East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 19, 1903, Image 3

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in Merchandise
1 fie Alexander Department Store will this
toatfgtfrate the greatest Stock Reducing
?Ir it has bee your fortune to attend.
L Goods, Shoes, Clothing, Ready-to-
Garments m hm;i. nuwuimy me. wuuie
NOW Vast a""--
A wof d to the wise is sufficient
Visit the Store this week
Carpets! Carpets!
i i;j i: f -
Have just received a spienuiu new uuc ui wai;ci n aLuuts,
sittings, ri'gs and linoleums. 1 would be pleased to have
pU till and examine them. My line of refrigerators should
pore of interest to you now that hot weather is upon us.
Those who are looking for bargains can find them here
Joseph Basle
Youabould know that the very best, DRY WOOD of
ill kinds is to bo found at
P. P. Collier & Go.' Yard
Also GOOD GOAL. Call at Office
638 Main St. Phone Main 1121
Take a Good Look
nnd you're not tatif-ffied with the
way your BUlrt, collur, eufl's nnd
white waist coat have been laun
derrd, give us a try. Moderate
ly speaking, If we fall, all others
must fall. At any late, give in
a try we'll run the rink.
Court and Thompson Streets.
Mrs. J. King Is Suffering From a
Heart Trouble Lecture Tonight by
C. A. Sias, at the Christian Church
General Neighborhood News.
Helix, May 17. The late rains have
Kreatly Improved the wheat crops In
this vicinity. 1
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Richmond, ot
Weston, are at the home of Mrs.
Richmond's sister, Mrs. Barpe. In this
Mr. nnd Mrs. J, King, of Weston,
arrived at the homo of their daughter
In Helix Friday evening. On Satur
day Mrs. King had a slight attack of
heart trouble which was thought to
be due to over exertion.
Minor Green, who had hit ankle
broken, has been removed from Van
sycle to Helix, where he can better
receive medical aid.
Guy Smith went down to Pendleton
Saturday to rehearse with the boj
band, which will give a concert next
Monday evening.
V. A, Rntt was a Pendleton visitor
Mr. Orr, of Rolso City, brother ot
Mrs. Charles Stanton, of this place,
was a visitor In this city en route to
Mrs. Kate Stanton and daughters,
I.ultl and Cassle and Miss Maude Gro
vor. went to Pendleton shopping Sat
urday. 0. A. Slas. of Athena, will lecture
nt the Christian church Tuesday eve
ning next, at this place.
Rom, to Mr. and Mrs. Addle Stock
man, of Vansyclo, a daughter. May
Miss Dicy Montgomery has return
ed from Kent. Or., where she lias ,bcen
visiting her brother Robert, who Is In
business nt that place.
Mr. and Mrs. Farley spent Sunday
In Helix with relatives.
Arthur Grover went to Pendleton
to attend the band concert, to bo,
given this evening.
George Sentt was a Pendleton vis
itor last week.
Frank Loekwood went to Pendleton
on business last week.
JCeph I-ockwood was also a Pendle
ton visitor Monday.
Many Going to Walla Walla.
A great many people of our city
contemplate going to Walla Wnlla to
see the president, should there be an
oxcurslon through this place.
Big Reduction Sale
This week will be one of special preparation for
many ot our customers who are preparing to go
to Walla Walla next Monday to see President
Roosevelt. We have decided to make Special
Inducements in the way of reduced prices, to all
who want to outfit for the big excursion. Notice
our tempting list of SPECIAL BARGAINS
Dress Goods Furnishings
All wool Scotch suiting, 46 in, wide, Ladies shirts, all grades, special reduction
this week only 80c yd 0(10 percent.
Wide novelty wool suiting, 54 in. Ladies hose, good light weight, fast colors,
wide, this week only $1 yd for this week, 7c pair
All wool heavy etaniinc 48-in. wide, Ladies dress and walking skirts, nil grades,
this week only 85c yd reduced to per cent
Snow Hake novelty suiting 37 in wide, Misses shirt wuists, white nnd colored, re-
this week only 40c yd duced 10 per cent
All wool albatros, all colors, this week 44c yd Full line Misses muslin underwenr, all re
A'l wool summer etamicc suiting, duced to per cent
light shades 48c yd Ladies tailor made suits, for one week, re
Light summer dress batiste, all colors duced ao per cent
this week only 6Jc yd Men's clothing, all grades, for one week, re.
Scotch lawn, all colors 4c yd duced 10 per cent
Zephyr ginghams, plain or figured .SSc yd Boy's clothing, all grades, for one week, re
Calicos, all colors, 10 yds. to 1 person 4c yd duced 10 per cent
. , , .1 11 Men's and Boy's hats, felt, straw, and
Pr.ce quoted are good for tins week only cras,)( JQ pcf wn,
The above reductions are bona fide cuts from our regular prices, and those who know us best,
know that we never mark up our goods for our Special Sales,
TUC FAIR Agentsfor
I lit rfllll McCall's Patterns
Company "Formed With a Capitaliza
tion of $125,000.
Similiter, May 19. A big proposi
tion has been on foot the past few
days looking to the formation of a
blir hardware company. We under
stand the deal was consummated yes
tcrdny and that a company was form'
ed with canitnl stock of $125,000. It
will be "known as the Basche Hard
ware Coiunany, and the deal takes
over the two big stores In Baker and
Sumptor. P. Basche retains srin.ono
worth ff stock In the new company.
Prominent men of Sumpter, J. H.
Robbins, Seymour H. Bell and Henry
Hewitt, Jr., are mentioned as heavy
stockholders in the new company. It
Is looked upon as one of the strongest
combinations, financially, In Eastern
Oregon and puts the company In posi
tion to do an unlimited amount of bus
1 Its Merit
Has the large demand for
Byets' Best Flour
, 1,
UlUD. tint.. .1.-: , . .
"Jtts Rm bi v wiuicesi wneat mat grows cmcia
""'Hour. It's nerferfin in Flnnr Made l)v the
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
Freight is Being Hauled Into the
Greenhorn District New.
Cltv Attorney Sam R. Stott. of the
town ol Greenhorn, statou .v.illo here
this week that the fret freight was
being hauled Into that camp sim- me
snow disappear, mjb
Mountain American. The nrst loans
. . ,1 ...tii ii.ii.ti.
were HOI Heavy, ns im: iuuuo .....
Iv neimlt of trnlllc, but Mr. Stott says
that another week of the present
good weather will work a great change
in the situation. Ho says that a num
ber of prospectors are out already,
as snow has disappeared irom the
south side of the mountains, ami M
gradually being crowded down Into
the deen ravines of the north slopes.
The number or men who Intend to get
Into the district with the first open
ing of the highways Is large, and it Is
believed that the eagerness to com
mence work there will result In sev
eral otliur properties of tho Green
horns taking prominent places before
tne summer enus. mi. own
that numerous locations are assured,
and that work on present prospects
will be 011 a scale never seen there
Old Soldiers Will Meet In Annual
Conference In "Blue Grass" Land.
Louisville, Ky., May 19. Tho twenty-first
annual state encampment of
the Grand Army of the Republic for
the Department of Kentucky met lu
this city today and will remain In
session for two days. The sessions
arc being held in Odd Fellows' Hall
with Department Commander Bcylaml
presiding. The Woman's Relief Corps
and the Undies of the G. A. R. are
also in annual session.
Delegates are present from all of
the 200 Grand Army posts of tho Btatc,
and there aro also distinguished
guests from Indiana and elsewhere.
State officers will be elected tomor
row and delegates t othe national en
campment at San Francisco in Sep
tember. The contests for these places
aro close and exciting.
The Best is the Cheapest
This applies particularly to furniture and carpets. When you
buy a piece of furniture you want it to look well and to wear
well. That is the kind we carry. Our Roods speak for them
selves. We caray a large line of furniture, baby cabs, go
carts, carpets, art squares, mattings, rugs, curtains, etc,
We ru rot telling mir goods nt cot We aro In tuilnm to nuke a living, but r buy
In car load lnu to that ho can it 11 llicm 10 you cheaper than you could buy them In thr
eat auil lay tin m down hero 011 at mir more, examine our good, olid get ittc.iii
what )ou want. If we can't tell you a bet er made ol good, at a low price, at you can
not due w here, why we won't expect your trade,
Next door to Postofiice.
A Scotch Optimist.
Scotch stories, like tho tap or the
British drum, go round the world, and
like It also, always sounds fresh and
welcome. One wonders where a story
orlclnated it can scarcely be abso
lutely new which comes via tho af
ler dinner oratory of a Scottish gatlv
erlng held recently In South Africa
tr relates to a Scottish "worthy" who
when he heard of anybody coming
bv misfortune, was In the habit of
saying: "Och, It mlcht 'a been waur.'
A friend wacered to tell him some
thing which he could not possibly
cap in this wav
"Ah." said his friend to him,
ve had - nawfu' dream. 1 dreamt 1.
was dead, an' worse than that
dreamt I was In the 111 place."
"Ah. man." was the nuiet comment,
"but H micht 'a been waur; ye might
'a been mere insieau o omy un-aw
In' It." A wager was thuB rashly lost
a Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once
will lead to serious breaks.
r"5t-class work guaranteed b
Reliable Plumber.
s,et, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel
expect peoptole knowwha
you have to sell If you don't
A Woman's Will.
Her friends say Mrs. M"v'"
tired or the tinkering at tho White
House Representatives or the nur
serymen who furnished tho shrubbery
tor u to ra"e arrived today with n
KToi b from tho official wchltect,
" V McKlm. or New York, to re
move the 72 .boxwood bushes as the,
unsuuauie. V",'." .,,;,
- nvo llin UllBUUB
L"' . " ncuvnu wished
word came mat au. '
the enaco attornments to remain ex-.1-
J thiVv were The agent and
nctly as h . weio. ej,angeii
,'Si Hoosevelt's pleasure.
Win " '. ..' , .M,,ii nnil box-
,.ut nr tno vu I---..
.. 11... MTlilln
i.uiiIipm ror ii' ....v
Golden-1 ongued Mayor,
At tho S20 "golden banquet" to
Roosevelt at San Francisco, Mayor
Schmltz Bald: "Golden San Francisco,
metropolis of golden California, with
her realized golden past, and her cer
tainty of a golden future, amid this
golden light, and at this golden table,
bids you a golden welcome." Tho
Union Labor Mayor must be a single
gold standard man. San Francisco
I ..'. nln Finn fihnur.
UOIIflUH U M.y ww w.. ...
Montreal, Que., May 19. One of the
most notable bench shows over held
in tho Dominion Is that of the Mon
treal Canine Association, which open
ed today at the Arena. English fox
hounds, Scotch terriers, French bull
dogs, Boston terriers, Pomeranians,
St. Bernards and numerous other va
rieties are Included among tho entries
and tho competitions for tho valuablo
prizes offered promises to bo brisk.
The show continues three days.
Southern Whist Conores,
Atlanta. 0a May 19. Whist en
thusiasts of both sexes thronged tho
club rooms or the Grand Hotel today
on the occasion or the opening of tho
first Southern Whist Congress. Judg
ing from the largo and representative
attendance, the tournament, which
continues three days, will bo an un
Qualified success. Several valuable
trophies- will be awarded the winners
in tho various contests that make up
the program.
Is always received when you
place your order with us.
Fir. Tamarack and
Why buy poor coal when you
can get the best for the same
Laatz Bros.
Telephone Main 5 J
Stock For Sale
75 head of well-graded Shorthorn cat
1 registered Shorthorn bull.
CO head of horses, mares, goldiugs
and young stock, grade Clydcs, and
10 head of Cleveland Bays.
IS head broke to work; weight, 1200
lf00 pounds,
1 stallion, 20uJ pounds weight, Clyde
and Shire,
Cash, or time with bankable notes.
Address JOHN L. COX,
620 Thompson St.,
Pendleton, Oregon.
(Would like to dispose of stock b
fore turning out on range.)
I Five Porcelain Tubs i
Are now to be fpund at
Privetl's Btrbcr Shop and
Bath Rooms We also have
five hydraulic chairs. Every
thing is neat and clean. Wc
employ none but first-class
workmen. Our equipment is t
not excelled in Eastern Ore.
Privett's Barber Shop t
T 7A Main Street J
Monopole, Rock Candy,
Red Star and White Host
in half gallons, gallons,
jackets and pails.
Standard Grocery
Court Street
Low Sellers of Groceries
Good Country Btitter 30c to 4Cc
per roll,
Creamery Buttor 50c per roll.
Tillamook and California Cheese.
We have just addod a new delive
ry wagon to our equipment and
will make prompt delivery to anv
part of the city,
The Big Store in a Small
Alta Street, Opposite Savings Bask
in a ted cards, wedding radiations, etc;
100 trurravfd Tlaltlni cards with Dlate.
I1.BOI additional card, in tutors, si
bosdnd. Tb Bast OrscoaUa.
My trbdt) Is constantly liiorew-iug
which Is K'od evidence of the
meriU of my huriimn, nadirs, hal
ters and bluiikels. RejialriiiK is my
specialty. HatlsfactJon giinrauteed.
P' Qlvc bo a trial. W.T. flcFEkWAN
wood hushes. New YorK wonu.