East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 22, 1903, Image 4

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    FBIDAYj MAY22;-1903. " T?!?!?? .
maaamM , "" - a ' ---' t - 4 . - . -ealafc
rabllahed every afternoon (except Sunday)
at it'cmiie ton, Oregon, Dy t no I
'fhonc, (Main II.
sunscim-rinN hates,
ttally, one year by mall .f&.W
Dally, six months by mall i.uo
Ballr. ithre months bv mail ......... l.'IZi
Bally, one month by mall no
Dally, per month by carrier 05
neesiT. tone year d.t man ....., i.ou
Vemi-weeKiy, one year uy man .... -uu
The Kast Oregonlnn la on sale at II. II.
tlcta's News Htnnds nt Hotel Portland and
Hcrlppa-Mcltae News Assochv
San Francisco llureau, 408 Fourth St.
Chicago llureau, D00 Security Ilulldlng.
Washington. I). C llureau. 501 14th St.,
n. w.
LKntered at Pendleton pontofflce as seccond
Class matter.
If you'll sing a song as you plod
You'll And that the husy, rush
ing throng
Will catch tho strain of the glad
That the sun will follow tho
tho blinding rain;
That tho clouds will fly from
tho blackened sky;
That the Btars will come out by
and by;
And you'll make now friends till
hope descends
Prom whore tho placid rainbow
And all because of a little song,
If you sing this song as you plod
Magazine of Mysteries.
jjt Every uomeseelter that comes Into
tie borders of Oregon should be pre'
cicnieu uy somououy with n true guiuc
. ' . . .. ... . .
Kp the great resources of the state.
Bfoniobody authorized,, should sot
fjhem on the rlgut track, furnish
Dhem wholesome Information and give
Shorn a good impression of Oregon.
Some outline of the native wealth
fit tho stato Bhould be sot before them
yji an attractive manner In order that
Ivory dollar they bring along for In-
!)thtmont .may bo placed In some on-
Pjirprise that promises returns to
Ijiom and In tho state at large.
jAs It is now, the homcseekor meets
'fitj howling hotel runner and the In-
ustrlotis bnggago rustier, on bis ar
g,val In the large Oregon cities.
Every frlondly hand reacheu out to-
Nwd him Is tho hand of a grafter,
uly to charge him double for a serv-
gc, If he tdon't protest.
SjRThore is no congenial voice to say.
jclcome, neighbor," and no sufllclont
wide to put him on track of tho truo
ealth and worth of thu state.
JUntll Oregon remedies this ovll and
eets the Incoming homescckcr w1
fund of unutiBwerablu facts about
, state, capital will pass through
more congenial places, which have
ont monoy and timo In preparing a
caption for all worthy strangers.
'jTho following letter Is a sample of
o communications mat reach tills
Ice each week. It Is a' cry for aid.
call for knowledge that Umatilla
nnty should not longer pass . un
Portland, Or., May ID, 1903. Editor
st Oregonian Pendloton, Oregon.
ntlemcn: Can you inform ub If
TO Is nnv Iltornturn for frnn ills-
llbiitlon to homeseekorB and Invest
mi setting forth resources of your
jlsitintyr If so, can wo get a supply
hand out to visitors at the bureau
majl their friends, back East. We
jve written your county assessor,
nnty judgo nnd school supciintend-
t for information, but so far they
fro not returned our blanks.
4WI11 you kindly call on these par
's and request them to fill out and
(turn those blanks sont, so our rec-
a can bo completed.
.We deslro to bo of servlco to each
ttlon of tho state, but our efforts
I tin Hnfnntnrl itnlone wn nn unnnrA
Sj co-oporatlon of thoso most inter
ted or whom wo think- ought to be.
Ijifirhe railroad company will forward
te If addressed to this bureau.
'raiting your favorable action, wo
m;' Yours truly,
wBaker City Is now boforo tho world
a 50,000 edition advertising pam-
Slet. As a remnuorutlon for her
tort; and public spirit, a good class
homeseokors will bo attracted by
jmagnot to her great resources.
the midst of Portland's merry-
king, tho ghastly skeleton of poll
ed appears at the banquet board.
ef. moody, vlndlctvo, revengeful
rlt of factional warfare, spoils all
flavor of ithe feast.
THE PEOPLb I mumrnn i .
Oregon .baB rcdeenied herself!
flLowls and Clark will be 'honored.
' The portago road will bo built.
The corporations iwlll pay", taxes
nnd the best Btnte In tho West w...
march on to a realization of her high
Ideals, despite tho covered thrusts tof
enemies nnd the empty rhotoric or
While tho referendum petitions on
tho fair arc strongly supported, the
required number of signatures was
not obtained and the useless expense
of a vote will mot bo Imposed on the.
Tho opposition of tho .disgruntled
politicians of Portland, did not de
velop any alarming features and 'the
.lubor unions did not carry out their
designs, for there wore enough labor
votes In I'ortland, alone, to hove se
cured a referendum on the fair If the
strength had all been exorcised.
Malheur county may now nurse the
empty notoriety of having sent In the
first petition against her savior, the
portago road. Tho people of Oregon
rescued Malheur from her frlendB.
There Is no hurried packing of
trunks nor closing of mines on ac
count of the tax law. Tho mining
companies will now develop their
properties, pay their shnre of tho
burden and prepare to stay nnd reap
n legitimate harvest in Oregon.
It Is a triumph thnt Oregon may
well bo proud of. Tho opposition to
nil these worthy measures wns con
ceived In selfishness and prosecuted
with hired tools. None of It sprang
fresh front the breast of any citizen
of Oregon.
It Is an epoch In state history.
Lulu Spence, a chambermaid of In
dlauapolls, Is the herolno of the day
at the grand reunion of ex-Confederates,
now being held at Now Orleans.
Hooker T. Washington, while at Indi
anapolis recontly, slept nt the hotel
whero she was working, and nhe
promptly refused to make tho bed In
which tho grent colored educator had
reposed. Given the alternative of
making the bed or resigning her posi
tion, she resigned, although she bad
a widowed mother nua luvanu sister
dopondlng on her small wages. News
of the actiou of the proud little
Southerner reached the reunion, ,'nnd
before tho story was half told, a
purse of $2,000 was raised for her.
Her nerve proved to be her fortune.
The clover work of Sheriff T, D.
Taylor In locating the Freownter rob
ber. In the Santa Fe jail la another
proof of tho efllclcut manner in which
tho sheriff's office In Umatilla county
is being filled. With n persistence
that know no Hugging, Sheriff Tay
lor has followed tho crooked trail
of Cofer, since the day of the Free-
water robbery, last August, and
though tho slim clew disappeared at
times, he was not discouraged. Ills
untiring vigilance has been reward
ed by finding his man, under another
name, In a county Jail l.oOO miles
from Pendleton, and while he is not
permitted to bring the criminal homo
for trial, he enjoys the satisfaction of
having located htm.
One man's loss Is another's gain,
the world over. No sooner does tho
nwful nows of Montana's blizzard ami
tho loss of her entire fruit crop and
900,000 of her shuop reach the public,
than those who havo fruit and slieop
to sell begin to speculate on the
prospects of a raise In the price of
their product, as n result of the mis
fortune. Thcro were no politicians In Port
land yesterday. It was a landsldn for
Mrs. Hermanns Ijaer, who before
hot marriage wus Miss Mabel McKiu
ley, a daughter of Aimer McKlnley and
niece of tho late president, Is going
on tho stage. Mrs. Uaer will appear
in vaudeville. Her debut will bo made
In Chicago within a fow weeks. Tho
announcement of Mrs. Baer's Inten
tion to adopt a theatrical llfo will
arouse great Interest. Socially she
is known all ovor Amorlca. Sho was
President McKlnloy's favorite niece.
For years she showed him tho most
tender devotion, which ho returned.
Whenovor possible sho lived with
tho president and his wlfo during his
occupancy of tho White House and ac
companied them on tholr tours.
Mrs. Bacr is to recelvo a salary of
11000 a week for her services. Hor
contract calls for an engagement
lasting 25 weeks. Chicago Examiner.
Tho opium bill presently under
consideration by the Phlllpplno com
mission Is .dratted to prohibit tho sale
of opium to tho Filipino people, and to
suppress and restrain the sale- to all
other persons. It Is provided that
no one except a full-blooded China-
r I in KOttlni;
Vmi ilmi t look
Jinks' ui n l-mmii
nit your owi -.'-ale..
man may use opium in any way ob a
. .
narcotic, tho act is mane necessary
by the spread of the opium Habit
among the Filipinos. Tho sale of
opium to the Chinamen who nro In
tho islands Is to be reg'ilatud as fol
lows; The net contemplates selling the
right to Import, prepare for use and
sell opium to full-blooded Chinaman,
to tho highest nnd best bidder. The
consideration for the concession to
be paid to the Insular treasury in
monthly instalments. Thnro ohall
be under the main concessioner not
more than one retail merchant to
every two thousand full-blooded
Chinamen in any town, provided,
however, thut each town may havo
one merchant. Hong Kong Dally
The latest evidence that the public
likes to bo deceived is the enormous
business transacted by a Paris meat
canning establishment. Thu products
of thlB concern put up In neat boxes,
with handsome Inbels, go nil over
Europe for consumption. Tho list of
viands ranges from roast beef to pot
ted venison, including the feather
tribe. Upon overy label Is the ab
breviation CH., In largo red letters,
which means "horse meat," the gov
ernment requiring such distinction
upon the product of roan's futlhful
beast of burden.
It 1b not alone the restaurants and
boarding houses which purchase tho
products of the cannery, but overy
grocer handles the assortment, and
investigation has shown that families
are the largest fmrchasers, and It Is
to bo presumed that their imagination
and the condiments disguise the real
character of the stuff. Chicago Chron
The recent dlBctiasion of spiritual
ism, in which wo are told that the
host of Henry ward needier lias ap
peared to a furmer friend, and con
fined himself in his message to com
plaining that a certain coin, known
an tho "widow s ruitu, had not been
icturued to him, reminds us of an in
teresting Incident In Mr. Ileecher's
life while he was still in the Uesh.
Tho great preacher was in England,
as the story goes, and was bolng en-
tertnlned by a gentleman who believ
ed In spiritualism nnd was himself u
One day he asked It Ileecher would
like to tall; with the spirit of his
father, Dr. Lyman Beechor. Mr.
Beecher replied that It would please
him Immensely. After the Bcaucti
was ovor ho was asked how It had
Impressed him, nt which, with a twin
klo of his eye, Beecher responded:
Ml I have to say is, that it I de
teriorate as fust for tho first ten
years after I am dead as my father
has I shall be a stark-naked fool."
When one considers tho high and no
ble purposes to which Mr. Beecher
dovoted himself while on. earth, and
the things on which his mind seems
to run now, we are constrained to re
call this Incident. Everybody's Mag
Marriage, no one may escape in
India. It is, as death and birth, inevi
table. Only birth and death are our
Hnalltles, marriage may como by
choice, caprice, or accident; these aro
not found in Indian dictionaries. The
wisdom of selection Is loft to parents.
Of course thoro are mistakes, sur
prises, disappointments, as every
where But I saw as much love-light
in happy oyes In India as in any other
country. Edmund Kussell in Every
body's Magazine.
Few peoplo seem to have real
ized that thu. populist craze In poll
tics first mado Itself manifest In thu
South, whore tho white poulntlon Is
nearly 100 per cent native born; that
it found Its most fertile soil In Kan
sas, and that Its spread throughout
tho Middle West may bo traced direct
ly to tho blood of Now England.
In 1900 tho population of Kansas
was 72.6 per cent native born. Tho
porcontngo of native born citizens In
the New England states ranged from
a minimum of about 36 por cent In
Rhode Island to a maximum of 71.2
In Maine.
Thus it will be seen that Kansas
outranks Maine, which stands at tho
head of the list of New England states
In proportion of native blood, but It
awfully lipnv ,
It 1 (tiu'js mi v been weighing yourself
outranks her, and all other New Eiig-
I i 1... n nonn io m 1t(l (1 f II fill
i iniiu huul-h, uj u i.;...u. " .
even three ngures wouiu inmcuwiB-
nniise. until vorv recent yeui, i""
saa hns been almost without foreign
Immigration. She Is, undoubtedly, and
overwhelmingly, the most Yankee
stato of the Union.
The same spirit that made "Bleed
ing Kansas" a battleground 50 years
ngo, and that made Maine and "them
steers" of Solon Chase's the synonym
for groonbnekism 30 years ago wns
abroad In KansaB in the '90a. It is the
spirit that has made overy cranky Ism
and ology flourish among the granite
rocks of Now Hampshire and Massa
chusetts. It 1b tho typical Amorlcan
spirit or unrest and speculation.
Booklover's Magazine
The death of William Henry Mll-j
burn, for many years famous as "The
Blind Chaplain," recalls the romantic
and heroic incidents connected with
his flrst election as a chaplain of.
congress In 1845. When Slllburn was
22, a very slight figure, his left eye
entirely blind, his right eye having but
one little transparent point not so big
as the head of a pin, giving him but a
glimmer of the outer world, he was
traveling by Ohio river steamer from
Cincinnati to Wheeling, W. Va. Ho
was then entirely unknown to tho
world except to the little band of cir
cuit riders among whom he had been
preaching In the backwoods for a year.
To his great delight he found on the
steamer a large number of congress
man of both houses, who woro on theft
way to Washington for the opening
of a session. Mllhurn expected great
profit from their conversation, but
was soon shocked nt their profanity,
their gnmbling .and their drunken
ness. The Ohio river wus low, and fogs
coming on, they wore detained over
Sunday. At breakfast a committee of
passengers Invited Millmrn to preach,
nnd a congregation of 300 persons as
sembled. At the close of ti brief ser
mon, to the astonishment of all, he
bowed to the men before him, and
said: "I understand that you are
members of the congress of tho Unit
ed States, and as such, you are, or
should be, the representatives, not
only of the political opinions, but
olso of the Intellectual, moral, and re
ligious condition nt the people of this
country- As I hnd rarely rfeen men
of your class, I felt, on coming aboard
this boat, a natural Interest to hear
your conversation and to observe
our habits, if I am to judge the na
tion by you. I can come to no other
conclusion than thnt It is composed
of profane swearers, card players and
drunkards. Suppose there should be
an Intelligent foreigner on this boat,
traveling through the country with the
Intent of forming a well-considered
nnd unbiased opinion as to the practi
cal working of our free institutions
seeing you and learning your posi
tion, what would be his conclusion?
Inevitably, that our experiment was a
failure, and our country Is hastening
to destruction."
Bar's a drowsy sorter feelln' what's
a stcalln' round do place
Wen do daisies In do medder feel do
sunshine in (ley fnce;
En I never makes no answer w'on de
trees say, "Howdy-do,"
I nachully too lazy ler ter tell 'em,
"Samo ter you!"
Work away fer money,
Shady days cn sunny,
But I'm wnltin' on do bees
What storin' up do honey!
Mister Mockln'bird, a slngln' In de tip
top er de tree,
I 'bleego ter llssen ter yer, knzo you
slngln' right at mo!
But I tells you plain and simple, wlmr
do coolin' shadders Creep,
You slngln' me tor sleep, suh you
slngln' me ter sleep!
Work away fer money,
Shady days en sunny.
But medders makes do'nillk for
En bees dey makes do honoy!
I hear do flel' hnn's callln' crost do
hill tops cn do dells.
Kn do tlnklo. tinkle, tinkle er de fur-
on; cattio bolls.
En doy 'pears to be asayin": "You
must sow, If you would reap,"
But all do worl' Is slngln' des a-slng-
In' mo ter sleep!
Work away for money,
Shady days on sunny.
But I'm waltln' on do bees
What storin' up de honey!
Frank I Btnnton, In Collier's
1 Booms
Kleean.lr In... ... ' acVlD eS "Sm
The genuine, tliQ bicycle
which is the undisputed
leader, is handled in Pen
dleton only by us. Come
in and see the Racycle.
3U Court
$13,456,960 Insurance in Force
H. M. RICE, Freewater
Arunt for HmatlilH County ..
J I'
Wnliur, CUr Aiceut for renilteton
Lee's Lice Killer
Inject powder tntl Poultry
Supplies, also Hay, Grain
nnd Feed.
C F. Colesworthy
127 129 East Alfa St.
Conrad Platzoeder
All kintU .if I'rt-sh
Meat's nlwavs on "j"
hand. Fine bacon,
Hants and Sausage. !j!
Prices as low as the lowest
Bowman, the Photographer
Special rate for the next 60 days
0n cabinet photo of the baby free
Until Jul
1 iwl." R1V6 bl'tely ttte one
41 .P1!0'0..0' tobj leas than
ample cab
sTmiliJ'S.VK '"'B them lii any'. lay except
puftn&i L?f, W,U mS "MALL CAB1NKT
. au,! ior Z5c. Don't mlu
nhni.hESrtri'iUy ?' geU.lD ,n "tunc. iu
I.2L h? of your little nea absolutely
We have the BestBarnii
in . lteai estate. We hae
some nice homes that
be sold. Choice Building
Lots, -Alfalfa Land from one
acre to 100. Wheat Landi
tracts from 160 acres to
Rihorn & Swaggart
Room io over Taylor's
Hardware Store.
J. A.
Smith ,
Cor VV. Alta and Lillith Sts.
L. Neff, formerly of the Hotel
Alta, has chatge of the Old Dutch
Henry Feud Yard, and would be
pleased to care for your horses
Plenty ol stalls, larce corrals for
loose horses and cattle. Hay and
grain for sale. Chop mill in con
nection. Engine, Boiler and Machinery
Of all kinds is our specialty. All
work guaranteed
Extra Parts Furnished for all m
of Ifarvcstins Machinery.
Manufacturer ol
709 East Alta Street.
tlaltezore & Howes uiu
for iome folks to think that ""fejj
carriage may need very "'"V'lh.fTtell
that It U not worefl the entlay, and thatw
ba u nmnilni u a new vehicle. "
eraremUuke, aa onr exUniWe fecuivw.
repair work 0 aU ktnda enable ui to J J"S
thlnga at comparative low colt. Aiww
our eatlmatee before dtcldlnr .