East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 22, 1903, Image 6

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    rDAlLV AT 'o'll'BMNMN, PKHttTONr QBMON. FWIPAV, MAY M; -1oa.
iff SB-6S91BV
Yon should know that the very heat, '(DRY WOOD of
all kinds is to be found at
P. P. Collier & Go.'s Yard
AIbo GOOD COAL. Gall at Office
638 Main St. Phone Main 31121
On Its Merit
Has the large dema'.icf Jor
B ycrt ' Best Flour
Been built up. Only the choices wheat tffc at grows enters in
to Byers Best Flour. It's perfcr t;on jn FIf ur. Made by the
W. S. F ,yers, Proprietor.
I ve the largest line of
Hay imocks in the city for
ytwr to select from. See the
play in our show window
!. ,C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man
e Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once
Delay will leattyo serious breaks.
First-class work guaranteed by
BECK, the Reliable Plumber.
Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel
Inrmon BlahOM' rfflSv toa ta bm OTr AO JJ. fa Um I4ti ot tb X4ruua
'CureKoIrililr folUiWirt. lWllttlr cam lb wont la oUt wl TOtuc arUlnc nm
,Kiaotwl(buM,dWipuau.xnuM,ornnrtu noiw jmiraau
,n hhi
atinatlon. Stopa Pramaturanaaa, a top Nar? rTHoua Twitoh mat of
a TO Marry, hoapgr m
immwlala. Impart yb
BBLafw- tvaHda. flcu r inuuxuaw.
luouty icrunqa villi tit. CiKulrf
Price $35
Equal to any $100 Machine
Typewriter Supplies awl Ruh
tier SUmp Goods
The Underwood Typewriter ia the
best siaohine on the market. It 1b
ahlgli grade standard, ball bear
ine. visable tvDowrlter and it hat
tbe tabulator on the machine. I
will put it on trial against any ma
chine on the market. Gall and ex
amine my sample.
741 Main Street. Pendleton, Ore
1 . J , m . M -m m
... .. ..
4h ...
Your S ring Shirt
should, look.jt wt a bit better than
auy inner fj i. jou wrai uuruiK
the whole tw lveinonth will If
vm have foe pi easure of lauuder
lug It Not much sentiment
nloutou'?lnuurt.ry work lots of
pincticf.'lltj Imtt we do take
especial. pBlns n Spring time.
Court anl Thranpavn Streets.
imparl new aan MKam ct io my iua
i. U nfltnaaa to Mam. Low ofiatnan. VartaoM or So-
Great Celebration at the Original Seat
of Governmant A Rama rtabl Pro
gram of Addraaaaa and papers On
Hlatorical Subject by Celebrltlea.
Cblllicothe, O.. May 20. A super
stltlous man last night pasBed the
house where dwelt a hundred odd
years ago General Arthur Bt Clair,
governor of the Northwest Territory,
and today he was almost willing to
attest the statement that ho saw that
honest. Indomitable and most Irasci
ble man who was assaulted by ft mob
in that very house for opposing the
statehood movement standing In the
doorway and gazing In wonder at the
itags and bunting and triumphal
arches and other outward signs of the
great celebration of the 100th anni
versary of Ohio's admission to the
However this may bo, it Is quite
certain that today's contribution to
'the centennial celebration was of Buch
a nature as to cause the shades of
Tiffin. Worthlngton and the othor bo
roic advocates of statehood to hover
over this staid old town, where the
great state ,of Ohio was born and
struggled upward through the flrst
years of its existence. The celebra
tion was more than enough to Interest
and entertain the hundreds of stran
gers gathered to assiBt In the observ
ance of the century birthday.
Remarkable Outpouring of People.
The crowd exceeded the expecta
tions of all concerned. During the
early morning hours large delegations
arrived from Columbus, Cincinnati,
Toledo, Cleveland and other cities of
the state, and even New York sent a
distinguished party of Huckeye sons,
while the country hereabouts, up and
down the picturesque Scioto valley
r mllAe In Qi'on .tlwwtinn llllir.
ed scores of visitors Into the town. 1
At 6 o'clock this morning, amid the
reverberating boom, of cannon, the
shrieks of steam whistles, and the
clanging of bells, the centennial anni
versary was ushered In. Such a con
cert ot noises was never before heard
In the town. The dull boom of the
guns broke In at intervals and counted
one by one the years of the contury.
The town was freely decorated with
hunting utul Hags and about the court
house snuare there were arches nnd
other tasterully arranged umbcttiah-j
ments. Business houses and rest- j
dences alike were bedecked In colors.
The people were dressed In holiday
attire and business was generally sus
pended In order to permit clerks and
.workmen to participate In the day's
The arrival of the visiting notables,
early morning hours. Before tho day
was the principal incident of tbe
was many hours old the streets were
military men and other distinguished
sons of the Buckeye state were to be
encountered at every turn. Colum
bus sent a party of prominent public
men together with the governor and
other state officials and the educa
tional institutions from the lake to
the Ohio river were noticeably well
represented. Patriotic organizations
and historical societies were also
well represented.
As a curtain raiser to tbe more
spectacular features of the day's pro
gram there was an Interesting little
ceremony In the court house at 9
o'clock, when a plaster medallion of
Governor Edward Tiffin, Ohio's first
governor, was formerly presented to
Ross county. Judge J. C. Douglass
presided and tbe tablet was unveiled
by Miss Anna Cook, great granddaugh
ter of Governor Tiffin.
Historical Address by Judton Harmon
Promptly at 10 o'clock the celebra
tion proper commenced In tbe audi
torium in the City Park. Tho pro
gram was a long one, but tbe speak
ers were men ot eloquence and their
uddresscs were so replete with inter
est that the vast audience was hold
spellbound from the moment that
Govemor Nash rapped the meeting to
order until thn morning's program
was concluded with the rendition of
the "Star Spangled Banner" by the
famous Fourth Regiment Band of Co
lumbus. After a brief Introductory
address by the governor and an invo
cation by the Rev. A. M. Courtenay,
thi visitors wore cordially greeted by
Mayor W. D. Yaplc. To tho mayor's
address response was made in behalf
of the Ohio Historical und Archae
ological Society by General J. Warren
Kelfer, of Springneld. These prelim
inaries concluded the assemblage lis
tened to an interesting address on the
history of tho Northwest Territory
from the first settlement at Marietta
to the organization of the state, deliv
ered by Hon. Judson Harmon, of Cin
cinnati Juge Harmon was followed
by Judge Wan ft. Sloane, ot Sandusky,
who took as his subject "The Date
ot the Admission of Ohio Into tho
Union and tho Great Seal of tho
This afternoon and this evening
the speakers Include many public
men of national prominence. Tbe full
program of speakers and tbe subjects
of tbelr addresses is as follows: "The
Military History of .Ohio, Including the
War of 1812," General Thomas An
derson. U. 6. A., Sandusky; "The Mili
tary History QfiOhlo from Jbe War, of
1812, Including the Civil and Spanish.
Armsrlcan Wars," General J. Warren
Keller. Bpringfield; "Ohio in tho
Navy." Hon. Murat Jlalstead, Cincin
nati: "The Governors of Ohio Under
the First Constitution," Jlon David
Meade Massle, Cblllicothe; "The Gov
ernors of .Ohio Under the Second
Constitution," "Hon. James "B, Camp-'
There is
Genuine-SyrUp Of FigSf
The Genuine is Manufactured by the
California Fig Syrup Co.
Tha, full n-m. of th. company. C-Hlomt Fig
prlnt-d on the front of vry paokayf of thai ""
The Genuine-' Syrup of FifS- is for Sale, in Original
Packages Only, by Reliable Druggists Everywhere
Knowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imita
tions made by piratical concerns and sometimes offered by unreliable
dealers. The imitations are known to act injuriously and should
therefore be declined.
Buy the genuine always if you wish to get its benrfiaaJ effects.
It cleanses the system gently yet effectually, dispels colds and headaches
when bilious or constipated, prevents fevers and act best on the
kidneys, liver, stomach and bowels, when a laxative remedy is needed
by men, women or children. Many millions know of its beneficial
effects from actual use and of their own personal knowledge. It is the
laxative remedy of the well-informed.
Always buy the Genuine- ayrup ot rigs
wii5Yiuc, rye
bell, Now York City; 'Ohio In the
United States Senate," Hon. Joseph
I). Foraker, Cincinnati; "Ohio in tho
National House of Representatives,"
General Charles H. Grosveuor, of.
Athens; "The Judiciary of Ohio,"
Moses M. Granger, Zanesvlllc; "The
Industrial Progress of Ohio," Hon.
Lewis D. Uonebrake, Columbus; "The
Universities of Ohio," President W.
O. Thompson, of Ohio State Universi
ty; "The Achievements of Ohio In
tho Care of Her Unfortunates," Gen
eral R. Brinkerhoff, Mansfield; "The
Fart -ratten oy women in me nisiory
and Development of Ohio," Mrs. J. R.
Hopley, Bucyrus; "The Ethnological
History of Ohio," Judge B. R. Cowen,
Commtrcial Teachers Meet
Denver, Colo., May 22. Commer
cial teachers of Colorado met in con
vention today to discuss matters of
mutual Interest and to form a perma
nent state association. The sessions
continue two days. Pueblo, Colorado
Springs, Boulder and other cities ot
the state are represented.
Mack to Meet Tipman.
Philadelphia, Pa.. May 22. The
fighting game In Philadelphia during
tho past winter and spring has been
more prosperous than ever before in
the history of pugilism in this city.
One of these shows is scheduled for
tho Ariel Athlotlc Club tonight, when
Willie Mack, tbe lightweight boxer
of New York, will go six rounds with
Joe Tipman, of Baltimore. Mack is
regarded as a cleverer boxer than
Tipman and the .prospects are that he
will have no trouble- In outpointing
the latter.
To Debate Arbitration.
Cincinnati, O., May 22. The first
intercollegiate dobate In the history
of Cincinnati takes place tonight in
McMlcken Hall of tho University of
Cincinnati and much interest is mani
fested In' the event. The chosen, de
baters of the university will oppose
a similar team representing Miami
University, and the question to be
discussed Is: "Resolved, That Com
pulsory Arbitration Between Capital
and Labor be Adopted as the Policy
of the United Statos."
Lettuce Prevent Smallpox.
There are thousands of people who
during tho latter' part of tho winter
and the flrst of spring are not able
to supply themselves with lettuce.
This explains why It is that smallpox
rages during tlw winter months. In
our cities many fresh vegetables are
not to bo had. In later years the
rapid Increase of greenhouses .near
cities .where fresh vegetables are
raised flintier glass has brought, let
tuce within the reach of everyone.
Evory family can supply Itself with
a small quantity at least two or three
times a week. If this is done, not only
will It operate as a preventive to
smallpox, but all other diseases ot
a pustular or scorbutic character. Ec
zoman. tetter, tumors, abscesses,
bolls, chronic ulcers, all these will be
benefited as much as smallpox. Med.
leal 'Talk," ' ' " T "
only One
ma m ix ecu s nt aomx
We can supply you mth
Building Material of all
descriptions and sa v e
you money
B u i ldin g paper lime
cement, brick and sand.
Wood gutters for barns
and dwellings a specialty.
Oregon Lumber Yard
AJta St., Opp. Court Home
Bargains in
Real Estate
I have a larger and better
list of FarmB, Stock Ranches
and City Property to sell
than ever before. Also a big
lot of land in the coming
wheat section of Eastern
N. Berkeley
Is always received when you
place your order with us.
Fir. Tamarack and
..Pine.. j
Why buy poor coal rtwHi yaJu
can get the best (or the same
Laatz Bros.
S . mm
HcwYbflr.. H$j.
Monopole, Rock Candy,
Red Star and White Rose
in half gallons, gallons,
jackets and pails.
Standard Grocery
Court Street
Low Sellers of Groceries
The Aristocrat Among the
Whiskies of the old School.
Without a peer.
For flabby
Tie Palace