i DAILY IMT OWESONIAN, WNDttTOW, OWtGON. MAN DAY, MAY It, 1MS. '"KtiM. . PIISL ."Mi-rtote main ay.. . "DPflCIANS. it. riARRET. fc, "UrV.du.te optl aBB. tltn. Tbe only com PaW. nlete optical parlor In IPAp be city. Six doors SSth of P. O.. Mate W..- .w Ha fee charged l.M Kll COMOI'"'""- (1 Wllf. IMWr - ... LL AwmffP TV AC fcVt.dtrnewdrug nut. tt HcSiBB, irETERINARY SUR nT CUT veterinarian of Spo a Otlce at Tallman & Cos. iT-tom, red 141. Treats all 1 1 floaouCBlHl nuiiuuiD. Ems AND BROKERS. I. BUT nf ATllliNA. IL Capital, S3U.0CH); surplus nnd IU0U. Interest on time deposits, i tela and domestic exchange. iromptlj attended to. Henry B, trerldent : T. J. Kirk, vlcc-pres-llUCtow, cashier ; I. M. Kemp, iuKXES' BASK OF WESTON, iwr.au. docs a general duuh- l Excnaage Dougm ana sum. tdret: Geonte W. Proebstel, tat I It KUvnre rndilpr ! dl. ItLriirtman. II. M. Johns, T. k(.U. draw. 1. r . Kllgore, Kob- i. C. W, Proebstel. St'LETON SAVINGS RANK, a Oreron. I)rffanli(l March 1. WilllOO.OOOi surplus, $100, nt allowed on all time ilenoslts. tMUtt and laid mi all nrlnrlnal Wal attention given to col l f. 1. Farnlah. president ; J. N. om: i. 4, Morns, cashier; , assistant cashier. tWlOXAl BANK OF FEN'DLK Bal, 110,000; aurplus, X93.000; ".racm DanainiF imniniuui ii:r, 4l tllfmnhll trflnafAMi oIH nn I hi rrtaebca. NVw YnrL- nnd P(U In Ox Northwest. Drafts , pan and Europe. Makes N teaioasbl tpmfl t.i An. met. w p f.iAni- .i It I ft . .l'"Vh Tiio-iuro tCTSANO BUILDERS. SOU fONTnifvprtn ... ...... K!$rJl '",k 8'ed on. Job lui ' worlt guaranteed. jg0i : ARCUITECT AND SU- taiWiMi fompiete and relh W: & ?.;he c'tr or conn. h'&tH'' AND I m nit 7 "'"""w ou snort MIs m m "Plalty. Prompt Lj Woi ,trect near MaI'a "U1LD. isieat ffr?..oa . kinds WitEiit i ' 7ne wa"8' etc ".cKuumn outce eeicat H ' AND Cui J'00"' 7, over ItriKton . -t. I I.Lrr ' fttriTT. ... "SJKKINO AND CH. ? Mdi r,.,'"w' VND CARRIaqer alltw,". r?JS.E0U nnr.iAiirt. IN RKf iu ! ' I , nytliln "ers; money k ,.' ',Cott-. waters "'onwood BtrV """"oa street. fertoa.llais DENTISTS. Cards Societies ND TRADES, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. INSURANCE' AND LAND BUSINESS R, S. BltTSON, Collection ajd Irsnrance. Offlco In E lIMIiu 0. bolldlng. J. II. BENTLKY REPRESENTS THE OLDEST and moat reliable fire and accident Insurance companies, offlce with Hartman Abstract Co. mlsaloner Specialty made of land Bllan and proof; lnanrao.ee and collections. Of flce In Jndd building, room 16. JOB B. PARKK8, OFFICE 120 COURT BT. land office business, anch u nllng- of clalma and Initiating conteata a specialty. BOARD AND LODGING. HOTKIj alta, corner alta and Mill streets. Hoard by tbe day or week. Good tablo set. Rates $3.50 and $4.B0 per week. Pendleton Feed Yard In connection. W. V. Edmlaten, Prop. THE STRAIION ROOMING HOUSE, 018 Main street. Mrs. II. E. Cooper, Prop. Everything strictly first-class. Rates 20c, 50c and $1 per day. WHEN YOU GO TO PILOT ROCK STOP at the City notel. Good meals and nrst-closs rooms. Special attention given to commercial travelers. Mrs. C. H. Hie tel, Pilot Rock, Ore. THE WHITE BOARDING AND LODGING House, 301 Sonth Main street. Mrs. Helen Whlttemore, Prop. Housekeeping rooms and lodging rooms. Good comforta ble rooms And clean, well-kept beds. Lodging' 25 cents. MRS. H. L. nUKTINGTON HAS PURCHASED the Lodging Home at 6 Garden Street, where she will be glad to ee har friends and patrons. TONSORIAL PARLOR8. IIILIiY KRAS8IG, HARDER SHOP AND Hath rooms. Mala street, three doors north of Hotel St. George. First-class service. NEW TONSORIAL PARLOUS, COURT ST. Three doors west of Golden Rule Hotel. J. II. Pace, prop. First-class workmen ; everything clean ; all modem Improve ments. PATTO.VS SANITARY HARDER S HOP, Dcspaln block. Court street i best work mnnsblp; all the modern Improvements; all tools sterilized ; bath rooms In con nectlon. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. THE DEPOT 8TADLES, COTTONWOOD street, between Alta and Webb streets, H. Stewart. Pron. Dost care taken of horses. Good stables and plenty of feed. THE CITY LIVERY HOARD AND SALE Stab c. SI. J. earner, nronrletor. for one turnout! stock Doaruea at n reasonable rates, medio us Alta Mtreet. COMMERCIAL STABLES, G. M. FROOME rrop. Lavery, reeu ana boarding. All kinds of turnouts. Competent drivers. Opposite Hotel Pendleton. 'Phone, main 101. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE8. STAB EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 8S8 Maun St.: II too need helo or seek em ployment can oo us. a-none, main 1011 BLACKSMITHING. CO PEL AND & SON. GENERAL BLACK smithing and repairing; horseshoeing a specialty: work promptly attended to: call and see us; shop 314 Weat Webb street. just tnree Diocica neiow aiain street. FRATERNAL ORDER8. DAMON LODGE. NO. 4. MEETS EVERY Monday evening iu Secret Society hall, LnDow block, nt Pendleton. Ore. I!. W. Fletcher, K. It. S. ; W. J Keyes. C. C. MISCELLANEOUS. W. n. MOTLEY. PROlraSIONAL EXPERT I'l inn Tuner, flrdera left at Thurkelseu a f laUO House will receive prompt attention satlafac- tlon guaiauteej. Proposals for Sewer Construction, Sealed nroDoiali will be recelvod bv the Ultr Kecuruer 01 i enuieiou, urKou. uuui u tut-, May lvtu, 1U03, lor the construction oi a sewer age Byttera in tbe city of fendleton, Oresou, The extent i f the nrnnned arstem Is HUDroxl mately 8 miles of sewers from u to 20 Inches In dfAmeter. Ai mRnhnlea end tfl Kluah TankB. Material required for the construction ot the system will be furnished by ttio city. Full In struction' to bidders und blank forms of pro- Fioialswill be furnlsli-d upon application to heotttceof G. N. Miller, Civil and sanitary engineer, fendleton, Oregon, wneie pisna ana speculations may bo sccu. Bach p'oposal must be accompanied by a f!ertlllf,d fiMlr fiw ftw. mm n( HerfU Hundred and Fifty (760) Dolla s, payable to The City of Pendleton, which sum shall be forfeited In case the bidder to whom the award Is made, aha 1 fatl to enter Into contract u Ith the City within live days alter receiving notice oisaiaawaru. The L'ltv reserves the rlirbt to reject any or all bids. listed May 7th, WJ. THOMAS FITZGERALD, City Recorder. Dally East Oregonian by carrier, only 15 cents a week. f'llE QUEEN HOTEL. Clean I comfortable rooms Irom a ceuisup. Newly furnished throughout. Queen Chop House In connection. Meals at all hours. Only white help em ployed. Give us a trial. ' . s. ) Farmers Custom Mill Fred Waiters, Proprietor Capacity 160 barrels a day Flour exohauged for wheat Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, elo always on hand. Thi Pl nmnnn lan Ie Eastern Ore- nnn'. rnr...n.9lu. naner. It leads and the people appreciate It and chow 11 dv tneir liberal oatronaae. 11 advertising medium of this section. mon JhCOO M , i'sver corroaes, never meiti nor expands; in fact never gives any trouble of any kind and ii wed for all classes of work. A very superior covering for birni, factories, depots, canneries, tanneries, sheds and mining property. It4 Cat btotltt. 6 The Paraffine Paint Co. San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Los Ant; ties and Denver, Colorado. T. C. TAYLOR, Agent Gray s Harbor Commercial Co. We Don't Keep Everything But we do Keep h good big stock of nice dry Flooring, Celling, Rustic and Finish, In all grades. Also all kinds of Dimension Lumber, In cluding Lath and Shingles. Our stock of Boors, Win dows, Moulding, Building and Tar Paper and Apple Boxes is complete, and any one in need of Lumber will not be wrong in placing their order with the : : : Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. W: 4 C. R. Depot Lee's Lice Killer Insect powder and Poultry Supplies, also Hay, Grain and Feed. C F. Golesworthy 127-129 East Alta St. The Colombia Lodging House 1 Newly Furnished. Bar in connection. Bet. Alta & Webb Sts. In Center of Block. F. X. Schempp Proprietor THE COE COMMISSION GO. Holds no customer re sponsible for more than the margin he places on a trade. A margin of one cent a bushel is required on grain, and $2 a share on stocks. An eighth cent a bushel commission is charged on grain and of one per cent on stocks. F. W. BOULTER Manager Pendleton Office 120 COURT STREET SUBSCKIBKKS TO MAGAZINES. IF TOO want to Btibscrlbe to magailnea or new i i.'nlted Statea or Knrope. re- ri." oWUneV lost la the , mall.. TJi iSr. you both trouble s-gMrt" f,?enflttlnrVu can flcdoet 10 per cent 1" "?. Ltn?ht?.heria nrlce. AddresaEA8T bnEOONIAX VVU CO.. rndleto.i. Oreeon, DEMANDING PONIES 80UTH DAKOTA MAN ASKS ABOUT 8ADOLE HORSES. Increasing sale for Light Weight 8addlera to Be Used fop Polo Ponies; and In Herding Cattle Want Something Better Than Ca nadian Ponies. A correspondent of the Breeders' Gazette in South Dakota writes the following letter of Inquiry about breeding a special kind of horso in that state, and receives the appended reply: To Tbe Gazette. I would like to got a good horse to cross with some nlco chunky pony mares to try to ralso a horso or pony suitable for the ranch and cow pony trade, and It I can raise them good enough some may go as polo ponies, which are always in good dtmaml In this locality, bringing from $75 to $125 for good ones. Good handy well broken horses are the right kind. This country is fast set tling up with what might bo called small ranchmen and the most of them are making money. As they have from 100 to 500 head of cattle they nearly all can afford good saddlo horses and they want them and are willing to pay good prices for them, but the kind they want are horses that weigh from 950 to 1,000 pounds, well broken with good action and a kind disposition, carrying a fair amount of flesh something on the block order but not enough to mnko them clumsy or awkward. I have been told that a Morgan or Hackney would mako a good cross with the kind ot mares I have. What could a good horse of this kind be bought for and about what is their usual weight and height PERCY E. POLLAIU). Butte Co., S. D. Remarks. If our correspondent wanted to breed dratf horses would he not seek a draft sire? If he want ed t obreod trotters would he not use a trotting stallion? As ho wants to breed saddlo horses, does It not seem sensible to him to use a saddle stal lion? If breeding for a purpose and to a type is worth anything in draft horses. In trotting horses. In running horses, It Is also of value In produc' ing saddle horses. Our correspondent states that he has been a reader of this journal for several years, and he must therefore know that there Is a breed of saddle horses a half-century old In Its foundations and bred with skill uuder the fostering care of the American Saddle Horso Breeders' As sociation. Ho can learn the facts about these horses as to size, weight. height, by corresponding with breed ers who advertise them in our busi ncss columns. He can obtain the same Information about Morgans and Hackneys In a similar way. Ed. Ga zette. Horses In Norway. It Is said that In Norway a bucket of water is always placed within reach of a hoiBe when ho Is taking his allowance of hay. "It Is interest Ing." says the writer of tha Incident "to see with what relish they take a sip out of one and a mouthful of the otlicr alternately, sometimes only moistening their mouths, as any ra tlonal being would do while eating a dinner of such dry food. A broken winded horse Is scarcely ever seen In Norway, and the question Is whether this mode of feeding Iibh not a bene ficial effect In preserving the animal's lesnlratory organs." Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, A mercury will Ktirely destroy tlie fcyuae of htncli mid completely ilerunite the whole syKteui when enterlns II through the mil con urfacen. Huch nrllclca aliould never lw used exr-ept on ircrrlplIong from rep ntublo iiliyali'lniw, an the dumaie they will do In ten fold to the good you can iKMluly derive rrom them. Hull a fntarrh Cure, mnnufacttireil by F. 4 Cheney A o., Toledo, O.. 'nnlulni no mercury, uud li taken Internnlly actliiK directly upon the IjI'xhI ii nd mii-iiUH 8urncen of the Bjulirn. In buying Hair Calnirh Cura be auro you Ket the L-enuliie. It It Inken Inteninlly nl matlp in Toledo, f)hlo, by V J. Cheney & Co. TeetlinonluU tree. Hulil by ilruiHtlst. price 7.ic )ier bottle. Hull' Family 1'IIU nre tbe bent A Sure Thing. It Is nald that nothliiK Ik sure except death and taxes, but tliat Is not alto gether true. I)r. King's New Discov ery for Consumption is a euro euro for all lung and throat troubles. Thous ands can testify to that. Mrs. O. H. Van Metro, of Shepherdtown, W. Va., gays: "I had a severe case of bron chitis and for a year tried everything I heard of, but got no lollef. Ono hot tin nt nr. Klnir'H Now Discovery then cured m absolutely." It's Infallible for croup, whooping cough, grip, pneu mriiiin nnd consumption. Try It. It's guaranteed hv Tallman & Co.. drug cists. Trial bottle free. Ilegular sizes COc, $1. HOTELS HOTEL PENDLETON VAX DRAM BROS., Props. The Best Hotel in Pentfleto and at geod as any. The Hotel Pendleton has just been refitted and refurnished throughout. Phone and fire alarm connections with all rooms. Baths in suites and single rooms. Headquarters for Traveling Mea Commodious sample Kooms. Rates $2 & $2,50 8pclal rates by week or m ontii Kxceneni uuiaine. Prompt Dlnlngroom service. Bar and billiard room In oonneotloi Only Three Blocks from Depot GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Corner Court and Johnson Streets Pendlaton, Ortiron. M. F. Kelly, Proprietor. HEATED BY STEAM LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY Ainorlcnn l'lan, rates l.tf 8 to S'J.OO iioi ilnv. Klil-oponil 1'lHli. filH'. T5o, S)t.UO. special nitea by wook or mouth. Free 'bus meets all trains Commercial trade solicited Fine sample rooms Special Attention Given Country Trad HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STS GEO. DARVEAU, Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heateo Huropean Plan. Block and a half from depot Sample room In connection, ROOM RATE 50c, 75o, $1.0 THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. OREGON Ar4-n Mftn. it ucr dav aud uuwar 1l..si.rti.rti for IntiritlS Slid COIIllUCICUa U trsi7 faucctal rates made to families and alog U mfnWtmm. The manaifemeiit will be plcaar . . . i a -1- ... mni n re rt ra 1 modero Turklih bath cttablUbuicnt In the hofl II. . uuwnnoi jnajnaiwri lAfmon Alahooa' PHIS i amtatmtamBaaHl taBtamtamtamtamtaB rM...v;.nVa;;rrtiarrrjriiibrsa; I'lMiuvttircurfMiua -wun two iuu uir.H.id.f MltmUUM.dU$iMlOtt,VttwWM.VTt.lgminim,muumum- wurts fcuvs sessii' . ,. ... . . - SJb.4.I alnaiiMBatAPfhnaaB IrtaUimni: . EnHi afv'n Oaalrea. Seminal imlealo Headache, Unfltneee to Marry, i-oee of Sent uJSti I Vuiiioi " ' S i" w. Uix-wlars f rt a. Addraai. SUhop Rmx fftiriiioi ' trie. L'lreuiarsirta. AOorasii annufi nsimvur mm r ihhvimwi SOLD BY TALLMAN & CO., DRUGGISTS, PENDLETON, OREQON. TRAHaORTATrOM UMM mm ft SHOjpIalNE UNTOrlPACIFIC Two Train to tbe Eatt Daily Through Pullman standard and Tourist slaaai tnt can dallj to Omaha, CMeato) twiM alMBlnt tar aellr to Kansas Cllji (imat Polfman tourtat tlMpIng can trxraonallr atta. ducted) weekly to Chicago, Ksntaa Clir, M. loataand Wrmphlat reclining chair carefeeam tree) to the leal dally. DariBT Time Schedule laura tea From lHindloton rao Portland Portland Special No. l The BaM SUQ am BSD a.m. Chicago Chicago Special No. 3 PortUad 830 pas 3!M p aa Portland Hall aad Express No. The mm lt&oaa lMaat The Kaat Mall and XipreM Ko. PortaMd 430am tstaaaa Pendleton Peaseoser SeaKsas No. 7 Siaepisi Spokane .Spokane FasMoafer SUM am Ho. 8 rendu too Branch Mixed Train Mo. 41 ' ' Walla Walla Branch Ocean and River Scbedak. PBOat PORTLAND. Alt sailing da tee tab- .p.. rifCrtt. Ball every dare. "TOIr SnnVaV Columbia River 4p,se. IMpn, To Aitorta and Way BmaaWf Baturdar Landings. 10 aw p. m. I Wlllsunotte Hirer, Boata leave Portland dally, except Sunday. (Btage ot water permitting) tor Wlllameete aaU Yamhill River polnta. Leave .Leeve Rlparta Snake River Lewleaoas 4S a. m. Rlparla to Lcwlstoa 7aNa.m. Dally Dellr KxcptTton aTacptatajsa P. r. WAMSLKY. Agent, Peadleh Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this route for Chicago, Ht Paul, Ht. Louts, Km sas City, Ht. Joe, Omaha, and All Points East and Sooth Porttaad sasJ twist oa th Ssaaal TIMS CARD, Leave Pendleton, dally except Smnday ,ArTTTe'PendUton Monday, Wednesday Priday uaspm. Alrtre Pendleton Tuesday, Teoreday aad BatnrdaytSBam. Leaye Walla Walla dally, eaet booad, H BO pea. ArrtT Walla WalU dally, weat bound, tie! nam. Pot Information regarding rate and aeeoea modatton.. call on or A1Ji Fendletso, Oresjew. S. B. CALDIRHIAD.O P. A., Walla Walla. Waah. Scott's SanUI-Pepsin Ctpsitos A POSITIVE OWHK War Inflammallen Of Oetarrb ot the UiaiMar and IUm4 KMoeya. Mo cere ao pay. Oarae qalealy aa4 Persaa Muy the worel seen ot no taaiurothowliiac Blaaat log. Absolatsly barsnlM. ftnU Er dr.ul.lL BrliM tl.00, or by su ail. poet pa!4. THI MaTTJU-mtW ItX, aalUPOssTAiNS, oesso. Schmidt A Co. MEN AND WOME. o( mncoae nseaUjees. Vainlaal. and not etUSr seaterpoteenen. SiAuuiBii.a.HBTM aaoasi my avBanaBaaaaj or etat la plain reap CHICHESTER'S PILLS a(r.-. tlrlulnul nnd Ouly tlcnulae. aar ! ".V? ""V '"a'. na.rmiitnrrhfiaBai IniornnlBi P n, Lama Mao(t Nanroua Dabllltv, n, i i variOQoaiftvrvBtr Varloooaitt or oot oua TwltohToa. of iotncr to ?iry itts "T 1 auu i uiuivaioirxi oriaiitia iuutisiraul.lifurffur aFH Sold by F. W. ePSSI jfnxsw uumMS at IO.OOO rilMUb. LU1.. ;US HI'. IS ml UM liwllllH Um. tnft 1 LI ilua. I .Lr.B. Mbrr. n.iiiutl.iliiiluil.M. ,;" l,,u,i.l, -4 r I ! '"!" : r I l.eir, Man Melt, MNai.,- ur, I'll 1 1.4- a'