East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 15, 1903, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Wcatfct I
This afternoon and tonight
rrA week.
.uMDIW- ul BT --
iBhoworn; Saturday fair.
.5 UMM
NO. 4T44.
if i mi
ilMhem Finally Grants
j&t Concessions P
tJ. ta Be Only Temporary-wen
, uy Con Bsclt
. . . is So far in the
. . . nnnt North-
.mr tsiwwu wo -
... niomfli the men have
130 1"
'ji. wxf nf it.
mtisfactprv to the
i "Tii. irrt fhis after
tad while twin smes .
Suspected That Madam Calve, the
Famous Prima Donna, Attempted
Suicide. .
Paris. May 15. Madam Calve, who
narrowly escaped death from an over
dose of aconite yesterday, Is out of
Madam Calve is Known to have
been in great distress of mind of late
on account of the breaking of her
engagement with Jules Bois, and It
is suspected tho overdose of aconite
was not altogether accidentally taken.
New Assistant General Manager,
With Headquarters at Salt Lake
Salt Lake, May 15. Circulars sign
ed by E. H. Harrlman and General
Manager Bancroft, of tho Oregon
Short Lane, were today issued ap
pointing B. E. Calvin as assistant
general manager with headquarters
here. The office of general superin
tendent at Chicago is abolished.
Trying to Make Rebellion Unpopular
in Columbia.
New Orleans, May 15. The Pana
ma revolutionary general, Lorenzo,
has been condemned by a government
court martial and will be shot tomor
row for crimes committed during the
recent revolution.
the employes
,k tie njorttr of their 'points,
t .1- t nlare. the trainmen set
bfcnasf of wages, which amounts
I b l li per cent raise on uu
ftjiirf men get the Cfllcflgo scale,
Mi 1 3 cents an "hour hisher than
U( Paul scale and new men are
FOMlacrease in E3la,y af,er tbroe
Jois" service, instead ot five years,
'jstie company held -out for.
i b tie natter of dpublc-hoadlng
re which point the trouoie arose,
. mm romewhat magnified their
I'jmidL Id the first place, they
I 'called the abolition of the double
late on the entire system, except
'il incited helper points.
i n nlm frnatlv Rirreed tinnn is
to: Eut of Minot, the road may
,a ose-half of one per cent of the
I 'taje m double-header. On the
hmztih diriilons west of Minot. two
!! toe-tenths per cent of the mile
's? cu be ran as double-headers.
The irnuisejnent 1b only partially
.sWictor to the men, who went
I 'klo the Bgbt determined to do away
Jrti double-header trains, or get
Utat brakemen, instead of two. to
" Tk comrsny feels that the peace
Kb; tenporary and that the men
rj toott come back with further
Fwucts. Inasmuch as thev surren-
jkrediomeof the main noints In this
leiitant Grand Condnctor A. B.
fcutaon, of the Railway Conductors,
ad Al Newman, assistant chief of
newinmen, who have conducted the
ajwiitions for the men, are fairly
RB Mtisfted with the result
COmoanw lncnrnnrateb
Il U Dollw Great Business.
fljjj BWv-Clove Company, for the
fwCTJ e M lDe combined harves
I ia that name' flled articles
12 2 ioMtera for manufacture
r7 ' fendieton,
fBcorPrtors are G. W. Hlgby,
(Mta j. C0Te( Vce.pre8ldn:
"bJL. "W;. secfetary; Charles H.
n ,..w- Badlcy.
iiw mounted mma ti
taT.ii? the market thIa season,
S du.f1 S01Id- -Durln8 tho past
J there have been orders for
k auki. ac.nlnes, which cannot
tt handIe tDis year's crop
Wuffl1 f the 1,mlted caPc
fcteh h ?Md 11 Impossible
UB1 bfre the grain ripens.
T" Swindler Arrested In n.rli
lW.M2. 1"A.Jnan arestod at
n been Idontldn
"' toternatlonni minin.
"ten wk. . nw
iTLJZ ?.s """milted huge
SS". New York. Chicago
western, cities
r " vyvc uommiB-
-P-nrH. I Rn., I I
? 'J Cort Street.
f o:
rfc- ....
,.. Opened
France Confronted With Rebellion in
Algiers, May 15. Word was receiv
ed today that a force of Moors at
Flguig, attacked a convoy of supplies
for the French frontier stations. The
Moors routed the convoy and captur
ed 57 camels loaded with provisions.
Last Session Breaks Every Record in the History of Enorm
ous Appropriations.
Increase In Naval, But Decrease in Military Budget Over Eleven Thous.
and Additional Appointees Provided For.
Dynamiting Ottoman Bank.
Vienna, May 15. A dispatch to the
Frie Press today says a bomb of
great power has been discovered in a
second tunnel excavated under tne
street near the Ottoman bank at Con
stantinople, evidently intended to an
nihilate the crowd which would col
lect after the bank was destroyed.
Washington, May 15. The volume
relating to appropriations made anil
new offices created during the' last
session of congress has been complet
ed for the second session of tho 57th
congress, by Thomas P. Cleaves and
James C. Courts, chief clerks, respect
ively, of the house and senato com
mittees, A summary of the appropriations
shows n grand total of $753,058,506.
In addition to the specific appropria
tions made, contracts are authorized
to be entered into for certain public
works requiring future appropriations
by congress In the aggregate of $30,
969,859, the principal item of which is
$20,426,000 for addition to the navy.
The new officers and employments
specifically authorized are 11,316 in
number, at an annual compensation
of $7,927,639. Those abolished or
omitted are 1815 in number, at an
annual compensation of $941,481, a
net Increase of 8501 In number and
t6.S98.158 in amount.
The largest Increase Is 5616 men for
the naval estimates, including 3000
seamen and 1458 midshipmen, and
3354 for the postal service, including
143 assistant postmasters, 2289 clerks
in postofflces and Su railway postal
clerks. The number of salaries In
creased Is 341, at an annual cost of
Japs for Sugar Beet Fields.
La Grande. May 15. A crew of
30 Japs arrived from Portland this
morning to begin work weeding and
thinning sugar beets for various
farmers. Next Monday a force of J6U
of these people will arrive here to
work for tbe sugar factory people on
their beet farms near Allcel.
$205,202, and tho number reduced is 1
60, In the sum of $600.
A comparison of the total appropri
ations of the second session of the
o"th congress for 1904, with those of
the first session for 1903, shows a re
duction of $47,505,990. Tho princi
pal Items of decrease are for river and
harbor Improvements, $12,307,049;
for tho Isthmian canal. $50,130,000,
and for the military establishment,
Among tho Increases are: For tho
naval establishment, $3,020,429; for
tho postal service, $15,094,951; for
legislative, executive and Judicial ex
penses. $2,200,000, including $500,000
for tho enforcement of tho anti-trust
laws, and for the agricultural depart
ment, $770,000.
Tho total appropriation made by
the 57th congress amounted to $1,153,
683.002, an lncreaso over the 56th con
gress of $113,193,567. This is ac
counted for in part by Increases In
the appropriations, postal service of
$54,000,000; for the naval service,
$17,500,000; for rivers and harbors.
$29,500,000; for the Isthmian canal,
$511,000,000; for tho agricultural de
partment, $2,500,000; for legislative,
executive and Judicial expenses, $4,
400,000; for public buildings through
out the country, $10,000,000, anil for
the Philippine Islands, $3,000,000.
Reductions are made In the appropri
ations for the military establishment
of $60,000, and for pensions of $100,-000.
A Thousand Carloads of Beeves on
the Way From, the Middle West to
Sound Points.
Tacoma, May 15. One thousand
cars of cattle are being brought to
the Northwest country over tho
Burlington route, from Oklahoma ter
ritory. Not all of these cattle, per
haps, will reach the Puget Sound
country, but they are all beef cattle
and are being brought forward to al
leviate the demand for beef.
Thn situation here is unchanged to
day, though It is claimed that four
cars of frozen meats win arrive uum
Omaha this afternoon, and several
cars of Texas beef cattle are on their
way here.
"It is absolutely Impossible to buy
beef cattle in tho state of Washing
ton," says the representative of one
of the largest packing concerns. "On
account of tho high price of feed and
hay, ranchers have turned their stock
onto the range rather than fatten
them for the market, and the result Is
a practical beef famine."
Three Dead, Others Fatally Hurt
Twenty-Seven Families Homeless.
Chicago, May 15. Three were burn
ed to death and two others probably
were fatally injured and many others
seriously hurt at a fire in a West
Chester apartment building early this
morning. Twenty-seven families oc
cupied the building. Tbe blaze start
ed in the basement and was fed rap
Idly by three air shafts. Those dead
were suffocated.
Forest Fires in New Hampshire.
Lancaster, N. H., May 15. Forest
fires continue. A dispatch from Ut
tleton states that 30 houses have
been destroyed. Tho Partridge, a
summer resort, is threatened. Men,
women and children are fighting to
save their homes. Tbe loss is already
London, May 15. The newspapers
here are constantly receiving fresh
details of the massacre of Jews at
Kishineff, Hus?ia, and add accounts
of fresh horrors and atrocities. The
number of dead will reach as high as
125, and fully a thousand were maim
ed and tortured, hundreds of whom
were crippled for life.
The baiting of the Jew in Russia
is something that official Russia must
not be held responsible for. The situ
ation there is in nowise parallel to
that existing in Turkey, where the re
pression and massacres of Christians
on both sides of the Bosphorus is a Bin
planned, connived at and blessed in
the name of Mahomet by the head of
ficials of the Ottoman Empire and
carried out by blind and ferocious
The persecution of the Jew in Rus
sia is never universal, nor a policy of
the government. The official head of
tho Russian Empire has never sane
tloned these atrocities, but has sought
to curb the spirit which has been re
sponsible for them. An enormous
proportion of the czar's subjects are
abjectly Ignorant, profoundly brutal,
and "havo It In" for the Jew, ami
drastic measures to restrain them 1b
almost equivalent to Instigating a re
volt against the government Itself.
Of late years the repression and per
secution of tho Jew In Russia has
greatly decreased, while tho oppres
sion of tho Christian in Turkey has
steadily Increased,
Washington, May 15. Intense in
dignation Is expressed by officials
hero regarding the masBacro of Jews
by Russians. The stato department
has as yet no deflnlto advices, but be
lieves first reports were not exag
gerated. Secrtary Hays' hands are
tied as, so far as Is known, no Amer
ican citizens suffered.
Therefore he can take no action no
matter how far Slavonian brutality
may go In Its treatment of those of
Hebraec faith. Tho attitude of tho
stato department Is that Russia as a
sovereign power has no moro right to
bo interfered with than HusbIb would
have to protest against negro lynch
Ings or Indiana white caps.
President Roosevelt Will Remain at
Famous Resort Until Monday,
Raymond, Cal., May 15. President
Roosovclt reached Raymond at i:30
a. m with only half of his Bpeclal
train' and tho sleepers. A guard ot
soldiers met tho president to escort
him Into the park, where ho will re
main until Monday afternoon. Tho
plan to havo a fireworks display in
tho park, evolved by tho superinten
dent, was vetoed by tho prealdont as
soon as ho learned ot it. During tho
day tho president will travel 40
miles on n stage coach.
So Far No Evidence Against Elizabeth
McCormack. ,
MpmnhlR. Tenn.. Mav 15. Ellia-
both McCormack, who Is accused of
sending poisoned wnisKey to uincin
nntl will exhaust nil mennfl to avoid
being taken to that city. Her attor
ney today refused to Bllow her to bo
tnkrn nwav without regular acquisi
tion papers. Tho prisoner rends her
Illblo constantly, tells a siraigni
slorv nnd creates a favorable Impres
slon. The pollco aro so far unable to
secure tho slightest evidence hero
connecting her with the crime.
Probable Murder and Suicide.
151 Paso, Texas, May 15. Qcorgo
Peterson, a wealthy commission mer
chant of Amherst, and Mrs. T. Fair-
child, well and favorably known In
Denver, was found uoau at ino iw-
mnnn itmixp this afternoon, Tho in
dications aro that Potorson Bhot her
and then killed himself. Mrs. Fair-
child's husband Is a commercial trav
eler In tho far west.
Germans Get a Russian Contract.
Ilerlln. Mny 15. Tho Russian gov-
nrnmnnt has contracted with a Her
man firm to outfit 300 stations on tho
trans-Siberian railway. Tho aormnn
firm won tho contract over sovernl
competing American firms.
Delegates to Club Meet.
La Urande. May 15. At a meeting
of the Lewis nnd Clark Women's Club
held In this city last night, Mrs. K. L,
Ecklv and Mrs. J. M. Berry were
elected delegates to tho statu meeting
to be held In Portland on May 20.
Horse Thief May Be Released.
Baker City. May 15. Tho friends
of Manny Howard, tho noted horso
rustler, who 1b serving a flve-yenr sen
tence, hopes to secure his relnese,
His case Is now being considered by
tho supreme court.
New York, May 15.-A new theory
Is now being worked on by the police
detectives here in search for the man
who last week attempted to dynamlto
the Umbrla. It Is now believed the
man who went under the name of u.
Rosseau while here, was none other
than John Rossow, the notorious dy
namiter, who constructed the lead
pipe bomb used with such disastrous
effects in tho Chicago Haymarkc
riots of 1886. He is also suspected of
manufacturing the bomb thrown in to
the fhambei of deputies of i ranee In
llossow escaped from Chicago im
mediately after the "market
t.ouble. and has never been appro
bonded. He returned to America some
years ago. The Chicago police traced
nlm to Portland, Or., from which
point he started East a few months
aro with an unknown man. Hero all
Sm i lost unless he Is the man
"ho made the Umbrla nttorr.pt to
u-'namlle. The Chicago description-
as ucll ch dcEcrlptlons here tally.
This morning's InvcBtlgatlons lead
to the belief that after coming from
I ho far Northwest he made tho ma
chine In Chicago and brought it to
his boarding place at Thirty-first
street here, where It was charged
with dynamlto and sent on Its deadly
errand. As Rossow Is a great anar
chist leader, all the haunts of tho an-
urchlfltR today aro being searched.
Inspector McClusky believes he Is
still in hiding here.
On Rousseau's Trail,
Chicago. May 15. Another clew
confirmatory of tho now accepted fact
that tho Umbrla Infernal machlno was
mado In Chicago, was secured this
morning, when it was ascertained
that tho batteries used wero purchas
nd here. An excellent description of
the nurchaser tallies closr-Iy with
that of Rousseau, the suspect, all
descriptions showing a fine appear
ing, educated Italian, speaking per
fect English.
'.u- Reliance Leaves Newport.
iindford Ind May 15 -A Mononi Newport. May IC.-Tho neiianco
Bedford, mu., way , Ig,and (h,g roorn)ng(
!JaB8?f7v , v an open swlRb. Two, where she will bo hauled out tomor
eUy JrM and I row B route . bo w.ll bo given a
14 less seriously
try out in the seaway.
Declared Not to Have Any Objections
to Shorter Hours and Increased
Wages, But Is Afraid of Strikes.
New York, May 16. Kmployers
who meet tonight to form un n-so
elation, statu they do not combat tho
duslro of tho unions to secure a Bhort
er workday or higher wages, but will
light tho walking delegate Hystem
which they bellovo to bo tho primary
cause of tho Increasing number of
Tho Indications show tho employers
oiganl.atlon will be n large one, dele
gates being named by nearly every
largo contracting firm In tho city to
President Roosevelt Has Refused
Ride In Carriage With Mayor.
Boise, May 15. The people hero aro
much stirred up over tho niinouncu
ment that tho president lias reium
to rldo in tho 3ame carriugo with
Mayor Aloxander, who Is one 'if the
best known Jews on tno racinc uimh
This, following so soon nftfi the HI
mon affair, lends color to Klmun'H
statement that the president Is preju
diced agnlnst tho Jews,
Remains to 8ecure Peace
St. Petersburg. May 16. The Rub
slan papers unanimously protest
lvalnst the foreign opinion that Rus
sia Is seeking to maintain exclusive
nriv leeea of war in tbe east
China's exponso. Thoy say that as
soon as China eiiarantccs tho security
or tho railway and tho maintenance
of tranquility In Manchuria, Russia
will evacuate.
Winds Balk Yacht Racing.
Courock. Scotland, May 15, Unless
the wind now blowing subsides today,
there will bo no more trial races In
thn Shamrock's Scottish waters, os
tho yachts go to tho builder's tomor
row to bo fitted for the trans-Atlantic
rouble May Involve Packing
Industry From Chicago to
Omaha and Kansas City.
Packing House Employes Malntiln
Strong Unions and Number More
People Than Any One Organlied
Industry Except the Railroads
Chicago. May 16. All Deerlng em
ployes returned to work this morn
ing, tho strlko hnvlng been settled.
The company reinstates all striker.
Unsettled questions will bo arbitrated.
Packing House Men Make Demands..
Omaha. Mav 15. ProBldont Donel-
iv nt the Amalgamated Moat Cuttora
mil Butchers, arrived this morning,
alter n conference with tho managers
nf the nncklnir houses relative to tho
men's demand for a la por com iu-
pronxe In waces. It Is nnnouncoa a
riinferniire w III bo hold In CMcagO-
itfixt week at which tho demand wll
bo settled. .
All the packing house employes ot
Omaha. Kansas City, St. Josopn,
slnux nitv. Chlcnco and other western
packing cuntors demand an Increase.
A small army or mon is anecicu, oi
whom 1,500 uro here mono.
Young Man Claims He Only Indorsed I
Draft for Friend.
Floyd t). Winner, who was yostor-
day arrested by Sheriff T. D. Taylor I
ill AlllUMU, in mill IIJ tliu i.niMuj
tho sheriff at tho county Jail, whcrci
iiu iiwiiim ninw III.IIUHD iiuin v ..i
county sheriff, who Is now In Portland,'
uuti win ri-urii nun cmmiiiuy uvuuiun.
dorsed a drurt for a traveling mau.i
and thoy both spent tho money; the!
...i t 1 1 I. I it nnl IrnAain
wtmthni- nv tin! Wlnnnr will tie heal
Baker county official.
Cannot Be Argued Before October
Next In Supreme Court.
Washington, Mny 15. When tho sit
slstant Attornoy-Oencral Day will ens
tor a motion for tho advancement or
tho hearing of tho Northern SecurltloiV
caso appeal, which was rocontljii
docked. Tho court will bo In scssloti
liiu lunu ui'iuiu iviuiiv vlliu q uvwvnj
li next.
New Director of Census.
Washington, I), C, May 16. Th
cliangu In tho management of the cc
huh (iHli'n fini-aHloncil liv the roHlena
tlon of Director Morrlam and thn aij
polntmont of S, N. I. North as hltf
successor bocumu effoctlvu wiajj
During tho long period ho has bee-ji
at the head of tho census oltlro, thH
affairs of that department havo b0
.1 I .. n ...1
uiuiiusi-ii in n iiiuiiuur i uuiy .-j
clBm and it Is with gonulne rogni
that nil concerned boo tho departuitf
of Air. Merrlam, though an ablo nu
ccHsor Is recognized In Mr, Nortjg
whoso nowsnaner exncrlencn anil dri
votlon to statistical studies well qua
fy him for tho position. Mr. Merrl
It Is understod, Ih to devote his futu
tnilo to business In New York,
Standard Oil Little Qtf,
Now York, May 16, Standard C
declared a quarterly dividend ot '
per share, payablo Juno 16. a again
flO at this time a yoar ago. Its stot
broko 20 points when tho annoume
ment of a reduced dividend appear
Fell Thirteen Stories. f
rnisiiurg, may i&. An unKiioi
man, well dressed, clambered to I
top of a 13-story building tmiior d
struction, shortly nrter noon, wa
his naiids'and shoutcii to inn c
below, and thou sprang off, He
crushed Into a shapeless mass,
On Venezuelan Loan Mission.
London, May 16, British Atts
Harrison at Madrid, has been ape
cd to represent (Ireut Britain on '
Venezuelan commission,