this shipment, though
tho firm expect to ship 9,000 head
cast before they leave tho vicinity.
Remember, tho last train for Wnlla
Walla Monday, May 25th, leaves thu
O. R. & N. depot nt '2 o'clock, noon.
Buy your tickets early.
Negro Accused of the Crime Now In
Custody Valuable Rings Found on
Girl's, Fingers Proves Robbery Not
the Object Determined Men Are
Awaiting Results.
ton should show tho appreciation by
turning out en masse to help the
school, celebrate the close of a sue
cesbful year.
Will of a Three Story Brick Falls and
Two Are Injured.
Stockton. Cal.. May 23. The wan
we have no such members of poplar-
tree form to put ln tho outfield with
your tooth-pulling players. Wo think
that you havo a full complement of
medical practitioners to meet any
Icpal team that wo can muster.
Wo aro willing that you should
place a handicap on us by excluding
from our gamo tuo veneraulo and dls
1 tlnguished divorce lawyor, Peter
' West, provided the female members
uTm Found..-
Royal f Restaurant Sold.
.W. Ij. Isb'elle. who has run the
Royal restaurant, on Main street,
since last October, sold out today to
Mrs. Tofft, of Rltsevlllc, wasu., wno
will take charge at once. Mr. Isbell
will not leave Pendleton, but may en
gago In other business here. Mrs.
Isbell will go to Mozler, Or., for a two
months' visit with friends.
Stockton, uai.. way ! of your profession aro also
nf a tiiree-siorv uricK duiiuhjk ncm , , .,o.ii0i i. o,., nn.i
erected by the Stockton Investment wh tJj0 foregong conditions, wo aro
uompany, iuii uiuwaiu wiuine to accept your challenge, and
crushing a two-siory i iraoen .-.. ; sba ap,)0nt a COminltteo to confor
mg adjoining, aire. ",KO " r"""u'; with a llko committee of physicians to
or j'uiiman. tvnou., ... arrang(3 ln0 details hereof,
sister, of this city, who were in tno , Yours respcctfully.
letter building, wore dangerously In-i TJIB jjvWYKItS,
jured. i This document Is tho offspring of
' I the fertile and' eloquent brain of
Marriage License Issued.
A marriage license was Issued by
the county clerk this morning to
James I. Johnson and Rebecca N. Mc
Cubbln. Mr. Johnson is a resident of
Morrow county.
Invited to the Country.
Tho Ladies' Aid Society of tho First
Presbyterian church has been Invited
to spend a day with Mrs. J. J. Ral
ston, of Eastland, on Juno 4.
Tnomas G, Halley, tho champion baso
runner of tho aggregation. Mr. nancy
will also bo expected by his col
leagues to settle all disputes with
tho umpire, should such an official bo
It Is a matter of much doubt as to
whether or not an umplro ran bo
found, as tho only man eminently
fitted for tho place is tho county con
ner and he will bo In tho game. It
may be possible that Mr. Radcr will
olllclato since tio Is an undertaker
Flqhtlng In Macedonia.
Constantinople, May 23. Consular
reports from Monastlr, Macedonia,
delayed a day ln transmission, state
that fighting occurred In the moun
tains six milos north of Monastlr all
day Thursday, but no details are ob-talnable,
Congressman J. N. Williamson will deliver the oration In thla city
on the Fourth of July. Acting on behalf of the committee appointed by
the Progress Club to secure an orator, R. Alexander secured the prom
ise of Mr. Williamson to become the orator of the day at the coming eel-
ebratllon '1' weU known ability as a speaker and his large circle
of personal friends In Pendleton, make this a happy selection and the
committee on arrangements feels that thla part of the colebraUon Is already
an assured success.
Dozen Houses Were Destroyed In a
County Seat In the Southern Part
of the Windy 8tate.
Enrekn. Kan.. Slny 23. Thn south
eastern portion of this city wns visit
ed by a cyclono early this morning.
Six poisons wero more or less norl
ously hurt. A dozen houses wero do
stroyed. One wniiinn was hurled
through tho nlr half a block, but may
Ono of tho freaks of tho storm was
the mi tiro demolition of a hnuso In
which n widow nnil her four children
lived. Shu was badly bruised nnd wiih
hurled through the air while tho child
wero unscathed.
Illegitimate Son for Throne,
Paris, Mr.y 23. The Rappcl today
assorts that Alexander of Hervln has
decided lo mako his illegitimate son
by Mndarn Rlstltsch holr to tho Hervl
an throno.
Guilford. Inil.. May 23. Tho body
of Rosa ICIscr, tho 17-yonr-old girl for
whom search was madii all day yes
terday, was discovered this morning
In Tanner's creek by section hnuds,
Tho scant clothing that remained on
tho body hnd caught on drift wood
and nothing but a hand waving abovo
tho water's surface attracted atten
tion. A small boy Inst night told his
companions ho saw a hand, but no
attention was paid to htm. Tho soc
Hon men brought tho body hero on a
hand cnr. It wnH carried to tho
church. Tho body was nudo, but for
an undurshlrt, and It Is supposed tho
remainder was torn off In tho strug'
glo with hor nsBnllant. Tho head and
race wefo gashed and hrulsi'd. Thcro
Is ovldenco thnt tho assailant was
compelled to murder hor to accom
plish his object.
Farmers Are Gathering.
Tho KlrlV rings; -which are ot value,
aro still on her nugura. Hor father,
who wns beaten Into unconsciousness
by his assailants, Is expected to dlo
at any time. Ho Is still unconscious.
Physicians nro watching constantly,
hut thero Is faint hopo that ho will
uver again regain lucidity enough to
glvo thu dotalls. Helntlves who arrived
this morning took charge of tho body.
A dispatch from North Bond, Ohio,
says tho marshnl thero linn arrested
a huge negro, answering tho descrip
tion of tho man supposed to havo com
mitted the crime. Undor sweating tho
negro confessed to having been In
Guilford nnd Manchester on tho day
before thu murder. Ho wns taken to
Manchester whero an effort to Iden
tify him will bo made. Tho town Is
tilled with excited people from a
radius of many miles, If his guilt Is
established a lynching or burning
enn not bo avoided as tho mon aro
quiet, determined larmerH, who would
doubtless make an nttnek oven It tho
ii 1 1 It lit Is called out,
Thu physicians' autopsy this nf tor
noon showed that tho girl's skull was
fractured at tho bnso ot tho brnln.
It Is believed no criiulnul assault
was committed. Tho girl's mother
who hns boon in poor health for somo
time, Is dying from shock. Tho father
has regnlncd consciousness nnd says
a colored man struck Mini. Ho I un
alilo to descrllio him. Ho thinks ho
wiih thrown Into tho river, as no ro
ineinlxirs gnlnlng partlul conscious
ness on thn opponlto sldu from which
ho 'had been walking, Ho doesn't
remember hearing his daughter
scream. A colored man answering the
description of tho ono loitering In tho
vicinity wiih met by a farmer at Z
o'clock Friday morning, crossing tho
Satisfactory Showing In the Way of
Development Work.
Dr. Ud W, Huullor, gonoral manager
of tho Standard Consolidated .Mines
Company, left today to visit tho prop
erty, saya tho Humpter .Miner. Dr,
Mueller Is carrying forward develop
ment operations on an oxtenalvo scalo,
Tho showing rnado under tho now
management Is most satisfactory, and
It Is confidently stated that tho com
pany will bo ready for a reduction
and treating plant this rail.
Regarding this plant no plans havo
been formulated, or at least not mudo
public, but that It will bo unions tho
most extensive In tho district seems
Tho most coinfortahlo outfit for
theso warm days aru a soft Manhat
tan shirt with a skeleton coat and
rants of which tho Peoples Ware
house lias a splendid assortment.
Wo'll bo open until 11H5 Monday
morning. Then wo nro going to sco
Quotations Furnished by Coe Commis
sion Company R, L, Boulter, Local
Manager, 120 Court Street,
Chicago, May IB.
Minneapolis, May 23. Wheat In
view of tliii fact that tho cabled worn
a llttlo weak our mnrkot o period a
shndo lower. Damage reports aro
still bolng received from thu winter
wheat belt, which Indicate that thn
damago already dono Is much mora
serious than was at first supposed.
Wo bollovo wheat Is a good purchase
on all recessions. Thu general public
socms to bo awakening to tho fact
that wo aro In for an old-fashloood
bull market,
Chicago, May 23.
July 73
Bopt 70
July U
July 33
Minneapolis, May 23.
July 77
Sept 69
70 ft
Throw 'era out,
Just a necktlo or a handkerchief or
a collar may Im all you nood, but
matter how small your want., tka
Peoples Warohouso Is glad to fill H