East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 22, 1903, Image 3

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i IIIMIIIII II III allllllllll
a i am i. mm wm m aw i smm "
7 r t rrrt rv. V Tv Tl w 1 IU W Will I U t
Saturday, May 23, 1903, we will inaugurate
asale of Men's and Boys Clothing, 47 suits
Actual 112.50 snd $15.00 values, Correct
ip-to-date styles. Choicest Sootoh, Eng
lish and American woolens. Your Choice
Alexander Dept. Store
Is an especial feature of 'our
store. We realize our re
sponsibility and are very
particular in every detail,
using only the best and
purest drugs. It matters
not what physician writes
your prescriptions they will
be compounded by a com
petent, reliable pharmacist
when presented here and at
prices that are always reasonable.
F. W. Schmidt's
The Reliable Druggist
rottoffice Block,
I'honc MalnSji
Will Sing Wesley's Praises.
Philadelphia, May 21. In the Acad
emy of Music, beginning with a meet
ing this evening and concluding with
a second demonstration tomorrow,
evening, Methodists of Philadelphia
and vicinity will celebrate the 200th
anniversary or the birth of John Wes
ley and pay tribute to his labors in
the founding of Methodism. This will
be ono of the most notable recogni
tions of Wesley's life and work that
has been held In the United States.
Bishop Cyrus D. Foss will preside,
and Introduce tho famous orators who
will take part In the celebration.
Bishop Charles H. Fowler, Senator
Depew, of New York and Dr. Frank
G. Qunsaulus, or Chicago, are among
those who will address the gathering.
Help wanted to harvest the straw
berry crop In the vicinity of Milton
and Freewater. The crop promises
to be uuusually large, and outside
help will be needed. There will be
employment for a large number of
persons In harvesting the crop. Fam
ilies who wish to take a six weeks out
ing and combine profit with pleasure
are Invited to come up to the Free
water strawberry, fields. Camping
grounds will be furnished free.
Twenty-five cents per crate Is paid
for picking. Address N. TV. Mum
ford. Freewater, Oregon, or u- T.
Motley. Milton. Oregon.
Say the Southern Oregon Withdrawal
i Not Good Timber Land No Fear
of a Rush to the 8eene.
"The withdrawal of tho Oregon tim
ber lands from location and the plac
ing of the same In the forestry re
servu will work no particular hard
ships on timber locators," said a Ta
coma man who has just returned
from a trip to Ashland, Oregon.
"I went down there with a timber
locator and a party of 12 people from
Taconia and nine from South Prairie
and we looked the ground over care
fully. Out of tho 21 persons who
went there to select timber claims
only five concluded to file and 1 be
lieve that they are making a mistake.
The South Prairie men were all ex
pcrlencd In timber matters and not
one of them would have anything to
do with the Oregon timber.
Far From Railroad.
"To begin with, tho land is located
100 miles from a railroad and there Is
no reason why a railroad should ever
be built Into the country. Owing to
the high altitude of the land It will
never be possible to raise anything
there after tho timber is removed, for
a snowstorm Is Just as likely to occur
on the Fourth of July as on Christmas
day. The timber on tho land Is very
light and experienced men say that
not more than 500,000 feet of good
clear timber could be secured from
any one claim. It would, perhaps,
be possible to cut a couplo of million
feet of scrub lumber from a claim,
but on the whole I do not look upon
the proposition as a good Investment."
Business of Eastern Washington and
Oregon's Firemen's Association
Will Lay Over a Season,
Walla Walla, May 22. B. M. Mc
Donald, president of the Eastern Ore
gon and Washington Firemen's As
sociation, returned from Waltsburg
Monday after holding a conference
with Director J, W. Morgan as to the
plans to be carried out by the asso
ciation for the coming year. It was
decided not to hold an election this
coming June, and to let the business
of the association run along for an
other year. Walla Walla Is now out,
as no paid fire department can be a
member. La Grande and Heppner
being bo far away from this section
maljes it necessary that they drop
out. While nothing definite will be
done this year. It Is the desire of Mr.
McDonald to form a new league,
made up of towns In Eastern Wash
ington, leaving out Oregon altogether
Walla Walla now haB the cup, and as
she can not competo for It again,
President McDonald will order It scm
to him and he will hold It here until
tho next contest.
nieurana n uiiK uuiu rime
Sumpter, Oregon, Gold fining District.
Is located upon the GREAT MOTHER
LODE system of veins and has for neigh
bors on that vein such well known
mines as the NORTH POLE valued at
$10,000,000. The COLUMBIA valued at
$5,000,000. GOLCONDA valued at $3,
000,000. THE MONMOTH G. M. CO'S
BELLE BAKER mine valued at $5oo,
ooo. THE BALD MOUNTAIN valued at
$5 oo.ooo. THE IBEX valued at $400,
000, and many others.
Ih Grand Trunk Gold Mining and Milling Co.
0M Its Property Consisting el 160 Acre of Rich Uold Bearing Veins
t has no indebtedness of any character.
It has a conservative mining and business management.
jt is offering 50,000 shares of stock at 15: per share.
Uwill become a dividend payer in a short time.
It will pay you to write us for full particulars and to make
careful investigation of its merits.
" has the indorsement of mining men, business men and
bankers of Eastern Oregon.
"te us today aud let us post you.
H. S. McCalltim & Company,
Miners, Brokersand Flnanolal Agents,
r B. S. BRYSON, Local Agent, Pendleton, Oregon.
0ttt Weekly Mining Letters on Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Mining
District free on Application.
Walla Walla's New Theater.
Walla Walla, May 22. Walla
Walla's new theater, when complet
ed, will compare favorably with then
ters of larger cities. Gen"'-' Mann
ger McCabe, of the W. & C. It. It.
who with Felix Hells, of Portland,
has leased and will operate the thea
ter hereafter, yesterday received
plans for tho repair of the building
anil Its furnishings. The Interior
work and furnishings contracted for
by the lessees will entail an outlay of
nearly $7,000. In addition 10 tnis.
Pa'lno Brothers, owners of the build
ing, will replace the present root with
a much stronger affair and also cause
cement sidewalks to be laid around
the entire building.
This week will be one of special preparatian for
many ot our customers who are preparing to go
to Walla Walla next Monday to see President
Roosevelt. We have decided to make Special
Inducements in the way of reduced prices, to all
who want to outfit for the big excursion. Notice
our tempting list of SPECIAL BARGAINS
Dress Goods Ftsniishfafs
All wool Scotch suiting, 46 in. wide, Ladies shirts, all grades, special reduction
this week only 80c yd of 10 per cent.
Wide novelty wool suiting, 54 in. Ladies hose, good light weight, fast colors.
wide, this week only ti yd for this week 7c pair
All wool heavy etaminc 48-in. wide, Ladies dress and walking skirts, all grades,
this week only 85c yd reduced 10 per cent
Snowflake novelty suiting 37 in wide, Misses shirt wuists, white and colored, rc
this week only 40c yd duccd 10 per cent
All wool albatros, all colors, this week 44c yd Full line Misses muslin underwear, nil re
All wool summer etamicc suiting, duccd 10 per cent
light shades 48c yd Ladies tailor made suits, for one week, re-
Light summer dress batiste, all colors duccd 20 per cent
this week only 6c yd Men's clothing, all grades, for one week, re
Scotch lawn, all colors 4c yd duced toper cent
Zephyr ginghams, plain or figured . 8jc yd Boy's clothing, all grades, for one week, re
Calicos, all colors, 10 yds. to 1 person 4c yd duced to per cent
, , , . , , Men's and Boy's hats, felt, straw, and
Price quoted are good for this week only crash( Tedu 0 pcr cent
The above reductions are bona fide cuts from our regular prices, and those who know us best,
know that we never mark up O'.ir goods for our Special Sales.
THE FAIR McCall's Patterns
La Grande Makes Extensive Improve
ments in Her 8upply.
I.a Grande May 22. Tho La Grando
Water Storage Company has a crew
of from 15 to 25 men at work on their
Morgan Lake reservoir and ditches.
This Is one of the greatest business
undertakings that has been begun in
our town for years.
The water will be conveyed to the
lake by a ditch C feet wide .it tho
bottom and 8 feet at, tho top, from
Sheep creek. Another ditch 5 miles
in length will bring water from Hock
creel; when needed.
Tho Morgan lake will make a res.
ervolr covering 100 acres and averag.
ing 25 feet In depth, containing about
50.000,000 barrels of water.
Tho water will bo brought to tho
reservoir above town through a pipe
two miles in length. Tho pipe will
be 24 Inches at the dan;, reduced to
18 inches at tho city reservoir.
This water will bo run through
water wheel that will generato enough
power for nil the machinery In town
In all domestic purposes.
The Only Successful Harvester Ever
Used In Umatilla County.
Discovery on the McLaughlin Proper
ly Quality Improving.
Mrs. J. A. McLaughlin and daugh
ter, of Ridge, were In the city today
having driven In yesterday afternoon.
On the way In the ladles had tho mis
fortune to break down their buggy
and were delayed on their return by
the accident.
Coal has been found on tne lana De-
longing to Mr. aud .Mrs. McLaugnun,
and Mrs. McLaughlin is cmnusiasuc
over tho prospects of the property.
The coal Is found in a vein seven
feet In thickness and is or a superior
quality. Some work has been uonn
on the property and the grade of tho
coal rises as tho work progresses.
The tunnel was caved in on ino
workers three times with no damage,
and each time the coal has been found
to bo better when uie ueuns wan
cleared away .
Next week men will be put to work
on the property and tho vein will bo
developed. If tho quality holds good
and the vein shows no signs of ex
haustion the property will be ex
ploited and the product snippeu u
large quantities. Mrs, Aicaugiiiiii
returned to her homo this afternoon.
Hay's Nephew to be Barrled.
rwotnr ill.. Mav 21. A wedding
of note hero this evening will bo that
Lieut Charles Rdward Hay, Jr., U. S.
A., and Miss Sarah Jane uony 01 iui
city. The unaegroom is u ouu i
mer Mayor Charles K. Hay, of Spring
field, III., and a nephew of Secretary
of State Hay. Lieut. Hny and his
bride wljl reside at Fort Harrison,
rr!, nnatmnKtpr at TenlUO. Wash.,
was gagged and robbed Monday night
by masked men. They secureu w
In cash and checks.
Faithful Old Darkey and His Respon
Before ho was well known, Wendell
riillllns. the distinguished abolition
1st, went to Charleston and put up at
a hotel. He had breakfast served in
his room, and was waited upon by a
Mr. PNlllps seized upon tho oppor
tunity to represent to the colored man
In a pathetic way that ho regarded
him as a man and a brother, and that
!)' himself was an abolitionist. Tho
cither, however, seemed more anxious
About the guest's breakfast than ho
was about his own position In tho
social sralo or tho condition of his
Flnnllv. Mr. Pi ins became dls-
J couraged and told him to go away,
baying Hint he 'nnlrt not near 10 lie
united or by a slave.
To this tho other remonstrated.
"You nitiR' 'sense mo, massa, but I'so
'bilged to May here. Vaufe I'se 'spon
hlble fo" do Hllberware."
THE HOLT does satisfactory work on any kind of land. It is tl
an experiment, but practical, as tune has piovcn, and tho best
vertising the mach'ine gets is from those who have uied it. Over J
machines in use in Umatilla Caunty. Lightest draught an J longtj
vea Harvester made, bold by
311 Court St
Pendleton, 0
Insect Powder
Texas Editors In Session.
Waxaliachle, Texas, May 21. Men
and women who work all the year
round to mold opinion in the Lono
Star stato and keep the public well
Informed of current events are gath
ered here In large numbers, the occa
sion being the twenty-fourth annual
session of the Texas Press Associa
tion. Routine business was transact
ed tills forenoon and after luncheon
the convention took the discussion of
various matters thut Interest those en
gaged in the business and editorial
management or newspapers. Tho ses
sions arc to continue through tomor
row nnd between times the visitors
will partake of liberal entertainment
provided by theb local brethren and
the people of Waxaliachle generally.
C. H, Warman Buys Vacant Lots.
Or. V. O. Colo has sold to C. H.
Warman, or Vinson, for $325, lots 7
and 8, in block ti, of Cole's addition,
the transfer being effected by the B.
T. Wade real estato agency. The
property lies on Washington street.
For Kent Suite of rooms, nicely
furnished, one block and a half west
of Main street. Inquire 208 Alta.
ioc package
or in bulk
Chloride of
Lime, 15c
and 25c cans
Kabios Dis
enfection, 35c
bottle, free
from odor but
Moth Balls
uotb prereoUtlft
Uma Soda 5c
Castile Soap
toe cake, 3 cks,
25c pure im
ported kind
The cleaiiMt au( ui'xt careful Iiouh
wIvfh are often HMIIntixl with the
trouble anil dlnoomfort of ImxI hiivi.
The thing to do whmi ttiHy urn ill
covered lit not i waste a ritfnuta but
pro.'ureHK'Mx reliable big dmtrnyer
ami if" at them at mine.
li'jul'l triil d, the pe.U nulifev rjr
cmck mi'l i)lc wboro tbujr 11111 hl'ta unl
en ty deilruo lo with It Non- iiltmriui
to hum in b'lni but dlli Pi ill mrinlu,
tie tot s lire oot'le wil l prliikmr lop
ruidf to u-k
Koeppens Drug Store
You will pertr niw wht jiura lee cretin
U until )fu try nun
Polish, 25c
bottle the besi
you ever Iism
Pincnut croaij
for the com
plexion 25c
all sizes
Pure crcaml
tartar 15c pk(j
Ice Crean
Nugcct ioc
a diicioutdin
lc m snd
uut dnxlBf
Price $1.00
par bar at tha
Beat la tin
World In Bi
E. 0. Offic
. f