East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 13, 1903, Image 1

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    '. v
PTETa week.
K f j u m UUUUL
NO. 4742.
fHA X bgBKBtfjM - i 1 J r8i Thursday. j
t . flt 'BJMMaaMsasa-gsir 1 1UI"B"1 anursuay, snow-
1 ' iii . !
Between the
Northern and us
tinmen Are Unavailing.
Arfji Strike n tne rarx .
, Riiliead Mfl' 'Union Will
,lt'0Vf the Greatest Strikes
Mt Ml May 13. Before nigntraii
r .. ihnt hn
ik'e tiit 'threatens far-reaching
tibutim results.
I eoBBlttee''Of business men this
t called ?Qn, the. trainmen's, oi-
kud odeaTored to hayo. thorn.
r their demands, but the train
rMited t&lr demands are not
table and that the business
i itst lookito the road for a sot
RiipaiidtdHcerS; of the trainmen
I fftfe the TOM.
lUted. the strike has Us
i b too long hours ot work and
srk combined with insumciem
(u stated, yesterday.
Second of the Series of Games Being
Played Today.
The first round of the goif tourna
ment Tvas pi ay cm on' yesterday after
noon. Three games of nine holes
oach will be pbayed. The first "was
played yesterday and the second
series win come on (bis afternoon,
The finals will bo played 'Friday
auernoqn. nine maicn games were
played yesterday afternoon and thu
results aro given below:
Moorhouse vs. Hartman Moor
house won, l up.
Dodd vs. Judd tied.
lltnehart vs. Berkley Rinehart
won, l up. -.j,
Keller vs. Dickson tied.
Wade vs. Lambtrth Wade ''won, 2
up. ,
Brown vs. Clopton Brown won 2
Mrs. F. It. Clopton vs. Mrs. H. F,
Johnson Mrs. Johnson won, 1 up.
Frazior and Prultt were to play, but
the match was cancelled on account
of rruttt's sickness.
The entire numtfer of entries are
Mark Moorhouse, O. A. Hartman Jr.
E. .P. Dodd, E. Y. Judd, William Rin
hart. N. Berkeley, William Keen. J:
R. Dickson, L. O. Frazler. C.'"E. Prn.
til, itaipn. waac, j. t. Lamblrth, R.
f. tirown ana . u. uiopton. .
Tne ladies entered are Mrs. H. K
Johnson and Mrs. F. B. Clonton. Oth
er ladles are expected to compete to
day.' -
i bIom and for 'several
i tire been, particularly well or-
I on the Great Northern, from
tajiteen and conductors to the
ttop. which will result from
mined strike' hv the trainmen.
U protract! .'irssult In throwing
(Wiorinj gufs out of employ-
U indeed, .they do not elect to
ion toiunttlly through sympathy
t mi resna takes place,
i n WW -and Water Swept
W JacJcsenvllle in Danger.
"iiue'na Mav is A hv
I li nitlnr here slnrn loo nih
(Portions of thfi Htv urn ftnnAr.,1
jrainre.Deing.used. The terml
"ran water works are partly
End af th uiAr .n
Lf!K.le,8. May 13.-Many local
-.v JU,uS me flying Roll, a
mum. anil urn nnl. t..
? He world. N. E. Stlllnr.
n..utct;r' .hBS Joined tho
a,s ""nuy and business,
r M Defeat In Morocco.
u!L "--"'spatches from
iWrOCCO. thin mnrl
cugBgements have oc
WweenthP imi.i . ... "h
17 A- Bth sides
Pttnll. ml-j T. '"'I'Brim iorces
. .-."cu mo mastery.
1 Fflri ri. , . . .
rim m Main.
Area ; J ","'."'u
,BM0to8 KWy damage 1
"dm..... " ' uue ommis-
ki-??-"- L. Boulter. Ll
' Court Street.
'ModlUom, "eat The
lii 75?.?re a "ttlo more
ih i mo nan fo. j
rWoos of Vi K recolved
l' Hn niLiuaaf!
armer leather.
1 "heat i vrrx
"o ueneve that
'-ur ii "
... 72
1 Mr 13.
Molders Strike.
Erie, Pa.. May 13. At a special
medtllig last, evening, attended by 600
molders, !t -was unanimously ordered
that a strike be Inaugurated. Six
or the largest shons In the cltv am af.
fected.'and It Is 'expected that trouble
win extend to' several others before
nlghteThe-internatldnar officers
spent three days hero Jast week, but
failed to settlo their grievances, th$
most important being- a small Increase
in wages.
Grew Out of Civil Suits to Curb a
Monopoly Defendants Can Be Fined
Five Thousand Dollars.
San Francisco, Cal., May 13. The
trial of the Federal Salt Trust, which
Is being prosecuted criminally by the
United States government for alleged
violations of the Sherman anti-trust
law, began this morning In the United
States UlBtrict court before Judge De
Haven. Tbo corporation is renre
scnted by H. B. Wright. United States
District Attorney Marshall 13. Wood
worth Is certain that ho can secure a
conviction. If he Is right In his views
he will be the first government official
to secure a conviction of a trust
wherein a criminal action has been In
The government broueht a civil
suit some time ago to dissolve cer
tain contracts which the trust had en
tered Into with the manufacturers and
and producers of salt on the Pacific
Coast. These contracts ran for five
years, and by virtue of them tho trust
had a monopoly of the salt business.
Judge Morrow dissolved these con
tracts last November and enjoined the
trust and parties to tho trust from
further working under the contracts.
Then criminal proceedlnss were lnstl-
tuted against tho officials by District
Attorney woodworth, acting under m.
structlons from Attorney-General
Knox. They are to be prosecuted for
violation of provisions of the Sher
man anti-trust law. in that they form
ed a monopoly and entered Into con
tracts In restraint of trado. Should
conviction be secured the penalty
entailed Is a line of $5,000.
Salt Trust Pleads Guilty.
San Francisco. Mav 13. Attorney
Wright pleaded guilty on behalf of his
clients, the salt trust. The defend
ant is liable to a fine of $5,000.
Trying to Hold Up the Canal
Company, May Prove to Be
i a Boomerang,"
Everything Organized and Un
organized Turns Out to
Greet the President.
Ex-Mayor Phelan Makes Him a Gift
of a Golden Souvenir Much Com
ment Is Provoked by the Promt
nence Given Colored Troops,
State Department Will Reopen Nego
tlations With Nicaragua and Costa
Rica if the Treaty Is Not Ratified,
f Within a "Reasonable Time."
Washington, May 13. Dr. Thomas
H. Herran, Colombian charge d'af.
fairs here, said today that he "had "not
been advised by his government that
President Marroquln had resigned, as
reported in dispatches from Panama.
"It It shall appear f.io-tly that tht
Colombian government !s disposed to co. But Mr. Roosevelt, nothing ap
defer final action beyond the 'reason-1 palled by the strenuous task before
able time' mentioned In the Spconer him, arose early and entered into the
act, the state deoartment will at once enjoyments of the day with genuine
endoavor to reoDen neeotlatlons with i enthusiasm. After breakfast he re-
Nlcaragua and Costa Rica, with a I cclved several callers and at 9 o'clock
view to secure control of the alternate i started unaer military escort tor Ma
San Francisco, Cal., May 13. Five
pubjlc receptions and addresses and
two.-reviews, to say notc'ng of drives
luncheons and many other minor feat
ures1 of the program were the events
crowded Into the second day of Presl
dent Roosevelt's visit In San Francis
route for a canal through these
countries. In fact, Secretary Hay
nag nireaay within the week, talked
with the Nlcaraguan and Costa Ricau
ministers. So much ill feeling was ex
cited In Nicaragua and Costa Rica b
the dropping of the Nlcaraguan route
aftertthe protocols had been--drawn
looking to its acquisition, that tho
resident ministers of the two coun
tries here are very loath to take up
the subject again without an express
agreement that they are not to be
used to club the Colombian govern
ment Into terms.
The offlclals here, however, feel
very confident that it will not be
necessary to resort again to the NIc
araguan route, for they believe that
the present difficulties in the Pana
ma negotiations are solely attributa
ble to efforts on tne part of the Co
lombians to make the most of the
opportunity to Induce the Panama Ca
nal Company to divide with It some
part of the $40,000,000 to be received
by the company from the United
"Newspapers Just received from
Bogota contain articles adverse to
the Panama canal treaty, and private I ncers and Mexican War Veterans and
letters from Bogota of recent date, ex-Mayor Phelan presented a golden
referring to tho growing opposition i (souvenir entitled "Tho Bear Hunt.'
there to the treaty, affirm that even t The president replied, "even a presl
a certain number of the government dent can be a successful bear hunte;
officers ore wavering in their adhei In California." Tho oresldent's speech
ence to the treaty and prophesy Its ( advocated preserving landmarks,
rejection by tho Colombian congress . There has been considerable com
in Its present form." ment locally on the great prominence
tive eons- nan, wnero he was re
ceived by the Native Sons of the
Golden West and the Society of Call
fornla Pioneers. A half hour later
found .hlnuceylewlng a parade of
school children In" Van Ness' avenue,
A review of the United States trooDs
U.iJe, Presidio was the next feature
on th.e program.' This occupfed the
time up to noon when the president
and his party were taken for a drive
through Golden Gate Park to the
ocean beach and thence to the Cliff
House, where luncheon was had with
the members of the local reception
The program for the afternoon
called for two addresses, one before
the veterans of the Spanish war, and
the second at the state encampment
of the Grand Army of the Republic,
The day will end with a drive through
-Market street to the Mechanics' Pa
vlllon, where there will bo a public
reception and an address by the pres
Colored Troops in Evidence.
San Frnncisco, May 13. President
Roosevelt addressed the Native Sons
and Daughters of California, tho Plo,
Strike Riots at Valparaiso Result Fa
tally Government Will Interfere.
Santiago. Chile. May 13. Ten were
killed and 200 Injured in the doc la
borers' strike riots at Valparaiso lust
night. Tho government refuses to
compromise with the difficulties and
Is determined to adopt strong meas
ures to restore order. Three thousand
troops have boon dispatched to Val
Increasing Disturbances.
London. May 13. A Valparaiso dis
patch this afternoon says rioting con
tinued today with serious results. All
places ot business are closed. Forty
men are reported killed so far. and
martial law has been proclaimed.
Rioters have burnod a number of
warehouses and attacked newspaper
Wholesale Escape of Prisoners at Se
attle Narrowly Averted.
Seattle. Mav 13. Eleven prisoners
confined In the city Jail made a des
nerate attemnt to break Jail tnis
morning. They succeeded In breaking
open the cell door and an escape was
onlv prevented by one woman not in
the plot giving the alarm. The ring
leader, Minnie Wilson, and another
woman as battering rams, broke open
a door whlch was fastened by a
chain. All were recaptured before
they could get out of the building.
Philippine Transport Business.
Seattle, Hay 13. Only two bids
were received at the quartermaster's
office here today to handle the Philip
pine transport service. Those were
from the Boston Steamship Company,
represented by Frank Waterhouse.
and M. C. Harrison & Co., of San
Francisco. The Waterhouse bid was
the lowest and will bo accepted.
given to colored soldiers. Colorea
troops were tho guard of honor yee
terday and were specially detailed to
Cavalry Officer Injured.
San Francisco, May 13. The first
accident that hag marred the presl
dent's trip through California occur
red at the review of troops at tho
Presidio today. An artillery offlcei,
lowering his sword In salute, struck
his horse, which Jumped, throwlnk
the officer and hurting him badly.
The horse dashed through the line of
soldiers, severely Injuring two.
Stage Coach Wrecked.
Elgin, May 13. As tho stage was
getting ready to leave Wallowa yes
terday, the team became excited and
started to run. The driver was una
bio to control them and they turned
the coach over and made a com pie to
wreck of It. Fortunately, the paauen
gers had not all got In the coach and
those that were in Jumped out before
tho team ran. Tho Journey from
there to Elgin was made In a wagon.
Chicago, May 13. Labor leaders
Interested in the strike of the colored
waiters employed In Kohlsaat res
taurants, declared today they will tie
...... . I . .. l.a,.a Ihoir will laf
UP tnO WIIOIB c" ..... ...
the waiters lose. The threat Is due
to assertions made by the Employers
association that It will force union
labor out of all tho hotels and restau
rants in tho city If the waiters do not
return to work.
The Teamsters' uniuu, buuiuwiu6
30,000, offeres support io '
by refusing to haul goods to bakers
and lunch rooms. Its officers declare
if the Employers' association does not
withdraw Its aid from thu Kohlsaat
company tho entire union will go out
on strike against all members of tho
Employers' association.
The situation has become so grave
that Governor Yates today sent tbo
entire state board of arbitration to
tho city. Almost 26,000 workers are
now on strike and the unrest Is grow
ing. Eight hundred blacksmaths employ
ed bv the Rock Island & Northwest
ern roads quit today. Radical labor
leaders say that If tho troubles are
not settled soon 150,000 men In tho
city will be out before tho summer is
Work Stopped on Four Hundred Miles
of Asphaltum.
New York, May 13. With 400 miles
of streets of tho city calling for now
aspnaiting and 120 new contracts lot
Commissioner of Highways Living'
ston finds himself entirely helpless,
because of the great labor war now
'To complicate tho situation, Mr.
Livingston says a company has ob
talned contracts to connect every sub
station of the city with tho general
postofneo by pneumatic tube. This
company has also obtained from tho
state legislature tho right to put In
tnese tubes without obtaining a Iran
chlso to use tho streets, and Is said
to be on the point ot starting work
and as It will have to remove the as
phalt on 45 miles, of streets in ordor
to lay the 90 miles of tubes, this will
mean more litter and obstruction un
til the war Is over,
Man Who Run Locomotive on Old
Bordentown A Trenton Road, Ex
plres Aged 96.
Chicago. May 13. Rynere Van
Sickle, said to havo been tho oldest
railway englueer, Is dead at tho
almshouse of Winnebago county, II
lluols, at tho ago ot 96 years. Ho
was a graduate of Princeton Univer
sity, and after leaving school had an
engine on tho old Bordentown A
had lived In
Trenton railway. Ho
Hockford since 1874,
Field Meet at Baker.
Baker City, May 13. Running,
jumping, hurdling nnd tho usual field
events will be tho attractions noxt
Saturday at tho League baseball
grounds on tho occasion of tho high
school athletic mooting. Tho first
event will tako placo at 2:30 and on
elegant list of events has boon pre
pared. Three tcams will bo soon In
tho relay race, and high marks aro
expected to be set In tho other events,
In view" of, the- showing madqat AValla
Not Too Much Trusts, But the Efforts
to Control Them Makes Trouble for
the People.
New York, May 13, Tho Cummer
clnl today published an Intervlow
with J. W. Dodd, general solicitor for
the Standard Oil Company, on the
financial situation, in which ho do
clares tho present hesltnncy In tho
stock markets Is duo to fear of tho
Sherman luw. Ho says: "In my ooln
Ion there will bo little Improvement
in uio stock markets until tho attl
tudo of tho United States government
toward tho great business enterprises
o: tne country is understood.
"mo security market is suffering
irom too much Sherman law: or nor
haps from the extreme construction
which tho courts sou fit to place upon
the law, when tho common people
find tbey are getting hurt tbolr war
on tbo combinations that aro of more
benefit than harm, will cease. It may
not until men."
Believed the Murderer of Augusta
Relchlin Is Planning More Crime,
Loralno, O.. May 13. Friends of
Father Walser. who was recently cx1
onerated from tho charge of murder
ing Augusta Relchlin, believo the man
who wag tho real murderer mado an
other attempt to kill a woman last
night, when Mrs. James Rowcn awoko
to find a man leaning over her bed.
when she asked him what ho wanted,
tho Intruder threatened to kill her,
Tho woman screamed and tho man
fled. Mrs. Bowen fired five shots at
hhn, but missed. Walser's friends
claim a man with a mania for murder
Ing women Is at large In thu city.
Sumpter Strike Ended.
Summer. May 13. Tho striking
sawmill men resumed work yesterday
morning, tho arbitration committee
having rendered a decision fair to
both sides. A contract for 2.000 cords
of wood has been let to responslblo
parties, guaranteced by bond, and this
means the practical elimination of
Japanese laborers.
Cardinal for America.
Rome. May 13. It Is reported that
Archbishop Ireland will bo clovated
to tbo rank of cardinal at tho consis
tory to be held at tho end of the
present year.
Deny Massacre of Jews.
St. Petersburg, May 13. An official
denial of tho reported massacro of
Jews at Tirospol, seven miles from
Kishinev has been Issued,
C. J, Mills Ably Reviews the
Situation Now Confronting
Eastern Oregon.
Large Holdings Are Suicidal In Pres
ent. Range Conditions Profits Are
Lessened by Shipping an Unfinish
ed Product.
C. J. Mlllls, livestock agent of the
O. R. & N., Is In tho city today on
an extended trip throughout Eastern
Oregon and Washington, In tho Inter
est of his busy department.
Mr. Mlllls Is Jubilant over tho fact
thnt tho Oregon stockman escaped,
the fato of his Idaho brethren last
winter In tho way of stock losses.
Although every old and new haT
stack In Eastern Oregon wasjod out
lost winter," says Mr. Mlllls, "our
stockmen aro fortunate In having
very light losses. For a time the
situation looked very unpromising,
but tho Oregon hay stack had Just
as good staying qualities as tho Idaho
uiuzard that sword ovor Into OreEon.
about tho first ot March, and wo es
caped very luckily.
"wnilo tho grass was Blow In start
ing In many portions of tho ranae
j-dlstrlct, tho stock, conditions, in gen-
orai, were never ' Detter tnaa iu .me
present tin e, so far-as feed and' the
progress of spring work Is concern-"
"Tho flocks aro In uood condition
for shearing and lambing and a high
pcrcoutngo or lambs will bo .saved
this yoar. Tho wool clip Is not be
low tho average, as was expected ou
account of tho long period of feeding
Stock Movement Brisk.
"Tho movement of range- sheou and
cattle to Montana and other range
districts has started off with tho ustii
al activity, but I find among all our
stockmen thnt suicidal tendency to
hold on to more stock than the ranges
will support. This Is a suicidal pull
ey. Tho homo rungus nro now very
Imdiy congested. Tho large holdlna
only tend to hasten tho Inevitable
rango conflict, nnd further and more
Important, to lesson tho profits of the
Thoro should bo 100 cars of stock
shipped out of Oregon whoro then
nro but 10 shlppod now, Thero -should
bo 20 fnt steers shlppod from Kastorn
Oregon to Portland, whero thero Is
ono shipped now, nnd thero must bo
llvo acres of alfalfa grown hero, whore
ono acre Is now growing, boforo we
approach that Industrial perfection
o which all our resources continually
Diu farmers uro slowly xmlna tu
recognize tho vital meaning of pre
paring stuff for markot. As an Index
to tho growth or this tendency, It Is
worthy or notice that tho O. II. & N.
handled 100 per cont moro hogs dur
ing ino past year ban tho year be
Big Herds Doomed,
"Tbo big liord must surrender lit.
prestige and placo to tho well-kont.
little herd. Tho poor calf and thu
poor lamb now shipped out of the
state to bo fed and marketed by the
middle man elsewhoro must bo pro
pared for market In Eastern Oregon.
feed yurds and sont direct from hero
to Portland and Pugot Bound, Cut
down tho flocks, pluut moro alfalfa,
feed moro floors for market and make
moro mutton." This la tho onlv
rufugo for tho Eastern Oregon stock
man. Thu inevitable (Increase of
outside rango Is fnstly driving thorn
to It Tho necessity of owning Indi
vidual pasture areas Is now at hand,
"Tho entire Industrial and agricul
tural Interests and systems of this
Inland Empire nro now on tho rorge
of rearrangement, regonoratlon and
tho quicker tho farmers and stock-
moil adapt themselves to tho changed
oiuiiuons tno larger will bo their
profits and tho moio satisfactory tho
result of tholr labors."
Mr. Mlllls loaves tonight for Wash.
tucna, Wash., to look over tho stock
Interests In that vicinity and will at
tend the meeting of the Wallowa
County Woolgrowers' Association to
be hold In Joseph on May 26.
Strike at Denver,
Denver, May 13. Two hundred
cooks, 600 waiters, 600 butchers and
150 bakers are out today.