East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 09, 1903, Image 2

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41 HUt Mil M'f'l '1 1 1 Hll 1 1 1 1'H'Ull iiiwhi"""!
Seasonable Goods Worth Remembering
Straw Hats 10c to $2.50 Each
Men's Golf Shifts
Our patterni! are exclusive; our styles are the latest; prices al
ways modest Scc. G5C, 75c, i. i.5 and $1.50
Summer Underwear
Colors: Blue, Lavender, Brown and Flesh Colors; all sizes.
Big values 5-. 75c and Per Barmcnt
Men's and Boys' Shoes
$1.25 to $4.50
Bae & Daley
One-Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers
! ,. I 1 1 I H I I I I I I I' I ! M l
A $4,000,000 trust will control Vir
ginia's output of 18,000,000 bushels nt
peanuts this year.
The HuBslan govuruniont Is said to
not bollovu that a Halkan revolt will
tnko place this year.
A negro mall carrier in Tennessee
fs threatened with death lr he at
tempts to longer serve his route.
Applications to covor the Transvaal
loan of $170,000,000, were made lu
London 20 fold greato. than tho loan.
Two hundred and twenty-soven of
tho 23G Presbyteries of the Presbyter
ian church In Amorlcn, have voted for
creed revision.
England, Japan, tho United States
possibly, and others of tho nations are
preparing to "shoo" the Ilusslnn bear
out of Manchuria.
A ault for $1,000,000 has been
brought against the shoo trust by a
Boston man, who alleges it has ruined
a lucrative business for him.
Deputy Sheriff Halter, of Council
muffs. Ia., was shot flvo times nnd
killed by a man whom ho attempted
to arrest on a charge of burglary.
Tho Irish land hill has passed to its
second reading in the house of com
mons by 417 majority. It provides
for government loans to small buyers
of land.
Tho Hrooklyn builders and contrac
tors have organized nnd announce
that they will light to a finish all de
mands of the unions "undur all cir
cumstances." Tho Chicago Master Bakers' Asso
ciation has raised the price of buns,
rolls, cakes, cookies and crullora 25
per cent to tho wholesalers and 20 per
cent to the retail dealers,
John Czolgosz, brother of the as
sassin of President McKluley, has
been Jailed at Los Angeles. No
cliarges were lodged against him. He
was simply "dotalned" until President
Hoosevult gets out of the neighborhood.
Blngor Hermann has been Invited
to deliver tho memorial oration at Al
'hany. Tho A. O. (J. V. of Washington is
,proparing for a picnic at Wultslmrg
on June fi.
The Portlund employers have refus
ed to arbltrato their difficulties with
the painters' union.
Tho Sumpter sawmill strike will bo
arbitrated by a local committee of
Sumpter business men.
A new postofilco has been petitioned
for at Loudon Station, and also nt
Johnson Siding, In Walla Walla coun
ty. James F. llohen, cashier of tho
Hotol Pleasontnn, of San Francisco,
has absconded with $300 of tho hotol
The name of Elliott's Lauding, on
tho north side of tho Columbia, near
Astoria, has been changed to Charles
ton. John Franklin, aged 14, has been
held to tho federal grand Jury at Port
land for robbing the postofilco at Nes
kowln. Or., u( 13.
John I. Hess, of Uoldendale, who
was uppolnted as a midshipman ' at
Annapolis, has refused to accept the
Edward 11. Wlckham. of Eugene, for
raorly of Walla Walla, deserted his
wife Friday, and eloped with her sis
ter, Eva Mullen. Mrs. Wlckham Is
left destitute.
The postofrico department will es
tablish free rural mail routos between
Whatcom and Ferndalo nnd the sorv
Ico at Yakima and Colfax will be
greutly Increased.
Clatsop county has nppointed threo
experienced timber cruisers ns depu
ty assessors, who will placo n valua
tlon on tho tlmbor lands of tho coun
ty. By this method It Is hoped to
avoid tho unnual row betweon tlmbor
land owners and tho assessor over
Golden Rule. '
Miss M. White, Caldwell.
H. Mason, Kansas City.
A. Whaloy, Bolivar.
J. L. Smith. Wallowa.
Ben Mltcholl, Portland,
T. H. Beatho and wife, Weston.
Mrs. Tnuslck, Walla Walla.
John Jonson. Necnnh.
Henry Faas, Neennh.
Paul, Thompson. Neenah.
J. H. Taylor, Farmlngton.
O. Joyce, Portland.
J. Morris, city.
T. W. Lusk, La Grande,
O. A. Peck, Portland.
A. E. Gross, Hoppner.
F. R. Gross, Hoppner.
Leo Cunningham, Portland.
W. U. Mclloborts, Spokane.
S. S. Gill, Spokane.
W. Burnside, city.
Carl Keepers, Helix.
James McKay, city.
55. HoiiHor, Echo.
Iloy Clark, Echo.
A. F. Bernard, Echo.
Mrs. Mohlhop, Baker City.
Mrs. J. Bross, St. Johns.
Miss J. Bross. St. Johns.
Mrs. F. A. Jeffries, Mlddletown.
Ben Clark, Pnlouse.
J. W. Day. Collins.
Estella Sullivan, Sumpter.
C. M. Sturtevant, Seattle.
F. M. Power, Spokane.
A Startling Test.
To save a life. Dr. T. G. Mcrritt, of
No. Mehoopany, Pa., mnde a startling
test resulting in a wondorful cure.
Ho writes, "A patient was attacked
with violent hemorrhages, caused by
ulcerations of the stomach. I had
often found Electric Bitters excellent
for acute stomach troubles so I pre
scribed them. Tho patient gained
from the first and has not had an at
tack In 14 months." Electric Hitters
nro positively guaranteed for dyspep
sia, indigestion, constipation and kid
ney troubles. Try them. Only BOc at
Tollman & Co.'s.
Stock Farm for Sale.
We have the Jas. Lindsay farm,
near Alba for sale. It consists of G40
acres. 140 acres In timothy; more
than 200 acres In wild hay, which win
grow timothy. A portion will grow
wheat and barley, balance pasture;
abuudanco of water. All fenced;
good buildings.
Will sell In one, two or three tracts.
Easy terms.
Sunday School Organized Large
Tracts of Land Will Soon Be Fenc
edLate Sheep Shearing Last
Case of Smallpox Recovering.
indue. May 7. Wo have had warm
and very dry weather here for the
past few days till yesterday niter
noon, when It turned quite cool nnd
wo had one of the worst dust storms
known for years. It Is a nice day to
day with some prospects for rain,
which would be very bcnoflclal to
everyone. Thermometer registered
from 3C degrees to SO degrees nbove.
Our Sunday school wns organized
Inst Sunday for the beginning of the
Lambing In this part Is roported
very good. J. E. Smith Co.. reports 90
per cent; Edwards Bros., 95 per cont;
Flinrnwald Bros., 90 per cent, etc,
F. E. Potter, of Alkali, who Is work
ing for James Hacked, took up 2G
head of mutton sheep to the Dixie
ranch for summer use.
It Is reported that Joseph Kennedy
has the wire on the ground ready to
fence his land thnt lies In the foothills
west of Alba, comprising about 800
M. G. Edwards made a business trip
to Pilot Ilock last week.
G. W. Llnsner and two hired men
nro fencing on his stock ranch near
tho John Day.
James Kinney, of Wobb Shoo, has
his sheep nt Chnrles Cunningham's
home ranch and is shearing them.
A. Wnugh and T. D. Waugli are pre
paring to fence their land that ox
tends out west into the Jack Canyon.
Thoy will take their cattle to their pas
ture for summer In a short time.
Clarke Sturtevant, of Pilot Ilock,
who has had the smallpox, has recov
ered and Is able to work In his store
Mr. A. Wnugh and daugntor, Sirs.
Sarah Manning, of Pilot Rock, wcro
transacting business and visiting In
Pendleton last week.
Berton Smith, of the J. E. Smith
Livestock Co.. of Bear creek, waff
transacting business In Pendleton
this week.
M. E. Fletcher was doing business
In Pilot Hock last Saturday.
K. F. Fahrenwald mnde a business
trip to the vicinity of Albn a few days
Schmidt & Viebrock moved from
their farm in Alknll to their summer
resort near Alba last Saturday.
J. T. Ogle was transacting business
In Pilot Pock and vicinity tho first
of the week,
Al Smith, of Pilot Itock, has finished
work on the Jack Canyon road, which
was In a very bnd shape from wash
outs, etc.
Cheap Fire Insurance.
Al. II. Rice, of Freowuter, Umatilla
county agent for tho Oregon Fire Re
lief Association or McMinnvIlIe, was
In tho city yesterday evening, return
ing home on the 0 o'clock train. Mr.
It Ico reports considerable activity In
his business this spring. The total
amount of fire insurance carrfed in
Oregon fs $100,000,000, wliiTo thfs as
sociation carries over $13,000,000, or
one-eighth of the total. It has been
organized eight years, has pafd C19
losses, levied 11 assessments, each of
which were but 15 per cent of the cost
of the yearlypremlums In the stock
companies. It Is strictly mutual and
the vote of the membership controls,
its policy-.
If you desire a good complexion use
Mokl Tea, a pure herb dTinlr. It acts
on tho liver and makes tho skin
smooth and clear. Cures sick head
aches. 25 cts. nnd 50 cts. Money re
funded If It does not satisfy you.
Write to W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo,
N. Y for freo sample. W. H Schmidt
& Co., druggists .
For Bare.
Threo-cjuarter sections of good
wheat land, of which one-hair Is in
grain, nnd ull lies five miles north
east of tho city. A dwelling, two
bams and other outbuildings, nnd n
good water Bystem. Call nt Oliver
& Co.'s grocery, or at tho home of u.
W. Rlgby. 704 Thompson street.
Acker's Blood Elixir positively cures
Chronic Blood Poisoning and all
Scrofulous nffectlons. At all times a
matchless system tonic and prlfler.
Money refunded If you are dlssatls
(led. 50c and $1.00 F. W, Schmidt &
Co., druggists.
Ten Dollars Reward.
A brown marc, shod all round, with
a whlto strlpo in nor fnco and wear
ing a saddlo with a coat tied on be
hind, has Etrayed away trom mo vi
cinity of Gibbon station. Ton dollars
reward will bo paid for tho return of
the outfit to Henry Hill, Helix, Ore
The gold yield of Victoria for the
first two monthH of this year amount
ed to 120,139 ounces.
There are now 51,538 divorced peo
ple In tho United States, of whom over
two-thirds aro women.
During March the public debt in
creasco $1,031,021,
Cavalry Horses-.
The government inspectors will be
In Echo on May 26, and In Pendleton
on May 27, for the purpose or Inspect
ing cavalry horses. All persons hav
ing horses suitable for this nuriioso
are requested to present them for In
spection on those dates. For price and
runner information, apply to Zoeth
I longer at Echo or Pendleton.
Sir Henry M. Stanley, the explorer.
Is recovering from a Icing Illness,
which at one time was regarded as
Enjoy Life
Out door exercise means
improved health and a
sunny disposition
All Kinds of Sporting
and Pleasure Goods
No matter what game or
pastime your fancy runs
to, you can get the
goads to promote it at
Book and Stationery Store
"Just Tty a
5 cents
Sole Distributors
Front and Washington Sts ,
Portland, Oregon
Walla Walla Business Men Set an Ex
ample Which Pendleton Might
Profitably Follow.
To insure the erection of the new
proposed high school building with
tho least delay possible and also to
calm any fear contractors might have
as to the legality of warrants tu bo
Ihsned for the payment of the new
school, the board of education has
secured tho guaranty from 25 of Walla
Walla's prominent citizens and capi
talists to subscribe for $43,500 of the
warrants, snys the Statesman Tho
following instrument which has been
quietly circulated the past week, and
last night was made public with the
names of those who subscribed for
amounts from $1,000 to $5,000:
"in virtw nt Mm (:wt thnt AValln
Walla requires the prompt construc
tion of tno proponed MUli hciiooi iiuiiu
lug, so that at the very earliest possl
lil Tnnm.Mil- the nresuiit overcrowded
condition of the schools may be reliev
ed, tho undersigned, eacli tor imnseu,
nitrnoe fltilt- lift will rnK'P ill nar the
amount set opposite his name in war
rants to be- Issued by School District
No. 1 m payment ot any contractor
triy wnrl fit mllturinl fnrnlflhpil fur
such building, and to so take such
warrants notwithstanding any objec
tions whlclr may be rai?cu us 10 me
legnllty of such wurrants or any suit
which may be brought In regard
(Then follows tire names of the 25
citizens and' institutions that have slg
uffiml rlinlt- wllUtif-iinHK tt iiutvlmse
the school warranUr, In amounts rang
ing from ?l,uuo to ?r,uuu.
Lots ton Sale.
I offer some nice lots on the north
side near the river. No grading need
ed. Price $200 to $300. N. T. Conk-tin.
t A Dollar Saved is a Dollar Earned
.. from "5 to 50 per ceut on the Block I have left. Thb 1. .
Vtta..uS PlnLe out sale and I am outUng prices to a ngure th.f
?' hem? 'I'hlvomade heavy reductions in the price ofTace
SrtlelS. rugs, art squares and matting.
All 6O0 and 65o linoleum I am closing out at 50c a yard.
All 30o and 50o wall paper I have marked down to 25c per roll. ,
Oval framed Frenoh Plate Mirrors 33 per oent off.
I still have some high grade standard sewing machine left but the, '
are Eolng fast so you nau """" " "y are wingit 1
from $18 up. Pictures auu piuiu.c w.j-ui uveai iiairprfc. 1
I ThSe are genuine bargains. It will pay you to come In and see me. J
! JESSE FAILING, Store near the Bridge
r . . 1 - L.J..Jl.J..iWJ,J,.X,Jt.A.l..J . .
Sharpies Tubular Dairy Cream Separator
Beats them all for close skimming
and easy running, no disc or howl
complications whatever
The closest sklumilng and easiest turQluxl
adverse circumstances as rega'd to quality, coo-l
onion uuu u-juiwittiure in me nmK, re&um
smooth, frothless, perfect cream that will chuml
out more uunui lunn ui uc uuuuueu iromujl
other Separator in existence. ( an bethorough-l
tites, a there are only three pieces to the bow J
fill. Ohnntilnu fPiiKulaw nl,l..nn II M
iUC ouuiwim uuuiui lumjiiuics are lilt UKnfl
. 1 .1 1 . . 1
BUiniie t'liu uurauie umuu.unu can iemain&
.1 1 - II . 1 . ,i
euftiu 11W wink iui uii nuu xcuewai panfl 1
any oiner separator on me inarnet.
For catalogue, address:
T. C. TAYLOR, The Hardward Nad
1 The Grand Trunk Gold Him
Work on the construction of the
first Hour mill at Grunt's Pass has
been commenced. It is n four-story
structure ot 100 Iwrrels capacity per
Oat Soda
Is sizzling, and Uzziug, and
bubling with the
None hut the best quality of
materials are used.
Try our
Mt. Hood
Sundae Only at
F. W. Schmidt's
The Reliable Druggist
I'OitofEco niock. 1-hoiic Malu ji
Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Mining District.
Is located upon the GREAT MOTHER
LODE system of veins and has for neigh
bors on that vein such well known
mines as the NORTH POLE valued at
$10,000,000. The COLUMBIA valued at
$5,000,000. QOLCONDA valued at$3,
000,000. THE MONMOTH Q. M. CO'S
BELLE BAKER mine valued at $5oo,
000. THE BALD MOUNTAIN valued at
$5oo,ooo. THE IBEX valued at $400,
ooo, and many others.
The Grand Trunk Gold Mining and
Owns Its Property Conslstlne of 160 Acrea of Rich Odd BearlnfVl
It has no indebtedness of unv character
It has a conservative mining and business nianafjei'iwj
It ts offfinng 50,000 shares of stock at 15c per sim
Tt will lifrntY.f n Kviflnnrl imt'nr in a short time
It will pay you to write us for full particulars and
careful investigation of its merits.
It has the indorsement ol mining men, business menl
bankers of Eastern Oregon.
Write us today and let us post you.
it yr w w r r
Miners, Brokersand Financial Agents,
Or R. S. BRYS0N, Local Agent, Pendleton, Oregon.
Our Weekly Mining Letters on Sumpter, Oregon
3 District free on Application
Nicely mowed Lawns are easily maintained. Tak
at our
Easy Running Lawn Mowersj
They are made on the correct principal. .qEN ll
operate them. Let 11s snnnlv vou with GAKy J
. 111 j
Best goods at lowest prices. : : ' '
Thompson Hardware Co.
bZ Maui awei
Ml I H H-HHfn.frfr ii i
I in
I nutti
I joc
1 tron
; Thos
On I