East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 09, 1903, Image 8

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t.L ... ... - nrWTt"rv AMD CART. BiMBM
"n urmu Wii ba
Every Day Needs
about the house are supplied
by the many articles of wood
enware we are now offering at
little prices. Long and short
stupladdcrs that arc handy
and safe. Tight tubs and pails,
all sizes. All our woodenware
! is sound and seasoned.
211 Court Street
I Know U Know
need a few nice pieces ofj.
Furniture 1
to make the house more com-T
fortable and cozy. And CAR T
PETS, well, yon should see out T
big line before you buy. "j"
Go Carts from $3 up. f
Undertaking Parlors In Connection
Real Estate Transfers.
C. J. Wilson 1ms bought lot 12 In
tllock 0, In Llvermore's mUlltion to
Pfflfendloton, of Lot Llvcrmoro nnd wife,
or ?ibo.
Joseph Ilcailur anil wife, of Tnco-
Ivfia, have sold to Oeorgo It. Clerking
$16,000, the Bonth half of section 19,
tna tuo west naif of tuts southeast
luartor of section 20, nil In township
north of rango 34 cast, containing
ISO acres In Umatilla county, near
m O. P. Bowman nnd Evn llowmon,
its wire, have sold to H. E. Krebs for
fl.OOO, lot 14. In block 184. of tho res-
Lvuuuu uucmion to mo city oi ren-Reton.
"In this article," said the editor to
the new reporter, "you sny the Indy
had her diamonds stolen."
"Wmll, whnt's tho mater with that?"
asked the now Information gatherer.
.VWhat-Vtho matter with It?" echoed
"Hie" power behind tho bine pencil.
"Now, why did tho lady have her
diamonds stolon?"
"Hecnuse the lady Is an actressr"
replied .the wise young man. Chicago
The Spanish-American war veter
ans of Portland have a grievance with
tho committee on arrangements for
the president's visit, and will not
march In the parade on that occasion.
Arguments Made Today In Three
The supreme court heard the urgu
mcnts on three caBes today, the titles
of the cases bolng given below:
Wallowa county, respondent, vs,
Aaron Wade, appellant. A suit brought
by respondent against the appellant
to enjoin him from obstructing a pub
lic highway. J. S. Hodgln and J. D.
Slater represent tuo appellant ami
Sam White and D. W. Sheahan the re
13. Fisher, appellant, vs. Union
county, respondent. A suit to reverse
tho Judgment of the circuit court of
'union county In vacating a county
road In Union county. Ilamsey and
0111 vcr represent tho appellants j C. H.
Finn the respondents.
l.a Grande Investment Company,
plaintiff and appellant, vs. F. L. Show,
defendant nnd respondent. An action
at law to recover 1500 and Interest
nt fi per cent from March 1. 1901, on
a written contract. W. n. Sargent
and Ilnmsey & Olllvor attorneys for
appellant; Olmstcad and Miller attor
neys for respondent.
Old Settlers' Reunion at Weston.
Attorney S. V. Knox, of Weston Is
In tho city having business before the
supreme court. Mr. Knox reports ex
tensive improvements being made to
tho water works Bystom of Weston.
New mains nro being laid and the
piping extended all over the city.
Weston will have a big convention of
tho pioneers of Eastern Oregon In
June, tho exact date not being determ
ined at the present time. Much build
ing Is being done. Tho cold spring
has kept the crops back In develop
ment, but they aro strong and hardy,
nnd a good yield Is expected.
New Directories Arrive.
The Eastern Oregon directory, Is
sued by R. L. Polk -s now being
delivered. It is a handsome volume
of BOO pages, well patronized by ad
vertisers and contains n complete di
rectory of tho cities of La Grande,
Union, Hock Creek, Haines, Baker
City, Sumptor, Huntington and
Tho Ilrst woman to be admitted to
tho practice of law by the Dutch bar
In Mrs. Adolphlno Kok of Amsterdam.
Sho and her husband passed the neces
sary examinations at tho same time.
It is unlawful for a doctor in Franco
to Inherit property loft to him by a
deceased patient.
Miss Mary E. Pretty proved herself
the most expert typewrltlst In the
world a few rinys ago when she wrote
20,400 words In six hours niul rend
her 6wn copy from closely written
manuscript. Her work did not aver
age ono error to tho page.
Tho young woman who has so sud
denly gathered fame unto herself Is
Just 27, and came from Philadelphia
last March to fill n position In the
patent offlro at Washington. Sho
was appointed under tho civil serv
ice, having taken the examination
last Octoner. Her success Is as mucn
of a surprise to herself ns to anybody
else, for she never dreamed there was
anything remarkable about her way
of operating a typewriter. She does
not claim to use any special system
unless It he one of her own, which
sho would not know how to teach to
any one else. Ileforo coining to Wash
ington she worked for a commercial
house In Philadelphia that paid her
$12.50 a week-. She Is now paid on a
basis of $720 a year, hut has every
reason to uxnect rapid promotions
until sho reaches $1400, tho highest
salary paid to a female stenographer.
Miss Pretty took n business eourso
In one of the schools of her native
city nnd Immediately obtnlned em
plomont with n largo mercantile firm.
She never tried to gain unusual speed
on tho typewriter, but always dis
patched her work as quickly and ns
easily as possible, with no unneces
sary (lurry. Her complexion Is as
pink nnd white as a child's, and when
sho talks sho shows a row of teeth
of almost transparent whiteness. Her
hands are small nnd have hardly lost
their childlike chuhblness, nnd yet
they glide over the keys of n type
writer with an ease and nglllty which
is recorded on the records of the pat
ent ofllce of tlio United States.
Those who have watched her work
say that the secret of her success Is
steady nerves and a power of concen
tration which Is bettor than any sys
tem over Invented. Chicago Tribune, i
Pare and Mellow.
Hifli and IMicate,
For Bale by
Water tankS
Wife (looking up from paper)
'What was 'Hobson's choice," any
way?" Husband "Airs. Hohson, I
suppose." Chicago Dnlly News.
Hodman Wannamaker Is one of tho
most heavily Insured persons In tho
world. His father, John Wannamaker,
is insured for $1,500,000. It is said
that King Edward VII. carries more
Insurance than any other man.
We make a Specialty of Building Round
or Square
We make them right and they
always give satisfaction Our
work is never slighted or botched,
Pendleton Planing Mill
and Lumber Yard.
Ronr.RT Forstkr, Prop.
Fine Yellow Newtown ui
only 90 cents box. A??1m
We have the Famous and .1
ways satisfactory w'
A trial will' oonvinco yon 0f it.
merits. ,w
The Big Store in a Small
Alta Street, Opposite Savings Bank
One of the finest residences in
Pendleton 11 rooms nil modem Im
provements; pretty lawn; complete
$6,500. $2,500 down, balance on time.
Another residence 7 rooms, -vriui
bath, sewerage, electric lights; pretty
Inwn, shade trees, within three blocks
of Main street, $2,500.
Other houses and lots from $600 to
Nice residence lots $150, V50 and
Much Other Town Property, and
Easy Terms, Where Desired.
G. D. BOYD. Ill Court Streel
12S-130 Co-curt Street
A Week ot Bargain Offerings in Desirable Merchandise. Beginning Monday, Ma' 11th, and End
ing Saturday Night; May 16th. KEEN DECISIVE PRICE CUTTING
is the force we rely on to eject them and if there ever was a time and a chance of a life to save money on merchandise that chance is now and
here. The savings offered are like finding that much money, if you see the pieces you want. Then you have the satisfaction of knowing that every
dollar you invest goes into honest manufactured merchandise with our euarantee back of it. The Store's r putation stands back of the Bargains just
the same as its regular goods. You can buy Dry Goods for less this week than tlv y will be offered for again this year. Terms of Sale are Cash
TIONS. At a rellahlo storo whero only goods
of known merit are handled there's
a senso of security and satisfaction
to thoso who buy hero. Our prices
aro absolutely tho lowest In keeping
with tho standard of excellence al
ways maintained by tho house. Head
icarefully those Items for Monday's
Now Etamlnes, all pure wool, 38
inches wide, 72c yard.
38-inch Molroso, In tan, green and
black. Salo price, 68c.
44 and 40-Inch colored Voiles and
Etamlnes In plain and selected effects,
80c to $1.12 a yard.
Now biscuit shado, genuine French
' Eolinc, 42 inches wide the scarcest
and most deslrnblo of all tlta now
goods, $1.18.
Our selection of wash dress goods
:1s well worth Inspecting. Wo havo a
great variety of Imported and domes
tic makes; up-to-dato styles, at mod
erate prices.
50 pieces, 31 Inches wide. Percales
In light nnd dark colorings, in now
designs, firlco per yard, 9c.
48 pieces of dress Ginghams, beau
tiful pattorns, warranted fast colors,
prlco per yard, Sc.
Anderson's Scotch Ginghams. In
fast colors, In plain, strlpos and
checks, a great variety, at 25c per
Piles of white walstlng materials.
In Oxfords, Madras goods, Pique and
a host of fancy weaves that cnu not
woll bo described; prices 18e to 60c
per yard,
Spring and Summer Undirwear and
Hosiery for Ladies and Children.
Wo nro now propared to supply knit
underwoar In any grado, In any slzo,
for ladles and children, spring nnd
summer weights. Our values In knit
underwear aro positively the very
best that your money cnu buy. Our
stock Is purchased direct from the
manufacturers on cash terms, nnd wo
aro thus enabled to guarantee out'
qualities RELIABLE, and our prices
the lowest possible on TRUST
All sizes In each quality.
Knit vests nnd pants, both white
and ecru, all sizes at Gc, 10c, 15c, 25c,
3.ric, 40c, 50c, C5c and 75c each.
Ladles' union suits, In fine cotton,
white laco trimmed, knee lengths at
18c, IIGe, 7Gc and $1.00 a stilt.
Ladles' llslo underwear vests with
high necks and long sleeves, low neck
nnd sleeves and high necks with short
sleoves; pants kneo lengths at 50c,
line, 75c and $1.00.
Ladles' white Unit cotton umbrella
drawers with laco trimming, nt 36c,
10c, GOc.
Ladles' black spllco., heel and toe
lace, lisle hose, from 15c to $1.50 per
Some of the Boys' Spring Suits.
Ono of tho prettiest stilts that has
yet arrived Is In tho sailor blouso
stylo. It Is a stylish garment In
Theso aro In ages 3 to 8 years. Very
special at $4.98
Hoys' blouso suits, in Itusslan style,
color green and grey; mado of unfin
ished worsteds, worsteds and homo
spuns; lapels trimmed, pebbled leath
er belt, ono of tho most stylish suits
of the season In ages 3 to 10 years.
This Is an extra special value nt from
$3.90 to $4.95 a suit.
In tho sn.ior stylo wo havo somo
very nobby suits In blue nnd linen
colors, both plain and fancy collar Is
very prettily trimmed In white nnd
colored tape; nothing could bo moro
desirable to dress a boy with, In ages
3 to 12 years. Theso suits will wash.
Ranging in prlco from 75c to $1.00 a
Smart New Suits and Skirts.
Wo aro adding constantly to our
already extensive showing of women's
spring and summer suits nnd skirts.
Wo are constantly seeking for now
lirown and bluo, the collar Is very tas
tily edged with cord, necktlo to match.
styles among tho designers ot this and
tho Old country. Our many models
lead the women of Pendleton and its
surroundings to turn to our big store
for tho ruling fashions of the season.
Sinn tailored tailor suits in the new
desirable shades $5.90 to $20.00.
This will bo moro than ever a shirt
waist season. There Is no skirt so
pretty with shirt waists as the Eta
mine. With a protty ctamiue skirt
cno can always feel dressed up, no
natter how drossy is tin' ucraslnn
Dress skirts of black Etamine. trim
Hied with three rows of black satin
bands, prlco $11.98.
.Misses' skirts In fancy mixtures, all
(olors, striped and tucked, plain and
' fancy, prlco $3,45,
Walking Bklrts priced from $1.(9 to
Wo will put on salo many odds and
ends of beautiful towels In fancy Da
masks; values up to 75c.
Wo have a great many odd table
cloths, not remnants, but beautiful
separato patterns; no napkins to
match. That is why they will go so
cheap Friday.
Remember the date,
G dozen Ladles Shirt Waists priced
from 65c to $1.25. Sale price, 49c.
50 cents buys men's good 2-In-l work
shirts, double front and back, In light
or dark colors. Regular prlco 75c.
CO cents buys men's soft front dress
shirts, regular prlco $1,00.
12 cents buys men's good wearing
hoso in fancy assorted colors; regular
price 25 cents.
25 cents buys any size In women's
or children's supporters; regular price
Our entlro lino of ladles' and misses'
kid gloves will bo on salo Saturday
only, at tho prlco from 90c to $1.49.
and will sell under a strict guarantee
any pair that costs over $1.00.
95 cents buys any size of our tape
glrdlo corset in any color. Regular
prlco $1.25.
90 cents buys n splendid straight
front corset, In black or groy; regular
price $1.25.
N- In
pv iwi '
mi fei
it. .WCtftMOMfH
Wo are Bhowlng n very swell Ha"
of new summer suits for mn at popu
lar prices.
We will guarantee that there are
no hotter suits to sell for the same
money in Pendleton.
Same good qualities are usually
sold for considerably moro money.
They are absolutely correct In style;
3 and 4 button, single-breasted coats,
with long, narrow lapols In the new,
stylish ovorplalds and stripes and
black, finished worsteds.