East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 14, 1903, Image 4

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Tubll8h1 rtcry afternoon (except Bunda)
at l'cmllrton, Oregon, by the
'I'hone, llnlu 11
ilMlljr, one year by mall $.1.00
llhillT. tlx months br mull !U0
? Dally, 'three month by mnll 1.
Dally, one month by mull ....... , .!0
Dally. ir month by carrier
Weekly, one year by mall 1.60
iHeml-Wet'kly. one year by mall .... 2.00
The nast Orettonlan In on sale nt II. II.
ltlch's News HtnmN nt Motel I'ortlaud and
Hotel Perkins, 1'ortlond, Oregon.
HorlppB.McKae News .Mocla-
Sun Franclaco Ilurenu, 40S Fourth St.
Chicago Dureuu, 000 Snrlty llultdlng.
Washington. I). C. llureau, 51)1 14th St..
N. W
Jly creed is this.
First I Iwlleve that the great
things that have been gained in
these countless ages in which
men have been dwelling on this
planet and I think that we
have gained great things have
been accomplished by a very
slow growth indeed. So let us
hnvo the jiatlence of God.
8econd I believe that things
are tending toward what is good
and not toward what is bad.
Third I believe Implicitly that
the desires of the American peo
ple are for Justice and righteous
ness, however much they may bo
misled at times. The permanent
things are the stars and the
sun. and not the clouds or the
dust. Snnntor George F. Hoar.
It. to vindicate the Judgment
promoted the deal.
The new press of the Oregon Dally
' Journal is now In place and will be
started by next Monday.
"Jack-the-rlpier" Is a perennial
.product. He springs up in society
hike the poison weed In the field.
The business 'combination known as
the salt trust has pleaded guilty 'to a
violation of the law prohibiting' com
binations in restraint of trade, and
will be fined, not to exceed $5000, by
Judge Dohaven, sitting in San Fran
cisco. But the trust has squeezed
many, many times $5000 out of the Pa
cific Coast salt consumers during the
last few months, and will no doubt
continue, notwithstanding this fine,
to pursue that pleasing and profitable
occupation. Five thousand dollars
once In a while is nothing to the salt
trust. It has collected that much In
Illegal profits from the stockmen of
Eastern Oregon this spring.
Every leading exchange lu Eastern
Oregon has reprinted the East Ore-
gonian's editorial note on range con
dttions and the necessity of pruning
down the lnrge herds of stock and
preparing the smaller herds In better
condition for markets. This Is the
only salvation for the stockman. There
Is no uso to fight over ranges tha
are absolutely Inadequate to support
the amount of stock now owned in
Eastern Oregon. There is no use to
hold on to largo herds that must
lessen In vnlue as the ability to care
for them properly decreases. Finish
ctl product Is the cry of the day. Pu
get Sound is now shipping beef from
Texas, a distance of 2300 miles. Port
land has not had two weeks' visible
supply ahead for eighteen months.
The East Oregoninn rejoices to see
the Eastern Oregon press take up the
fight for the improvement of the live
stock Industry.
her .charming youth, long ago, -when
she was the Agnes of her lover's
One wishes that 'the noble charities
of this world all bore the nAWs of
Nothing would Invest them more
with the spirit of kindness and love
and nurlty.
Ijiwrence Cowles Philips has done
the beat rny man can do in this
world enshrined the memory of his
mother. Denver Post.
Seattle Is so rotten that even the
.Iron bars In the city jail colls seem to
'. he affected. Two jail breaks in as
;-many days is her remarkable record.
The law raising the price of Oregon
.school land from $1.25 to $2.50 per
acre, goes Into effect May 21. This
; Insignificant raise in the price seems
'like a bit of wilful Irony, after the
. splendid heritage of tho school child-
e.ron has been appropriated by favored
Bland sharks.
The Harney county papers are
'Justly proud of the fact that the
ISiivjes river irrigation project is very
pikely to be reported favorably by the
vuKiurviB in chuck?. II is uup oi lie
most promising plnns iu Oregon. It
luld open up to settlement a half
million acres, and would mean the
completion of a railroad Into Central
The National Civic Federation
which was organized amid a nourish
of trumpets two years ago. has proved
to he a hollow mockery. Instead of
promoting industrial peace. It seems
to have engendered more bitter war
fare. Since Its organization the great
est strike in the history of the na
tlon dragged along for eight months.
unsettled, with some of the warmest
promoters of the federation most ob
stinate in their refusals to surrender
a point to the just demands of their
employes. The whole aim and object
of the federation seems to
be to promote pence by de
stroying the power of the
workingman, by dissolving his organ
izatlnns. There is but one way to
bring ahout Industrial peace anil that
is to remember that every American
citizen is the equal of every other
American citizen, no matter how
many dollars stand between them.
If the boaid of engineers now In
vestigating the government plans at
The Dalles, report favorably, congress
will probably spend nbout $3,000,000
Ih building a ship cannl at that point.
iKitpiu nuvr iifuru ho mucn on
Rhis subject during the past twenty
years, that it has become tiresome.
SThe stuto portage road Is the only re
Jlef that can ho expected by this gen
eration. p4If General Owen Summers, who
pcaried the Second Oregon Volunteer
In the Philippines, is not made grand
marshal of the day upon tin' occasion
fit President Uoohovelt's visit to Pin t
fand, then the Spanish-American v.-ai
Seterans "won't play." Tho grand pa
hide will he conspicuous by their nh
genctfj 300 strong. Tho Second Ore
gon , boys have a very high opinion
Bffithelr commander. They say It is
KA" trip around the world will soon
Hte so .commonplace, It will not bo
goiislilort'd a crowning glory to tho
jtravelcr. Wlth the completion of the
Blhorlan .road, the globe trotter will
ipso his halo of fame, for It will be
)sslhle for people of moderate means
pn a month's vacation to encircle tho
garth. Tho cost now from London to
Shanghai, by wuy of the Siberian
hwto, including fare, food, berths and
Gil , conveniences of travel, nraounts
Fp,?lS5. The water route cost is $280.
pTho trans continental railroad lines.
the owners of tho Suez Canal, and
the TratiB-Slborlnn rallwny are nil
porabined to defeat tho Panama canal.
The completion or this canal will dis
organize the commercial monopolies
hat now hold the world In bondage.
It;. will open a gap in tho westorn
hemisphere, which will chnnge the
jpught rates of tho civilized world,
rho 'American government has been
puncoed in the purchase of the Pana
!na, route, but it should now complete
The Los Angeles real estate agoutis
are reaping a harvest. A new re
ligious sect in that city has fixed n
time for the world to end. The mem
bers nre selling off their homes at
greatly reduced prices and are con
centrating at Benton Harbor, .Michi
gan, to witness the finale. In 1890
an exodus of just such enthusiasts
took place from Oakland and $230.00ii
worth of property was sacrificed to
the wild prophecies of some fnnatlc.
A dnto was set for the destruction of
thnt so-called "wicked" city, and the
credulous followers surrendered the
accumulations of years, to flee from
the doom pronounced by their leader.
Homes were sold nt half price, real
estate men boomed the date of the de
struction of Oakland and the Innocent
fnmlllPs of the cranks were stripped
of shelter mid sustenance. The de
luded fanatics who expected to see a
hole In the ground, where Oakland
once stood, have been digging for
bread and butter harder than ever, for
13 years, and Oakland still stands on
top of tho ground and the world goes
round unci round. A crank is a bless
ing, but blessings may run to extremes.
And here they nre I the robins
The red-breasts that we've
this many a year;
The welcome sight puts end to long
Ing sighing,
For lo! the winter's past and spring
is here.
And oh! how gay the red on robin
A flash of light a sudden song a
Of Joy to feel that every bird-note's
With love's delight that's echoed
In the heart.
yet the slsn Is sure we
them calling.
They call at dusk the robins call
for rain;
Their plnlnt brings mern'rles deep
while twilight's falling.
And then a sudden splash on win
dow pane.
But tears and rain are April showers
Smiles came as smiles the sun ou
field and fen,
The robins mate how fast the heart
Is beating.
For love o'orcome is conqueror
Alice Harrlmnn.
There, little lamb, don't cry.
You have lost your wool, I know;
They have sheared you where
The bull and the bear
Induce the lambs to go.
But you'll want another whirl by and
There, little lamb, don't cry.
Chicago Record-Herald.
Miss Virginia.
Water tahkS
We make a Specialty of Building Round
or Square
Mother Why. my child, that little
hurt couldn't possibly have made
your knee so stiff as that! Little Liz
zie Yes, it did, too. Just you try to
bend It and see if I don't scream.
Baltimore American.
When there is a falling off in flesh in
woman or man there is "something
wronz." And that something wronc is
generally a loss of nutrition due to dis
ease of the stomach and the other organs
of digestion ana
nutrition. Some
times this loss of
flesh is accom
panied by variable
appetite, but in
many cases the ap
petite does not fail
and there may be
constant desire
to eat. Languor,
nervousness, irri
tability, sleepless-'
ness, ore svniptoms
often associated
with this loss of
nutrition and fal
ling 00 in flesh.
Doctor Pierce's
Golden Medical
Discovery cures
disease of the stom
ach and other or
caus of digestion
and nutrition. It enables
the perfect digestion und assimilation of
food, so that lost flesh is regained aud
the physical health re-established.
I had roffered from lndtts!icm aud onlv
those who have uffeii Irom it know what ft
reallvU, writes Mr. M J Pagan, of t6it Kast
Cenec St.. Syracuse, Sf. V. "I had lu.! wrr
attack of headache and rttixinw, with cold
baud and feci; crcrytluujc I ute ditrcucd me,
DoweU were constipated and mjsjrromnjp very
Mm and jtrtowj. I canuot half cxjre the bad
feelings I had when I commenced taking Ir.
Fierce' Golden Medical Uucuverv. I took nine
battles of the 'Discovery' aud liavc taken
several bottle of Ur Pierce's l'leajunt IVlleu.
I commenced feeling better with the ursl bottle
and kept on improving Now I amsogrrfttly
ImproTed in health my friends often speak of it.
I luoftt ltenrtlly recommend thcac nictlliinc to
all suffering as I was.1
The People's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, in patwr covers, is sent frer on
receipt of 21 one-cent stumps for expeti&e !
of mailing only. Address Dr. U. V.
Fierce, uutlalo, . Y,
Every line in your hand means
something, shows something that has
been In vour past or is present now,
or may c'ouie In your future life. What
Is the general thing of your life? Does
It indicate success aud happiness?
Pnlmlstry is n science, and a scien
tific palmist is necessary to correctly
read the meaning of the markings In
your palm. Miss Virginia is known
in Europe and America as one of the
most scientific palmists of the time,
and she will give you a clear and re
liable vending. Not only do the lines
nf the hand show these things, but
the vibratory magnetic emnnations 01 . j.
your body likewise tell many things.
Are you as successiui unanciaiiy mmT
in other respects as you might be? I
Very few are. Some unseen condition
around you may be, and likely Is, re-j
tardlng your progress. 1011 cuimm
see it. but you do see its effects, and
one who is developed along this line
cau see and can show how to over
come It. thereby you become more sue-
cess fill. It Is a duty you owe your
children as well as yourseir to sec
that there is nothing detrimental
around you to prevent your attninlng
the highest in life. Miss Virginia is
well versed in practical occultism. In
fact, she Is more conversant with this
and other subjects than any otliet
ladv in America, and her years of ex
perience and study with matters 01
this nature enable her to accomplish
results that are decidedly startling.
you are not successful she will make
you so. If there are adverse conditions
around you and you are not succeed
ing In proportion to your ability to
grasp success, she will tell you how.
and help you to develop and quicken
your ability. AH business strictly con
fidential. Absolutely no fee accepted
for readlugs or special work unless
you are fully satisfied. Palmistry
taught. Call early, as Miss Virginia's
stay here Is limited to a few days
only. Miss Virginia, Palace Kooming
House. Main street.
We make them right and they
always give satisfaction Our
work is never slighted or botched.
Pendleton Planing Mill
and Lumber Yard.
Roiieut Forstek, Prop.
I I I I I I "I '
We have the BestBargai,
m iseai Estate. We hi
some nice homes
be sold. Choice
Lots- Alffllfn T.anA f
acre to 160. Wheat 1
tracts from 160
Rihorn & Swaggart
Room to over Taylor's
Hardware Store.
"tar. rau
Five Porcelain Tubs
Are now to be found at
Privett's LUrber Shop and
Bath Rooms. We also have I
five hydraulic chairs. Every-
thing is neat and clean We
employ none but first-class X
workmen. Our equipment is
not excelled in Eastern Ore.
t Privett's Barber Shop t
I TZi nam Hire!
Gold Medal Butter, Pure,
Sweet, Clean. The chief
characteristics of good butter
ate purity and cleanliness.
This butter combines both,
and will ietain its rich and
delicate flavor to the last.
Try it and you will never
use any other Your money
refunded if you do not like it
. . & SON .
H'i l M I I ! 1 I t I H H I t l 4"M-
! The
i j Reiin
Ub House
HJ Sew
H Brick
1 Large
I HH -iry
IIIHijssflLiHI Rooms
If every man contributed some
thing good to the world, within bis
means. In memory of his mother it
would be a beautiful custom.
It would he the most powerful and I
the purest Incentive for kindness and ;
tor humanity and for art possible toi
Lawrence Cowles Plilpps did a no
ble thing in devoting more than half
a million dollars to n beautiful sani
tarium In Denver.
Hut when he gave It the name uf
his mother he gave his heart with
the money.
The Agnes Memorial Saultarium is
a beautiful name. H breathes the
spirit uf love.
The Htranger who hears tho uamo,
the sick and the weary who enter tho
portals, will feel that the cornerstone
in a heart.
Kltf?s.ntlr turu'shed with nimlcrii appliances
Electric ligbt aud rimiiiuK irnlcrlut-uch room
Koms br the dav ituI: ur muntli. limits 25,
40.7SC. I!, t REXX.I'ro? 7 Cottonwood bt.
The genuine, the bicycle
which is the undisputed
leader, is handled in Pen
dleton only by us. Come
in and see the Racycle.
Wi-thee, 2-
Tho Agnes Memorial Sanitarium i
the uamo is a benlson and a blessing.
It suggests the son's kiss prossed
. . l.lu ........'.. I. .,1,1 f.. ....
And more It brings to the thoughts
St. George Restaurant j
Dinner Twenty-five Cents
From 11.30 a. in, to 7 p. m. I
Short ordors a speciality j
Quick, Courteous Service
Open all Day andNight
T. A. Oldfather.'Prop" j
Is always received when you
place your order with us.
Fir. Tamarack and
Why buy poor coal when you
can get the best for the same
Laatz Bros.
Telephone Main 5J
J. A.
One of the finest residences iu .
Pendleton 11 rooms all modern itn-.
provements; pretty lawn; complete;
$6,500. $2,500 down, balance on time. ,
Another residence 7 rooms, with
bith. sewerage, electric lights; pretty )
lawn, shade trees, within three blocks .
of Main street, $2,500.
Other houses and lots from $C00 to I
$2,500. 1
Nice residence lots. $150, 50 and i
We Make Out Bow
Much Other
Town Property,
Easy Terms, Where Desired,
I to Mir friemlt, ptroan and tbe public it Unt.l
: uc&peaMUtf jour exauiinauou 01 lav uc"-j
1 tluni in t-aTTlapps. runabouts. .urreTI. bl'u.l
and 1 etc.. we bate tbe ulpusure of rroentlBZ t
your attention thin iraon We hate uol '-!
rotated au lot Irom our lone UDU"1
itandnrdln met wo have adraurcd m.tw-
1 ly. We hare a complete atork ol WIbomI
. waunnit with .IhmI nlMil hubs and Dalent oatcll
bearing blocks, maklugthem the eade.trM-1
nine ami most durable on the market. Uuu I
111 Court Street '"rttb'"!AV,,0t,,eel,Mrt,lb,
The Ulai'ksmlth..
X U U K b I L Llmrrn nr.
We can supply you with
Building Material of all
descriptions and save
you money
Building paper lime
cement, brick and sand.
Wood gutters for barns
and dwellings a specialty.
Oregon Lumber Yard
Alta St., Opp. Court House
of suffering from Indigestion If you
eat what you want, or of starving
yourself to avoid such distress?
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets takon after
eating will digest your food perfectly
and free you from all tho disagreeable
symptoms or Indigestion and Dyspep
sia. Eat what you like at any time,
and take an Acker Tablet afterward.
Positively guaranteed. Tour money
will always be refunded If you
are not satisfied. Write to us for a
free sample. W. H. Hooker & Co.,
Buffalo. N. T.
Cor W. Alta and Lilhth Sts.
L. Nefl. formerly of the Hotel
Alta, has chatge of the Old Dutch
Henry Feed Yard, and would be
pleased to care for jour horses
Plentv of stalls, larce corrals (of
loose horsts and cattle Hay ni
grain for sale. Chcp mill m connection.
The Oregon Dally Journal can be
found on sale at Frazler's book store.
Engine, Boiler and Machinerjl
rw ..II l,:,l. to i CIUTI altV. AH I
VI ail nuiua is vw, t '
work guaranteed
Extra Parts Furnished lor all Kiat
of Harvesting Macliinorv.
Manufacturer ol
700 Pact a if a Street.
Baltezore & Howe's Old Stand.
grated cards, wtxldlng ,th pU!
hundred. The But OragonUa.
l.i. .i. in mil nil I .1 ill III