PENDLETON, OREGON. TUESDAY, MA. 19, 1903. DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, I'ublUhetl vcry afternoon (except Sunday) at Pendleton, Oregon, by the PUBLISHING EAST OREGONIAN COMPANY. Tlione. Mnlu 11. suimcmiTioN uaths. Dally, one year by mall $5.00 Doily, nix months by malt ,. 2.00 Dally, tbree months by mall J.'Ai Dally, one month by mall .HO Dally, tier month by carrier So .Weekly, one year by mall . , 1.50 Semi-Weekly, one year by mall .... 2.00 The Kast Oreconlan In on sale at II. 11. illch'8 News Stands at Hotel 1'ortland and Hotel I'erklns, Portland, Oregon. Member tlon. Scrlpps-Mcltae News Assocla- Sari" Kranclsco Bureau, 408 Fourth St. Chicago Iltireitu, DO!) Security Ilulldlng. Washington, I). 0. llureau, 501 nth St. Jf, W Pessimism is the philosophy of fools. It is one thing to see tho evil clearly and expose It brave ly; it is quite another thing to believe that the ovll Is omnipo tent and overlastlng. Whether we see it or not, all natural forces are lighting against ovory evil work and evil worker, and are fighting for the supremacy of love and wisdom in the world. There are a good many towns where God doesn't seem to be the "boss," and whore such an affirmation about Him would seem to be ridiculously Inappro priate. Yet back of all the temporal-' and superficial successes of selfish nnd sordid men "stand eth God within the shadow, keoplng watch above His own." Robert Whlttaker In Sau Francisco Star. common as a fover and must be dealt with accordingly. When the RIgby-Clove harvester manufactory was proposed for this city, It was doubted by many leading business men that there was a de maud for such an enterprise hore. Be fore the company had done a tap of work, ten combined harvesters were contracted to be delivered this sea son. This is all the plant is capable of turning out before harvest. As many more of the machines could have been sold this season had the capacity of tho factory warranted It. This is only one of the numerous business opportunities that lie un touched In Pendleton. Idle capital could convert this city into a monu facturlng center, at a profit to the In vestors and to the permanent glory of the community. The Pendleton Cold Storage and Ico Factory, 'now nearing completion, should have been built years ago. Pendleton consumes two tralnloads of N'orth Powder ice each year and there will be a market hero for overy pound of the output of this factory. Pendleton needs brick, tiling, miles of sower pipe, miles of street paving and miles of asphalt sidowalks. The business openings in no city In tho West compare favorably with those of Pendleton. The wonder Is that capital can resist such temptations. SNEAKING OUT OF LIFE. What has struck the peoplo of this good old planet, anyway? What cause Is there' for such a hurrying, scurrying, shoulder-jostling rush for the next world, by way of the back door of suicide? What mania prompts a sane man to tip a cup of carbolic acid to his lips or to pull a trigger within a foot of his ear.' Surely the Imaginary ills of the world are not so appalling that a man should be willing to risk the unknown conditions of another world, to escape them. Poverty, discontentment and disap pointment nro the alarming causes of suicide. People cannot dress and feast like a more fortunate neighbor and they lose hope and sneak out of life. ' Why don't they live and mako a light? If conditions don't suit them why don't they vote and work ami preach for reform? Don't get discouraged because some monopoly crushes the life out of you. Some of the rankest monopol Ists that over lived on earth, havo gono before you to another place, so you will only rush Into their company by committing suicide. Stay on earth as long as you can. Make it better, if only by so much ns one good hard light for equality. People have a habit of magnifying Uielr troubles. The greatest fault of socloty Is that It uses a telescope when looking for scandal, troublo or faults in others and hoodwinks Itself when looking for good deeds and good traits. Because some personal grluvnnce Is bearing down on you, don't Imagluo that everybody you meet Is thinking about It. Don't work yourself into a frame of mind that persists in brood ing. It is true, tho struggle for bread and butter is u long, fruitless, pro sale task, with many. Tho luxuries that seem to multiply In the lianilw of neighbors and friends seem elusive when sought. The lawsof tho land 3eom to bo with tint' powerful, and this liveuk man has no lover with which to rise. Vet in the face of ull this, suicide is cowardly. In the face of all this Inequality It Is bettor to Hvo a poor man and fight a good light, than to leave tho world by tho back door. A study of the statistics of sui cide roveala some of the most alarm ing conditions that over confronted tho human race. Tho Increase, of sui cides among young people, from IB to 25, has Increased 200 per cent In ten years. Tho strong, healthful, sane, vigor ous, educated and talented full before Its blight as well as tho old and de crepit. If a dlseaso, where will it end? If a creature of local condi tions, will It not act as a self-destroying agency of tho human race, as the economic Ills that nro largely respon sible for It, increaso? 'Not only moral philosophers, but legislators must deal with the ques tion. It can no longer bo cast asldo ns ;a freak. It Is growing to be as Tho Portland laundry owners have absolutely refused to grant a nine hour day, as requested by their em ployes. Most of the laundry work erg In Portland are women nnd glrld and their work tequlres them to stand up all day. Tho demand for a short day is based on humane grounds. The women employes claim that they can not work full time under the present ten-hour day as they become so worn out from standing up day after day that they must "lay off" to rest, and thus lose time which they can 111 af ford to spare, on the wages paid. ABOUT THAT COAT A You wear a coat. Why? To keep the cold out ? No ; to keep the warmth in. What of the body that has no warmth the thin, poor body that lacks the healthy flesh and fat it needs? For such we say that Scott's Emulsion provides the right kind of a coat. Why? Be cause Scott's Emulsion builds firm, solid flesh and sup plies just enough fat to fil nature's requirements no more. That means bodily warmth. We'll scud you a sample tree upon request. SCOTT & HOWNK, 40.) I'eitl Street, Ne Votk, their labor, and their wages accumii late against the day of their depart ure. Under this system men have frequently entered tho depot In bad health, and at the end of three months have left It with strength restored and money In their pockets. Tho Instltu tlon is thus In the nature of a poor man's sanatorium. The farm Is expected to be self- supporting. The chief products nro vegetables, which find a ready and profitable market In the city. At pres' ent experiments nre being made In tho growing of peanuts and tobacco. Ion don Mall. THE "TREE OF LIFE." The past good deeds of Russia nor tho promise of future reform do not atone for tho awful cruelties she has Inflicted upon her Jewish residents within the past two weeks. When she seeks to establish a commercial center In her Chinese possessions, she Invites the Jew to lay the foun dations, but In her blind fanaticism she goes back four hundred years to hunt up tortures for the defenseless race when It becomes thrifty and self-supporting. Hut Ilttlo over three mouths remain until tho opening of another school year and Pendleton Is doing nothlna to prepare ror It. Every week that passes increases the school popula tion. Ijist February there were 50 pupils turned away for want of room. Uy September 1 this niimber'wlll havo Increased to perhaps 100. Delay in this matter Is dangerous to the pros perity of tho city. No amount of business Increaso can satisfy tho de mand for better school facilities. A statue to Sacajawea, tho Inilluu girl guldo of the Lewis nntt Clark expedition, is now nn assured fact. Tho mntter of raising funds for this purpose has been referred to the wo men's clubs throughout the stnto. The , more the history or this woman Is read nnd rehearsed, tho greater up-! pears the need of a statue or her at the Lewis and Chirk Fair to complete tho story of that memorable oxpetir tlon. i murr Just now, In Webfoot, there Is tak ing place a sickening disinterment or political carcases that wore thought to havo been buried beyond recntl. The expression "tree of life" has more than a biblical or a symbolic meaning according to modern science, All animal life upon this planet is de pendent upon the green Iron-contain ing substance called "chlorophyll,' which gives their summer colorings to trees, grass and shrubs. Green, not blood-red, Is tho life color. Knglish scientists have figured out that such schemes as Sir Oliver I.odge'B proposed reforesting of tho Knglish Ulack Country would help to eke out the three millions of years for which astronomers tell us tho sun will continue to make nnlmal life possible. Disastrous forest fires In the Atll rondncks are, upon this view of tho matter, a species of "raco sulcldo," nnd the proposed new undertaking of the United States government to study the prevention of forest wasto Is the most direct work of self-proser-vatloii. New York World. A. II. McOraw. of Nortb Yakima. fatally Injured C. II. Gnylord Monday by striking him on the heotl with an a xe. AUSTRALIA'S UNEMPLOYED. Among tho many expedients' which tho Now South Wales state govern ment is adopting In Its efforts to al lovlate tho distress which exists In Sytlnoy owing to tho largo numbor of unemployed Is tho establishment of a "relief farm." writes our Sydney cor respondent, An area of land In ono of tho moro distant suburbs of tho city has been acquired and placed under cultivation. Any man who Is unemployed can go thoro, and in return for his sholtor and food ho must do n certain amount of work. If ho works for ono hour ho gets his supper, If for three hours his supper and a bed and his break fast. Then, In tho morning, ho must leave for tho city or clsowhoro In search of omploymont. and If ho falls ho can go back to tho tlopot again So much for what Is known as tho "casual." But In addition thoro Is what Is known as n "permanent" class. This class consists mostly of tho partially Incapable, or invalid, and theso are kept at tho Institution for a period not exceeding threo months. Tho are paid 5s a weok for Why Pay as Much for an interior beer ? Schlitz beer costs twice what common beer costs in the brewing. One-half pays for the product; the other half for its purity. One-half is spent in cleanliness, in filtering even the air that touches it, in filtering the beer, in ster ilizing every bottle. And it pays the cost of aging the beer for months before we deliver it. If you ask for Schlitz you get purity and age, you pay no more than beer costs without them. Alhfcr thi Brmirj Battling. Phone SI Main, H. Kopittke, 507 Mala St., Pendleton !! 1 1 IMHHIIII BUTTER Gold Medal Butter, Purr, Sweet, Clean. The chief characteristics of good butter are purity and cleanliness. This butter combines both, and will retain its rich and delicate flavor to the last. I Try it and you will never T use anv other. Your money J refunded if you do not like it f The iRenn I ftoomlrg Bouse Jew Brick Large iry Rooms Coutmlly located Elegantly turnUhed with modern PP'1""! Klectrlc light and running water Id e.'chroom Rooms bv iho day weok or month. Be1 26, 60 TO It. F. RIINN, l'rop. 7.W Cottonwood 8L F.S. YOUNGER . . & SON . . ii m in h i THE RACYCLE The genuine, the bicycle which is the undisputed leader, is handled in Pen dleton only by us. Come in and see the Racycle. Water tankS We make a Specialty of Building Round or Square WATER TANKS, We make thorn right and they always give satisfaction Our work is never slighted or botched. Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. Roiiekt Foksteu, Prop. HARPER WHISKY Withee, 31 Coort Street bargains in Real Estate I have a larger and better list of Farms, Stock Kanclies and City Property to sell than ever before. Also a big lot of land in the coming wheat section of Eastern Washington. N. Berkeley TAKE YOUR CHOICE Fili We have the BestBa in Real Estate. wa some nico homes that uh mini i :h-.; -r. .. . -uuiiau Lots. Alfalfa Land fron acre to 160. Wheat tracts from 160 12,000. Rihorn & W Room io over Taylot's "muinre aiore. Ono of the finest residences In Pemlluton 1 roomv all modern im provements; pretty lawn; complete $6,500. $2,500 down, balance on time. Another resilience 7 rooms, with bath, sewerage, electric lights; pretty lawn, sliarle trees, within three blocks of Main street, $2,500. Other houses and lots from $000 to $2,500. Nice residence lots, $150, 950 and $500. The Aristocrat Among the Whiskies of the old School. Without a peer. Kor Sale by JOHN SCHMIDT Much Other Town Property, Ranches. and Easy Terms, Where Desired. C. I). BOYD. Ill Court Street hiLiliilnliiTiil ifi ifi I I t I I t 1 I I I T l'TVVT TT I Conrad Platzoeder All kinds of Fresh Meats always on hand. Fine Bacon, Hams and Sausage. Prices as low as the lowest yssHTW LET US FILL We Make OorBofl to nur f rieiuli. piitrom and the fJ1;t,l tiospeakiug your examination ol tu 1 litna tn m nvp.. mniibctlll. lunrjii etc., we uaw me pleasure your attention luU wason We mi .... I, tMIn rtlir !ill!f fi! tut. Hint In mi., t... h.VM SllTiDCtil I lv. We have a tompltte Hock ell wagona with lleul did hubs awl P"'l Hearing lioc. malting mem im - aim tniKKiea w nwiiuiniu"t,"r ixst. tiive Uk u rati. NEAQLE fJROTHIR The lllai'kmltlii. YOUR BILL KalliKiH $13,456,960 Insurance in Force H. M. RICE, Freowater Areut for lhntllliL'rniit , Wnlkar, City A fen I lor I'ondtetou J.'. 8tock Cattle for Sale. Havo for sale CO head of cows, 2C calves by Bide; 10 2-year-old holfors and IB yearling heifers. ELM Eli SPIKE, Kcho. Ore. FOR LUMBER We can supply you with Building Material of all descriptions and sa v e you money DOORS WINDOWS B , i Idin g paper lime cement brick and sand. Wood gutters for barns and dwellings a specialty. Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St., Opp. Court Hmm UNDER NEW MANAGEM THE OLD DUTCH HED Cor W. Alta and LillM L. Keff. formerly ofih; ai.. i.n. xi.ntnp nf theOM Henry Feed Yard, and w pleased to care for jour Plenty ol stalls, large corr i ..-- iiwl rnttle- B grain for sale, nection. Chop mill Engine, Boiler and H REPAIR Of all kinds is our special work guaranteed- Extra Parts Funiisbed fcrj of Harvesttujr Manufacturer ol R1GBV - CLOYE HARVfc 7A0 Fact AlU W .' ' T tide's 0!t natiezore . -- : V