East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 22, 1903, Image 7

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If unauvc iuracc we
nurchased from us prior to 12 o'.
sun UI . ..,: t5 en or over, we Will Oive a
Ma)' J5'n' f
Round Trip Ticket to
b Walla and Return
t,,vourlastchatice,to see President Roosevelt.
' Don't let it get by you.
Cacaer Main and Alta Streets.
Ety Brief s
Ljtr piper banging.
Lu'i Iced drinks.
Urt K Tentach's.
ke cram, The Delia.
II teles 40c Teutsch.
IW rooms to rent at
ihporfed and domestic
1 itoe, headquarters for
(wired daily at Cas-iftet
w ltd "Home Queen"
e Xoin.
d a new line of Jnp
ml dries of extension
I Clo (30. Rader's.
kltae-room house turn-
tit Royal restaurant.
ul cream and other
Ia French restaurant.
fcil light on the Under
pr. J. S. Kees, agent,
ki lor tale, Main street,
tm Court See E. T.
(Stock ranches, 160 to
Wees right E. T.
puta as cook for
pnaa. Address P 0.
fcbtale care nf ohllii
HW Mrs. Daker. 120R
P" Delta candy store.
taliiess. Owner in
1. ftade.
j' . . .
Edimy acres. Half
Good Improve-
lumlshes eood
' order. Mnrimt
1 Swings Bank,
strawberries. Hawley
poultry, Lyman's 310
Inquire of Chris
repaired at
Mr i
bricks at
-ranlla. strnw.
Wee 50 cents.
I room hv
'Jffe enough for
squire at this
Throw them out.
Picnic goods. Hawley Bros.
Smokers' supplies at Neuman's.
See Sharp's artistic wall paper.
Dining tables $5 and up. Rader's.
Pecan Sundae, Schmidt's pharmacy.
Get your spring suits at Joerger's
Spring chicken at French restau.
I rant.
Freeh strawberries daily. Hawley
Gedney's Queen olives. Hawley
Fish and
Store for rent, Inquire of Chris
Throw 'cm out.
Store for rent.
Have your shoes
Wanted Ironers. Apply Pendleton
Steam Laundry.
Buy a suit of Belfast Mesh Under
wear at Baer & Daley's.
Try the Palm, 221 Court street,
for nuts, candles and fruits.
"El SIdelo," the best cigar made, at
Rees' cigar store. Court street.
Fresh strawberries. Oliver & Co.
Seeds, package and bulk. Hawley
For Rent Furnished rooms in
unlet location. 1 Inquire at 307 Aur
Hnnlon's cigar store, headquarters
for smokers' supplies, Association
Blacksmith shop in Pendleton for
sale. See Earnhart, Association
Throw 'um out.
Baer & Daley will imy your fare to
walla Walla and dinner besides, that
is they will allow you a cash discount
or two dollars tin any suit of ten cioi
lars and above, bought up to Monday
Throw 'cm out
Mte lastinc
'01 good
A Card to the Pudiic.
We, the undersigned, desire to enter
a protest through the columns of the
East Oregonlan, against the proposed
desecrat on of the Lord's day by hold
Ing a horse racing meet next Sunday
at the race track under the auspices
of the Pondleton Driving Association
When we paid our membership lee
In that organization, we were led to
believe the object of the association
was to sprinkle and keep in order the
road from Pendleton to the race
track, and we want it distinctly un
derstood we are in no way connected
with any Institution that disregards
God's law and outrages the feelings
of a Christian community.
e will
i?1 goods
Notice to Builders.
Sealed bids will be received at the
office of T. K. Howard, architect,
room seventeen Judd block, up to
three o'clock n. m. of Mav 16th. 1903,
for the erection and completion of a
two-atory .brick building, according
to plans prepared for the same by T,
V. Howard, architect. Stone founda.
tlon and cement work reserved. The
right is reserved to reject any and all
"Ida for the work.
May 6th, 1903.
Seventeen Cars of Sheep.
Seventeen double-decked sheep
cars passed through Pendleton load
ed With voiinc nhonn hnnirht hv Echo
Slieepmon and billed for-Glen Ferry,
whore thoy will be aummorcd.
Land Owner From California.
e city on a business visit Mr.
Jjaird ig an extensive land owner in
IIH8 COUIltv and la Uawn. attar
his holdings.
Will Lea evthe Matter of Jolnlno La
bor Orcjnaltatlon to Their Men
Castings That Caused the Trouble
Made as an Accommodation.
The Carpenters' iinim. , i . 1....
to onj " o "ui-
lnatpnS V . Ml mcet,nK last night
afi J !?n s.ht' nt whlch time or
d isc .ssod the boycott on the Rlgby
Clove Foundry, w n tjii . ..1
Clove were present' by nvlTatlon aid
conferred with the union.
Af.r 1 we ,moetInK was called to or
der the chairman asked to hear from
?). f'-uHa Ponded, telling
them that he was undecided as to
where he stood.
Nothing had been asked of him and
no demands made and therefore he
did not know the exact phase of the
question he was to discuss, it the
.. ...suvu iu usk mm anv ques
tions he would cheerfully answer.
B. W. Rlgby's Views.
The matter was then explained to
him from the standpoint of the union
and the demand made that he force
his men to unionize or discharge
them. This Mr. Rlgby refused to do.
He was willing to tell the men ho em
ployed that he had no objections to
uie union, mat they were at perfect
liberty so far as he was concerned,
to Join the union, and that he believed
n unionized labor, but he would then
leave the matter to the men. nnrt If
they desired to Join all right, and If
not ne would make no discrimination
against tnem.
this plan the union refused to nr.
cede to, holding out in their demand
for an enforced unionization of the
piam. Mr. Rigby and his partner per
sisted in their refusnl nnrt tho moot.
ing adjourned without anything being
G. W. Rlgby was on the streets this
morning and gave the foregoing ac
count of the meeting, and ho further
saia mat he was very sorry that any
unpleasantness had occurred and did
not see the occasion for it. None of
the management of his plant were
unfavorable to the unionization of la
bor. In fact, they were in favor of it.
r-very man had a rlEht to nrotect
himself and his skill, whether by
patept or by copyright or by union
A mechanic's skill. I11 his line was
his capital iu life, but if he did not
wish to protect himself or to ioln a
union air. Illgby saw no reason why
uiu matter snoum ou forced upon
Will Not Coerce the Men.
Taking this view of the case, the
owners of the foundry saw no reason
to compel their men to join a union
against their will. There was no oc
casion for any trouble. 'The foundry
was a small concern, organized by
private capital and making au effort
to grow and expand to the good of
tne owners, employes and the city
The castings which had caused the
dispute were au incidental, as the
prime consideration of the company
was the manufacturer of their new
combined harvesters.
They had made the castings as au
accommodation to a neighbor, aud
gained practically nothing by the deal
as. they were not equipped for the
work. The men employed were all
paid the same scale and no differen
ces In wage was observed other than
was called for by the difference in
work. All men were recognized ou
the same plane and alt treated alike,
so taking all things into considera
tion, he thought the matter should
be left to the men and the issue not
Mr. Rlgby, while deploring the ac
tion of the union, does not see that
it will make any very great differ
ence with the foundry. It will, of
course, shut off all Job work, but
since the real object of the concern
is to manufacture their harvester, it
was doubtful whether or not the boy
cott would affect them Iu theirwoik
of primary Importance to them.
Will Confer This Evening.
The union will hold another meet'
ing this evening, at which time the
trouble will be finally settled. It Is
thought that the foundry will be de
clared unfair, but that some arrange.
ment will be made whereby the iron
already purchased of the concern may
bo used by union workmen, ine iact
that the decision of the union was
never made public leads conservative
men interested In the case to tins
view of the matter.
There are two or three men at the
foundry who are not In favor of the
union, averring that they see 110 rea
son why they should Join. If these
men can be won over, It is hoped, the
trouble will melt away: if they are
obdurate in their attitude, the out
como is In doubt, as the owners will
not force them to Join. Tonight will
bee some solution to the puzzle.
H. B. Adams Dangerously III.
11 ii. Adams, nronrletor of the Wes
ton brick yard, is still critically ill
with Brlght's disease. His son Clark,
who went up to Weston last week, to
) at his father's bedside, has charge
of the yard.
Draft Horace to Seattle.
a rr nf heavv draft horses will be
hipped tonight over the W. & C. R.
for Seattle, for which marKet tuey
have been bought by J. B. Canney in
the vicinity of Pendleton,
Th mnnntpr fnrllss eiigtues at the
cold storage and ice plant are now in
place on a concrete uase.
To see the President
Contest Ends 8 p. m. Saturday
Vote for two separato pnplls on each Ooupoa. Vote mnst be cast every day.
Boy' Coupon
I vote for
for free trip to Spokane, Wash., May 26, 1903,
to see President Roosevelt.
I vote for .
for freo trip to Spokane, Wash., May 26, 1903,
to see President Roosevelt.
Girls' Coupon
I vote for.
for free trip to Spokano, Wash., May 26, 1903,
to.aeo President Roosevelt.
I vote for - .
for free trip to Spokane, Wash., May 26, 1903,
to see. President Roosevelt.
: For the BALANCE OF THE WEEK we will sell
Ladies fast black hose
worth 7c
Ladies vests
worth 7c
French Cliallier, fancy patterns
worth 7c
Fancy Dimities, 301'nch wide
worth i6?Sc
2S inches lace stripe marsaile
2-yds. wide. Unbleached Sheeting
worth 23c
Pillow Cases
worth iac
Straight Front Corsets
worth 75c
?fi-inch Striped Percales
worth 15c
3o-inch Cotton Worsteds
worth 15c
Dazzle Cloth, p inches wide
16 2-3c
worth 25c
Bats Towels, large size
worth 25c
56 inch wide Table Linen
worth 35c
72XQo-inch Sheets
worth 65c
2 yds. wide Bleached Sheeting
worth 25c
32-inch fancy striped lied Ticking
worth i2c
'!1 ' 1 1 -
28-inch white stripe Lawns
worth ioc
36-inch all wool Serges, black and colors
wcrth 40c
Very Prosperous Condition of La
Fontaine ana garrison's hocks.
J. H. Garrison, of the firm of Gar-
rlbon & La Fontalno has returned
to the city from a' trip Into the
Meacham country with his band of
sheep, There are in tlio flock !f,000
sheep, of which 4,300 aro owes, the
rest being this year's iambs.
As tlio estimated percentage for tho
lambing season is about CO per cent,
and Mr, Garrison landed In tho moun-
That's the Shoe
Of It 7
$3 00
Dooglas ;
tuliiH with about 104 pur cent Jamb,
he feels very good about his band.
Ilu has them on good grass und as
pects them to bo In first-class condi
tion for tho market by fall, when bo
wishes to bring them out of tho mountains.
The Nolf Store
Always showing new goods '
New line of plain and decorated
Crepe Paper, 5o to 25c. fine
shades and figures.
Tissue paper 35 reams of French
and American tissue paper.
Blank Books and office supplies
we are certainly showing a strong
line of these items
Telephone Mailt 4
All men who wear it, praise it.
"It's a beauty." "It fits."
"It wears."
And other commendatory phrases
express the fact that our new $3.00
DOUGLAS SHOE is the shoe of
the hour.
Boston Store
New Things This Week
50 boxes, fancy Shelf Paper, three
packs for 10 cents all colors.
Oregon Souvenir Playing Cards
$1.00 per package.
Souvenir Postal Cards of Pendle
ton, 2'iC. each.
Garden Seeds,
Fishiag Tackle, Books,
Golf and Base Ball Goods.
The Noll Store
Custom Made
Shoes to Fit i!
$2.50 to $4
Cr. Court and Haiti tit.
Ju44 aiMl
office, larii bandits t ntfrspaptrs, easy
Ulnlng c-Tr JOO big paper ess be
tslotd for S3 exits a bundle.
The Oregon Daily Journal etn k
found 00 sale at Frailer! book ttorsj.