DAILY EAST OREG0NIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 14, 103, popular Outergarments Our showing is simply greater than ever, the styles are iust ahead and superior to any ready-to-weat earments in the market, we sell nothing hut customed wilored clothing, not high in price. Ten Dollars buys a good sun. w i- " ' - Come and talk it over j Alexander Department Store j Carpets! Carpets! Have just received a splendid new line of carpets, art squares, .j, mattings, rugs and linoleums. I would be pleased to have j, tt 1 '. r, ,Um Vfi. linn nf rtf r.frnrn tnrc rlim.lrl f you Call nu CAdiiiiiJc im-m. j.u.j- w ji'wuiu prove of interest to you now that hot weather is upon us. Those who are looking for bargains can find them here Joseph Basle A DRY WOOD Tod should know that the very best, DRY WOOD of all Mods is to be fonnd at P. P. Collier Co.'s Yard Also GOOD GOAL. Gall at Office 638 Main St. Phone Main 1121 i 393 i 2 K$ Take a Good Look at Yourself IE INDIAN UNO PART OF COLVILLE RESERVA TION MAY RE OPENED. Government Has Ordered n Investi gation of the Status of the Allot ment$ Made Several Years Ago. Ft. Colvllle, May 14. An order that may have the eltcct of throwing open to white settlement many hundreds of acres of choice farming land In tho Colvllle Indian reservation has Just been lssuej at Washington, D. C. and while it may not meet with tho ap proval of the Indians, some of whom may be forced to give up their valua ble homes, It will be a grand chance for some homesecker to secure a farm that has already to some extent been cultivated by the Indians. The government has ordered a gen eral investigation of the status of In dian allotments, Whlch may result In the cancellation r n ,inn.i. nr claims on the reserve, and the throw ing open to settlement and entry by citizens of some of tho best lands in Eastern Washington. Allotments to Indians. Preliminary to tho opening of tho reserve tO hnmpstPnH Antrv cntt.nl years ago, the Indians were given al- luimeiiis, ami me claims thus taken un Included the phnlr-psf lnnrle In fha district. Half-breeds and quartcr- uret'ua aro i-aiti to be numbered among the allottees, as are aiso Infant child ren of these Indians. The nrlnr.innl nnnfitfnns tn lw- ilntnr. mined arc- niri thn IihII.uk int.. tin. land for a permanent home, with tho view of severing tribal relations? Is me iana more valuable for agriculture than for mining or other purposes, nilrl ivprfl f.llnfmonto tnlfon tn- ttin ucnents of Infant children taken in goon laun ; If thp. fln.HVPr tn nnv- nf thd&u nun. Hons are found to be 'in the negative tno Indian may lose his home. BIGGEST ENGINES IN WEST. and you're not fcn1ie.fied with the way your fhlrt, collar, cull's and white waist coat have been Iaun- dertd, give us a try. Moderate- T ly speaking, if we fall, all otherb fc must fail. At any tate, give iih a try we'll run the risk. DOMESTIC LAUNDRY t Court and Thompson Btreets. 1 -'"wiii: st 0a Its Merit Has the large demand for Byets1 Best Flotir ktn built .n At... loBv,. a wn'y tne choicest wheat that grows enters in 1 5 oest rlour. It's np.rfpr.tinn in Flour. Made bv the NDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers. Proprietor. Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once n.i . . . "ciay wm lead to serious breaks. First-class work guaranteed b B?X, the Reliable Plumber. -ourt street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel Northern Pacific Receives Two for Use on Mountain Grades, Tacoma, May 14. The first two of 10 new engines for the Northern Pa ciflc's western service have been sent West, and should arrive on the coast within a short time to be dressed up lor active service. The new engines, larger and stronger than any others ever seen in tho West, aro what Is known as Class Y5. Just preceding them were locomotives of the Class Q type, wonders in their way, but not as powerful as the later locomo' tive. The receipt of this new motive pow er will enable tho Northern Pacific to send East some of the larger engines the railroad has been using in its mountain uervlce and elsewhere on its Western lines. The newcomers will do so much extra work that the older locomotives are to be transfer- red to a more favorable country. The new locomotives may be used in the passenger service, but the com pany is making a number of track im provements before sending out the monsters. Bridges and false work are being strengthened to stand the add! tional strain, and it may be some tlmo before the passenger trains aro haul ed over the road by the new power. Each of the new locomotives is equipped with electric headlights of 300 candle power. In effect the new light is as capable as the searchlights of the navy, and will illuminate the track for miles ahead, on straight road. Small electric motors, set be tween the smokestack and boilers of the engines, furnish the current and also generate the power for the In candescent lamps In the engine cabs. Big Bunch of Bargains All week Specials Good grade calicos, all colors. 10 yards to one person, 4c yd. Wash silk waist patterns, 4 yds to a pattern, beautiful designs. $1.85 per pattern. All wool albatros, for waists or suits. 45c yd. Men's two in one, black Btriped overshirts, all sizes, 45c each. Friday and Saturday Specials Hen's striped bib or plain overalls, good heavy grade, 45o, Men's black socks, regular lOo grade, for two days, 3 pairs 25c. Hen's hats, all grades of felt hats, special 10 per cent redaction. THE FAIR Men's and boy s' s aits, all grades, reduced 10 per cent for two days. Ladles' plain black hose, all slzos, for two days only, 7o pr. Children's and misses' hose, all sizes, for two days, 3 prs for 25o. Ladles' fine lace hose, a special lot worth 40o a pair. Sale price, 30o pr. Ladles' silk waists, every grade and style, 10 per cent rednoton for two days. Ladles' percalo waists, good assortment, 25c eaoh. Ribbons all silk taffeta, size 5 only 4c, size 7 only 5c, size 9 only 7c, slzo 12 only 8c, size 16 only lOo, size 22 only 13c. All other sizes at proportionate prices. Agents for the Raymond, washable Kid Gloves. nOW rC ffii I expect peoptole knowwhe :ik,l T JKJ you have to sell If you don'l JKM ADVERTISE? FOR A PLEASURE TRIP. Coming Events for Which the O. R. & N. Co. Offers Very Cheap Rates. Caledonian picnic at Athena, May 2Cth and 27th. Pacific Northwest Students' Conference, Y. M. C. A., Rpnrhart Park. Portland, Oregon, May 29th to June 7th. State Encamp ment, Grand Army oi uio nepuum.-, D.n.nj i..r,o "isth 07th. Washlne- 1 UtllHUU, H ii V. vm -V - - ton Christian Convention and Camp Meeting at Walla walla, june uin uj state Teachers' Asso- oiati'nti ivirflnnri June 24th to 27th. Grand ' I)dge I. O. O. F. at Walla Walla, Juno 1st to n. jMweiecmu Annual Tr. m rti n m pn t Rnortsmen's As- sociatioii of Northwest, at Dayton. Wash., June 2Cth to Z7in. me d gerfest at Walla Walla, June 5th to and Grand Chapter of Masons, Grand Chapter Order East- crn Star, at I'oniuuu, juuu " 10th. Oregon Pioneers, Indian War Veterans, Native Sons of Oregon, Na tive Daughters of Oregon, at Port land, June 15th to 19th. rrii-i. tn aiinvp meetings will he sold at one and one-third rates for the round trip, on the certificate plan. Tickets on sale three days prior to the opening day. Big Democratic Pow-Wow. Boston, May 14. The banquet to be given at the Hotel Vendome to night under tho Joint auspices of tho democratic state committee and the democratic club promises to bo one of the biggest lovo feasts tho party has ever given In this section. The Invited guests include Governor Gar vin nf Rhode Island, Governor Ay cock, of North Carolina. Governor Montaguo of Virginia, Mayor Sulli van of Hartford, and Mayor Collins of Boston. Harness and Saddles Tents and wagon covers Prices as low as to be consistent with good work JAS. CRAWFORD Main St. next Savings Hank $13,456,900 Insurance in Force H. M. RICE, Freewater Aeent fnr UmntlllH County J.I'. Wulker, Citr Agent for i't-ndleton WANTED Help wanted to harvest tho straw berry crop in tho vicinity of Milton and Freewater. Tho crop promises to be unusually large, and outsido help will he needed. There will be employment for a largo number of persons In harvesting the crop. Fam ilies who wish to take a six weeks out ing and combine profit with pleasure are Invited to come up to the Free water strawberry fields. Camping grounds will be furnished free, Twenty-five cents per crate Is paid for picking. Address N. W. Mum ford, Freewater, Oregon, or It. T. Motley, Milton, Oregon. Stock For Sale 75 head of well-graded Shorthorn cat tle. 1 registered Shorthorn bull. 50 head of horses, mares, geldings and young stock, grado Clydes, and 10 head of Cleveland Hays. 15 head broke to work; weight, 1200 1500 pounds. 1 stallion, 20u0 pounds weight, Clyde and Shire. Cash, or time with bankable notes. Address JOHN L. COX, 020 Thompson St., Pendleton, Oregon. (Would like to dispose of stock be fore turning out on range.) NOTICE On JUNE 1st we will stop selling goods at cost. You have only three more weeks to buy goods at these PRICES: White breakfast platos, per dozen. 81c White pio plates, per dozen, GOc White cups and saucers, per dozen, 99o Common lamp chimneys, each Gc Covered vegetable dish, 48c 3-pint nicklo plated coffeo pot, 55c Woven wire wash boards, each, 39c 100-picce Hariland dinner set. $27.73 14-qt. granite dish pan, eaoh, 60c 100 papor knapking, 15c 5 bunches matches, 5c 3 packages Sioux Starch, 25c 3 lbs, Gold Dust, 20c 3 2-oz. bottles Extracts, 25c Granulated Sugar, per sack, $5.05 Maker's Cocoa, 25c 4 packages A. it II. Soda, 25c 5 bars Owl Soap and 1 of Tar, 2fio Mocha and Java Colleo, per pound, 30c Some lines that are out are drop ped this week. Better buy that dinner set now and save several dollars OWLsb Fine Yellow Nowtown Apples only 90 centa a box, Fresh Ranch Eggv, 15 oentn a dozen. We have the Famous and al ways satisfactory H0N0P0LE COFFEE A trial will convince yon of its merits. jjm ftj.li h nreatoat of hlood DUrl fieri, Acker Blood Elixir, under a positive guarantee. It will cure all chronic and other blood poisons. If you have eruptions or aores on your body, or are Dale, weak or run down, it Is Just whet you need. We refund money If you are not satisfied. 60 cent and 91.00 F. W. Schmidt & Co., druggists. D. KEMLER & SON The Big Store in a Small Room.) Alta Street, Opposite Sayings Ban HOMES Today I offer tin following city ail country property; 1 20 per aero fur choico ISO-acre fail uhout one mile from city Hall new nouee. $10,000 for COO acres, part bottom, li proven: zw ncrcn in wneat. acres One orchard; 10 ralnuM ont, I $10,000320 acre, or tlnt-clau whal land, Improved; crop goes wM piaco; only two miles out, $1,800 a now houso and lot In torn. 150 and up for lots on south side, a nice DuHiness which pays, for as 1,200, Two other business or Ings, N. T. Cooklta. :At Poatofties,: Phons, Rad 277.