East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 21, 1903, Image 3

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in Merchandise
The Alexander Department Store will this
. taatfgtff ate the greatest Stock Redacing
Tu it has heefl yor fortone to attend,
iw Goods, Shoes, Clothing, Ready-to-
Garments in fact principally the whole
of ot vast stock.
A word to the wise is sufficient
Visit the Store this week
Jtist Received
We have just received a large shipment of goods from the East.
We made a Rood buy on this lot, This means bargains for our
easterners. Our new shipment embraces fine screens, wall
pockets, easels, coat and 'hat racks, toilet cases, foot stools,
and medicine cases, Our new line ot steins is very attractive.
Call and examine our goods.
Joseph. Easier
Yon Bbonld know that the very beBt, DRY WOOD of
.all kinds is to be found at
P. P. Collier & Co.'s Yard
Also GOOD GOAL. Gall at Office
638 Main St. Phono Main 1121
mil 1 ';-'. -(-.. 1 L
ilif ': il
Your Spring Shirt
should look just a hit better than
any other shirt you wear duriinr
the whole twelvemonth will if
we have thepleasure of launder
ing it. .Not much sentiment
about our laundry work lots of
piactlcallly but we do take
especial pains in Spring time.
Court and Thompson Btreets.
On Its Merit
Has the large demand for v
Byets' Best Flour
Been built up. Only the choicest wheat that grows enters in
to Bys Best Flour. It's perfection in Flour. Made by the
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
Biing Us Your Second Haud Goods
We will pay you what is right for them.
Bargains in new and second hand goods.
3ia East Court Street
Landslide In Favor of the Lewis and
Clark Fair City Women Won the
Day for the Thriving Oregon City.
,. Pittsburg. May 21. Portland landed
the biennial convention ot tho Order
of Railway Conductors in 1905 almost
without an effort tonight. So com
plete was the landslide In Its favor
that the roll call of the delegates was
not finished when the vote was taken.
Less than two-thirds of tho names
were called when it was discovered
that It was no use to go any further.
Portland had the meeting cinched.
Boston had made a game ght for the
convention, but It reckoned without
the women. Almost unanimously the
wives of the conductors gave their
aid to the Portland boomers, and
when It came to a test their strength
was shown. The choice was tremen
dously popular, and tho added attrac
tions of a trip to the Pacific coast
already promises to make the attend
ance two years hence even greater
than It was here. The convention
when closed tonight was the largest
and most successful ever held by the
Among the last work of the conven
tion was the re-election of P. C. Smith,
of Detroit, as grand Inside sentinel,
and U. C. Ferguson, of Ogden, Utah,
as grand outer sentinel. The conven
tion of the ladles' auxiliary will prob
ably close with tomorrow's session.
The auxiliary re-elected Mrs. J.
Moore, of Toledo, O., grand president.
E. H. Test, of Ontario, Speaks for
Eastern Oregon.
K. H. Test, ot Ontario, a democratic
warhorse, and a member of the lower
house of the legislature, said yester
day in Portland, that his part ot the
state wanted the portage road, and
would resent any action to beat it.
"The effort to get a referendum on
the corporation tax," said he, "will
not suceeod, but it may be different
with the portage road. I don't know
that man Cowglll, but I have heard of
him, and from what 1 hear he's no
philanthropist You may be sure
that he's working for somebody, and
that he's not wasting his own money.
"But if the railroads knock out that
1-ortago road, they may find the Ini
tiative Invoked for lower freight ratos.
The initiative would, pickle them.
Lots of people would sign petitions
to Initiate a law for lower freight
rates, whether they had anything to
ship or not. Lower Tates are popular.
"Eastern Oregon needs that por
tage road. Wo all need It. Nobody
dires go through our country circulat
ing pp-tltloDs for a referendum, cither
against tusit roafi or the corporation
tax. The legitimate mining ventures
don't object, to ttie tax; It's only the
$10 mines Incorporated for $1,000.
00ft. The Jim .Crow mines are ali
Incorporated for $1,000,000, and they
are the -ant's ttat cant afford "to pay
a $25 tax. Tire grafters and the
"blavkmuTlerti don't want the tax. I'm
financially Interested to a small ox
tent 'in intiH's myself, and 1 don't ap
prove or wildcat schemes. That's
uiiy I mvor tlte tax."
Bear Lake Stockmen Have to Kp
Out of That State.
X!urb If not all, of tho stockmen
... iioi- T lfp Fcmtntv. whn rance tb'jlr
herds In Nerthern Utah, have re
,.i,.,i t..Hc. in W'pn their stock uUUt
of tho northern part of the state, -on
pain of damages for ituspueb, buji me
Munlpulier Exuminer.
n tuutNtf tltf.rn lu n. srnnt amount of
state land in Northern Utah, and a
KyinUeate lias boon formed vhlch has
leased all this land, in turn mey .wu
sub-leasing It to smaller owners, and
!.. Ihnu tvltn hnvp till? necessary
permit can allow tbelr stock to re
main there. The scheme will work a
great hanfcbip on many Bear 1-akers
who have Deeu ut.iug luu niwc muu
tloned range for years.
Delightful Summer Hes.rt.
wimro nm vnii mine to snend your
Tlnfnrf vnii
decide this question, investigate Lch-
1 i.. i...ni..triiiu. ultn.
man spniiK. n h
u. j'jeniy oi hhuuc, oj.reuu.u
..unntl.mt fiicnmmn(1allonR.
WBIt-T, imranui .
phone ronue-tlons with Pendleton
and other points, and It Is easy of
access. A few wceka spent at Iah
man Springs will put new vim and
vigor into you. The waters of Its va
rious hot springs mive cu' f""f
Prtiet--. There are 25 cabins, a large
hotel nnd plenty of camping room.
You will find it a delightful summer
...sort. Address C. K. Ihitton, Leh
man Springs.
A Plauge of Rati.
..io.r nf rata is reoorted to bo
afflicting Kngland. First there came
a spotted rat from Persian that over
came the native, then came a black
rat from China that mastered the Per
slan, and now thero has been develop
ed a hybrid rat that not only assails
the corubins of the cities, but goe.
out into tho country and destroys the
farmers' crops. There is even a story
of a certain breed of rats that opens
the dinner pails of the workmen
and eats their lunch while they are
at work. Altogether the
such that no one smiles in England
when some one says ' rats.
Big Reduction Sale
This week will be one of special preparatian for
many ot our customers who are preparing to go
to Walla Walla next Monday to see President
Roosevelt We have decided to make Special
Inducements in the way of reduced prices, to all
who want to outfit for the big excursion. Notice
our tempting list of SPECIAL BARGAINS
Dress Goods Furnishings
All wool Scotch suiting, 46 in. wide, Ladies shirts, all grades, special reduction
this week only 80c yd of 10 percent.
Wide novelty wool suiting, 54 in. Ladies hose, good light weight, fast colors,
wide, this week only ti yd for this week, ..... . 7c pair
All wool heavy ctamine 4S-in. wide, Ladies dress and walking skirts, all grades,
this week only ....850 yd reduced 10 per cent
Snowilake novelty suiting 37 in wide, Misses shirt waists, white and colored, re-
this week only 40c yd duccd 10 per cent
All wool albatros, all colors, this week 44c yd Full line Misses muslin underwear, all re
A'l wool summer . ctamir.c suiting, duccd 10 per cent
light shades 480 yd Ladies tailor mtdc suits, for one week, re
Light summer dress batiste, all colors duccd 20 per cent
this week only .6fc Men's clothing, all grades, for one week, re-
Scotch, lawn, all cotors 40 yd duccd 10 per cent
Zephyr ginghams, plain or figured , .SJc yd Doy's clothing, all grades, for one week, re
Calicos, all colors, to yds. to 1 person 4c yd duccd to per cent
, , , . , , Men's and Hoy's hats, felt, straw, nnd
Price quoted are good for tins week only crash( reducc,, ,0 cent
The above reductions arc bona fide cuts from our regular prices, and those who know us best,
know that wc never mark up our goods for our Special Sales.
Tlir PAID Agents for
I nil McCall's Patterns
Dedication In Virginia of "a Refuge for
Indigent Elkrs.
Bedford CltJ, Va.. Way 21. Tho
eyes of all g"od Elks 'throughout tho
length and breadth of tho land were
turned toward this jilcturesque sec
tion of tho Blue mountain country to
day, while ahousanifci of members of
tho order made the pilgrimage In per
son to attend the dedication of tho
National Home for Indigent Elks
the realization of 'a project that has
lieen a dream or the order for years
past. Tbi- dedicatory program was in
keeping with the importance of the
occasion. Tho speakers Included Oov.
ernor Montngue, Senator Daniel and
Mayor .1. Ijiwrtsnce Campbell, speak
ing on "behalf of the state of Virginia,
and Joseph T. Fanning, of Indiana
polls; .Mr. George P. Cronk, of Oma
ha, grand exalted ruler ot the order,
and Meade D. Detwller, or Harrlsburg.
Pa., past grand exalted ruler, and
chairman of the National Home com
mittee The structure which in future Is to
be a home for aged and Indigent mem
bers of the order waB formerly the
Hotel Bedford, and Is a large, conimo-
.1lnn hiillrilnr Thft hllildltlE. wllicll
originally cost $100,000, was pur
chased uy tn urns ior ii,uu, uwi
they have spent over $40,000 in improvements.
The Best is the Cheapest
This applies particularly to furniture and carpets. hen you
buy a piece of furniture you want it to look well nnd to wear
well. That is the kind we carry. Our goods speak for them
selves. We caray a large linu of furniture, baby cabs, go
carts, carpets, art squares, mattings, rugs, curtains, etc.
Wo ro rot telling cut kcxi!b Rt coot We ru In bualneM to ninke a living, lull wo buy
In car load lott to tin I no can sell llinu la you cheat er than you roulit liuy them in Ilia
ent ana lay thrui down here Call at nur alore, examine our koo"'" mii) ki IiI on
hat you want. II we can't it'll you a bet' it arailo 1 1 ( oo.la at n low nreaa you can
get i le here, why we won't eHict your tratle
Next door to PostolTice.
Live Three-Legged Chicken.
A. Ituppe, who lives seven miles
m.i.nnsl nf ihn rltv. Iirollcht to the
East Orcgoulau office yeBterday a
chielven :a week 01a wun uireo iub
and feet. The extra leg extends from
tho left side of the body, pretty well
bael. It Is of normal size and really
a belter limb than either of tnc
others, from each or which a too is
mlssrng. Tho extra leg Is or no sorv
lr. It .-extends from the body al
most "horizontally.
Pendleton Citizens Gladly Testify.
It 1 tho testimony. Jiko the follow
ing that has placed "tho Old Quaker
Remedy" so far abovo competitors.
When people Tight hero at homo
raise their voice In praise there Is no
room left for doubt. Bead the public
statement of a Pendleton citizen:
pt...ia. ur nnnln nrnrpgsman. liv
ing at 300 Wort Tustln St., corner of
Aura street, and wen Known 10 uvry
resldont of Pendleton, says: "For
k... ..ara ..oat T lilvn tiApn troubled
with kidney disorders, cause, I think,
by heavy lining required iu my .uutu
pation. The strain was such that I
uon nnahin n utoori or riso aealn
without pain and effort. The kidney
secretions wcro irregular, capvcian
iiit .nit .miDAvl me much annoy.
ance. When I first beard of Doan'i
KJdncy Pills I decided 10 iry mm
and got a box at Brock McComaa'
a-.... ata Thav ti&vA relieved me
to a very great extent, both as to
the backache and the urinary trouble,
and I have the greatect confidence in
Price BO cents per box. Foster
Mllburn Co.. Buffalo. N. Y., aole agenU
or the United State. For aale by
all dealers.
Remember the name DOAN'S
and take no other.
Price $35
Ktml to any (100 Machine
Typewriter HupplloH autl Hll
lt-r KUmp Oooi
The Underwood "typewriter 1b tkef
oest maonine ou tne market. It lal
a high grade standard, ball bear-I
lng, vlsable typewriter and It ha
too tabulator on tho macblno.
will pat it on trial against any na-i
onine on tne market. Call and ex
amine my sample.
741 Main Street, Pendleton, Urol
4 ' ...
t !Ti2.t
Monopolc, Hock Candy,
Red Star and White Rose
in half gallons, gallons,
jackets and pails.
Standard Grocery
Cnrt Street
Low Sellers of Groceries
For Rent Bulbs of rooms, nicely
furnished, oae block and half west
ot Main street Inquire 208 Alta.
M m aj iii. ap aiw fiiS f.k". A 4
a aiiawwa, nmvm UWIiH
wAisKies 01 me 01a voiooj.
Witboat a peer,
For Sal by