East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 09, 1903, Image 7

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    From, the
Cow to vuc xm.
h im fsrmJ and feed of the cows. We test all the milk as It Is brought to our
at" "ft, sno plant In the world where more caution Is eMrelsedto Insure
flosS""- Ery0Prtnt,4Un,8rU,elllrtctch,rt8 ot a partner In the busi-
Economy Brand
Evaporated Cream
Is produced. II you try h. you wilt say It Is the most pleasing and
appetizing. Chemists and doctors say It is the most healthful.
Take no brand unless It bears the cap label reproduced herewith.
We produce ninety per cent of the world's supply and guarantee
every wn
GYB1J W" r " BH
$18.50 to $35.
' Books, Stationary rnd Fancy Goods.
Crescent and Rambler Bicy
cles at The NOLF STORE
&i ii mi tun nm"' ''
Five Porcelain Tubs
1 Are now to be found at
! Privett's Barber Shop and
; Bath Rooms. We also have
five hvdraulic chairs. Every
thing is neat and clean. We
employ none but first-class
workmen. Our equipment is
not excelled in Eastern Ore.
: Privett's Barber Shop
' 73 Mala Street
t Conrad Platzoeder
All kinds of Fresh
Meats always on
hand. Fine Bacon,
Hams and Sausage.
Prices as low as the lowest
r i i i v n i v 'i'
8toekman Will Leave Colorado Be.
cause of Greater and Italians.
fWVE,- 7?n?s' a Prominent stockman
or Trinidad, Col., was a visitor In
Pendleton today. Mr. Tynes Is here
looking for a location and likes the
country very much. Before deciding
to purchase ho will visit Washington,
British Columbia, and returning, will
!, vall0)' Iarts of tho state.
While Sir. Tyne has a high regard
tor tils own state, he has been driven
out by the importation ot greasers and
Italians, brought there by the contrac
tors of the mining districts, and for
railroad construction work.
He 1h KimtrtRpfl at ,flr. r
- ... , iv 1 1 . ui 'j w v r
Here and say-B that any number of 2-year-old
beef cattle may bo bought
from tho ranges of New Mexico, Arl
zona and fas for $7 per head. At
that figure uC thinks money could be
made by shipping them here, whero.
the abundant feed would soon make
them fat for market. Tho scarcity
of feed on tho southern ranges is re
sponsible for a 10 per cent loss to tho
stockmen and the sheepmen as well,
and the scarcity ot feed makes their
rare a hardship upon tho owners.
Police Chief to Meet.
New Orleans, l.a., May 9. The an
nual convention of the International
Association of Chiefs of Police to lie
hold in New Orleans next week will
attract the heads of the police de
partments of the leading cities ot tho
United States and Canada. The gath
ering will begin Tuesday and continue
In session through the greater part)
of the week. Tho papers and discus
sions will deal with the latest develop-
ments In the methods of apprehending
and Identifying criminals.
Woodmen Ball Team.
The Woodmen of the Wot Id last!
night organized a ball team and will
Issue a challenge to tho winning
team in tho coming contest between
the Elks and Eagles. J. Schlffner was
chosen manager and will have a team
selected and In training within a few
days. Walla Walla Statesman.
The genuine, the bicycle
which is the undisputed
leader, is handled in Pen
dleton only by us. Come
in and see the Racyclc.
Withee, 3'LSr
100 head of heavy horses. 1 wisk to
sell tho entire bunch and offer then
for 40 a head, spring colts thrown In
without charge. About 12 of thes
horses are broke to work and about
25 of them have been handled and arts
halter broke. All of tho young stock
have beon sired by an imported Per
cheron, which weighs upward of 2000
pounds. Tho Clyde mares are heavy,
low, blocky, solid animals. There aro
a number ot splendid 5-year-old geld
ings In this bunch. This Is a bargain
for some one. Call on or address for
further Information
Alba, Oregon.
There will bo no court-martial upon
the case of Captain Frank C. Stell
machee, of tho Oregon National
Guard. He has been accused of '
talking too freely of the actions of n !
superior ofneer.
After four days' diligent search, tho
sheriff of Douglas county falls to find
the slightest clew to the robbers of
the Olalla stage, which was held up
The 13th annual Swedish mission
cont'oi-cnee of the Northwest meets
in Tncoma, May 10.
Raised by Cas Rogers on But
ter Creek. Sired by a thorough
bred Kentucky Jack. His dam
was a large Maltese Jenny.
He will make the present sc
son at my place three miles Nortl..
east of Pendleton on Wild Horse
Terms: $io to insure live colt.
The Oregon Bally Journal can be '
found on salo at Frazler's book store.
O NLY the best of cream
and the very purest of
and ice cream sodas.
Try our ice cream with crushed fruit
Our cncolate creams will
please the most fastidious
WJE aim to be leaders in out line
Come around and we will convince
you of the excellence of our Cold
Drinks and Candies.
If .
This signature Is on crvry boa ot the ganulmi
Laxative Bromo'Ouininerhii'
'TT. i i 1; that curort r ruJtt in nao day.
Mental Science
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Four Lectures
Sunday and Monday Free
FIRST LECTURE Sunday , May. 10, 1903, at 8 p. m.
Subject: "How to OvercomerPovertv and Accumulate
Wealth." it?
"SECOND LECTURE Monday, May 11, 1003, at So. in.
Subject: "How to Educate the Man, Woman and Child
to Know Themselves." A number of Children will be
delineated on the platform.
"fillRD LECTURE Tuesday, May 12, at S p in. Sub
ject: "How to Select a Wife or Husband; Jealous Wives
and Husbands Cured." The abolition of the divorce
court the outgrowth of ignorance in the law of adapta
tion. This is ahea ling lecture. fcg
FOURTirLECTURE--Wednesday, May 13, at 8 p. in.
Subject: "How to Overcome Death and Live Forever."
This is the lecture that hcal.s
Founder of the Mental Science college at Seattle, Washington, and the Second Vic- President of the International Mental Science Association Will Deliver a Series of Lectures as Above
A large nildt,nt,0 asumWe(1 , Co.
Hal to hear IMol. Knox give his
to r i, d:mon8tltln of his ability
:"' 7;to on tho platform
Voltcly correct. Over 700 pu-
fcmoJrl C'SSOr R6Ve Ical
UsaTll m,"" 0t 1,tB 'Hty-The
TSalle ) Republican.
Ctw may, "cerri: Prof.
tures In ifl .c,osei1 ft ser'e3. of lec
i.rn? Kendrlck Hall. nia ......
3fwl'' V conside
,!l 0niMr:-"Bur fr the uronnr
M Intellect p"?"11 of "e hu
11 f'ng anS S, - :.IO,ox 8 very
1 wnestly r " " ",1B speaker, and
!1 'oae , imJ ftomme""l his lecture to.
l Pl V- M, Morris mi M"ohl'- Ch. I. O.
j morris, ui.; 0Qt 29 ,8f)S
I have heard the lecture given by
l'rof. M. K. Knox in our church build
ing this week. Prof. Knox has some
thing to say to men and women that
thoy need to hear and about which
wish especially that all men and boys
might hear his talk to men only. I am
persuaded tunt It would savo thous
ands of lives to be useful to their
country and to the world that aie now
destroying and being destroyed. G.
N. Coleman. Pastor M. E. Church,
Wardner, Idaho, July 2, 1898.
I am pleased to say that Pror. M. F
Knox has aroused much Interest In
tho subject he commands so well. My
son has attondod his class and is thor
oughly aroused by what ho has learn
ed, and has taken keen interest In
humanity slnco listening to Pror.
Knox's locturos. Frank J. Brown,
State Superintendent of Public
Schools, from Olympia Dally, Tues
day. Fob, 20, 1900.
Dont Miss the First
Professor Knox Explains Mental Sci
ence to Large Audience.
"A thorough understanding of one's
nolr Is true knowledge." This was tho
keynote of a lecture made by Profes
sor Knox In tho A, O, U. W. Hall last
evening. Tho speakur, a tall man with
Mowing, picturesque whiskers, Is an
Hilvocnte of what ho calls mental sci
ence, and the lecture was an exposi
tion of tho beliefs of this school.
Grouped around tho stago woie physi
ological charts and dozens or portraits
of eminent men. Largo cards bearing"
such mottos as "All Is wealth,'' "All
Is success," "I am success," etc., dec
orated the walls.
Tho lectuier's plan was to show tho
adaptability or every person for some
ceitalu thing, and the necessity of ap
plying one's self to that partlciilur ob
ject. Four men were brought from
the audience, and the professor meas
ured their cianlums to Hud Just what
Hues thoy should follow to mako n
success of lire. Ono was directed to
study sclouce, another to outer busi
ness and so on, An there was no ad
mission fee the hall was tilled anil the
pioressor succeeded In helling many
oi his IiooIch on the teachings of mou
th! science. Portland Oregonlau, Fob.
2, 1903.
Call and see the Professor at room
I, (Jolilen Utile Hotel, whero ho will
give private lessons dally while In the
city, from in a, m. to C p, m., on ''ilow
to make a buccosb," and "How to have
health." A clasH will be formed at
the close of the lecture.
. . Consultation Free. .