Clothing for Spring The height of perfection in Tail oring has been attained in our lines of Spring Clothing. Each garment has a distinguishing style which together with many other notable points has bought our clothing in great favor with the conservative dressers. , See otif Suits, from $(0.00 to $12.50 Baer & Daley One price Clothiers, Fornishers 8c Hatters NEWS FROM ECHO HEAVY STOCK SHIPMENTS TO IDAHO AND THE COAST. Twenty-five Carloads of Sheep Being Loaded Today and Eleven Carloads of Cattle Will Be Loaded Tomor row. Echo, Jlay 14. O. F. Bacon, of DoIrc. Idaho. Is here for the purpose of shipping n lot or sheep which he has purchased here and In the vicin ity of HeppneK He will load about 25 cars here on the 15th Inst. The cheep will be shlpjied to Idaho tor pasture and later sold In the Chicago market. 1 Stubblerield Is loading two cars ot fat steers here today, and will load another car Saturday Tlieae go. to the Seattle market. T. C. Benson will load eight cars or fat steers ut this place tomorrow for the Portland market. Arrangements are complete for the banquet to be given here tomorrow by the Arlington Hotel, and a great time Is anticipated. 1 Jfazvaul Sack GENERAL NEWS. Ten men are under arrest at Wil son. N. C, charged with the murder of Percy Jones. The dock laborers' strike riots in "Valparaiso resulted In the death or serious injury of -00 men. A police sergeant attempted to ar rest a man In Kansas City, who re sisted. Each shot and killed the other. State Superintendent of Insurance Vreedenburgh, of Illinois. Is making war on sixteen alleged wildcat com panies. At West Liberty, la., robbers who were holding up a restaurant, shot and killed Arthur -Meade, who inter fered In the proprietor's behalf. The second session of the 57th con gress closed .March 4 last, appropri ated over a bollion and a half of dol lars, or to be exact, $1.763,05S.5UG. Iter. Henry O. Riddle, for 17 years a minister or the Episcopalian church at Cumberland, Tenn., and Itoxbor- ough. Pa., has become a Catholic priest. The retail grocers of Milwaukee have organized to boycott ail manu facturing firms which "demonstrate" their products in the great depart ment stores. A national association of builders and contractors to fight unionism, is proposed. The movement originates in New York City, which has such an organization. The monitor Arkansas, the first war vessel to ascend the Mississippi since the civil war. is still at St. Genevieve, Mo., unable lir the snrlflpn fnll In tlin river to go up or down. ! The government prisoners on Alca traz Island refused to work yesterday, claiming a holiday on account of the president's visit. All were put In dungeons and are being tried today. HOTEL ARRIVALS. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. Hotel Pendleton. George Bradley. Athena. P. T. Fuller, Whatcom. J. A. Cooke, San Francisco. W. H. Garrett. Portland. Dr. E. M. Hlldebrand, New York. H. B. Gist, San Francisco. E. Bay, Portland. James Leslie. Seattle. J. B. Bache, Seattle. J. J. Fowler. Portland. H. P. Brandes. Portland. A. S. Heartfield. Spokane. George Stevens, Spokane. W. It. Glendennlng. Spokane. H. B. Strong. Walla Walla. George H. Sutherland. Walla Walla. F. J. Parker Walla Walla. Maud M. Stlnson, Spokane. A. G. Chapel, Spokane . William Maher. Portland. C. M. Smith. Portland. U Samuel, Portland. Golden Rule Hotel. II. It. Lanson, Halsted. L. C. Lanston, Halsted. C. L, Sutherland. Halsted. F. C. Sutherland. Halsted. N. Rosholt and wife. Climax. K. O. Slottle .Halstead. A. C. Van DeWater. Walla Walla. Bruyette. Walla Walla. Irby, Walla Walla. Bradley. Walla Walla. Heder. Walla Walla. Hogan, Walla Walla. Brown. Walla Walla. Fisher. Walla Walla. McGuecken. Walla Walla. Berry. Walla Walla. Stovall, Walla Walla. Edwards. Walla Walla. H. E. Clark. Denver. Mrs. C. L. Clark, Denver. F. J. Boedefeld and wife. Weston. O. F. Thomas and wife. Echo. G. D. Galley. Portland. W. A. Gllmore and wife. Sacra mento. Mrs. M. Dewalt. Walla Walla. Mrs. M. J. Bagley, Athena. Mrs. F. J. Kootz. Athena. C. M. Kootz, Athena. Ike Binnard, Spokane. W. H. Mcltoberts, Spokane. G. Joyce, Portland. H. M. McKlnzie. Walla Walla. S. D. Johnson. Walla Walla. A. H. Sonnenuerg. Walla Walla T. W. Jackson. Spokane. F. Toblu. Walla Walla. C. W. Meyers, Portland. H. J. Brundy, Galena. W. C. Smith. Walla Walla. Mrs. J. C. Norton, Boise. John F. Hayden. St. Louis. J. C. Bartlett. Drenney J. M. Jones, Moscow ii. Gallup, Moscow. C. Sternburg, Moscow Tbr Lyle-Goldendale railroad will bo open for travel and traffic by June 10. Jerry Murphy was Instantly killed at Tillamook. Thursday, by a fnlllng tree. Deer in quite large numbers are now found in the coast range near Astoria. Seattle plasterers are now locked out on accc tint of trouble- -,vU!i mat-tor plasterers. The Foresters of Idaho and Wash ington are now; In convention at Aber deen, Wash. Puget Sound Norwegians will cele brate Norwny's natal day at Seattle, Sunday, May 17. A new comity bridge will be built ' across the Yakima river at Kenne . wick this summer. A dog poisoning mania has struck Portland. Several valuable dogs have been killed within the punt week. James S. Mulvey. once a prominent citizen and lawyer of Boston, died a drunken outcast In Seattle Thurs day. The bodies or the two Walker boys who ,were drowned in Rogue river, near Painted Rocks, have not yet wut-en recovered. if The Portland Chamber or Com-gf-merce will seek to Invoke the Inltia gtive on a maximum freight rate law Ijfor Eastern Oregon, v Henry tiers, a rancher living near -VT.. . 1. I.I ,.fl,.., , . ij-tuiui laiwiun. iwiiieu nit lusiur sou. f!hftrlta iurrr ,ttwl tl,.ni ul.,, hlr.,air I ...I Tho door money at the Gans-Tracv- ., t , . . . . . . . - ' amUi nin.j r-1 1 i ; . ! ... III 1-urilUIIU, HIIIUIIIUUU lO t.UUU, - w.ww -""' Hu-,l,f7 ,UIC ans gets S 1,440 out or it and Tracey enrome tiioou roisotung and all Bcrof- 900, the remainder going to the 1,1118 affections. At all times a match a form..- .i nrnii., i- nn,ir-. refunded If you are dissatisfied. Flf- ng through the woods near Whatcom J,3!00? and J1.00. F. W. Schmidt & BIG SHEEP SHIPMENTS. Going Out of Business. On May JSth the Empire Meat Mar ket will close for an indefinite time. All persons having any claims against the firm and all parties owing the firm will please call on or before the above date. SCHWAItZ & GREULICH. If you desire a good complexion use Mokl Tea. n pure herb drink. It acts on the liver and makes the skin smooth and clear Cures sick head aches. Twenty-five cts. and 50 -cts. Money refunded If It does not satisfy you. Write to W. H. Hooker & Co.. Buffalo, N. Y., for free samples. W. II. Schmidt & Co., Druggists. Lots for Sale. I offer some nlco lots on the north side near tho river. No grading need Price 1200 to $300. N. T. Conk Co.. druggists. ill nn llldnna .nndfMnn II.. nttanl'A.I H crililile with an axe. nntlrclv how. i Bng tho flesh rrom his left shoulder Have your and arm, ITeutsch's. shoes repaired at Eight Thousand Head Will Be Load ed Here for Montana Next Week. John Howard, the Montana sheep buyer, has contracted for over 8,000 head of sheep to be delivered here on the 20th and 25th of the present month for shipment. He has bought the bands or ulirs Poraroy. Dorlty. McCracken. Glaze, Ross and some others, and will ship to North Dakota for the summer range. When the winter season comes he will take his sheep to Luel len. Minn., where he will reed them for the market, selling when fat to tuc dealers or the Eastern coast. This will be Mr. Howard's second ship ment this spring. A Startling Test. To save a lire. Dr. T. G. Merritt. or No. Mehoopany, Pa., made a startling test resulting In a wonderful cure. He writes, "A patient was attacked with violent hemorrhages, caused by ulcerations or the stomach. I bad often found Electric Bitters excellent for acute stomach troubles so I nre- scribed Uiem. The patient gained from the first and has not had an at tack in 14 months." Electric Bitters are positively guaranteed for dyspep sia, indigestion, constipation and kid ney troubles. Try them. Onlv 50c at Tallman & Co.'s. "Just Try a Partot Ciga" 5 cents BELL & CO. Sole Distributors Front aad Washington Sts , Portland, Oregon Made Young Again. "One of Dr. King'6 New Lite Pills each night for two weeks has put me in my 'teens' again, writes D. H. Turner, of Dempseytown, Pa. They're the best in the world for liver, stom ach and bowels. Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Only 25c at Tallman 4- Co. s drug store. COMING EVENTS. May S-17 Pacific Coast Consreca- tional Congress, Seattle. May 12-15 Golf tournament. May 14, 24 Seventh Day Adventlst coherence. Pendleton. Slay 201. O. O. F. grand lodge. Portland. May 20, June 3 Presbyterian gen eral assembly, Los Angeles, Cal. May 24-29 Commencement at Pen. ton Academy: 24, baccalaureate ser mon: 2i. class day: 29. commence. ment; 30. banquet. May 23-2S Commencement wppk-r field day; 24. baccalaureate sermon; .'a, juniors entertain seniors; 2C, pub lic program by juniors; 27, senior class day; 29, commencement: alumni banquet. 30. May 2fi. 27 Caledonian nlcnic nt Athena. May 28. 29 and June 12. 13 Won! sales. Pendleton. June 1 Circuit court. j June 2, 3 and June 23. 24 Wool sales. Heppner. June 5, C Wool sales. Tho Dalles. June 9, 10 and June 2C, 27 Wool sales, Shanlko . June 15, 16 Wool sales. Baker City. June 11. 12, 13 Ninth annual re union. Umatilla county pioneers at Weston, For Sale. Three-quarter sections of good wheat land, of which one-hair is in grain, and all lies five miles north east or the city. A dwelling, two barns and other outbuildings, and a good water system. Call at Oliver & Co.'s grocery, or ut the home of u W. Rlgby. 704 Thompson street. We sell the greatest of blood puri fiers. Acker's Blood Elixir, under a positive guarantee. It will cure all chronic and other blood poisons. If yon have eruptions or sores on your body, or are pole, weak or run down. It Is Just what you need. We refund money if you are not satisfied. 50 cents nnd $1.00 F. W. Schmidt ft Co., druggists. Ten Dollars Reward. A brown mare, shod all round, with a white stripe in her face and wear ing a saddle with a coat tied on be hind, has ttrayed away from the vi cinity of Gibbon station. Ten dollars reward will be paid for the return of the outfit to Henry Hill, Helix, Oregon. I A Dollar Saved is a Dollar Earned Yon can save from 25 to so per eem on we woe i have left. ThL l onnin elnslnc out aale and I m cutting priow to flm,,.4V? ft - u , . a a . ujai rii iIAni t hftvp uiAna npftw reuucuuuB in Lne-nrip nru.. : portieres, rugs, art iuiv a--.-. aii fn. M4 llnnlanm T Dm rlnslne nnt at ROn All 30o and 50c wall paper I have marked down to 25c 'wmi Oval framed French Plate Mirrors 33 per cent off. I still have some high jrrade standard sewing machines left imt l axe coins mat t uu . vuw. Auevat a -in mA,,MA i (I ti!fl1rA fMlnM vnn mm 1..-. . r ironi io uji. a luvuira t in t "eai naif t inese are genuine iwrgnms. it iv vume in ana see IFSSF FAILING. Store near the RrM. . 4 14.4 HAMMOCKS HAMMOCKS I have the largest line of Hammocks in the city for you to select from. See the display in our show window T. C. TAYLOR, the HardwareMan 741 MAIN ST. PENDLETON, 0R1. hi 11 1 nil 11 ii mm 1 1 11 tt niiMiiiiutuHim YOUR LAWNS. BEAUTIFY X Nicely mowed Lawns are easily maintained. Take a look at our Easy Running Lawn Mowers. They are made on the correct principal. It's a pleasure to operate them. Let us supply you with GARDEN HOSE. Best goods at lowest prices. :::::.: : Thompson Hardware Co., 621 Main Street EVERYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE Headquarters for Fishing Supplies. - - Iowa Commercial Teachers. Hes .Moines, Iowa. May ID. The Iowa Commercial Teachers Assocla tion. which was organized last year at cedar Itapids, began its second annual convention in Des .Moines to' day. Commercial teachers irom Murshalltown, Cedar Itaiilds. Water loo, Iowa City, Dubuque and other cities of the state are in attendance. A two days program has heen ar ranged, the papers and discussions to cover every phase of commercial edu cation. The visiting teachers are to be entertained at a banquet tonight. For Itont Suite of rooms, nicely furnished, one block and a half west of Maiu street. Inquire 2U6 Alta Enjoy Life Out door exercise means improved health and a sunny disposition T All Kinds of Sporting and Pleasure Goods T I No matter what game or pastime your fancy runs to, you can get the goods to promote it at FRAZIER'S Book and Stationery Store Oar Soda Fountain Is sizzling, and fizzing, aid bulling with the Most Delicious Drinks None out the best quality of materials are used. DELICIOUS SODA DRINKS Try our Mt. Hood Sundae Only at F. W. Schmidt's The Reliable Druggist I'cntoflice IJlock. l'hour Main 851 THE BEST MANUFACTURING COMPANY STEAM AND HORSE POWER COMBINED HART EST EliS As McCorniick was the original Inventor of the reaper and er, so was "Best" the original inventor of the first successful Com bined Harvester. We wish to call the attention of our friends whs contemplte purchasing a Side-Hill Combined Harvester the coming season, to we are still in the lead in the way ot improvements, in barvesUM machinery, and which our farmer friends have rightfully named tM "KING OP THE riELD." After watching Its work In the field tM past sixteen years, and for the beason of 1903 it will be stul better, as we have made a number of valuable improvements. The MACHINE Is the stronest aud most durable made. IMPROVED ORIVE WHEELS 5 feet 4 inches hih, 22 inch tire. RUNAWAYS are a rare thing with us. There Is a brake on main drive wheel, which is controlled by the driver. :R is driven independently from the grain whe"l ot sep is arranged with a clutch for throwing in and out of ger m corners TUC crn.n.VAn ... ... .. . , ..nv1rnlftrlT atrnnumn y e wisn to call your attention """v ,T' to the separating qualities of our machine. We claim fiat no otaer combined harvester on the market cau in any way compare with " for speed and thoroughness of work, in all kinds and condition grain, and will require less team to operate It. AUTOMATIC GOVERNOR Our patent wind governor on t fans governs the blast so that at any speed at which the bartester may be traveling, the wind Is automatically regulated and prevents clogging the shoe aud carrying the grain over In the straw We take pleasure in inviting vou to call on Temple 4 Wile Pendleton, and make a personal inspection of each and every part our machines berore placing your orders." Every machine warrw ed to do all we claim for It and to be first-class in every respect TEMPLE & WILCOX, Local Agents HEADER arator. ainl wheu turning corners