. .(,Bi fiftttmifl PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY S,. - . - - - , ...... rr...ifc.n..,. i... ..iii.i. ... n i i I i , .... .B- .t ' - . . .,n at i wrr T V I If. llllBIMil ItllM.I Tt T A. i ikrOzfcMs .1., -. The, celebrated D. Armstrong & Coi. Sine, of ladies fine Ox'ords hatyarrived. The ilatest styles, finest -workmanship and neatest ladies' Oxfords shown in the. city. A".fuU lineiof little gents.tyouths and 'boy's 'Oxfords and' everything in seasonable footwear for bid and voting' Dkidinger, Wilson & Co. Thone Main 1181 Good Shoes Cheap PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. and Mrs. TliomaB Burns, of Meacham, aro In the city for a few Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Eastman nre vis iting friends In this city for a few days,' having come down from tholr noma at Adams ycsieruay. J. Clem, of Freowater, Is a guest at the Golden fUilc. J. N. Mace and William Bard, of tjnlon, are registered at the Golden Rule.-? ' "" A. B. Wilson, of Baker City, Is In Pendleton on a business visit. Mrs. May Baker, or Baker CltyJs the guest .of friends In the city. Mrs. T. J. Drumhcller, of Walla Walla, accompanied by .Mrs. J. E. BlaiIor"hf"Portland. wero Pendleton vlsltore totarV'Btopplse here on their way home,,TPear"i'ortna. wnere- wrs. Drunihellers4a.Jeeo visiting. .K.B.BBTt.'.'ejf4toacham. is the guest jol the ,HotVrmdleton. Mrs. O. M. Pllkington has gone to Sookan'e for a visit with friends. MiJJ. iJcntlcy has returned from a tr'MM3amas Prairiejn the Interests of tmV Bentley.-Hartman Abstract Company. Glen Bushlo. who has charge of a band of sheep at Meacham, belonging to William Slusher, Is In the city to day.,. J. 'A. Denny, a newspaper man of Baker City, is In tho city today. Mrs. J. T. Ennls, of Bitter, who Is at tho Walla Walla hospital, wlin con sumption. Is not expected to recover. Charles J. "Ferguson Is ill and has been confined to his home for the past two days. W. S. Nelson, formerly In the fur niture business in this city, arrived today from California. He made the trip ovorland, and will stop for a cou plo of weekB to renow old acquaint .ances and visit friends. County Clerk W. D. Chamborlaln Is in La Qrando on business connected with the land office. Rev. O. H. King, minster of tho Christian church at La Grande, is in tho city today, en route home from Athena. He Is tho guest of K. A. Copple, of the Golden Rule. CLERKS WILL REORGANIZE. Early Closing of Store, and Social Progress Thelrj Principal Aims. The' icierUs of? the I city J met- 'last evening rat Pa!ntorayhau7 to further discuss their reorganization. iuv matter was'thoroughlyi'canvasBod and at a meeting to bo held next Wednes day, tho union will elect 'officers and lay Its plans .lor we iuiure.- The union hero has a charter at M. r. uronnnt limn nn il the reorganize- tlon la partly for the purpose of hold ing their cnarter. wnne uie -ganliatlon will be on strictly union lines, it will be practically a social organization. The clerks of the city aro unknown one to the other. The omploycs In one store aro not ac quainted with those working in an other, and It is tue enori 01 mo j"" motors of the union to counteract this condition of affairs. Then It Is hoped that the .union may In time lead to tho early clos ing of the stores during the summer n thn n-lnfnr mnnths. It Is stated that the majority of the busi ness men or tne city are not particu lar about keeping their stores open m itn in ti ovenlne: In fact, they would rather see their stores closed if It was an universal plan, nut wnun ono storo remains open the rest must in Justice to themselves follow suit. It Is hoped, therefore, that the perma nent organization or the union may educate, in time, the proprietors and the patrons ot the business houses of Pendleton to the advisability and de sirability ot-the early closing plan so, universal in the cities of the state and nation. But tho union Intends to make no demands or requests. The conditions i.or. am fnvnrnliln ninl their organi zation will attempt no radical change In tho present state 01 anairs. Aiier the offlcors are elected and their union Isnn a" permanent basis, more or their Intentions will be known. CUNNINGHAM IN LUCK. ADVENTISTS PA8S CORDIAL RESOLUTION THIS MORNING All Events to Be Called Between 2 and 5 O'clock. Tho matinee or tho Pendleton Driv ing Association to be held at Simpson & Porringers iracK on "-, v May Decide to Hold Special Series o, noon promises Meetings After the Present Camp . pntered in the meet and good races Fears Were Unfounded That He Had Sustained Losses of Sheep. Charles Cunningham, who recently Bhlpped 2,000 head ot blooded Merino and Raraboulllet rams to Hardy, Mont., considers himself to be a lucky man today. The rams were all one-year-olds, and composed as fine a band of blooded sheep as could be found In tho United States. They were shipped to Central Montana for sum mer ranging 'and had no more than landed there when a spell of bllzzaru weather set.ln, killing the stock of the countrji'ffn all directions. JUr. Cunningham received a tele gram this morning announcing uie safety or his flock. Out of the 2,000, but seven had been killed by the weather. A cold, calling rain is st... falling, but good men are in charge or the fehecp and the owner1 hopes his flock will have no further loss. ATHLETES FROM BAKER CITY. Husky Team of Ten Determined to Win Everything in 8lght. Tho mombors or tho Baker City high Bchool team came down this morning and at onco proceeded to take possession ot the Golden Itule hotel. Thoro are 10 members ot tho team registered at that place, and they are a husky lot ot high school lads out tor a good time and each de termined to win his event. The names registered aro: John M. Allen, captain; Roscoo James, Alfred Brown, Walter Mitchell, Herbert Chandler, Dan Kelly, Jr.. Jesse Richardson, Ralph 'Dodson, Stanley Parkers, Iloscoo Noll. Critical Case of Consumption. James, Llndsey, a brother-in-law of Martin Finneran. at the "Boston store, is critically ill with consumption nt Mr. Finneran's homo. Public Invited to Attend. The programs for high school grad' uatlng exercises have not yet been issued, but the public Is cordially In -vltod to attend all the exercises. The .programs 'will be published in 'lull, 'when decided upon. If. & S.Bitters The great System Tonic;. The remedy that is bo popular because of -its ,realirasrit.''iNowJ'5is the timeVblakcFf & S. Bit ters and tone up your sys tem. One bottle is equal to a month's recreation. .Manulactured.by . , 0ALLMAN&C2. sTHE " DRUGGISTS LA FONTAINE TO RETIRE. After Twelve Years In Restaurant Business Will Seek a Change. fitia i n Vnntnlnf. tho cpnlnl nronri- otor of the French restaurant, has grown tired of the continual appllca- Inn flTIrl Pflil flnempnt nf rltv business. and Intends to seek the open fioMs and pastures In search or rost and recreation. Mr. La Fontaine has been in tne restaurant business In Pendleton for 12 years and In that time has built un a business second to none In East ern Oregon. His hospitality Is known Meetfnn Closes. . Ijist evening the Adventists' pa vilion was well filled and an interest ed and attentive audience which at tested tho feeling with which tho Ad ventlst people arc received In Pendleton. "nellglous Liberty," one of the most live and Interesting subjects now be fore our country, was taken up by the speaker, Elder Snyder, and dis cussed with his characteristic energy. Beginning with the history ot re ligious freedom and Its suppression In ancient Babylon, he sketched with a few brief strokes, n living picture of tho evils of religious Intolerance. His audience listened with tho deepest Interest to tho topics dis cussed. , . t .nnrfl.oni.il RPBRinn this 1U kllUll uwu.n.". morning the following resolution was adopted: "Whereas, the commercial uiud ami i. 1 ti n .I . n n t n T. Vi n vn tnnrlored mc iieuiue ui u..u..u every encouragement possible by way of kindness anu gonorosuy, oam m our last year's Besslon and this sec ond annual session being held at this time: "Thererore, we would recommenu that this conference express Its grat itude aud Blncero appreciation of tho generous assistance ana uniiorm courtesy so freely tenucrea us ai ima our second annual session, held in this city." Tho conference also conBldored the advisability ,of continuing meetings In Pendleton after the present annual meeting closes. The delegates view ed the matter very favorably and placed the proposition Into the hands r thn PYHpntlvo board, who will im mediately advise concerning It. If the meeting bo continueu, a now icni. win probably bo pitched near the center ot the city. PENDLETON EXPECTS TO WIN. High School Team In Excellent Condi tion for Meet Tomorrow. The high school athletic team Is In better condition for the field meet tomorrow than ever bofore and fully otnpfis in rnrrv off the honors. Tho hoys have been drllltng con stantly and have spared no time nor pains to be tho winning team and It Is confidently expected that when the Baker City boys start home Sunday morning they will not be burdened with the cup they have held during the past year. The track is in excellent condition and tho weather promises to he fair, and this meeting of Eastern Oregon boys should be well attended by Pen dleton lovers of the manly arts that form such a valuable adjunct to all good school work. Profepsor Churchill, tho coach ot the Baker City team, will arrive tonight. CHINE8E ARE STANDING PAT. Continuing Placer Operations In Mor mon Basin. Sumpter, Or., May 22. Placer op erations In the Mormon basin district are being prosecuted with vigor this Bonsnn. filiates Bros, have bought holding are assureu. hj t o The first event will be called at i o'clock sharp and tho different num bers will be pulled off as rapidly as possible, so that the meet will not pecupy more than three hours at the mh'ero will be no admission charged and a large crowd Is expected to he present at tho track, uom ir horses are in excunuui "'" It Is the Intention ot tho manage ment or the track to have races every two weeks, and K the puhllc g es them adequate encouragement tne Intention will be certainly carried out. Relic of the Confederacy. mill! Tllmlmnn nf tllll pltV. has In her possession an Interesting to ntntea of reiic ui ui - -- America, says the Baker City Herald. It Is a commission from uie sucruiuij ot war. Judah P. Benjamin, making Noble Mounts, Mrs. Hlncimans iaui or. colonel or the Eighth Kentucky regiment. Mrs. Hindman has lately come Into possession or this relic, and has it elegantly rramed. As a matter or course, she values this doc ument very highly. Driving Cattle to Rittsr. W It. Taylor and ramlly wero In town today en route from Athena to nittor. Mr. Taylor had with him about 75 head of cattle which he is moving trom the ranch at Athena to the one at Bitter. He is a brother ot Sheriff Taylor. Suit for Divorce Filed. A divorce suit was filed today by Attorney Charles A. Carter in the case or James A. Itodgers vs. Amy A. Rodgers. Incompatibility or dis position Is the plea. Man-lane License Issued. A mnrHftvA llpPTIRP VnQ lfiBUed to day to Samuel C. Kllgore and Frankio F. Ogle, both or this county. Sale In Edgewood Addition Ernest Eggerth has sold to J. M. Slacks, a recent arrival, a three-acre fM.f In 17lfrpivnni 1 It Ik n well im proved trult rarm and the considera tion was $2,500. Tne . T. uonKim agency effected the transfer. ST. JQEf S!E0RE Big Special Sale EVERY DAY THIS WEEK OUR STOCK THE LARGEST Oar prices guaranteed the lowest LYONS MERCANTILE CO. The Leaders in Pendleton asA Aa -1HrHi Y A Safety Proposil We ask our Customers to call and take home one ot &r HHHHrH cm uresun. nis iiuaiiiuiiiij " , .v, r.h npan and appreciated by the traveling pub- J clalms and aro minnB on a big scale. nc an over hiohuuu uo wen 3 Thp, haa been n ro fho npnnln nf Pendleton. But the close confinement ot tho lite has wearied Mr. La Fontaine and ho has decided to dispose or his place here, provided he can find a suitable purchaser and turn his ontlro atten tion to tho sheep business In which he Is largely Interested at the present time. Ho wishes to got out In the coun try and breathe "the open air and feel the freedom of the range. To Hold Quarterly Meeting. Rev, E. B. Jones, pastor of we Methodist Episcopal Church, South, of this city, left this morning .far the Butter .creek .district, where he will hold quarterly meetings Saturday and Sunday. He goes by train to Echo and will drive from there to Pine City. Ho expects to return Monday ovenlng. Children's Day Services. Children's Day services will bo held at the M. E. Church, South, on Webb street, next Sunday evening, begin ning at 7:30. Interesting program by tho children. Everybody cordially Invited. New Book Typewriter. County Recorder Folsom has in stalled a now FIshor book typewriting machine in his office. Tho new ma chine is much more modem in equip ment and more convenient than tho old one, and will facilitate tho work In that department ot the rounty .service. No Dessert More Attractive Why uao gelatine and penu noura eooKing, sweetening, flavoring aud coloring when Jell-O produces better results in two minntesf ErcrytUlng In the paokage. Simply add hot water and mit to cool. It's perfection. Asur mitA Ui tha linn wwlfi' No trnnlilri. less ex. pensc. ' Try it toUliy. In Four Fruit Fla-i Torst'Lcinon. Orange, Strawberry, itasp berry. At grocers. 10c tBBBBBBBW- There has been no repetition of the outrage committed on the Celestials last tall. Although tho Chinese vil lage was razed and tho Mongolians driven out, there aro plenty ot them stll In the basin. The outrage spoken ot Is tho ono tor which tho govern ment Is being called upon to pay $100,000. Stock Farm for Sale. t nm onlo nfrpnt fnr thp Lee farm of 1,000 acres, six miles rrom Pendle ton, on Birch creek. Good water, lnillllnfs flnp nrchard. nlfnlfa bottom. Terms, half cash and will sell with or without stock. N. T. CONKLIN. Beddow Bros. Bought Lots. v. T. "Wnrip has sold to Beddow Ttt-n'o Into 7 ntlrl Sfn hlnnlf 12. nf Cole's addition, the'eonsideration be ing ?3UU. For Your Particular Benefit. Wo have an "Ad" man who writes nml il ps I mis nils makes them blaze out like a house on fire he would like to do some for you. You would like them. Others do. .They pay COASTWISE TRADE HEAVY. Present Development of Coast Traf fic Beats Ai Records. Tacoma, Wash., May 22. Accord ing to statements made by shipping men, coastwise trade Is Tieavler now than It has beon at any time within tho history of Puget Sound. The Bteamor James Dollar arrived hero yesterday from San Francisco, from which port she left loaded to her full capacity. She will tako on 900 tons of freight from hero, and more Is or rered, but the steamer has made ar rangements to complete cargo at Se attle. Tho increase in business does not apply to steamers plying between the Sound and San Francisco alone, but to vessels operating between the va rious Sound cities as well. Thet. boats are unable to handle all tU; troight that Is moving and scarrnlv a day passes that from one to half a dozen tramp steamers are not press ed Into service tor the moving or freight Officers of Adventists' Conference. Tho following officers have been elected for tho ensuing year at the Advqntlst conference In this city, yestorday: President, A. J. Breed; secretary-treasurer, J. L. Kay. Exec utive board, A. J. Breed, C. C. Lewis, J.' M. Wllloughby. Schlottner. J. A. Holbrook, Dr. S. Yarncll, T. L. Itgs dale. Throw 'em out. "I thought Smlthers bad glvon up his horse in favor of automobiles, but I 'saw him buying a heavy pair or animals today." "Oh. thoy are mere ly to brlng'tbo automohllo'home, when they break down." Cincinnati Com mercial Trlbua?., French Warship In West Indies. The Hague, May 22. The French ...oroViln Tlpat Kolnn- fltnHnnpfl nprmn- nennv in tne west mums. iuuu iu the Holler tnat recent reports iiiai Curacoa Is to bo sold to the Untted States are untrue. Invited to Eastland. The ladles ot the Presbyterian church hnve linen- invited to snend a rtav in tne country wun airs. j. j. Ralston, near Eastland. HONORS NATION'S CHIEF. (Concluded.) Corner Stone Ceremonies. At the conclusion or the president's remarks,' F, Q. Young, president ot the Oregon Historical society, uopos IipiI n ennnpr hnv in tho ereat monu ment, which served as the corner stone ot the Lewis and Clark fair. This box contained a history or Ore crnn. n hlstorv at tho cxnedltion and adventures of Lewis and Clnrk, nnd copies or the Oregon Dally Journal, Telecram and Oreconlan. Two men, acting under the direc tion or Engineer Huber, by means or the derrick, lowered the huge stone to within two feet of Its concrete bed. After the engineer and architect had leveled and squared the stone, the Hallelujah chorus, with orchestral accompaniment, was sung. Archbish op Christie pronouncing the benedic tion and the exercises concluded with the singing of "America" by all present. ftimuwiuuuB the REAL Safetv Razors Use It TWO WEEKS and at the end of that time-lf youwoouj i.u i k.l.n If ttartr. If. an the other hand, vnn lnn it 1. 1 WHAT YOU WANT If It MAKES SHAVINQ A PLEASURE you want to Keep n, men vmy us oz.oo lor it ssa go tell your friends where you got It. W. J. CLARKE & Co an Court; Off for the Sound. Portland, May 22. President Hooao volt left Portland at 8 a. m. Senator Mitchell and John Barrett Joined tho party to go as far as Tacoma. The president's carriage was loaded with souvenirs when it reached the train He Understands Bears. ICalama, Wash., May 22. When crossing the Columbia river, Presi dent Roosevelt was. glvon a bear cub on tho ferryboat, but owing to the cramped quarters on tho trnln, re turned It with thanks. Ho spoko to a crowd at Kalama. Straw Hats i at prices like the! t t ! 4 4 10c 15c $125 $1 $1.50 $2.75 25c 75c $1.75 $3 $3.50 $15.00 35c 65c ff2 121 $4 S7 There may be others as good as ours -but notatth BIG BOSTON STOI CVAWItTEtOtOWTKlKTlOU Finest Line of Co hes and Extension Tables inE MAIN AND WEBB STREETS. Undertaking i Try DO Y0D ENJOY Pride oi Umatilla i GOOD SMOKE? Made at, home. A. BABBIT METAL KtjSSffa East Oregoniau office. ft II.