East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 09, 1903, Image 5

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    P1W LLMU..
f.jHrr 11 within
Very woman jo
""... toxins. ,
es 1,1 Wt of tno uimi.v.
rL,me a PFC ,... iioon in-
tov" fabrics .r."- ntlrt
lwc.i5 Ailo slice has been
.L.I 1DIV". 7 ..rnniniUVU
V iha hne" 1
lh .mart gown8-. .
of0?"' .ways the
knVn In tho cooiesi ui
r.A b ..n " M,.h Is both
to term a yoKO anu
Be tro ,, of nil-over vaionuiuu-
. The June
B(duii-- -,d rs making a
w.tr tho mandolin
.nd Fi UM. --.
wtin ik iiiu i""" . .
fl f0m. hnrsclf considerable
' . hv nronerly manip-
-.lHYHlltlJ v. ml-.
BCIJ""- nnne I 111211;
- (hs fasniOllrtui . , .
i.tu tn tint comuiii
K TZ disUnct pattern and
in. . . , nllt from me
lWW yoko. collar or
rk -I . .i-rti. Tno nil
- the occa.-.r -
. frtoh nun c.
. rifect now "c "- ,. ,
, " 1 rVe ' Valenclen-
wVnJChantllly effects are nui um,
rlvals of, but are frequently combined
with repousso, antique, Cluny and
yoko lace' to obtain some, of the most
charming effects.
A persuasive white cloth gown
which might bo inexpensively dupll
coted in nun's veiling or voile, is in
serted with a band of Cluny lace in
crusted upon fine lawn, relieved with
motifs of cream braiding which might
be reproduced in taffeta bands.
Tho front of trie skirt, mado with a
narrow tablior, fastens at about halt
a yard from tho feet with large opal
nnd gold buttons on cither sldo,
Tho bodice is an artistic creation
showing a pointed cape of cloth edged
nnd Inserted with the Cluny lace and
lawn, opening jver a chemisette of
braided batiste attached with buttons
of opal and gold like those upon tho
Tho sleeves arc small at the shoul
ders, but wide below the elbow and
Inserted with a wide band of Cluny.
Either silk batiste or fine lawn
would bo handsomely adapted to a
palo blue frock of French design. Tho
full skirt, sewed In groups of slot
seams, Is trimmed with embroidered
batiste bands and hand embroidery.
Hand Embroidery for Dimities and
Tho girl who finds time hanging
heavily on her hands and Is skillful
with tho noodle can make tho plainest
dimities and lawns handsome by dec
orating them herself with embroider
ed flowers. Then a dress of this kind
always has a sentimental value which
the Imported creation can not boast.
Tho blouso of the blue dress In ques
tion Is of all-over embroidery with an
nutsido blouse cut In square talis. It
also has a round yoko band of tho
plain matorlal adorned with tiny pearl
buttons. Tho bishop bIccvcs are hand
ombroldorod and gathered Into em
broidered cuffs.
$ the a,nt finishing
gained by ribbon-the soft satin varie
ty. Bands are wound twice around
the waist and knotted quaintly at the
back or side. Sometimes Instead of
bu ng knotted, the ribbon Is finished
vuth rosettes at the back and the
ends a rew Inches down the skirt,
? ,'e,l1i, bows and then allowed to
fnll straight nearly to tho bottom of
the skirt. Ribbon In Dresden and Wat
lean effects Is especially fetching as
a trimming for Suisse, organdie and
dimity frocks.
Everything thut lends width to the
upper part of tho waist Is )n demand,
theerfore capes, collars and berthas do
not wane In popularity. Tho Renais
sance collars whose making has be
como a fashionable home task, arc
particularly effective upon thin gowns
of all kinds and lend a richness to tho
general effect which need not bo en
hanced by any other trimming.
For seml-drcss wear, nothing is pret
tier than a loosely woven etamlne in
clear dark blue made with shirred
skirt and simple bodice finished with
a COllar Of ornntn nnnaleeiiiina lfft!.l
Not desiring this trimming, however!
...u I'luuiiiic m useu is amenaoie to
all sorts of self-decoration. The
threads can be drawn In precisely tho
same figures as those of coarse linen.
A Quaint Gown, and Novelty Effects
in Waists.
A rather nualnt crnwn u hmni in
black and brown. The description may
not read attractively, yet the design
Is a distinct triumph In tho difficult
are of dressmaking. The material Is
French voile, with the familiar bolero
and plain straight skirt. The neces
sary note of novelty is struck by
bands of brown silk. A while ago we
would have condemned brown and
black as the most dowdy of contrasts
but modern taste is audacious with
an audacity that Beldom falls to create
charming effects. The sleeves are
closc-nttlng to the elbow and flare out
in wide double cavalier cuffs. The
underslecves are of Irish lace over
white chiffon and correspond with a
vest showing the same combination.
With the coming of warm weather
the veil becomes a more important de
tail of dress, if such Is possible. There
la n linvrtlK- r.,,f thla vaai. tWnf flnna
away with the Inconveniences of the
veil which will not remain neatly in
position under tho chin. It la called
the "Geisha," and promises to become
very popular, for it supplies tho all
Important need of a string to gather
the fullness under tho chin In an- in
genious but very simple way. What,
moreover. Is a distinct advantage, the
drawings only have to be pulled up
at the first tlino of wearing, after
which tho veil Is always ready for ar
ranging on the hat.
.Most of tho now veils show floral I
effects In tho patterns, nlthough the
chenille dotted effect holds Its own.
It takes a beautiful complexion to
wear a fancy veil and It Is because
so many realize this fact that the un
pretentious face-covering continues to
be In demand. Tho new hats make It
Impossible to fasten veils around tho
brim any more, so It is put on and
neatly pinned around the coiffure, be
fore the hat Is put on.
White veils with delicate black
lines running through them help to
Improve an Imperfect complexion just
as the Interlining of fine white net on 1
thin black fabrics lend beauty to tho
arm. Black and white combinations
are fashionable In any department of
dress and will continue In vogue
throughout the season.
What magic flutes arc Hioro tlmt
Sweet melody at dawn.
And stir the dewy leaves to shake
Tholr silver on the lawn?
What mlraclo of music wrought
Iri shadowed groves is this?
All ectasy of sound upenught;
Song's apotheosis!
Tho dreaming lilies lilt tholr heads
To listen and grow wise;
Tho fragrant roses from their beds
In sudden beauty rise:
Enraptured on the eastern hill,
A moment, halts the sun;
Day brenks; and nil again Is still
Tho thrushes' song Is dono!
Frank Dempster Sherman In the
.May Atlantic.
Tho town Is full of school teachers
today, nnd they are daisies. A school
teacher knows things: she has been
through tho mill of nngry motherfl
nnd Incorrlglblo children. Sho has had
to go through tho mill of preparation
for teaching; sho has boon compelled
to dip Into diplomacy nnd capture a
board of education or n c-oinmltteu of
school trustees. No wonder school
teachers aro very popular as wives.
Atchison Globe.
Tim Hnnnnnr nn7ittn nnkn win- non
plo near that town trudo at rcndlo
ton. That Is easy. Probably Pen
dleton people organize and go out
after trade, while Ueppncr waits for
trade to come to It. in such n case
the race la to the hustler. Union Re
Jim Milt milled m his slde-track.at
Mohlcr because the townilte 'peopls
wonlil not unit thn flrcat Northern
land at his own figures. IAst.1 week
overythlng movable In tho way of dim
tness houses was loaded on flat cars
and transferred to Downs, four miles
distant, which Indicates that a smaH
town before making faces at a trig
man shrould discover whore It wM
sit after being spanked, West Coast
England's Liquor Dill,
ICngland has a pretty stiff drink hill
statistics Just published showing that
In 1902 It amounted to 1859,000,000,
an Average of about $25 for each man,
woman and child of tho population.
The distillers, brewers and saloon
keepers wield enormous political
power, and nil efforts to Interfere with
the liquor trnfflc legislatively, falls.
Tho heads of all tho great brewing
(Inns, because of enormous contribu
tions to the tory cnmpalgn funds,
have been elevated to the poorage,
and as members of tho house of lords
vote against nil radical tcmpornnco
A Philosophic View.
Thulo Is no use growing excited
when a man calls you a liar. If you
are one, you know It before ho told
yon; nnd If you nvo not, you know hs
is. Baltimore American.
Mrs. McOrath It wasn't, me hus
band at all that hit mo, your honor,
an' Ol hope yo'll lavo him go.
Magistrate Do you mean to say
vou lied before when you testified
that ho did hit you?
Mrs. McGmth Shure, Ol had no
cause to He then, but Ol hov now.
that's the truth Philadelphia Press.
iiiiiiiin;; ; i f r Mr ( i i t ( t tiiiiiiti mm iii iir tit 11 ij; jjj j 1 1 n i n ni liiiviiiiiti iiittit(f(i ctccttfitccc ctcciifiifti it 1 if 1 littii i
M Kllvco YUU Jrs Y 1 II ltll
. wr iin n RiiuOi a f.witeli. or crick in the
P Never KnOW Wnen backwiU strike you. Tho aches
and pains oi a back stnlce you at any urao. ivmneyo w w s
wrong, and whon the kidneys fail tho back generally fails, too.
: Backache comes to tho busy man, to the mechanic, the laborer, to
; women, old and young; to all who have sick kidneys and kidneys
: are no respeclor of person, time or place; they will get sick when
you overtax them.
Doan's Kidney Pills !
all kidney complications. Backache pains and the
1.. 1. .oi;i i-oliovorl wilh ft few doses.
Uiii iy sy mpiuiiia uio icauy
. 1 1 pji? 1 - . 1 i . i n n yiir im n ri'niiiini.
i Conditions of rinmnn-fid k dncv and b adder, sucli as impure uiuwu,
-.v.vv k'L.llt , ill. W J llvw. IVI'..""."" ,
mo UB61. 01 prooi max. iniB is so.
Naai lfrttvT Wliaia a simple ache in tho back will
never Know wnere ond. Wkacho pains, im.gu-
laritie3 of tho urine, infrequent or too frequent urinary discharges,
painful passages, incontinence aro beginnings in kidney ills. Let
them run, negloct them, fail to relievo tho. congested or inllnmed
condition, in a few months, few weeks, few days, 'tis Dropsy, Dia
betes, Bi ight's Disease that faces you.
Doan's Kidney Pills j 1
PIIRF '"'lammatory I'onditiona of tho kidney and bladdor.
VUIYC Dangerous neglect of any kidney sickness leads to a
score or more of sorious bodily illB, that once thoy liitvo a hold on
the system, 'tis one long drawn out strugglo to got rid of thorn to
get well. One remedy will do this, and it is easy for you to prove
its merit.
Pendleton Testimony a trial free Pendleton Testimony I
This coupon good lor one free trial Uox ol
DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. Write plainly Name
and Address. Send to Foster Milburn Co , Buffalo,
N. Y., and a free trial will be sent vou promptly.
Mrs. 0. W, Brown, who lives at tho
""aer Turner and II atreots, saya;
"I M unahlo to Htoop without euf
feJ the most Intense pain across
tll "mall of my back and through
r kidneys, i got my flrBt BOx of
Kidney puis at tho Brock &
"tComag Co., drug store. I was so
m m 'amo that I could not stoop
"UiMlnk to wash. Doan's Kidney
did away with the trouble. .If I
1 ot honestly think that Doan's
PIHs acted up to the repre
JJUUom made by them I would
t my name to an endorsement
.o wuu nave usea uoan s
""a with the same satlsfac-
Mrs. George Hays, IWIuk at No.
223 Lllloth street, corner Wert Bluff
street, says: "I can recommend Doan's
Kidney Pills to all sufferers from
backache and other kidney troubles,
with utmost confidence, that they will
do overythlng that has been claimed
for them by those who have used
them as well as by the milkers. Tho
trouble for which I used thni was
principally backache, with which I
had been troubled for a long time. It
hurt me badly when I stooped to do
any housework that caused a strain
on the back. I read an advertisement
about Doan's Kidney Pills nnd decid
ed to try them, feeling that they could
do no harm, even if they did no good.
I got a box in tho store of Brock &
McComas Co. and used only one box,
as that was sufficient to relieve the
backache and I have not felt n
Free to "East Orcgonian" Readers
ml wti dxix
Street and No.
Perk Avenue
C W, llakor, a carpenter living ut
Tustln and Aura streets, in Pendle
ton, says: "A year ago this coming
April, whllo living in Seattle, Wash.,
I fell from a staging to tho grounJ,
12 feet below and struck on my back.
I was laid up forflvo weeks in bed and
ever slnco then mykldnoys have been
affected, Tho secretions wcro highly
colord and contained a sediment like
brick dust. I had dizzy splla and
headaches and a dull aching pain
htrough my loins and kidneys and
back. I procured Doan's Kidney PDIb
at the Brock & McComas Co. drug
store, and have used seven boxes. I
consider myself cured. The urinary
difficulty Is a thing of tho past and I
havo neither headaches, dizziness,
nor pains in my back."
K, A, Morris, retired, who lives on
I'urk avenue, and Is well known to
Pendleton people, says: "I was troub
led with my kldnoys off and on for
three ycaru. In early days, I had
worked I na shirt factory in Hock
lord, III., Btiindlng all day at a bench
und later on I became a motorman
on an electric car. That, too, kept
mo on my feet nil day and aggravat
ed my complaint If It did not start
It. It annoyed mo through tho day
more than at any other time, I Anal
ly got a box of Doan's Kidney Pills
at tho Brock & McComas Co. drug
storo and used them. Thoy cured me.
I havo not had oven tho slightest at
tack of backache for flvo years, nor
havo I used any pills since I stopped
tho treatment last October."
3 '