East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 14, 1903, Image 2

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A Dollar Saved is a Dollar Earned
; J. I I ULL lIULvlllL H I II I I
t mi i i in mill ii i - ii
i nnnmw i i n i i v
JS3 i ll' t
-'Vr , ft i j Uf A I I A Willi DDCD1B. 1 I I IX NO IU
Hi tor spring
The height of perfection in Tail
oring haB been attained in onr lines
of Spring Clothing. Each garment
haB a distinguishing style which
together with many other notable
points has bonght onr clothing in
great favor with the conservative
See our Suits, from
$10.00 to $ J 2.50
Baer & Daley
One price Clothiers,
Furnishers Sc Hatters
flaziaui Sack
An auto-moblle nice is on between
Paris and Madrid.
An expedition lias jtist left Frond-
helm, Norway. In search of the north
A rebellion Ik announced in Bolivia,
of the usual South American propor
tions. The British Isles have been quar
antined against Argentine and Uru
guayan cattle.
Labor troubles in Valparaiso, Chile,
have almost reached the proportion
nf an insurrection. -Martial law has
been proclaimed.
Ethel Clark, who was kidnapped
from her home at Ilaltlmuro 23 years
ago, when a little girl, hns returned
home and been Identified.
The Great Northern Hallway Com
pany is advertising in Kansas City
for 100 conductors, but so far there
has not been an applicant.
A sick native of Hawaii was beaten
to death with a Bible. The native
physician held that he was possessed
nf devils and took that means nf cast
ing them out.
In spite of Itusslau denials and ef
forts to suppress the facts, It has be
come known that 4-1 Jews were mas
sacred at Kishlncff and 84 others
more or less Heriously wounded.
Two young men In New Jersey
. fought a duel with clubs to see which
should have Miss Rosa Latzsky, who
i suggested the duel. While it was in
progress, Kosa wok being married to
a third suitor. The duelists were both
. badly injured.
A Jersey City man, on account of
his weak heart rorbiddlng the use of
anastbesia, submitted to two ampu
tations or an injured leg. the first
below, the second above tho knee,
The second was rendered necessary
by gangrene. He did not lose con
sciousness at any time.
A burglar was discovered in a house
In St. Albans. Vt. Two men residing
in the house were awakened and
each attacked tho other mistaking
,hlm for the intruder. Both were se
riously hurt, one with a club, the
other with a pistol. The burglar es-1
Hotel Pendleton,
John B. Ashton, Chicago.
J. B. Keeny, Elgin.
Dr. M. S. Kern, Chicago.
H. A. Mumm, San Francisco.
M. A. Hoswell, Seattle.
It. B. May, Portland.
Fred S. Ilodgers. Portland.
Barney Catton, Portland.
Mrs. M. T. Steel, Seattle.
It. E. Porter, Meachnm.
John J. Balleray, city.
Airs. J. W. Henderson, Portland.
Effie E. Stone, Portland.
W. U Crawford and wife, Portland
C. J. Brown, Portland.
W. S. Phillips, Seattle.
G. S. Jungman, Portland.
E. B. Canon, Portland.
Thomas Purdy, Portlnnd.
D. D. Fagnn, San Francisco.
E. V. Bray. Portland.
Arthur G. Locke. Cincinnati.
A. L. Carson, Milwaukee.
T. B. Johnson, city.
A. D. Chase, Portland .
Thomas Nestar, Portland.
.Miles F. Reed. Moscow.
Minnie E. Burle, Grand Islauu.
.Mrs. U. G. Earles, North Yakimn.
A new rural delivery route will be '
'established at Cnrvallls, June I. I
Edwnrd Kjebobln. who was shot last i
Sunday by O. E. Negus, died Wednes
day night of his wounds.
A sea Hon weighing l.GuO pounds,
, was killed Wednesday by n Iialfbreed
fisherman, near Vancouver. II. C.
The steamer (iussle Brown left Se
attle for Nome Wednesday, the first
vessel tu clear for the North this '
spring. I
A telephone franchise of 25 yenrs,
lias been (ranted by tho city of Cor
.vullis to a company ol local capital
ists. - The Kti-nrnor Eagle, of the Puget
.Soundl line, wns Intrned to the water's
edge, Wednesday at Eagle Harbor;
.loss $8,000.
W. IV. Vessy, of North Yakima, lias
just completed the longest continuous
fence- In the Northwest. It Is over 32
miles in length.
A Japanese cook in a Great North-
Golden Rule Hotel.
W. T. Troutt and wife, Spokane.
C. L. Trout, Spokane.
M. E. Welch, Spokane.
W. F. Courtney. Walla Walla.
N. Cyrus, Dayton.
G. E. Kershaw. Lawrence.
G. R. Clayton. New York.
W. J. Baxter, Paoll.
It. L. Stewart, Portland,
Mrs. J. E. Pertol, city.
.1. Haldlman, The Dalles.
S. D. Johnson, Walla Walla.
J. P. Frouse, Portland.
L. C. Jamison. Butte.
W. D. Swart, Spokane.
C. L. Dixon, Mlssoull.
.Mrs. E. A. Martin. Jamestown.
G. W. Bradley. Athena.
F. Dunn, Spokane.
W. J. Moore, Spokune.
T. W. Lusk, La Grnnde.
C. C Simpson. Spokane.
R. R. Owen, Helix.
A. Murk, .Minneapolis.
J. Collard, Minneapolis.
A. F. Olson, Minneapolis.
William Finn, Minneapolis.
A. J. Hall, Spokane.
W. D. Drake. Minneapolis.
S. S. Gill, Portland.
H. C. Mnnoly, Athena. "
J. K. Miller. Ocosta.
T. C. Hardy. Jewel.
Charles Austin. Spokane.
W. C. Smith, Walla Walla.
J. Kasserman, Minneapolis.
W. H. Vaughn, Sumptor.
W. A. Johnson. Portland,
E. C. Dwyer. Clognot.
C II Roman, Spokane.
T. W. Remington. Canyon City.
C. A Hall. Butte.
If you desire a good complexion use
Mokl Tea, a pure herb drink. It acts
on the liver and makes the skin
smooth and clear. Cures sick head
aches. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Money re
funded If It does not satisfy you.
Write to W..H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo,
N. Y., for free sample. W. H Schmidt
& Co., druggists .
For Sale.
Threo-quarter sections of good
wheat laud, of which one-half is in
grain, and all lies five miles north-
Ten Excursion Trains Will Carry the
Crowds to That City on May 25
Umatilla Expected to Furnish 5,000
The 10,000 people that It is estimat
ed will crowd Walla Walla from all
points of the Inland Empire on pres
ident's day, will be handled by 10 ex
cursion trains, tho largest number
that ever pulled Into the city on any
one day, says the Walla Walla States
man. Robert Burns, general agent ror the
O. R. & N' this morning stated that
his road would run five trains into
the city and expected to carry any
where from 4,000 to 5,1100 people.
The special trains on this road will
be one from Pomeroy, two from Day
ton and way points and two from Pen
dleton. On the line of the W. & C. R. rail
way, General Manager McCabe this
morning said It was a question of se
curing coaches to transport the people
along his road. "If we are able to se
cure the coaches, the W. & C. R.
railway will bring five excursion
trains into Walla Walla on presmcnt'n
day," he said. "One will come from
tho Eureka flat country, one from
Athena and way points, one from
i'enuieton and two from Dayton. We
are begging, borrowing and will prob
ably have to resort to stealing cars
to accommodate the crowds we ex
pect to come to Walla Walla that
Messrs. McCabe and Burns both
estimate that between S.000 and 10.-
000 people will come to Walla Walla
that day. Pendleton and Umatilla
county's contribution is estimated
anywhere from 4.000 to G.00O. Tho
flat proper and that cection of coun
try north and east of Prescott should
furnish another 1.000 and the remain
der will come from Dayton. Waltsburc
and Pomeroy. though many Pomeroy
people win go to uoliax. where the
president Is scheduled to make a short
The care and accommodation of the
thousands who will crowd the city Is
matter of serious concern to the
city authorities. There have been
large crowds In Walla Walla, urohn-
bly the larce3t belne Bryan's dnv in
July, 1897, when it was estimated that
10,000 outsiders were in .the city. To
handle and feed from S.000 to 10,000
people Is a stupendous matter.
'Jtist Try a
5 cents
Sole Distributors
Front and Washington Sts ,
Portlnnd, Oregon
Yoo. can save from 25 to 50 per cent on the st ook I have left tm. ,
cenulne closing out sale andIam catUngprloesloafli.l"i'
sell inem, l imveumuo uo"j . ... .uc iince oris
portieres, rugs, art squares and mattings.
All 60c and 65c linoleum I am closing out at 50c a yard
ah grin nnrl Ffin wall naner I have marked down t ok.'
uiai 11 auou I X" - wvuw uu,
I still have some hifrii graqe sianaara sewing machlnts left .
are I'iniiki m, jw - w v-iiviu. i iiav nt
. . . - ' . . .j . c ,
frntn !S 111)
These are genuine bargains,
--- i ouu see me.
Made Young Again.
"One of Dr. King's New Life Pills
each night for two weeks has put me
in my 'teens' again," writes D. H.
Turner, of Dempseytown, Pa. They're
the best in the world for liver, stom
ach and hotels. Purely vegetable.
Never sripe. Only 25c at Tallman &
Co.'s drug store.
1 IFIsSP FAN INfi Stnre npar iha D.:
Sharpies Tubular Dairy Cream Separator
Beats them all for close skimming
and easy running, no disc or bowl
complications whatever
The closest skimniitiir and .....
nr fcixii ami.ik v ul Lnm mm . hh'ii rmrr sinna. il .
" I 7 , -vH.ui uuuw Ul(
nuvtJirw uiruuuiKuuuevs us rega'a to quality
uciuiuiuic fjuiioiuticu luipossi ie. it delivers
niinnjLUi mm uuiiLuii uciinii. itimiiii n n t h.iii -i
nut uiuic uuu mnu unu ue oDiaiDed from I
other Separator in eisten'e. an bethorou
r -- V Wl U C II 11
uiee, as mere are oniy uiree pieces to the how
. . . . r. 1 - w uuuu
t v, .v.. u.i icucwai nirut
Mi.r umn ocNiLaui( uu but) limrKel.
For catalogue, address:
t r Tivi n tu ii j j u
IssVIhbsssssssssssi '1
Ten Dollars Reward.
A brown mare, shod all round, with
a white stripe In her face and wear
ing a saddle with a coat tied on be
hind, has strayed away from the vi
cinity of Gibbon station. Ten dollars
reward will bo paid for the return of
the outfit to Henry Hill, Helix, Oregon.
A Startling Test.
To save a life, Dr. T. G. Morrltt,
Salesman (recommending blue necli
tle with large pink spots) But
wouldn't you like one like that? I'm
sulling a lot of them this year. Sar
castic Customer Indeed, very clever
of you, I'm sure. Harvard Lampoon.
No. Mehoopnny. Pa., made a startling
test resulting In a wonderful cure.
He writes, "A patient w-as attacked
with violent hemorrhages, caused by
ulcerations of the stomach. I had
often found Electric Bitters excellent
for acute stomach troubles so I pre
scribed them. The patient gained
from the first and has not had an at
tack In li mniltlifl " TMnnt.!.. T1IAW
are positively guaranteed for dyspep-i V-fa am I nntlHfir
sin. Indigestion, constipation and kid- OlCCllII laUIiUl Y
Trv rhpm nnl.- rtrtn nt ! w
ney troubles.
Tallman & Co.'s,
May S-17 Pacific Coast Concren.
tlonal Congress, Seattle.
May 12-15 Golf tournament.
May H. 24 Seventh Dav Aili-Hntlst
conference, Pendleton.
.May 201. O. O. F. cranil ln,lu
May 20, June 3 Presbyterian eon.
eral assembly, Los Angeles, Cal.
May 24-29 Commencement nt u.,n.
ton Academy: 24. baccalaureate ser-'
mon; 27. class day; 29, eommence-'
nient; an, oanmiet.
1 1 1' H H' Hill II I I H't 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 M ihh
mwkii iitutiu iv Ha uil t.uaiiv iiiamiaiiiuu. l ani: a iuijk
at our
Easy Running Lawn Mowers.
i iicv iiic inane: uu liic nurrnci i iriiiL:i iih i ilk h iMPasure iu
operate them. L,ct us supply you with GARDEN HOSb.
Best goods at lowest prices. : : : : t r : : :
Thompson Hardware Co.,
621 Main Street
J Headquarters for Fishing Supplies.
H"W-I A III 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 II I I II I 1 1 1
We have just opened a modern
ly equipped laundry on Webb
street just east of the East Ore-
gonian i-iuiining. we are pre- i
pared to do first class work j
promptly Consult our list of .
ptices and give us a trial. We1
make special rates to families. ,
Phons us and we will call for your j
laundry. Don't send your clothes 1
to Chinese wash houses when you I
can get it done better and with '
less wear at our laundry where
none but white help are employed
Stephens & Jordan
May 23-28 Commenrnmom .!,. i'norie Wain 1101 Pendleton, Or.
field day; 24. baccalaureate sermon;
23, Juniors entertain seniors; 2C, pub
lic program by juniors; 27, senior
uiuao uuy; commencement; alumni
banquet. 30.
May 2b. 27 Caledonian plcnlr at
For Rent Suite of rooms tiloii.
furnlaheiL one hlock anil n hnlf want !
ui .iiuiu sireei. lnnulre 20S Alia.
era uoariuug car. was stabbed tu t east of the city. A dwelling, two
death Wednesday evening by a fel- j barns and other outbuildings, and a
low countryman. i good water system. Call at Oliver
Tacoma Is experiencing an acute . A: Co.'s grocery, or at the home of v..
beef famine. Local butchers are now j W. ltlgby, 704 Thompson street.
anxiously awaiting cattio shipments
from Texas, which were ordered in , Acker's Blood Elixir positively cures
nn extremity. Chronic Blood Poisoning and all
The master painters of Portland Scrofulous affections. At all times a
are hiring every non-union man who piaichlcss systom tonic and prlfter.
wm wont, i ne uemanu lor painters , ' '"cu 11
is enormous, some of the firms hav- e"' EOc an5 1-00 F- w- Schmidt &
Jng 00 and CO houses engaged ah"nd. Co - lrngglsts.
1 Pierre Dolorme. a half-breed of
Vancouver, II. -C, slashed his wife Lot ,or 8a,e
with a butcher kuife, Wednesday. I offer some nice lots on the north
Thinking he had killed her, ho cut s'lo near the river.' No grading need-
;lils own throat, dying almost instant- Price $200 to $300. N, T. Conk-
Enjoy Life
Out door exercise means
improved health and a
sunny disposition
All Kinds of Sporting
and Pleasure Goods
No matter what game or
pastime your fancy runs
to, you can get the
goods to promote it at
Book and Stationery Store
Out Soda
Is sizzling, and fizziug, and
Imbling with the
None nut the best quality of
materials are nsed.
Try onr
Mt. Hood
Snndae Only at
F. W. Sctmidt's
The Reliable Druggist
fojlofficc Block-. I'hone Main 8m
an iti) , . . t,. . . fi rnm-
ou a ocm me original inventor of tne nrsi buclcsoiu. -
blned Harvester.
We wish to call the attention of our friends whs contempt
purchasing a Side-Hill Combined Harvester the coming season, tw
we are still in tho lead in the way of Improvements, in uarvesuus
machinery, and which our farmer friends have rightfully named tw
"KING OF the riRi.iv Aftn- ....i.i.. io in the field tw
imoi b. iii-en years, and lor the season of 1903 it will ne sun
as we nave made a number of valuable Improvements.
The MACHINE Is the stronest and most durable made.
n.ir-mjvto uhive WHEELS 5 feet 4 inches nlgn, zz
RUNAWAYS are a rare thing with us. There is a brake oo
main urive wheel, which is controlled by the driver.
HEADER 1 itrW-on i..,i..r.n..,in..i.- i, nroin uhct'l o( S-f
- - " .. t .... v. t.uv.tlLl UUW ttic (l ' ' ' o,r
arator, and is arranueri will, n Pinti, r.i- ii,rnimr in anil out ol s'
when turning corners.
. "imiuu wiau lo can your uiicunuu i .
to the seuaratlnv ni,niiioa nf r.... i.i w xinim that no oul
D t" ---- " 1 WU1 lUHtUlUCi " L H - ... It
combined harvester on the market can lu any way compare " '!
for speed and thoroughness of work, in all kinds and condition'
Oram, and will require less team to operate it.
AUTOMATIC GOVERNOR-Our patent wind governor on
fans governs the blast so that at any speed at which the barveie'
may be traveling, the wind is automatically regulated and prevent
elogging the shoe ami mri-vim- i, nun- in the straw.
-----fl 1 -.11. " ' " 1 ...
We take pleasure n inviting you to call on Temple & Wlle
Pendleton, and malte a personal Inspection of each and every pan
our machines before ninnin v..h mnchlne warr
ed to do all wo claim for It and to be first-class In every respect
Local Agents