4 1' ' IAN UNHEALTHY HMKI FALLING HAIR rmAUY BALDNESS Duiroy th uuk, you rtmcve tht effect Kill the Dandruff Germ WITH NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE The only preparation that will destroy these parasites. EXCELLENT HAIR DRESSING- rorSlebyIIDrujjlsti. PRICE ?I.W. COMING EVENTS. WANTED Help wanted to harvest the straw berry crop In the vicinity of Milton aad Freewater. The crop promises tto bo unusually large, and outside help will he needed. There will bo employment for a large number of perrons In harvesting tho crop. Fam ilies who wish to take a six weeks out ing and combine profit with pleasure axe Invited to como up to tho Free water strawberry fields.- Camping grounds will be furnished free. Twenty-five cents per crate Is paid for picking. Address N. W. Mum ford, Freowater, Oregon, or It. T. Motley, Milton, Oregon. LOSSES ALWAYS MET PROMPTLY By the Fire Insurance Com panies we represent. Our companicb stand first in the world, .Hartford Fire Insurance Co.J12,269,07ts Alliance Assurance Co 29,039,WJ Jndon & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co 2,644,683 North British & Mercantile Co 10,695,974 Hqyal Insurance Co 22,807,153 FRANK 8. CLOPTON A6ENT COO MAIN STREET HOMES Today I offer the following city and country property: S0 per aero for choice 160-acro farm about one mile from city limits new house. $10,000 for COO acres, part bottom, Im proved: 350 acres In wheat, 6 acres fine orchard; 10 minutes out. -irt nnn 190 nnrac nf flrnt-nlnnct wheat 'land, improved; crop goes with nlnon nnlv Iwa mllpn mit. 1,800 a new house and lot In bot tom. nn.l ii m fnr Into nn smith Hide. A nice business which pays, for about $1,Z0U. Two otner Business open' logs. N. T. Conklin. :At Postofflce.: .'Phone, Red 277. Going to Improve Repair your homes or places of business by Having them paint ed or papereo. Come to its Large and nicely selected stock of wall paper anu paints. E. J. Murphy, 111 Court Street. Agenoy for the Shorwin-Wll lkna Faint. OVD NHWSPAPRIIB TO PUT TJNDKB Mmti. , n i ahelTM. wall, or for wraD- ,Jtlm. , nftlAn .flfh I at '2K ,rlt tft !DfmdM Mav 201. O. O. F. grand lodgo, Portland. Mu on Tnno a Preabvterlan gen eral assembly, Los Angeles, Cal. May 24-29 Commencement at Pen ton Academy: 24, baccalaureate sor mon; 27, class day; 29, commence- ment; 30, banquet. May 23-28 Commencement week: field day; 24, baccalaureato sermon; 25 Juniors entertain seniors; 20, pub lic program by Juniors; 27, senior class day; 29, commencement; alumni banquet, 30. May 26, 27 Caledonian picnic at Atbcna. May '28, 29 and June 12, 13 Wool sales, Pendjeton. June '1 Circuit court. June 2, 3 and Juno 23, 24 Wool sales, Heppner. Juno 5, 6 Wool sales, Tho Dalles. June 9, 10 and June 26, 27 Wool sales. Shaniko . Juno 15. 16 Wool sales. Baker City. Lmn 11 19 13 Ninth annunl re union, Umatilla county pioneers, at Weston. Juno 17 Oregon Pioneer Assocla tlon, Portland. iinu is iq woo sales. l'Jicin. t..., oi oa or. nn,i !fl .TJnntern UtlltU fcw, " ' t " Oregon Baptist Association, Pendle ton. .Tunn 23 24. 25 State Federation of Women's Clubs. Astoria. Julv 2 Eastern Oregon O. A. It. en campment,' Union I Tniv r.in Fnrtv-secand annual meeting National Educatlonnl Asso ciation, Boston, Mass. Julv 7 Imnrovod Order of nedmen great council. Portland. It Is Coming Rapidly in Pendleton. EVIDENCE ON THE FOLLOWING SUBJECT WILL PROVE OF INTER EST TO EVERY PENDLETON RADER. So many people go through tho same experience dally. This pub lic statement should bo proof positive to every wavering doubter. Read It carefully. Mrs. C. C. Hendricks, wife of C. C. Hendricks, lnsuranco agent, living at 403 West Court street, says: "When I first heard of Doan's Kidney Pills I had been suffering for over a year with pains In my loins and back and with a weabness of the kidneys, and I therefore decided at onco to try the pills. I got a box at the Brock & tnmna Cn flriin- alnrft N(1W T llon't want to say that they havo entirely cured mo, for t.ne trouoio may reumi some timo In tho future, but they en tirely relloved the backache and up to this tlmo I havo had no return of the trouble. Only tho other day 1 tola a lady friend, who Is suffering from i.l.inn.. trmtliln in irv Hipm and have recommended them to others. I shall continue to do so. For sale by all dealers. Trice fin cents per box. Tnator.Mllhiirn f!n.. Tiufffllo. N. Y. solo agents for the United States. Remember the name uuan b and take no other. Wsmfl as Well as M Are Maie Miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trotble. ,.. . . 1.1.. . .... .i..i ll,n mln,l dlscouragesandlessensambition; beauty, ..ttme nnil flif,rf 111. n ess soon disappear when the kidneys arc out of order or dis eased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it Is not uncom mon for a child to be born afflicted with .. l. H.1VB If the child urinates too of ten , if the urine scalds the flesh, or If, when the child reachesan aKe when it should be able to control the passage, it Is yet afflicted with bed-wet-tine, depend upon it, the cause of the diffi culty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important. organs. """r"; trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men ore made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of c.,.mn.Dnnt is innii realized. It is sola jtt..k v . , by druggists, in nity cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may , - Dtttmlp linttle iiuvu by mail free, also a nm of Bnmpvw. pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root ! i.f.i:.... ...... nf t1irtliniiGnnda of testl muiuuiuK i'".' v r . a nnkl letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., ... , .. xt v n snrp ntiil mention this paper. Don't make uny mistake, . .. . 1 11 '1 .11 f MvnmiKUUL. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress. BiiiBhamton, N. Y., on every bottle. STILL PLAYS GOOD BALL. R. T. Brown, Formerly of Pendleton Makes Record In Missouri. nanrrrn Tlrnwn hmthnr flf H. T Brown, formerly telegraph editor of the East Oregonian, now euuor anu ono of tho proprietors of tho Central Cltv flown) News Letter, continues nlnv rnn.l litllt Tin hllB llHGn tOlir- w a"".. . r . Ing Missouri with tlio cracit team oi the state. Tho following local no- tlnnn Frim tllri HlirlnirllGKl. (AlO.) T nniloi annnt.- fnr tlipmsel VeB ! "Vnvii n norln't RtVPlI 1111 RF1 UPPailSG; It has a prosecuting attorney on Its innm Titpiinr Tirnwn Is editor and publisher of a newspaper In Iowa and Is a college-bred man. Brown made himself popular by bringing in the winning run with his second hit In a 10-lnninc. l-to-0 game this week oirnlnnt Mnvnrln Mnv 7." "R. T. Brown pitched a game for tho Springfield, Mo., ball team Mon day, against Joplln, letting them down with two hits nnd no runs. Tho score was 2 to 0, May 14." James R. Harrlton. of Kootenai, has been appointed lumber Inspector for the Nortnern idaiio uistrict. INSOMNIA H-l I 'l"H"H"H"l' 1 1 1 M-M-W-M-t S Five Porcelain Tubs i Are now to be found at Privett's 13 irber Shop and Bath Rooms We also h.we five hydraulic chairs. Every- l,;.fv c nnat nnrl rlnnn Wp employ none hut first-class X workmen. Our quipment is not excelled in Eastern Ore. 44 Privett'5 Barber Shop 723 Main Htreet "i"H n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 hi 1 1 1 . .. . , ...... IIP i:'lK I... IIIUVU llfl'll lining , .fc b t- .... lnaoinnlii, with which 1 liao lucii unilcitil for over twenty years, iiml 1 cun my tliiiK'aicnrcis n.iva Kivcn mu muru iiuiui inuiiuii imn.-i itmi dy 1 liavo ever tried. 1 sli:iii rcrululv nifim Dieml them to my friciuW ui helnu nil tliry are rcprcscnieu. iiium. t ii.i.aii, i- ikm. . CANDY CAiHAHIIC TN ADC UANH BMUTtRtO Pleasant. Halarahte. IVtent. TaHo tlood. Ih Uooa, tN4ifer tiokon, Wu.iken.or (lilci'. ILk'.Zic.fiuc, ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... lin.TH HAP SoMitntl cn.ir.nufiul Ut nllilriig MISS SARAH FINLEY, VIce.Prealdent of tho Palmotto Club, Memphis, Tenn 1 I I .Yd! Bmh Jtaley. I INE OF OARDUI is a thoroughly scientific and moil, em remedv. meet ing the needs of the modern woman in the modern way without tho torture of an operation. Winoof Cardui has cured them in the pri vacy of their homes and it has found a place in the t.oa. sif A tii or If tin wirmPTl that no other medicine has found. In their gratitude over 10,000 American women have written letters commend' ing Wino cf Cardui. Wine of Cardui meets their wants as no other medicino does. It sustains the young girl at tho shock of her entrance to womanhood. Women who take Wine of Cardui havo little discomfort daring pregnancy and rMMhirUi. When the change of lifo appears they enter a happy, healthy old ago. Every month it comes to the rescuo to assist Nature in throwing tho impurities from tho body. 1ft. UmYi TinW. nf Memnhifl. n iwn j j 1 , Term., vice-president of tho Palmetto Club of that city, speaks for herself and many friends when she bestows tho 3 following praiso on Wine of Cardui: "Amoai? the numerous medicines pliced before ui- ferinz women for their reiki none cm touch McElree'i Wine of Cixdul. It tower above them all as a reliable female remedy. It simply drives Mia and dkeut away and rat ore beahh la an incredibly short period. I have takea great interest la this mrtirta for the put two years, sloe it brought health and strength to me. I have alio recommended it to a number nl mv friends and they who have used it speak of tt In the highest terms and I feel that k fa praise well bestowed." If you are suffering from female mnlmma Wine of Cardnl U the medi cine you need. al lOUiCan nave neaiui uo soma w Miss Finley if yon will take the Wist of Cardui treatment. If you need ad' vice further than the complete dlrac tlons given on wo ootus, aaonw im Ladies Adtisory Department, Chatta nooga Med. Co., Chattanooga, Tenn, WlNEofCAHDVl A million suffering women have found relief in Wine of Cardui. BRiGGSON ITEMS LIGHT FALL OF 8NOW ON THE MOUNTAINS SUNDAY. Saw Mills All Running Full Capacity and Many Improvements Being Made High Price for Timothy Hay South Dakota Man Will Invest. Tj,t.nn Mnv ir Chris. Peterson is visiting at tho home of his mother, Mrs. E. Abrahamson, after an ab sence of several months. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. S. moss, oi we", visited at the home of James Navln last Tuesday. Jack Parker, of Athena, came up with William Wilkinson and spent a day or two In this vicinity last week. Abe Ahranamson went, to Springs Wednesday to visit at mo home of his sister, Mrs. Henry Fan "'-Tho formnm nf Weston mountain ,o hmilltii thnlr hnled timothy hay to Athena, for which they are rcKuivuib $17 per ton. inooo Ttni-nn (mm lllnoliam. was In this locality today looking after hifc cattle. .t ic. Davidson, of Athena, waB a caller In this neck of the woods yes- lertlay- . . . . in m ce R u n HtisH. wno nas Hi fnr the nast few weeks, is said to be nllltn wnlt nfrfltll. 'i'""-. . . . .,,, ...,.iv. Rm th Sr. unmuo's saw nun which started up some tlmo ago, Is running full blast and is turning out irom 11 tn unn foot of lumber ner nay. Jsaac Abrahamson is ongagetl in llKcinc a well for Mr. Glllls, on nis mountain ranch. Snow fell here last night to the depth of ono Inch and today is damp nnd cloudy. John Mclntrye. who has been wont ing for Angus Glllls for the past month, returned to his homo yester day near Athena. Bill Wilkinson, who hns been hero for the past week looking after tho Imnrovements being done on his ranch, returned to his home at Athena today. Spring seeding in tills section is about all done, and tho farmers are now preparing their ground for pota toes nnd other truck. Cecil, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hagen, is sick with chickenpox. Willie Narkaus, who Is attending the normal school at Weston, visited with his parents here from Friday until Sunday. Bingham Springs Resort Will Open. John Narkaus. Is employed at Ding- ham SpringB where W. C. Avery lias force of men at work putting in garden nnd doing various improve ments preparatory to opening the ro sort for the season. Quite a lot of re pairs are neccssnry owing to tho high wnter this spring, South Dakota Man Will Invest, Robert Kearn, from Mitchell, South Dakota, has been visiting at tho home of his old school mate, James Navln, for tho past few dayB. They had not seen each other for 14 years. Mr. ICearn left Thursday for Portland and Vancouver, where ho will visit for a few days before returning homo. Ho Is very much taken with Umatilla county and expresses his deslro to re turn In July to buy a homo here after disposing of his interests in uakotn GOOD BLOOD SPEAKS FOR ITSELF You know when rich, red blood la coursing through the veins, for it shows In 4he brightness i oI the eye, tie beauty and clearness of the complexion, the smooth, fair .wr liealthv constitution. It is cood blood that'iraparts strength and energy to .the body and keeps it ina ELnMiilnesa nnd vigor. Good blood is the foundation of cooi to be physically and mentally sound it must be kept pure and a: People witn gooa : steady nerves and are blest with good appetites and digestion, and enjoy sound, refreshing sleep. If we could always maintain the purity of the blood then.wc might enjoy perpetual hmMi but it becomes infected ana humanity andmndcrminc the constitu tion are caused by an impoverished or polluted condition of this vital fluid. When the blood is diseased the skin loses its healthy appearance, nnd the complexion, its freshness and beauty and becomes red and rough and full of pimples andplotches. Itching, scaly eruptions, blackheads, boils and rashes break out upon the body when the blood is too poor or too thin and acid, and is not supplying proper nourish ment to the system. Debility, poor appetite, bad digestion, restless sleep and nervousness more often come from oiuno-icii, Jtrmitm blood than nnv other Tn hit lid tiD the blood, restore its lost properties and mail and nutritious again is the'only rational treatment, and the proper pet rid of Skin troubles, mere is no reraeay line o. a. to acconi .1 it- .Inn.. . 4- 1 . . .1 S. fc. b. antidotes and removes blood all poisons and humors, t it to a normal, healthy conditii vigorates and tones up the gem When rich, red blood is an through your veins all skin disappear, the appetite improves, the complexion clears and yon thOSC miSeraDietiepre5SinK cciiiik u"u uu vuuanaa, uuu cnjqyonc blessings of good health. S. S. S. 13 nature's remedy for all bloodani eases. It contains no minerals wnaiever, out is guarantee", purely Write for free book. No charge lor medical advice or other n desired. TNT SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. A X was In wretched heelu,. b.I very much ulceraUd. Tk-V of 8. S. S., and In rtnurk,! "UWWIUIT td food jweed with me. I tblsll fln. fin 1 1 . ji i . i . I uunucioe, Boobnart, Oa. For three years I had TttteJ uuua. f di xno tune thel wg iana or rami very painful and oaoiinr i dlaoomfort. Poor dootm Tetter had progreued too t cured, and thay could do nnli me. I took only throe bottleii ana waa oomptotoly cured. 1! flttoon years ajo, and I kJ lnoe aean any sign of By cW auta.L.B.Jit 8S7 St. Paul St.. Eamu c SWAM THE DASHING IMNAHA, 31 3 The Grand Trunk Gold M Wallowa Girl Has a Novel Experience in Turbulent River. Mabel Turner, 1C years old, and engaged at the T. F. Ulch ranch in Imnaha canyon on the Imnaha river took a cold plunge in that stream last Monday morning, swam to the opposite sliore and, after n few mo ments- pause, jumped in anu swam back again, says the Joseph Herald The llrst plunge wns accidental Miss Mabel having gone to the stream to get a bucket of water. Sho fell In and was drawn rapidly to tho center and down the stream. In an Instant she obtained her self-possession turned to the further shore and, be Ing a good swimmer, soon landed The river at this point Is about UIU feet wide. Sho sat on the bank ami looked at Its swift, turbulent surface for a few moments, then Ignoring the brldgo which spanned tho stream but a short distance below, she voluntari ly committed herself to the limpid waters and swam as gracefully as a fawn to a point slightly below whoru her first accidental plunge occurred. She took up her bucket, which had lemalned on tho bank, filled It from tho stream and walked demurely back to the house with water streaming from her waist and skirts. She says she would not bo satisfied If she had been prevented from swimming hack, "Just to get evon." Sumrtcr, Oregon, Gold Mining Distril Is located upon the GREAT MOTHEI LODE system of veins and nasiorneign hnrc nn ihfit vein sucn wen Know mines as the NORTH POLE valued m.nnn.nno. The COLUMBIA valued $5,000,000. GOLCONDA valued at $31 nnn nnn THP MONMOTH G. M. CUI BELLE BAKER mine valued at $5od ooo. THE BALD MOUNTAIN valued $5oo,ooo. THE IBEX valued al 540 000, and many others. The Grand Trunk Gold Mining and Owns Its Property Cons'stlng of 160 Acres of RIchdoldBM Ii lia nn iiulfluednis of anv character. It lias a conservative mining and business managj It is offering 50,000 shares of stock at 15. p U1 It will become a dividend payer in a short time. I It will pay you to write us for full particulars ana careitu investigation 01 11& mi". . 1 It line tl,r. milnnnmnnl nf mininC men, UUSIII"5 1 bankers of Eastern Oregon. Write us today and let us post you. H. S. McCaltom & Comp Minors, Brokorsand Financial ABntl BAKER CITY. OREGON. Or R. S. BRYS0N, Local Agent, Pendleton, On Our Weekly Mining Letters on Sumpter, Oregon.' r.f:..!. . it AnnllcatlOD. uisinui rice u "ft 'Will Change In Time of President's Special Train. On request of various business lieonlo of tho city, tho O. It. & N. Co. Iiub changed tho tlmo of tho special trnln leavInK Pendleton May 2Gth for Walla Walla to leavo Pendleton at 12 o'clock, noon, instead of 10 a. m., ah advertised heretofore. Mnke n note of this and hear In mind tho special train leaves at 1 2o'ciock noon, 'nils change In time no doubt wll bo appreciated by tho business people, and public genornlly, as it will only bo necessary to bo absent from tho city ono lmlf day In .order to malw tho trp to Walla Walla. NTlioso do siring to leave earlier in the day can do so by urlng tho regular trnln at HHIMMHMIMIII1 BEAUTIFY YOU I AVVf 'Hill lined- Nirnlu mnwpH T.awns are easily maintain at our Easy Runnins: Lawn Mow They are made on the correct f,,,'w7.,, hARUl hm T at lie oiinnlv VOU Will' " . ,1 Best goods at lowest prxes. Thompson Hardware 621 Main s"crl EVERYTHING IN THE Headquarters for Fishing Supplies- 1 a n ttHITEC M Ha, JltL.f, Mop 0 1 "Jiti, ami a. ni. UllllMMIIiniMI I . -i