East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 14, 1903, Image 6

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Your Wife
an be provided with an annual
Income for life, in event of your
death, at less cost than you can
make the same provision for your
The low rate makes very attrac
tive this form of contract, devised
and introduced by The Mutual
Life Insurance Company of New
Cm AwMt T.1W. bwlMM ,mboNotY,i tank
Mt Nlkr. IJMQ.Ttt la ll'f tt his .rif tit wt4 tkfw
mlon f tm Mud ta StfKmhrt. not h iwa n
HmwutU mc paid fen wfcfc tl00 ami imIUm t
f7 Ms that iMrnt mmmII M Loaf aa aba itv.
In writing for terms, state the
amount of annual income you would
like to provide for your wife, the
amount of cash you would like
.returned and give the ages of both.
The Mutual Life Insurance
Company of New York,
Kichakd A. McCcsct, rreildtut.
Richard A. McCurdy. president.
Alma D. Katz, manager, Boise, Idaho.
Prank L. Hammond, District Manager,
Pendleton, Oregon.
Work for Canal May be Authorized
and Begun by Congress at Next Ses
sion Ex-Congressman Moody San
guine in the Matter,
Fine baled wheat nay
for sale at
Dutch Henry's
Feed Yard
By the Fire Insurance Com
panies we represent. Our
companies stand first in the
Hartford Fire Insurance Cafl2,259,076
Alliance Assurance Co 29,039,968
London ft JLancaahlre Fire
Insurance Co 2,544,683
North British & Mercantile
Co 19,695,974
BoyaJ Insurance Co 22,897,163
Portland, May 14. The board of the
regular army engineers detailed here
to report on a plan for overcoming
the difficulties in the way of naviga
tion on the Columbia at Celllo Tlnplcls
was In session yesterday at the Cus
tom House, the trip to Celilo having
been postponed until today. The pro
ceedings were devoted to examining
the data bearing on the subject, col
lected by Major Langfltt during the
interim between the meeting cf the
board last September and this time.
This was quite volumnious and pre
sented In detail the Harts and other
plans which have been prepared for
removing the nbstncles. After review
ing this carefully it is understood
that the board reached no definite
conclusion as to what its report will
be, but the feeling prevails tbat the
scheme for damming the river at the
gorge will be abandoned In favor of
a continuous canal around both the
rapids and Celilo Falls.
It is believed that this can be ac-j
compusnea at less expense than is in
volved in the plan for a dam and Is
the more practicable way. There is
little doubt that eventually a favora
hie report will be returned by the
board and that the work will eventu
ally be authorized, the question of the
most feasible method alone being
considered. The river and harbor
act of June 13 authorized a thorough
Investigation of the project and prac
tically authorized the work, provided
It can be done within the Harts estimate.
Judd Rogers Furnishes Game for the
Echo Banquet
Yesterday evening Judd Rogers,
who bas started a rabbltry near
Echo, brought to that city 10 dozen
young American nare for the citizens'
lanquet to be given tomorrow after
noon. Mr. Rogers has engaged in the bus
iness of breeding and growing the
American hare for market, and his
entire output will be used by the
Echo Cannery Company.
The rabbit becomes very much do
mesticated with a little care and at
tention, and where a uniform, nutri
tious feed Ib furnished them, the meat
has an excellent flavor.
The plan of Mr. Rogers Is to Inclose
a large area of land adjoining an al
falfa field. This tract of land will be
divided Into "runs," breeding pens
and pastures. Different kinds of nu
tritious crops, such as clover, millet,
cow peas and alfalfa will be grown
for them and the main object In car
ing for the animals will be to tame
them as fast as possible, as tney will
not fatten so fast nor grow so large
where they live In constant fright of
men and dogs.
It is a new and novel branch of
business in Eastern Oregon and its '
development will be watched with In
teres t.
H. C. Willis, secretary of the Echo
Cannery and Cold Storage Company
will take a vacation from his position
as agent at Echo. soon, for the pur
pose of promoting the Industry in
eastern Oregon towns.
Manufacturing Association
Session Today.
Charlotte, N. a. May 14. Men rep
resenting more than one billion dol
lars of capital are attending the an
nual convention commenced here to
day by the Southern Cotton Spinners'
Association, the largest and most
nrnrrMciro nnrraonimi nninttrini m.
Ex-Representative Moody, who was Banzatlon n the Southern states. Be-
here yesterday as the guest of the
board, feels quite sanguine tbat the
work will be authorized and com
menced without further congression
al action.
The board and Mr. Moody went to
The Dalles over the O. R. & X. in
President Mohler's private car, and
will spend ;oday examining the rapids
and making estimates.
Captain Hnrts, who was formerly
resident engineer here, is expected to
return soon trom the Philippines and
resume his duties at this point. This
will give Portland two resident army
engineers, as Major Langfltt will con
tinue, having charge of the Wlllam
ctte and Lower Columbia rivers and
Captain Harts the Upper Columbia
and Snake.
sides all the states of the South, the
territory represented at the conven
tion Includes Pennsylvania. New
York,. Maine, New Hampshire. Rhode
island, Indiana and Missouri. A num
ber of questions of high importance
to those engaged in the industry are
scheduled tor consideration during the
two uays tne convention will be in ses
sion. The speakers will include men
eminent in the national and industrial
life of the United States, who have
practical experience in cotton manu
facture both directly and indirectly.
Foreclosure Sale of an Eastern
road Today.
New York. Mar 14. There is con-
siderable speculation In railroad and
financial circles as to the future of
tne New ork & Ottawa railroad.
which Is to be sold at foreclosure sale
today. The line extends from Tupper
LAKe. fTanKiin county, N. T., to Ot
tawa. Ontario, n distance of 128 miles.
Social Scientists in Session.
Boston. May 14. The American
Social Science Association, founded
in 1865, and which Includes in its
membership men of note in all parts
of the country, began Its annual meet
ing today In this city. Questions of
social economy were discussed at the
opening session, called to order at 10
o'clock this morning ln Huntington
hall. The responsibilities of capital
istic organization and of labor or
ganization were the subjects touched
upon In addresses by Professor Eu
gene Wambaugh, of the Harvard Law
school and other persons equally well
qualified to speak on the subject. At
an open meeting to be held this even
ing Oscar S. Straus, of New York,
Some time ago it was renorted that
roaaTd me ?tTV,U ? ,hC SZ
road and make it aart of its system, fe8S0r Jonn Graham Brook will rtl.
We have purchased the secon
band store at 312 Court street. We in
tend to refit It and increase the stock,
We would be glad to have our friends
drop ln ir you need anything In our
line. If you have anything to sell let
Ha Know, we can sell it for yon. Drop
m ana see our line or Indian curios,
Give os a trial, we will treat you right.
Gurdane & McBroom
HMI II H I I II 1 1 1 H I
Conrad Platzoeder
AH kinds of Fresh
Meats always on
hand. Fine Bacon,
Hams and Sausage.
I Prices as low as the lowest t
Going to
. ."Repair your homes or places
llBusiness by having them paint
to as
gLarge and nicely selected
3ck;of wall paper and paints.
E. J. Murphy,
111 Court Street.
jsaeaoT for
the Sherwin-Wil-
lint more recent developments have
led Wall Street to the conclusion that
the road will be bought by the Dela
ware & Hudson railroad. If the Dela
ware & Hudson acquires the road It
will doubtless bul d a short eminent
Ing link between its line and tho New
York & Ottawa at or near St. Regis
FallB. This would give the road the
shortest line between Ottawa and Al
bany, and would enable It to secure
a larger share of the Immense lum
ber shipments from Ottawa to Albany
nr., I ' 1.
cuss the subject of industrial peace,
and St. Clair McKelway, editor of the
Brooklyn Eagle, will sneak on "Jour-
nallsm and Publicity."
May Festival Concerts.
Ann Arbor, Mich.. May 14. Tho
lutn annual series of the May festival
concert under the auspices of tht
music department of the University
ui iuicnigan, uegins tonight in Unl
veraity hall, and music-lovers are ar
riving irom ail parts of the state.
mere will be five concerts by the
cnorai union of 300 voices, the Bos-
ion festival Orchestra of 50 pieces,
under the direction of Emil Mnlipn.
hauer. and some of the most celebrat
ed soioists in the country. The list
of soloists Includes Miss Anlto Rio
and .Miss Shanna Cummlnc sonrnnns;
Madame Louis Homer, of the Metro
politan Opera Company, and Madame
isauciie Uouton. contraltos: Heir Ar..
ureas Dlppol. tenor: Slcnor Emllln
Do Oogorzo. baritone: Frederick- Mnr.
tin. uass; Madame Fannie Bloomfield
Zelsler. pianist, and Carl Webster,
The Real Cause of Dandruff and Bald.
At one time dandruff was attributed
to be the result of a feverish condi
tion of the scalp, which threw off the t
dried cuticle in scales. I
Professor Unna, Hamburg, Ger- j
many, noted authority on skin dis
eases, explodes this theory and says '
that dandruff Is a germ disease.
inis germ Is really responsible for
the dandruff and for so many bald
heads. It can be cured If it Is gone
about in the right way. The right
way, of course, and the onlv wav Is to
kill the germ.
Newbro's Herplcide does this, and
causes the hair to grow luxuriantly.
Just as nature intended It should. Sold
ny leading druggists. Send 10c ia
stamps for sample to The Herplcide
Co., Detroit, Mich.
'After all," he conceded, "what
would we do without women?" "Well.'
she replied, "for one thine, von wnnM
have a hard time finding subjects for
your joKes." Chicago Evening Post
WLL . . , WT ft .WmM
I-TlI 1, vai, mmr
I 5c. Cigar I
I It has taken the lead, and keeps it. jjj flj
Gray's Harbor
Commercial Co.
We Don't Keep Everything
But we do aeep a good big
stock of nice dry Flooring,
Ceiling, Bustle and Finish,
In all grades. Also all kind
of Dimension Lunjbtr, in
cluding Lath and Shingle.
Our stock of Doors, Win
dows, Moulding, Building
and Tar Paper and Apple
Boxes U complete, and anv
one in need of Lumber wifl
not be wrong in placing
their order with the : : :
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Opp. W: 4 C. R. Depot
Custom Made
Shoes to Fit
$2,50 to $4
Car. Court a Ml Main Sat.
Judd Block
The Grand Trunk Gold Mine
Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Mining District.
Is located upon the GREAT MOTHER
LODE system of veins and has for neigh
bors on that vein such well known
mines as the NORTH POLE valued at
$10,000,000. The COLUMBIA valued at
$5,ooo,ooo. GOLCONDA valued at $3,
000,000. THE MONMOTH G. M. CO'S
BELLE BAKER mine valued at $5oo,
000. THE BALD MOUNTAIN valued at
$5oo,ooo. THE IBEX valued at $400,
000, and many others.
3 The Grand Trunk Gold Mining and Milling Co,
It is said that John FTareon. a Chi-
cago millionaire, hns offered 11.000..
000 to the servant who will stnv in
ins luumy uu ne aics, wno loves her
vocation, who Is cood-nnturerl nml n
diplomat who knows better than to
discuss inmily affairs with other serv-
antH. who is always dignified, who Is
n gnou nurse, a good cook, a dress-
manor, and who never sulks. Rnnh
luxury would easily be worth the
money to a man who can afford it.
uut angeis are rare on earth, and even
at 11,000.000 a niece Sir. Farson mnv
uiicricucu great iiiiucuity in catching
uu). uuiso capital News.
Holds no customer re
sponsible (or more than
the margin he places on a
A margin of one cent a
bushel is required on
grain, and ti a share on
stocks. An eighth cent
a bushel commission is
charged on grain and
of one per cent on stocks.
Itnan lll.l.l . .
u; iuuiik muiKins is onrrv on
tho subject of matrimony. Ho asks
every girl ho meets to marry him.
Noll Well, why don't vou eet some I
one to introduce you7 Chicago Dally
Manager Pendleton Office
Lee's Lice Killer
Insect powder and Poultry
Supplies, also Hay, Gram
and Feed.
O F. Golesworthy
127-iao East Alta St.
The Colombia
Lodging Hocse
Newly Furnished.
Bar in connection.
Bet. Alta & Webb Sts
In Center of Block.
F. X. Schempp
Owns Its Property Consisting of 160 Acre cf Rich Qold Bearing Veins
It has no indebtedness of any character.
It has a conservative mining and business management.
It is offering 50,000 shares of stock at 15c per share.
It will become a dividend payer in a short time.
It will pay you to write us for full particulars and to make
careful investigation of its merits.
It has the indorsement of mining men, business men and
bankers of Eastern Oregon.
Write us today and let us post you.
H. S. McCalltim & Company,
Miners, Brokersand Flnanolal Agents,
Or R. S. BRYS0N, Local Agent, Pendleton, Oregon.
Our Weekly Mining Letters on Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Mining
District Free on Application.
The Best is the Cheapest
This applies particularly to furniture and carpets. When you
ouy a piece of furniture you want it to look well and to wear
well. That is the kind we carry. Our Roods speak for them
selves. We caray a large line of furniture, baby cabs, go
carts, carpets, art squares, mattings, rugs, curtains, etc.
JE'cIm? 'ini'jf .'I1" J00' ' co,t- We rc l bnlne to make llvmir, bat e bof
SrtVnSuJ th. &1 "5 M" bemto jou cheaper then jou eould boy then lnlb
wait ?on "if S.wn he,1? Ca11 at our "0,e mliie ouf good, sod set '
KVisswr.'issxr' e,too6t " M priCM " 7
Next door to Postoffice.
Fnde of Umatilla. Made at home.
P.nHlflnn BodUet
A. RI0DI, Manufacture