DAILY EAST OREQOnIan; PENDLETON, OWEOON. THUH8DAY, MAY 21, 1903. Published every afternoon (except Bundar) at Pendleton, Oregon, by the 'EAST OREQONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. I'lione, Main 11. HUIIHCltllTION HiVTKS. ImIIt. one Tear bj mall S.OO Dally, all months br mall 2.IMJ Dully, three months by mall 1.M 'Dally, one month by mall 50 ..-11.. ,.. 1.:. IAI,.ina. . nr. .Weekly, one year by mall ........ 1.80 emi-weeKir. one rear or muii .... ..uu -rim IffAKt nrnirnnlrtti la on aalo at n. B, illch's News Stands nt Hotel Portland and Hotel 1'crklns, Portland, Oregon. Member Hcrlpps-Mcltac News Assocla' lion. San Krnnclaco Ilureau, 408 Fourth Ht. Chicago Ilureau, 000 Hectirlty Ilulldlng. Washington, 1). C. Ilureau, 501 Mth St. N. W. .Eutered at Pendleton postoQlcc ai seccond class matter. TIs hardship, toll; 'Tls sleepless nights, and never resting day b; Tis pain, 'tis danger, 'tis affront ed death; TIs equal fato for all, and chang ing fortune; That rear the mind to Glory, that Inspire The noblest virtues, and the gen tlest mannors. Thomson. EDUCATIONAL INDEPENDENCE. Eastern Oregon Is rapidly attaining her educational Independence. The pull has been a long one, discourag ing and disheartening at times, to those who have stood sponsor for strict educational advancement in this section of tho state. The Idea prevails in every Western community that nn education can only be acquired and finished at some famous institution at a dlatnnco. The common expression Is heard on over' hand that the education ob tained at 'local Institutions Is Incom plete; that In order to finish, ono must have a degree from somo well-known college. This Idea has been the cause of a delay In building up educntlonal in stitutions In tho West. Thousands of dolars havo been sent out of Oregon to build tip outside institutions when tho same results could havo been at tained at home, had the patronage been given homo institutions. The founding of an academy In tho city of Pendleton, the location of a Normal school at Weston, and tho (law creating the high school, nil mark epochs In the history of Oregon edu cation. Slowly the educators aro battering down the demand for imported educa tion. Slowly It Is dawning upon every community that an education is not always included in tho degrees con ferred by foreign institutions. Just as thorough teaching, Just ns excellent jjjresults can be found In homo Institu tions as abroad, and tho money that (formerly went to build up outside In stitutions Is now spont at home. The Pendleton Academy, tho Pen dleton liuslnesa College and the State !?;NormaI School at Weston nro homo institutions, and offer just as good training, as llko Institutions anywhere mih the world. What money Eastern i t p .1 ., ml 1 1 n H nn ".1 LirUKUU HUH LI I BIIU1IU lUi -. - ' Should ho spont at home. It will i litrenathen tho homo schools, eneour- ge them to mid now features and ranches as the patronage demands, tnd helps to lay tho foundation for ftompleto educational Independence ' fDr Eastern Oregon. 5 Thero Is no reason why Pendleton "Uould, send her young men and wo Jaienifrom home for nn education. -Ix)-jfcated in tho heart of tho richest, most KjjfOBressive section of tho V(eat, it mould 'build up and support every ducatlonal Institution demanded by no surrounding country. Spend money .it homo, keop tho lorno enterprises moving, boom homo Matrles and patronize home Instltu- tSslons. thoso are the esentiais or prog M-8s. Thu'soed you sow by building in tho city and Its' various concerns, omea back, -.a hundred fold for' as jMHhora.grow.you grow. As tlietclty lutes, vour oronerty Increases lu Thoro should 'not be a 'Pendleton oy or girl sent abroad for an oduca lou hereafter. The homo patronngo .ouid bo so great thai tne nome in' 4 1 ... 1 1 .... .. .rtA.,f,l nTA..l n n.l.l AVIllil, Lntnrn ilpmnnileri liv n mocrO88lV0 community. UU 'tho 1 women ''of tthe gent Ho 1) hurdies go after Senator, Smoot's ;ip,?,ho,mlghtns'wellTreslgn?"TIow Jvor. ibe won't do it. as it Is much !-.- ' . . . . fitter to be a senator tnan a martyr, A 80LDIERLY LETTER. I Inntnnnnt rlnnnrnl Mllitt letter iln cxplanafloiuof his. report on the condi tion land operations of 'our army in tho Philippines ought to sllonce and shame his critics. It Is a manly, sol dierly, patriotic production. General Miles states that he went to tho Philippines under special in struction from the president, and that his report is based upon a thorough inspection of the island, in which he visited all tho principal garrisons and saw and complimented nearly all tho troops. From facta which came to his knowledge "from offlcors of rartk and experience, ns well as from prom inent citlzons," ho found that "an Im pression existed In the minds of some that certain acts that have been pro hibited in our army and In every other civilized army were Justifiable." To correct the Impression that "cam paigning In the Philippines has con ditions that warrant resort to me dlaoval cruelty," the lieutenant gen eral Issued an order "to prevent any possibility of tho commission of any such offenses in the future." That abhorrent cruelties have been practiced upon tho Filipinos under orders and In some cases under the personal direction of officers of our army Is a fact beyond question. It has been proved, confessed and de fended, General Miles, with proper ludigna Hon, denies that the censure of such practlcos "smirches the honor of the army." It Is really a defense 01 mat honor, by a soldier who In many ycatF has earned a right to spenk In Its be half which none of his critics can claim. If General Miles' reports need ed any vindication his letter supplies It most completely. Tho Echo Cold Storage and Cnu nery proposition Is now past the joke stage. Tho company has oiganlzed under the laws of Oregon, Is now sell ing stock, and bids fair to becomo one of the great industries of Umatilla county. It starts out without debt or weight of any kind upon It. It has a meat wagon now running at Echo, which uses three beoves per week in supplying Its patrons, and tho .o mand for samples of American hare Is great, from steamboat and hotel companies, that It Is impossible to respond to all applicants, with the fa cilities at hand. Pendleton capital might bo placed at a great profit. In this Infant Industry. Great cuter prises have sprung from far more in significant beginnings. necently a young woman was ar- tested in Now York for driving her nutomobllo too fast. The newspapers describe her as tho owner of a million and tho heiress of further millions, a magazine editor, playwright, theatri cal manager, amateur actress, dnriug horsewoman, full-fledged lawyer, trained athlete, society woman and onu of tho best chaffeurs In America. Truly such a woman should bo par doned tho offense of which she is ac cused. An aulo going nt ordinary speed would not U fast enough to keep up with her. Russian diplomatists nro saltf to bo- showing some Irritation becatiso of tho frequency with which they are questioned concerning their Intentions In Mnnchurla. It never seems to 00-j cut- to them that they might rid tlieni- selves of all such annoyances by making up their minds to act as thoy talk and quit saying ono thing and. doing another. The advertising patrons of tho East Oregonlnn will kindly take.notice that .Mr. John P. Hlgetow, of Portland, nn experienced ad man, has lKen placed In chargo of the advertising depart ment, and will hereafter tonduct It. Mr, Hlgolow comes welt recommended to this city, and is a valuablu addition to tho East Oregonlnn forc. DANCER FROM DYNAMITE. The plot to dynamite tho Umlirla whether by crank or by anarchist, ha called attention to a startling condition of affairs. Inspector McClusky says tho dyna mite was bought here. This would Indicate that dynamite is sold in rather a reckless manner. If a crlm lnnl or an Irresponsible portion can leavo his boarding place and come back two hours lat,er with 100 pounds of dynamite, tho plain inferonco Is that Boniowliero too closo to Now York for the city's safety it ,1a possible for any ono to buy dangerous quantities of this explosive. Such a condition of affairs can easily bo avoided. If dealers In dyua mlto wero 'required to roglstor all sales and 'forbidden to sell Ito Irre sponsible persons, dynamite outragos would bo mado difficult if not impos slble. Dynamlto Is too deadly a weapon and too dangerous merchan- rilon n ho trnfllnlrort In . mrplPBBl V. nOT- Itlcularly In the vicinity of a big city. Now York worm. THE WORD OF A CZAR. Two months ago Nicholas II, iem peror of Ilussla, Issued a statement of program of Intentions which breath ed tho spirit of humanity and prog ress. Ho promised religious toleration; and the press or the world Is today ringing with the story of outrages as horrible as those of the dark ages, committed at the bidding of Intoler ance. Ho promised to extend local sou' government; and In Finland the last vestige of people's rule has been swept away, In Hessarabla local gov ernors with absolute power have set their troops .to protect pillage and mingle with murderers. He promised to free the peasant from forced labor and "communal claims," to make him free to go or stay where ho will; and from Kloff alone .10,000 people havo been banish ed amid scenes that recall the expul sion of Jews from Spain In tho fif teenth century. The emperor himself is not Inhu mane. Great wore his servlccsj for peace In calling The Hague Confer ence; admirable wero tho motives that prompted his Birthday Edict last March. But If he can not and does not restrain riot, punish murder, rule a brutal soldiery and ordain Justice In his land, then Is a promise traced in air of as much weight and worth as tho word of a czar. Now York World. IN THE MOONLIGHT. Oft In the solemn stillness of the night I stnrt and waken from a sleep pro found, And deem I hear a footfall soft and light Beside my couch a stealthy rust ling sound As of a woman's garment, and I He And listen, and indeed, I seem to know Full well that step unto me drawing nigh, Oh, how It stirred my heart long, long ago. And as, with breathing stilled nnd straining ear, I wait, some straggling moonbeam shows to mo A form, white robed and stately, standing near, With raven hair unbound and flow ing free. I see a face I loved and still must love, All pallid In the moonlight's ghastly ray. And bending my recumbent form above It seems to smile and softly fade away. If moves me not to terror; I ,am sure That apparition meditates no harm; No awful apprehensions I endure, I've not the ullghtest feeling of alarm. For next there comes of minted coin the clink, And to myself I say: "It will bo strange If I'm not shy tomorrow, for I think My wife has Just relieved me of some change." Chli'airo News. Mrs. Fairbanks tells how neglect of warning symptoms will soon prostrate a woman. She thinks woman's safeguard is Lytfia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " lirnoranee nnil neglwt are the c;iuso of untold femalu Mifferinir, not only with tho laws of health but with thu chnnce of a cure. I iliil not heed the warnings of headuuhes, organic pains and general weariness, until I was well nigh prostrated. I know I hud to do something. Iliinplly I did the rirlit thiuir. I took I, J dirt 1:. JMnkliam's Vt'KOtrthlc Compound faithfully according to directions, and wus re warded in a fuw weeks to find that ray aches and pains disappeared, and I again felt the glow of liciilth through my body. Since I havu .been well I havo .been more careful. I have .also advised a number of my sick friends to tako I,ytlla 13. Pliikiintu's Vejro tnblo Coinponud, nnd they havo nuver had reason to 'be sorry. Yours very truly, Mas. May Faihuankh, 310 South 7tluSt., Minneapolis, Minn." (Mrs. FairbAuks is one of .the most successful and highlit salaried travelling sales women in the West.) t&OOOfrrfeltlfulalnat 9a6ovefttr;rpiitogftMMMcaffwttoprMMd When women are troubled with .irregular, suppressed or painful men struation, leucorrhuca, displacement, etc., remember, there is one tried and true remedy, I,ydlu K. Plliklium'l Vegutablo Compound. FtrioK Tcfflng does not take into consideration the oue cWnSl to woman's happiness -worn-aiilv health. There is many a woman w hose "future Keents absolutely unclouded who is marked by her own conjlitjon for luiurc uhbpi.." I UC woman wnv neglects her health, is neglecting the very foundation nf all good fortune. For wlthouthealtu love loses iUlustre and gold it but dross. Womanly health may be retained or regained by the use of Or. Pierce's Favorite l'rescrip tlou. It establiidies regularity, dries the drains which weaken women, heals inflamma tion and ulcera tion and cures female-weakness. It makes weak wom en strong, sick 11 wouicu 7 ,. , . 1 r. Sick women are uiviicu iu uuuoun. Pierce by letterrevr. All correspondence hold as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. Ii. V. Pierce, BSlfffiw Uketi U boUlof Dr. Pierce'. Paver Ite Prescription," writes Mas M. Pvfc, of Ori la, SlmcoTcoTontatio. -and two fltl of lie ?l'lant rilleU as you adrised for congeitlod of uterus, OTSries, J weaknets, oml can safely y itat jSor mSjlcinc has been the means of rettorlnK me to good health again. h ch I had "oTl aadoTouiee year.. unUl taking your medicine. 1 thaofc yoa ery nmch for your kind Sid prompt attention U.my letler uklugadvice.- Favorite Prescription" has the testi mony of thousands of women to its com plete cure of womanly diseases. Do .not accept an unkiiown and unproved substi tute in its place. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets clear the complexion and sweeten the breath. M'"1 1 1 1 H I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 BUTTER Gold Medal Butter, I'ute, rir-an. The chief T characteristics of good butter are purity ami cieanitueub. t This tmtter combines both, T and will ictain its rich and delicate flavor to the last. I Try it and you will never ..o tini- ntlwr Vimr monev lt.1l. . w..w.. - v refunded if jou do not like it I F.S. YOUNGER . . A SON . . H4 1 1 1 1 M I 1 1 1 IIIHM M Water tankS We makea Specialty of Building Round or Square WATER TANKS, We make them right and the) always give satisfaction Out work is never slighted or botched. Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. Roiikkt Fokstek, "Prop, w3m $13,456,960 lBsanuice in Force H. M. RI0E, Freewater . Anst (or Umatilla Oountv. J.l". Wnlkr,CUjr Agaat dw 1'endUtoo Farmers Custom Mill Ptti WaiHera, Preprkter OapMlty 160 barrels a day Flour exchanged for wucsU J'lour, MU1 Feed, Chopped Feed, eic I ways ob hand. s3 1 rhe Sena. ibomlr'g ionae Ml Rooms Coutrnlly Icuted ,,-. THE RACYCLE The genuine, the bicycle which is the undisputed leader, is handled in Pen dleton only by us. Cotne in and see the Racycle. Witl.ee, 3,r Bargains m Real Estate I have a larger aud better Hat nf fTnrms Stock Ranches and City Property to sell than ever Doiore. aiso a uig lot of land in the coining wheat section of Eastern Washington. N. Berkeley TAKE YOUR CHOICE One of the finest resiliences In Pendleton 11 rooms all modern Im provements; pretty lawn; complete $6,500. $2,500 down, balance on time Another residence 7 rooms, with bath. HfiworuKH. eluctrlc lights; pretty lawn, shade trees, within three blocks of Main street. $2,500. Other houses and lots from $600 to $2,500. 1 Nice residence lots, $150, 5K50 and I $800. Much Other Town Property, and Ranches, I Easy Terms, Where Desired. C. D. BOYD. Ill CoUTl Street LhT US FILL YOUR BILL FOR LUMBER We can supply you with Building Material ot all descriptions and sa v e you money DOORS WINDOWS Building paper lime cement brick and, sand. Wood gutters for barns and dwellings a specialty. " Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St., Opp. Court Home IH 3rick H Urge viry FOR SAU We have the BestBargJ in Keai Estate. tye hl some-inice homes that ma ho ftrtlrl. f!li .uuuul,,. Lots. Alfalfa Land from( acre to 160. Wheat LaaJ tracts from 160 acres 12,000. Rihorn & Swaggart Room io over Taylor's Hardware Store. We Make Our Bow . ... . j n. ....Mindtlutal bospcakiDK our escatninallon oi Vhe flaa i tlons In catriaRon, runabouti, vWfz .... ... Ua.nm nf fSf!ntlftf M your Nttentloit this season. We hi rufaieu au 101a irom uur ,7Zii H. Wo have a i-ompleto stock of beurlnB blocks, msklui? them the ."fSJl lliDRHnu niuKiiurauiru'i my nurt tiiKgles w hao Itoui the che.paitwu1! !.!. IllVe lis n lllll. NBAQLE BROTHBR8 The UUckmlth4. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT THE OLD DUTCH HENRY FEED YARI Cor W. Alta and Liltith Sts. L- Nofl. formerly of e Hotel Alta, has chaige ol inewiu Henry Feed Yard, and wlllj pleased to care for jour horse Plenty of stalls, large corrals w loose horst s and cattle. Hy D i i.. ri,.. mill in con- Ijraiii lor smc. v-nur IICtUUH, Engine, Boiler and MacuiutfJ RBPAIRING 0 all kinds is our specialty. worK guaraiuci-u. ExtraPart Ptirnished for aU Ki w iiarvcsuu; e r i . Manufacturer ol R1GBV -CLOVE HARVES1ER un . Alia Cireet. Baltezorc & Howe's Old S Mf Humane Harness 4&hP Umatilla