East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 22, 1903, Image 5

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    1" '
10H CO.
Holds no customer re
sponsible for more than
tie margin he places on a
A mtgin of one cent a
bushel i required on
mis, and U a share on
sleds. An eighth cent
j, bushel commission .is
clarged on grain and
olone percent on stocks.
Jwger Pendleton Office
Going to
Kfnair vour homes or DlaceS
takesibvhavine'them paint-
to OS
paper' and paints.
E. J. Murphy,
If 111 Conrt StPfist. .
km for .,ttJ Sherwli-WU-
r. .
if ' " . -wa .,WJ!S.."L..,XZ
i afaV-BaBaBBBBBBBBBBBBt H V H H aBasBBasaBasaai aBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaTpn.
X L Bt k AHA. "
ll.fa.V .atatiflHa-ls B
ff Sold h i there and BHI g
One ot the finest residences In
Pendleton 11 rooms all modern Im
provements ; pretty lawn; complete
t6,500. $2,500 down, balance on time.
Another residence 7 rooms, with
bath, sewerage, electric lights; pretty
lawn, shado trees, within three blocks
of Main street. 12,500.
Other bouses and lots from J600 to
Nice residence lots. $150, 50 and
(500. i.
Much Other Town Property, and
Easy Terms, Where Desired.
C. D. BOYD. Ill Court Street
Good Country Butter 30c to 40o
per roll.
Creamery Butter 50c per roll.
Tillamook and California Cheese.
. OTa Iioto inat nrlHpd a new delive
ry wagon to our equipment and
will make prompt delivery to any
part of the .city.
The Big Store a Small
A1U Street, Opposite Savings Baik
Arrlwlnn In Car Load.
With their usual promptness Nea
gle Bros, havo Just received ano-.her
car load of Buggies of this very latest
Htylo and patterns, rubber tires, bas
ket seats, and many olhe- improve-
mnntu mill nnnvpnlpnpp. lit lirlL'Ofl to
bult any buyer. Their stock Is wu.tl.
looking at.
Southern Wholesale Grocer.
Blloxl, Miss., May 22. The South-
nm Whnli.oolo flrnrinrM' Association
began Its annual convention here to-
rt.. nnH wMlrpmaln In session throush
tomorrow. Between three and four
hundred delegates representing near
ly all or me' stares. ot we. oouin nn
euanmhlori In tho rlnh 'rooms Of the
Montroso Hotel were formally called
to order by irosiaent j. a. van nou.
Freight rates, credits and other mat
ters of Interest and Importance to
the trade are scheduled for discussion
during the "two days the convention
will be in session.
Delightful Summer Res.rt.
Where are you going to spend your
vacation this summer? Before you
decide this question, investigate Leh
man Springs. It is beautifully situ
ated. Plenty of shade, splendid
water, excellent accommodations,
'ph'one connections 'with Pendleton
and other points, and It U easy of
access. A few weeks spent at Leh
man Springs will put new vim and
vigor Into you. Tne waiens oi i
rlous hot springs have curative prop
erties. There are 25 cabins, a large
i nnj nlnntf et nmn!ni? room.
v iii f.a tt Hplli-htfnl summer
resort. Address C. R. Dutton, Lea?
man Springs.
A Plauge of Rats.
i md la rpnorted to be
afflicting England. First there came
a spotted rat from Persian that over
came the native, then came a black
rat from China that raasierea me r
slan, and now there has Deen acvciui
ed a hybrid rat that not Only assails
the cornblns of the cities, but goer,
out into the country and destroys tho
farmers' crops. There ,is even a story
of a certain breed of rats that opens
the dinner palls of the worWngmen
and cats thelf lunch while they are
at work. Altogether the situation is
such that no one smiles in England
when some one says "rats."
An antiseptic absorbent W..
Dandruff, Eczema and all Scalp Diseases in
s : SEVEN DAYS i i
Dandruffene renders the scalp pliant and
ela"tic. It Is a marvelous hair restorer.
Ask your druggist for ""JjSg
by first-class druggists. Sold in Baker uiy
by n. Levinger.
rw o ur.ouTMr.TnKI
00 v v n'w
Main 7nn
Many Novel ' and eBautlful Features
In a March no Una of Unusual
Length Disabled and Dacraplt
veteran in Carriage.
which closes today, has been ono ot
IVq mrs( niiAAoaeful ! kn Vlftrkt-w ff
the great organization. The Crescent
Jiiy nas uved up to its reputation ior
lavish hospitality and has well dem-
mli.tHJ ..,I.IIU. - .In. am
the largest gatherings. During the
veeK mere nas Dcon a rouna oi cmer
1 ft In m ant trr nil Thn tatlnM nlVA
been escorted to all the places of in
terest In and about the city and when
me ousinesB sessions or ine reunion
have not been In progress there have
rtrwin tfiiantlnTia InnPrionno Kali a find
other features to make their stay In
toe city enjoy&Die. me duik oi iuu
thla ovnnlntr hut mntii wilt romfiln &
few days longer for the purposo of
The annual parade, probably tbo
tnnot Intnfnatlni f ri t l rtt TTnltnH
Confederate Veterans reunion so far
as the rank and file is conccrneu.
took place today and was witnesseu
"j t.vv . -..r - -
tnrt Thn nnrarta frttmPil In St.
v nraot pmn;ila nr rnofirinir RnPOIR
r'horli.a nViinnn tltafkr ITtrrit HI Z.
rAit- nn, tmofin Ira mnrrVi t Vimil flYi
Ittn Itnalnaan aiwtlnn nt tlP rttv. The
principal tolnt of interest along the
line or march was ino hi. jnar.es Ho
tel, from tho balconies of which the
parade was reviewed by city officials
and a number of distinguished guests.
A Remarkable Parade.
n.nv nnvoi nnrl intnrestlne features
were Introduced In the parade this
year, The line was led by tho First
Cavalry troop of the Louisiana Na
tional Guard and tho Memphis Bugle
Corps, followed by' an elaborately dec-
nnt tallv.Yir. onntftlnlnir nnn TOUnff
lady from each Southern state as her
ald and one as aponsor for Nw Or
leans. Next came General John B.
Gordon, commanding the conreaer
na n.tnrBn. nnA lle Htflff.
li.u . i;iv.t MliU, .- M.W
The first division consisiea oi iu
Army of the Tennessee departmont,
u, nAnat-al Qtnnhftn TV TAO. 1m
mediately behind General Lee and his
thn Plnrlrln HltfUlon. which
DWU VMU - ' '
was followod In turn by tho division
of Georgia, Aiauama, auhsihsipiu,
1 nlQln nnri KpntllPkV. AftCf thC
UVU.O.UI.U " '
Department of Tennessee came tho
Army of Virginia, wun t,ieuieutun'
n..n..l n Trvlnn Wnlkpr In COm'
mand. Tho North Carolina division
came first Then came the Maryland
jIulnn lh Vtrdnln division, the
District of Columbia division and the
South Carolina and west Virginia m
The next division consisted of the
trans-Mississippi department ot me
IT-UJ rinvifariArfltn Vpt PTfln R COm-
AA 1... nnnnral W. I., ruhpll. WCO
utauueu 'i J uv.w, ... -
i... ctnff ifnnlnn
was ftiwuuvu uj " ' , , ,
them marched the six aivisions oi
the department, containing the veter
ans of Missouri, Texas. Arkansas, In
dian Territory and Oklahoma, and
,v.n tho Purlflr division. Fol-
ItiVJDQ k.WUI w.v ' - -
lowing the last division was the sec
tion assigned to the Sons of Confed
erate veterans, wno are noiamg
l l VTor.. OrlpnTlB. The VarlOUB
ivuuiuu -" " w -
. . a t,nr,A atinwlnr. many Of
UniUD 41iMW buu-- - ,
them having complete uniform m
A number of carriages contained
..-!-,-. . n ...V. HpRlrp in be
In the parade, but were not physically
able to stand the strain of marching.
They received frequent cheers along
tho route. When well past the re
..i i ninnii artnr tiDvtnp romiilet-
ed the line of march, the parade was
dismissed at Canal street ana iuc r
.erans scattered to their state head
Portland, Or.
The cough that, holds on
in SDite of all remedies needs
energetic and above all thor-f
ouen treatment, a mere
cough mixture won't do.
Root out the cold that causes
the cough.
How? Scott's Emulsion.
Why Scott's Emulsion ?
Because it stops the irrita
tion, soothes the tissues and
heals the affected membranes.
When? Right away.
Scott's Emulsion begins to
help with the first dose.
Wt'U tmi TO Mmpl trM apoa nqottt.
SCOTT & DOWNS, Pnri Stmt. Nt Yk.
Immense Losses to Stockmen and
Fruit Growers Missouri River RIs
lna Steadily and Railroads Block
aded Fifty Per Cent of This Year's
Lambs Dead.
ltiitttn Unnl Mnv 32. -Ten fl'Ct Oi
snow Is reported from Coutts, Mont.,
nnor thn Intn'rnntlnnal boundary, to
day, and the thermometer Is ranging
11 om 4 loli oeiow soro. i rauic on ire
Great Northern Is seriously Interfered
with, and tho trains are being operat
ed only under tho greatest dldlculty.
The cuts of tho road are filled with
Conservative estimates tonight
place the loss ot stock at about 92,
0u0,000, and the number ot head ot
tnMr lnat la flvilrArl t about D0.-000.
This loss will be swelled by the ruin
ation of tho fruit crop mrougnoui
Northern Montana, wnicn, u is nnuor
stood, Is a total failure.
Disastrous Floods Exptoted.
Thn Gtnrm wax fnllnwnd hv frost of
the most damaging kind, and alt gar-
affu finvn tnlt nffprtR. Thn
Missouri river Is rising rapidly, and
the ranchers aro leaving tno iowibuqs
In nntlplnntfnn nt n. fllRftstruUH tlood.
Tho (mil thn flrvml ami tllO blizzard
have dealt this section tho couutlcs
of Cascade, Teton, Choteau anu ixswib
and Clark tho heaviest blow In their
Reports from Havre arc to mo ef
fect that upon an avcrago 50 por
cent of tho lambs havo fallen. In ad
iHnn thmiaanrfa nf pattln sheen and
range horses are lost. Many .ranchers
have lost ovorytning, wnno oinero
were prepared and saved a portion ol
their stock.
A number of persons report miracu
lous escapes. No trace can be found
of tho three shcepherdora first re
ported missing, and It Is thought their
bodies llo deep uoneam tne snow.
Grass in Harney County Said to Be
Greatly In Need or nam.
A m ttallnty man wrin WAS In thfi
city yesterday gives a oumai accoum
of tho range outlook In Itarney coun
uiavu thn nnmnrrat.
Tho Democrat's iniormani Bayn mo
iln-iiii.i nminirv nan hnrl nn rain nnll
nvnrvwhern In narched and
dried and should rain come now It
....,. M An hilt llttla IrnAfl.
Those who turned inoir rauiu oui
from winter feeding havo had to tako
,im . nolti ami fi'fl.l thnra uraln to
keep them from dying irora tuurviv
Tho oiitimntn vlvpn hv the farmers
and ranchmen Is that at best thuro
IU be only a half crop or niuicr nay
or grain. .
In consequence or xnis ouuuuk mu
,nAiin.r mm anva liimlneKR lie found
only fairly good, merchants and others
being timid nuout nuying noavur.
The Democrat hopes the account
iAn i la .viif.Arii.il fnr anv mis
Kifvii i . a mir n . .
fortune that may overtako Harney
county will bo felt In Baker City to
a very appreciate exiem.
Over Forty Years a Soldier In the Reg
ular Army.
Wnahlnctnn TV f! Msv 22.-AftOr
an active career In tho army of moro
than 40 years, Ueutenant-Colonel
John V. Fnroy, assistant quartermas-
list today by operation of tho ago
I limit
1 J Mi V
Colonel Furey en;oys a recoru oi
Ihlgh dlsiinciion. im is
New York and at the outbreak ot tho
.l.,ll ...or onllntun' in thn KOIirtOCDth
regiment of the mllltla of that state.
In July, 1861, he was assignee. iu
i,. Hniv in thn nuartormaster's de
I,. MM- .-
ntnn a nH rAmlanArl thern for three
Iiiui ,.i,..ii. ..( i ...... . - : .
years. In J 864 ho was made captain
and assistant- quariermasmr oi uhii
uibia. Vnliintpnm and later he
in it, uamn irir wtn transferred to
the quartermaster general's office In
Washington, in mo mvammi o
...aIuu . hrAvnt aa ma lor ol Unltad
IBUtes voluhtcors for meritorious sonr.
Ices during the war, The latter part
of bis car oe r has nen spent in rwi".-
4.iniiiB whAM h ntnn m me innr
annniiM deatlned for the troons In
Gray s Harbor
Commercial Co.
We ImH Ki ETexjthiir ,
But wa do aeeji good big,.
stock of nice dry Floorug,
Olllaff, ItasUo and rtakik.
In all grades. Also all kind
of Dimension LnmUr, Ik
eluding Lath and Bhtnglea.
Our Ktock of Doors, Win
dows; 'Moulding, Building
ami Tar Paper and Apple
Boxen U complete, and any
one in need of Lumber frill
not tm wrong In placing
their order with the : : ;
Gray's Harbor Com. Ce.
Opp. Wi A C. K. Depot
Wo have tho Host Bargains
in Uoftl Estate. Wu h&vu
snmo nice homes that mutt
bo Hold. Choice lhiildiiigs,
l.otH. Alfalfa Land from ouo
aero to 160. Wheat hand,
tractH from 1(50 acres to
Rlhorn & Swaggart
Room to over Taylor's
Hardware Store.
Five Porcelain Tubs
Are now to be found at
Privett's Utrber Shop and
Bath Rooms. We also have ,
five hydraulic chairs. Every.
thinR is neat and clean. We
employ nono but fiist-clasi
workmen. Our cquipmeot is
not excelled in Eastern Ore.
Prlvett'5 Barber Shop
73 Main Street
Water tankJ
We make a Specialty of Building Round
or square
Wc make them right and they
, -f.. ..-.:-.! r...
always give haiisiauiiuii. vui
work is never slighted or botched,
Pendleton Planing Mill
and Lumber Yard.
Uohkht Fo(rKK, Prop.
r.nld Medal Illlttcr. Pure.
Sweet, Clean, The chief Z
rliaracteritlCSfli UOod hlltter I
are purity and cleanliness.
Tins butter comnints uoin,
and will tetain its rich and
tlir!tn flavnr In the last.
Trv it and voir will never i
iii anv other. Your money t
refunded if you do not like it
Cuba ana rono kico.