East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 22, 1903, Image 8

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"Would you liui mi If 1 kl.-iwil yu " .-
1 would If 1 illdn"t have nucti iin awfully sun- (Inner.
Signs of Polluted Blood.
There is nothinp so repulsive looking and disgusting as an old sore.
You worry over it till the brain grows weary awl work with it until the
patience is exhausted, and the very sight of the old festering, sickly looking
place makes you irritable, despondent and desperate.
A chronic sore is the very best evidence that your blood is in an unhealthy
and impoverished condition, that your constitution is breaking down under
the effects of some serious disorder. The taking of strong medicines, like
mercury or potash, will sometimes so pollute and vitiate the blood and im
pair the general system that the merest scratch or bruise results in obstinate
non-healing sores of the most offensive character.
Often an inherited taintbreaksout infrightful eating sores upon the limbs
or face in old age or middle life. Whenever a sore refuses to heal the blood
is always at fault, and, while antiseptic washes, salves, soaps and powders
can do much to keep down the inflammation and cleanse the sore, it will
never heal permanently till the blood itself lias been puri ficd and the deadly
renusand poisons destroyed, nnd with S. S. S. thiscaabe accomplished the
- n.i ill i!. :r:.l 1 : . -.....! A .. .1 ...1, ....
I rich.purebloodisagaincirculatingfreely throughout
the body the flesh around the old sore begins to take
I on a natural color, the discharge of matter ceases
and the ulace heals over. '
S. S. S. is both a blood purifier and tonic that puts your blood in order
and at the same time tones up the system and builds up the general health.
If you h7e a chronic sore write us. No charge for medical advice.
The First National Bank
CAPITAL $70,000
SURPLUS $60,000
Transacts a general banking busi
ness. Exchange and telegraphic trans
fers sold on San Francisco, New York,
Chicago and principal points In the
Drafts drawn on China, Japan and
Makes collections on reasonable
LEVi ANKENY, President.
W. F. MATLOCK, Vice-President.
C B. WADE, Cashier.
Bilious and
Nervous Disorders
Sick Hetlick, Coistipttwi,
WiiiuiPalMS iiStoaacfc,
Impaired Blgestiei,
fimktd liver wi Fewalo
rsxrABzo only by tux raonuxroa,
Thomas Bcecfum, St. Helens. Eng.
Said brail Dnt(jiU In United Statu.
, tn has, 10c nail 23c
Dally East Oregonlan by carrier,
nly 15 cents a week.
Zelaya Defeated and Rebels Control
Lake Nicaragua.
San Francisco, May 22. Eugene J.
Graettner, an American, of Salt Lake
City, who arrived from Cortnto today
on the steamer iiowport, says that
General J. Estrada, the leader of the
forces of President Zelaya in Nicara
gua, was killed in battlo with the in
surgents near Rivas on April 27. His
troops wero routed with great loss,
and the revolutionists succeeded in
capturing & large quantity of armB
and ammunition. The insurgents now
have possession of the port of San
Carlos and have complete control of
I.ako Nicaragua.
Improvement Club at Union.
Union, Ore., May 22. At a public
meeting held at Phy Hall It was de
cided to organize an improvement club
for the benefit of the city. C. E.
Cockran was elected president and L.
J. Davis secretary. The object of the
club is to get new settlers to locate,
to Improve the city's sanitary condi
tion and to aid the city council en
forcing all the laws.
The Dutch are better men on the
land than the English Mr. Rhodes
affirmed It as strongly as Benjamin
Kldd. Not only are they bettor men,
but they are much cleverer politi
cians. Dr. Gordon Sprlgg. the present
premier of Capo Colony, told me last
year that the rough old Dutch farm
ers from the back country had such
a natural Intuitive genius for politics
that, after three weckB in parliament,
they could give points to any British
member who had been In the house
for months.
Not only are they bettor men all
round on the land, not only are they
abler politicians all round in the
houses of parliament, but what Is far
more Important, they are better
breeders of men. The British colonist
following the cxamplo of the French
man and the New Englander, shrinks
from the primal task of multiplying
and Increasing and replenishing the
earth. The Dutch cradle Is never
empty. If the hand that rocks the
cradle Bways the world. It Is not less
true that the race that fills the cradle
will possess the world. Hence the
destiny of South Africa seems toler
ably certain to be that of a federation
of self-governing states, pre-eminently
Dutch, which will or will not be.
sheltered by the Union Jack, accord
ing to the readiness of the Imperiol
government to recognize that It has
no. authority over Africanders. W. T.
Stead in Booklovers.
The fertile brain of Thomas A. Edi
son continues to be the source of the.
greatest amazement to the clerks and
officials of the patent office who have
In charge the work of looking after
tho applications placed on file by this
Inventor. On the 31st of thlB month
Mr. Edison will have obtained 791
patents from the patent office on as
many Inventions, a larger number by
sovcral hundreds than any other lndl-'
vldual has received In the history of
the office. This remarkable record
was ascertained by J. B. Babson,
chief of the division of Issue and ga
zette of tho patent office, who has
made a tabulated statement of the in
ventions of Mr. Edison.
From this statement it would ap
pear that prior to 1895 the Inventor
had obtained 711 patents, and that
since that time he has received the
following numbers: In 1896, three
patents; in 1897, two patent: In 1898,
eight patents; in 1899, three patonts;
in 1900, 1G patents; In 1901, 23 pat
ents, and In 1903 he has so far re
ceived six patents, Washington
Western Union In Trouble.
Now York, May 22. Notwithstand
ing the Immense destruction of West
ern Union Telograph lines along the
PennBjivanlan railroad yesterday,
the company Is still accepting mes
sages to Pennsylvania points which
arc transmitted by long distance tel
ephone. Tho company declines to
discuss the case.
Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules
For Ittrtamnialfoa or Oatarrb
of tlM WUr sad Bltei
Kidam. No cure ao par.
Cam anlakly and Wnaa
atntly ika worst easas ol
Uoiiarrbo. aod Uleot,
no auuurof how long Und
ine;. AbsoIaUlr baraltas.
Hold br drnnlala. PtlM
11.00, or by mall, postpaid.
BausroMTAiNS. omo.
Sold by F. W. Schmidt eV Co.
Urlolaal aai u.lr Ut.Xn . .
la MRU ail U.1J Ml&llto fcatM.
lib .1.. nUM. 'tab. alk.r. BcBMa
WJ lara nalxtllaUaaa aad Infill
PT Iku. a7rrvirfnii.l.'iadAa.lB
jf uM ft" PMInUn, Taatlaaaaast
..4 "K.iUr ' Lavltaa,- M war. av warn
Ibm Mali. 1Q.00 T..lia..allli BaMBV
.11 II....I.II " - -
1 lak rr. Madlaaa Honara. t-BOlX iff
Delay and defeat tho building of the
portage road by the state, the open
ing of the Columbia river to naviga
tion, is the cry! The effort Is being
made to create sectional Jealousies,
to turn the people of tho different sec
tions against the project by using the
referendum as a club, while selfish
interests direct the wielding of It.
Brazen voiced agents are being sent
out over tho state to secure signatures
of voters to referendum petitions
with this end In view. Why? Be
cause the sum appropriated by the
last legislature is to be used to the
freeing of the river nbove Tho Dalles
to navigation.
If this money was certain to be
wasted, as Is alleged; was inadequate
In amount for the purpose, there
would he no cry against the expendi
ture by the parties at Interest, hut
since It is to he spent resultfully and
with full fruits to the people of the
grcnt Inland Empire, to those of
Portland and the rest of Oregon, the
hand of Esau appears to direct af
fairs while tho voice of Jacob Is heard
Conditions Under Which the Splendid
Gifts Were to Be Made Not Plain
ly Understood No Central Author
ity on the Subject.
Washington, D. C. May 22 At
tempts to acquire definite Information
regarding tho Cecil Rhodes scholar,
ships havo so far proved unavail
ing and educators In this country are
unable to learn In what manner can
didates for these scholarships arc to
be selected, and how the scholarships
are eventually to be awrded in the
several states and territories.
Under the terms of the Rhodes w 111
one scholarship is to be awarded In
each state and territory, and from
each state and territory suggestions
have been forwarded to the trustees
of the Rhodes estate, Indicating meth
ods of selecting candidates. But up
to the present time no Intimation
has come that any system has been
agreed upon.
The matter was recently taken up
with the superintendent of public
schools in Washington city, and he
confessed that "nobody scemB to
know how the Cecil Rhodes scholar
ships are to be awarded."
Peculiar Provisions.
He did. however, call attention to
the peculiar features of the will, boar
Ing on these scholarships, which pro
vides as follows:
"In the election of a student to a
scholarship regard should bo nad io:
"First His literary and scholastic
"Second His fondness for or suc
cess In manly outdoor sports, such
as cricket, football and the like.
"Third His qualities of manhood,
Buch as truth, devotion to duty, sym
pathy for and protection of the weak;
kindliness, unselfishness and fellow
shin. "Fourth His exhibition during
school days of moral force of charac
ter and InstinctB to lead and take In
terest in his schoolmates, for these
latter attributes will likely, in after
life guide him to esteem the perform
ance of public duties as highest aim."
Grading to be Commenced at Once at
While in Portland last Monday C.
W. NIbley In speaking of the S. V.
Ry.. said to a reporter:
"The company is now ready to be
gin on Its 13-mlle extension from
Whitney on toward tho Greenhorn
country. The grading crew will start
Immediately to work and the rail nec
essary to complete the line Is now ar
riving. The now line will open a still
better lumber section and bo of great
benefit as an agricultural stimulus
to the country. The road has recently
purchased $40,000 worth of rolling
stock from the Short Line. This in
cluded the equipment at Garfield
Beach and will be put on the line at
once. Our lumber Interests are open
Ing up In a most encouraging manner
and the road Is crowded to an ex
treme In order to handle the business.
"The smelter at Sumpter will start
in a few days and there is a most flat
tering outlook for a big business this
finally BALDNESS
Destroy U cause, you rtm
Kilt the Dandruff Germ
The only preparation that
will destroy thot paroKc.
For Sale by I1 DrugjUto.
elegant DisW
lOBrlSt SrMpta.
lu the Countv Court of the State of Ore
eon, for Umatilla County Sitting In
In the Matter of (he Uttate of Frederick
Stevens, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby siren that James Dor
ran, oh administrator of the estate ot
Frederick: Sterens, deceaard. has died with
the Clerk of the above entitled Court, his
final account and report, and sain court
has appointed 10 o'clock In the forenoon
of Monday the 0th day of July, 100.1, be
Inc u day of the next reuular term ot
said Court to be held In Julv. lOOR. as the
lime, anil tho County Court Ilnora, In the
i:ounty court House, in tne city or 1'en
dleton. Umatilla Cnuntr. Stntc of Oregon
us the place, when anil where all persona
havlnir nnv obfectlons or excentons to said
flnnl account and report, or desiring to
maxe any exceptions inereio, or in hiij
matter or thine done by said Adminis
trator during his administration, must
present the same, anil the said final ac
count and report shall then and there bu
ncteii upon and settled.
This notice is publlhed pursuant tn an
order of the Honorable (iconre A. Mart
man. Judge of the above entitled Court,
made this iHtn day or liar, iihi.i.
Administrator of the estate of Frederick
Stevens, deceased.
Attest : YV 1). CII ASIIU'.III.AIN,
County Clerk.
MM )kai
Write for
-nan- m aveap
For &noMreonorr2rJ
tUephone. Moin JIM-
Columbia Southern Project Again
Taken Up.
Portland, May 22. President Lytic,
ot the Columbia Southern, reports
that Irrigation work In Central Ore
gon has been resumed. When small
pox broke out around Prlnovllle and
Shanlko, the work of extension of Ir
rigation canals was temporarily sus
pended, as the disease had brokon out
In dangorous proximity to where tho
men wore working.
The scneme or irrigation now em
braces tho counties of Sherman, Was
co, Crook and Gilliam, nnd will be ad
vanced as fast as possible.
Mr. Lytic has not decided when
tho work on extending tho Columbia
Southern will commence, mit expects
tn havn definite nlans completed soon.
Tho Irrigation movement Is to Im
prove tne section tnrougn wnicn me
proposed road Is to go, and will pre
pare It for an unlimited productive
ness when the road Is completed.
rn i l
or,w YORK;
atnrl mil rtnln v .
TIMbf a a.
uiewn, isTon. OT i f,
sunscnuiKrts to magazines, if vor
want to subscribe to macaxlneo or news
papers In the United States or Trne r.
uitt by Kxitat note, check or send to the
EAST ORHUONIAN the net publMirrV
price of tbe publication you desire, and v
will hare It sent you and assume all th.
risk of the money being Inat In the mall.
It will save you both trouble and risk It
yon are a subscriber to the V.t't Orecnnlsn
In remitting jru can deduct in per ent
from the pubtlshcr'a price. Address F.AKT
nnKOONIAN rt'II CO.. I'endlet.m Orsnn
Raised by Cas Rogers on But
ter Creek. Sired by a thorouph
bred Kentucky Tack. His dam
was a large Maltese Jenny.
He will make the present set
son at my place three miles North
east of Pendleton on Wild Horse
Terms: 10 to insure live colt.
Standard and Keslsicrcd. lieconl 2:17.
Blroi-f Oicsnn Sunihlne, p (J). 2:16; l'hll
. -JtlOH; v ,111am U. "iHStf, and Charley 6.,
I1S1 3;,.';iV.
liny iiall'on: 16.1 hands high; weighs 120
poun'a; (oal.d Im8. bred by Bmllh Bailey
I'.oKjbmg, uregon.
Will stand Bonner N. B. for the
Often Tbe Kidneys Are
Weakened by Ovet-Woik.
Unhealthy Kidneys Hake Impure Blood.
It used to be considered that only
urinary and bladder troubles were to be
traced to tue kidneys,
but now modern
science proves that
nearly all diseases
have their beginning
in the disorder of
these most important
The kidneys filter
and purify the blood
that is their work.
Therefore, when yourkidneysare weak
or out of order, you can understand how
quickly your entire body is affected and
how every organ seems to fail to do its
If you are sick or " feel badly," begin
taking the great kidney remedy, Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon
as your kidneys are well they will help
all the other organs to health. A trial
will convince anyone.
If you are sick you can make no mis
take by first doctoring your kidneys.
The mild and the extraordinary effect of
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great
kidney remedy, is soon realized. It
stands the highest for its wonderful cutes
of the most distressing cases, aud is sold
on us merits by all
druggists in fifty-cent
and ouc-dollar size
bottles. You may
nave a sample ixmie nomaotsnoip.ii!xt.
by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you
how to find out if you have kidney or
bladder trouble. Mention this paper
when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Bing
haniton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake,
but remember the name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad
dress, Bingliamton , N. Y. , ou every bottle.
at the following places on the fol
lowing days:
Helix, every Monday.
Athena, every Wednesday.
Adams, every Friday
Pendleton, at City Livery
Stables, every Saturday
and Sunday
wjiuicr n. la nu airnnser 10 nnncmcu,
Ing been a rroinlnent factor in racing and
lirtedlnc In thlsaeetlon alme
Terms: $15 for sea8onj$25to insure
Pendleton, Oregon
wear out.
So do
ft an U "Ut M
your merchant.
R. ALEXANDER, Sole Agent.
By daylight Is a
n..l a- r a. a
dally (vu
a Luxurious udwiti
c:nTe i nr is attacned
of this tralu. Mtab
01S 1 1r1T KlMtt-
Dinner Twenrj-n
From n.jo a. w,
Short orders a
Quick, Courteous
Open all Day
lujugneyrup. TaMoauouu. umt
CnMinafC I ,IIS
rat ' w
r A UalftrB.
nMtv 160 bantta
'l..j for
K'lnnr fizciiaai"
- ..in 1 , i
riour, iuii-
alwayx on hand.
Tlrn,( oil the tl-
Wnnrv and WOrB OUt
. .. AnAlint Of
Must neip
A Pendleton woo"
rrod NoWe,
rn,hla street, w
lor wruc ui -
bacK Comm""- .
.11.1 .ho loast arflonm
...tli nK Or Siuxf
""." -. .1 sod
or drowsy m -,.iwrnt
helped my.
not I aw "a!a
the Brock J"
anil cot a
the flt ana ;
anything lut Jlvi.
mont than I had f
before, man"
cents per
Buffalo, N.
unJ,e the
and take no oW-