East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 22, 1903, Image 2

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Going To Meet The
You'll need a new suit if you are If you buy before
Monday noon (May 25th) you can get a positive
discount of $2.00 on any suit from $10.00 up.
This will
Pay Your Fare to W. W.
And Return and Bay Yotir Dinner.
StO.00 Salts $ 8.00
$12.50 Salts 10.00
f 13.50 Suits 11.50
15.00 Salts 13.00
$16.50 Sorts 14.50
$17.50 Salts 15.50
. IVtMNHtlMtft .
Shctv Jananosn nml r7 Cli-noWc nil
neetlon hands, engaged in a race war
near San Francisco. When the dust
cleared away and an Inventory was
iiiKeu, zu men required surgical am
No one was killed.
Thoro are 60 government acrlcul
tural exporlmont stations in the
United StateB, employing about 1,000
men. During tho 14 years they havo
been in existence, thoy have cost
There are over 7,000,000 acres of
irrigated land in tho United States,
averaging 71 acres to tho farm.
The inspector-general ol Turkoy is
advocating a scheme to colonlzo Bul
garians in those islands of tho Ore
clan archipelago which belong to Tur
key. A severe drouth In Porto Rico has
been broken by violent rains which
in many instances washed out the
crops yet alive.
An outbreak of enteric fover has
OCCllrrnri nn hnnrH nnrtnln altlna 1...
in? off thfl nnnnt. nf TCnfrlnn.l ttiot la
directly traceable to infected blankets
Twelve policomon In tho Now York
'Cltv 'filvmnr arrant atntlnn
or less stunned by lightning striking
nits uuuuiug.
Five barrels of hydro-carbon in tho
jarua 01 mo mew xorK central in
now York City, oxploded. causing im
menso damage to property. One man
was killed and a number injured. A
tank containing 200,000 gallons of oil
uuruea in tne same yams.
J. R. Stevenson, of Pomoroy, was
elected grand chancellor of tho K. of
r ior uio stole or wasmngton, Tours
day at Seattle.
The residents of Frank aro again
fleeing from the city In tho fear of
another landslide.
In a bloody battlo between Jap and
iiuu urecK auction crows on mo south
ern Pacific, near Avon, Cal Thursday,
iu jups ana tour ureexs wero serious
Jy injured.
A. M. Smith, of neavermouth, 11. C.
committed suicide Thursday by
Arthur Shaw, of Olympla, has sued
Wlllard B. Wilson, of that city, for
tib.uuu damages, lor alienating his
wife's affections.
Thn Nnrtli Vnlilmn Wnllilnrtn.ilati
which died in April, has been started
again by W. H. Willis, of Uedlands,
Harry Westcott, Willie King and
jane uowcrs, enreo aaiom uoys rang
ing In 11 (rii frnm Ifi In 1C tinun 1wia.i
O "11. w .w A 11 , 111. . 11 UVM
sent to tho notorin School for stealing
Tho dyphtherla quarantine at Union
has been raised.
flv thn Artlnn nt n Inur whlth trnaa
into effect May 23, tho city limits of
union win 00 oxiemicu one-nan muo
each way.
flrnnt'fl Pnna hna tilofto-n.l 1 ftnn nn.
nually for tho support of a Carnoglo
1 1 V. . . 1 1 ., 1 - 1 ..Hi
jiurarjr nuu u win nuw uu uuui.
A Woodmen carnival will be held
In Portland on July 14 to 28.
An edition of 50,000 advertising
pamphlets has Just been Issued by
tho board of trado or Baker Olty.
The 'referendum potltions promoted
by the mining and railroad corpora
tions of Oregon, or tho p'i'poee ot
defeating tho portage road and tho
corporation tax law, dismally failed
for want of signatures.
Thft ntntf ntmnn rnmnilfltnnni t
AfnnfAnn .flHmntna thn Inaa tt ohaAn '
In that stato from the recent blizzard ! Hall.
at UOO.OOO head, malting n total ue Several
Hotel Pendleton.
J. A. Kirkbam, city.
George W. Kendall, Portland.
II. H. J. Hill, Chicago.
TL E. Porter, Meacham.
Q. L. Llppman, Now York.
H. H. Hess, Denvor.
U. D. .Butcher, Denvor.
M. J. Davis, city.
W. D. Chamberlain, olty.
J. A. Slcswood, Portland.
Thomas Nestor, Portland.
W. J. Burt. Chicago.
P. V. Datta, Spokane.
A. Nylander, Portland.
J. C. LIndsoy, Portland.
F. S. Rodgers, Portland.
A. E. Gulst, Portland.
C. D. RInker, Spokane.
Herbert L. Williams, Spokane.
Charles Holman, Portland.
Le Gordon, Walla Walla.
S. F. Jones, San Francisco,
M. W. Ross. Spokane.
Herman Falk, Denver.
William Kllery, Boston.
B. W. Thornley, Marlotte, O.
Beniamln Unrtnnv PI
Mrs. T. J. Drumhollor, Walla Walla
mra. j. k. mazier, Portland.
John Thornlng, Portland .
William Maher, Portland,
C. M. Smith, Portland
Golden Rule Hotel.
M. M. Ryan, Sherman.
Thomas Burns, Moacham,
Mrs. T. Burns, Moacham
F. N. Churchill. Chicago,
J. E. Verdin, Grant's Pass
Mrs. A. Eastman Adams.
J. C. Eastman Ailnms
S. C. Eastman, Adams.
h. M. Eastman, Adams.
Miss May Yalo, Spokane,
J. H. Walters. Starbuck.
M. A. Nanimentz, Starbuck.
Mrs. William Barrett, Portland.
J. Clem, Freowator.
C. L. Downer, Spokane.
Mrs. J. A. MoLauchlln nnri riai.nh
tor, Valloy.
W, D. Marks. Spokane.
F. N. Mace, Union.
William Balrd. Union.
James Allen. Chicago,
G. Huahee, city.
J. W. Spcncor, Portland.
Arthur Kaska, St. Joseph..
Ed Meyers, Spokane.
Mrs. Caddy, Spokane.
A. S. Burgc, Spokane.
Mr. Cotter, Meadono.
A. B. Wilson, Baker City.
Mrs. May Baker, Bakor City.
Mrs. W. H, Roborts. Silver City.
W. T. Aue, Silver City.
H. S. Savago, Wardnor
J. T. Wright, Hastings.
Forty-Third Annual Session Today at
Lexington, Virginia.
Lexington. Va. Mw si
third nnniml .nsnlnn nt thn nnnA..i
Assembly nf tho Snitthnm Proiwur..
an church was called to order today
in mo Lexington I'rosuytorian churcn
by tho rotlrlng moderator, Rov, W. T.
Hall. D. 1) nf nnlnmhlo a n' A
u presoytories, scattered variously
ovor tho states of Maryland, Virginia,
West Virginia, Tomiossoo, North Car
olina. South Cnrnlinn Ifontiml-u
Georgia. Florida, Alabama. Louislna!
uuBoiasippi, Texas, Arkansas and Mis
souri and Indian Torrltory, wore rep
resented bV tho !IM .nmmla alnnnr.
in attendance. Tho sossion was begun
with devotional exercises, and an olo
qtiont sormon was preached by Dr.
I . - .L.. Da.nnrl OrtftOn VolUn
teers the First to Salute it wnen n
Was Hauled Up Over the apaniwi
Portland. Jlay SZ. rreniuuui. iww
velt nnd every other patriotic Amen-
I . 1 .ihiIai. thn lnree
I can wno iouuy u.. -
American Hag suspended high over
Sixth street in front of the Portland
Hotel, will gaze on 11 wiiu "
usual Interest when they know that
It was the first American flog hoisted
on the wans 01 1110 01a
It took the place of tho old Spanish
Hag tho lowering of which marked
tho end of Spanish rule in the Philip
The flag was sent ashore from the
battle-ship Olympla by Admiral
Dewey, In charge of Lieutenant Brum
bage, nnd two midshipmen, who re
ported to General Merrltt, and after
the terms or capitulation had been
agreed upon the Spanish flag was
lowered and this flag raised in its
place with tho same halyards,
Salutsd by Oregon Band.
There wero two batnlllons of the
Second reslment of Oregon Volun
teers InBlde tho walls at the time,
and the band ot that regiment on its
way into tne ciiy camo aiong jum u
tho flag was raised, and, halting, piny-
ably tho first time that grand old air
1 I 1. 1. . 1 ffAMtlM rPIn Atlthll.
I1UU UUtjll liuuril 111 iuauna,
siasm thus aroused, in connection
with tho raising of tho flag, can be
better Imagined than described, nnd
the heavens were rent with tho cheers
of tho Americans. In which many or
enc lnnaDiiams joineu.
President in Oregon,
nalnm. frn. Mnv v. A f tr- nn
early morning ride through tho pic- General Summers wan appointed
turosque Willamette vauoy President l'rovost marshal, and it wa.i his duty
Roosevelt reached tho capital city t0 8lvo otAtn for the ralslmr and low-.
ot Oregon on schedule time this morn- erlne of tne D,B nag nniiy. mis was
Ing. Three busy hours wore spent in (lono for nvo dny8- 11 was rd,!m! :at
the city, the program Including a brief 11,0 flaS woa lar8 tot the staft
address, a drive about tho city a re- wnicn supported it. and was likely to
view or the school chlldron and other ureak Tllon Ooneral MacArthur ar-
QOVOmor I ln 1 uuy w eutcucu uuiiuiui
a I Qiimniani na nrnvml Trtnrnhnl nnH
fpatlirpn nf nnhlln Ititnrnat
Chamberlain, Mayor Bishop and other
ranrpnnntnHvA nlilvnna nvlnn,inj
1 ....1.... , b..,uu..a UA.VUUCII
greetings to the distinguished visitors.
auer wiucn more was an inrormal
reCODtlOn. At llnnn thn Rlinnlnl trnln
amid tlm rhpnrfl nf n lnriro prnw.l na.
sembled at the station, departed for
Portland, whoro tho afternoon and
evening are to bo spent.
Snmninra no nrnvnal mnrahnl
that morning General Summers or
rinrml thn Inrn Hnir rnnlnpi.l hv n
jroper garrison flag, which th" pole
could Rusiain
Iowa Sons of Herman.
Council nillfrn In Afnv !1 Thn
annual meeting of the Iowa grand
lodge ot tho Sons or Herman, which
opened in this city today. Is the larg
est gathering ever held by the order
in this state. Upwards of 500 visit
ors aro in ntlnnrinnnn frnm Tina
Aiotnes. Sioux City, Davenport
oiiicr cuies or me state. Tho ses
sions will continue three days and will
bo devoted to thn trail on ntlTm t Imid.
Iness relating to tho affairs or tho
Sick Headashe ali.nlnt.i.,
'J wt.M
manentlv mireri hv mmi,i -r
A pleasant herb drink. Cures Consti
pation and Indlcnstlnn nub
cat, sleep, work and happy. Satlsrac-
iion guaranteed or money back. 25
cts and 50 cts. Wrltn tn w tt Jinnv.
or & Co.. nuffaln V v n waa"
samnle. F W. Rnhmhw t, n luesua'
New Engineering Hall at Ames.
Amnc Tnwn Mnv fl With thn Hnil
icatlon today of the now engineering
nan 01 tne state Agricultural anu
MpnlMinfnnl Pnllnrrn thnt inutltiittnn
enters upon a now era in its career
01 uiutiBiriai training. Tne ocuicn
tory ceremonies were hold In tho
presence of a distinguished assem
blage, Including state officials, ills
tingulshed educators, members of the
faculty. stutlentR nml nlnmnl nf thn
an(1 college. The new building is a large
uiiu I'uuiiuuuiuiiH mruuiiirc anu no ex
pense has been spared In providing It
with every convenience and with up-to-date
equipment. Hereafter, by
means of practical tests an effort will
be made to make the engineering de
partments more closely connected
with the Industrial Interests of the
state than over was possible under
the old equipment.
The body of Private John Rogers,
who was drowned nt Ilwaco on May
3. washed ashore and wr lw.wnrnii
Quick Arrest.
J. A. Guollprien nf Vnpl wtnn A In
was twice in thn hnanttnl frr.
vore case of nlles nniinlnf i tnn.n
After doctors and nil remedies failed!
.uuRiuua Arnica Haivo quickly cured
him. It conquors achos and kills
P im. ac ai Tallman & Co.'s, druggists.
For Sale.
Three-ounrtor snrtlnnn nf
wheat land, of which one-half is in
Bm, nua an ues nve miles north
east of the city. A dwelling, two
barns and othor outhnliiii nrra nml n
good water system. Call at Oliver
uo. 8 grocery, or at tho home of u.
W. Rigby. 704 Thompson street.
If vou ar tmnhl ..w.i. t
blood, indicated by sores, pimples,
headache ate. wn wmiiii mn.n.n...i
Acker's Blood Elixir, which wo sell
under a posltivo guarantee. It will
always cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic
poisons and all blood diseases, r.n Ma
and 1.00. F. W. Schmidt & Co.,
v .vim 11,01 uu.tiiu impuriaui manera will
in mo simo ainca last iiecem-rr. ot como up beroro the geonral assembly
1,B2' . ,. .. . I for discussion, such as Christian edu-
The dredgo Columbia, working in . cation, and the equlpraontl
tho Columbia river 60 miles bolow cation and tho appointment of a per
Portland, is romoving 20,000 yards of I rnnnont committee on the Blblo cause
sand a day from tho channel of tho , Blmllar In character to tho othor stand-
stream. ing organizatlona of th imfiv
Change in Time of President' Special
On renUCSt nf vnrinnc hnuli.noc
neoulo of tho cltv. thn n. n 1. m rv.
haa changed the tlmo of tho special
Stock For Sale
75 head of woll-graded Shorthorn cat
tle. 1 registered Shorthorn bull.
50 head of horses, mares, geldings
and young stock, grade Clydes, nnd
10 head or Cleveland Bays.
15 head broke to work; weight, 1200
1500 nounds.
1 stallion, 2(iuu pounds weight, Clyde
nnu am re.
Cash, or time with bankable notes.
Address JOHN L. COX,
620 Thompson St.,
Pendleton, Oregon.
(Would like to dispose of stock h
foro turning out on range.)
to Provent Pneumonia and Consumo
uon is to cure your cold when it
nrsi appears. Acker's English Rem
edy Will Hton thn mnitli In nl.l,
' .L ... 44 tlUl
and drive the cold ant nf vnnr nvmn
Always a quick and sure cure for
ixailllliu. xf roiK'llltiH nml nil tlimiit
t auu mug troubles, if it does not sat
isfy you the druggist will refund your
mmiey. write to us for free sample.
W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
w. ocnmiot ec uo druggists
Attention Sheepmen.
Usually a 5 cent Cigar is
Commonplace, but the
Parrot Cigar
Assumes tbe Individuality
of a Poetic Thought
in Tobacco.
"Just Try a
5 cents
Sole distributors
Portland, Or.
We have just opened t,
ly equipped launrl
street just east of the
n --iiutur, w.
r ursl c,
promptly. Consult oaT i
puces and give us
Dfcbiai rates to
Phone us and -:u ".."H
laundry. Don't sen
to Chinese wch I, u Uol1
less wear at our
Pkoie Main 1101 Pl
By the Fire Insurance
panies we reDrewm
companies, stand first in
Haftford Plre Insuranoe Oalluai
London ft Lancaehlre"iiJi
North Brltkh Jk fl.n-
on....:.. wuu ..
o"it. -a a
nwjru xuBunuoe uo.
A Dollar Saved is a Dollar Earned
Vou i&n MM.vf from tn fifl twf njmt nti tht dwi' T wn .
gonulue clofllng out wUo and I m cutting prion, to flirura ihtx vtil
nnrfiArpa. nirra art aniiafaa onH mtflna ' I
All ftlln nnrl fl.Rp linnlonm T am,n1na4nw nn- rtnn .
All 30c and 50o wall paper I have marked down to 25c per roll I
Oral framed Frenoh Plate Mirrors 33 per cent off. 1
J still have some hlfrh grade standard sewing niachlnts left but thn I
nuui fio up. riuiurw anu Picture iramea you cau Have at hAlfpric
These are genuine bargains. It will pay you to come In and se ma
JESSE FAILING, Store near the Bridge
" " T T f'f ' M
Just Received
We have just received a laree shipment of coods from theEut. I
We made a good buy on this lot, This means bargains for our
Lua umcis. uur new smpment embraces tine screens, will
pockets, easels, coat and hat racks, toilet cases, loot stools, i
...wu..... i-oaca. vur new une 01 steins is very attractive.
auu examine our gooas.
Joseph Basler
train loavlng Pendlolon Jlay 25th lor 1 can turnlsh Hno range on the
Walla Walla to leave Pondleton nt Grande Rondo river, 20 miles from
w.uvn, iiuuu, iuoiuuu ai im a. ni I au uwiiuq oy private parties.
nn Ar1vfrtlcn.l V, n.,. nr, i,i.. I AftrlfMu nv .1.1 T - r i.. A
auvumsuu norctorore. Malte a
noto of this and bear tn mind the
special train leavos at 1 2o'clock noon
'iuls chance in tlmo no ilnniit nm i.
appreciated by the business peoplo,
uuu puuue generally, as It will only
be necessary to be absent from tho
City one lml f ilnv In nr,w t.i n.,.i-
tho trip to Walla Walla. Those uo-
K t,L"0r J !.h. ?..CR" L,.T.leJn unit in de-
sTirr m ""' m wwiug me opinion that Ilussia will
Y" I uur nuiu on Aian
Prank nidwell. n w, .,.,. r,4"""" " l" co.ra.r5r. . J"We
was fatallv lnl..;rt h n i... !. tlrv.. . aoc" to
Thurailav n,r mil, ui mo pmpiro.
Address Box 44, Ia Qrande, Or.
Stock Cattle for Sale.
Have for sale B0 head or cows. 25
CalVeS bv SidOr in '.vnnr.nl,1 hlr
and 1C yearling heifers.
SPIKE. Echo, Ore.
Nicely mowed Lawns
are easily
at our
maintained. Take look
Easy Running Lawn Mowers.
They are made on the correct principal. It's a pleasure W
Pic uiem. L.et us supply you with GARDEN
Best goods at lowest prices. ' :
Thompson Hardware Co.,
62 Maia Street
Headquarters for PiInc
The Best is the Cheapest
1 his annliic .i.v:...t i.. A. .. . . r t unn
i.u rr"- r.wuittiiy io lurntture anu carpets, wubu -3,a
p'ece .ot furniture you want it to look well and to weir
well. That ir ih l:a ..." . i. timio.
" mc tarry, JUT EOOUS spean iwi
selves' We carav a lari? lin hahv cabs, go
carts, carpets, art cmor.o .,,ta',na. etc.
WerenoUlUnrouroi. .. . . " .' ...ktf
4 lou kV ikii.n. .7 :rrr'.: r in puinui u bum r-'J, im
. v IO.I WO Cftn Mil thin In mii .w . ai.,m hnv IhfjB 1"
e. .Calutnuriton,
ell yoaabttlerin
t expct your inwU.
Next door to Postoffice.