East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 09, 1903, Image 12

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    V It
SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1903.
Just received one shipment of
Ladies and Gentlemen s Oxfords
and will have two more ship
menu in this week.
The Latest Thing
in Ladies' Oxfords, titan calf dull
finish, welt sole: This is a swell
street oxford.
-Also a full line of
Oxfords for Children
Misses, Hoys, Youths, and Little
Concerning the People of Pendleton and Vicinity Notes
Personal and Otherwise By Our Regular Correspondent
Unique Birthday Party.
, son avenuo last Wednesday evening,
a vfirv nnlnvnhln nml novel noolal MIbb Peterson has gone to Portland
was the Gibson party given by Mrs. tor an extended visit and her many
n. S .Inekson. at her homo last Mon- friends took the eve of her departure
.io ,wnHin Th.o rcoivln.. invltn- as the occasion for expressing the es
Hons reading. "The widow and her teem and regard in which they hold
friends will spend Monday evening. 1 hor. A very pleasant ovening was
May Fourth, at -105 Jackson street," , spent In .games and various forms of
i,mi nann n lnnir fni-ivnrrt tn Rnmfi- nniuscmcnt. and -at a late hour the
Dindinger, Wilson &
Phone Main 1181
Good Shoes Cheap
D. Howdyshell Is In town from his
ranch nine miles northwest of the
C. S. Wheeler, the photographer,
will spend Sunday nlul Monday on his
ranch, returning Monday evening.
Judge A. J. Wyntt. of Albany, re
turned to his homo this morning after
a visit In this city on business before
the supreme court.
J. W. Osborn, of Mncksburg, la., Is
the guest of W. S. Badloy. He Is
looking the town and country over
with a vlow to locating.
J. D. Slater and wife, of La Grande,
who havo been visiting with the fam
ily of It. J. Slater, of this city, re
turned to their home at Ia Grande
last evening.
Mrs. Charles Ilerkeley arrived In
Pendleton Tuesday to Join her hus
band. Mr. and Mrs. Ilerkeley will bo
nt home nt the corner of Thompson
and Webb streets.
Miss Irono Zlcralf, of Corvallls, re
turned to her home In that city this
morning, to resido in the future. Miss
Zleraif has been a resident of Pendle
ton for tho last two years.
WJ1I R. King, formerly editor of the
Ontario Democrat, and a prominent
attorney of Malheur county, is In tho
city today en route home from Port
land. Ho argued two cases before
the supreme court this morning.
Donald Ihler and family, of Jeffer
son City. Mo., left this morning for
Spokane, after a brief visit in Pendle
ton. Mr. Ihler Is coming to this coun
try to reside, and will visit a son in
Spokane before deciding on a loca
thing unusual, as well as a pleasant
evonlng. The house was beautifully
and tastily decorated. The living nnd
reception rooms were fragrant with
tho odor of flowers, no color scheme
being adhered to. In this, the dining
room differed, for nothing but green
nnd white were used. In the center
of the tabic was a large punch bowl,
around which were numerous cande
labra. with white waxen tapers. On
tho table linen were sprays of maiden
hair fern, with two large bunches
St. Joseph's lilies In vases. Tho buffet
was banked In whito lilacs, white c-
nations nnd hyacinth.
It being tho hostess' birthday, all
tho guests gathered around the flow
Ing bowl nnd drank her health, after
which pretty score cards, with Gib
son heads of the widow's friends,
taken fiom the book, "A Widow and
Her Friends," were distributed and
eight games of high five were pliye.t
Mrs. Thomas Warner having the high
est number of sames to her credit,
was tho recipient of the Gibson book,
"A Widow and Her Friends." Mr,
Henry Guernsey, received a large
sized drawing of the Gibson widow
tho work of Illalne Hallock. and hand
somely framed. The consolation
prizes, which were unique, were pic
tures, taken back view of the hostess,
ench mounted In a pretty frame. They
were promptly named the "Widow,
and her friends who were lucky
enough to win them wero Mrs. W. E
Brock and Mr. Frank Frazler.
Elegant refreshments wero served
aner wnicn a general good time was
indulged In until a late hour, when
tho "widow's friends" departed, wish
Ing her many happy returns of the
day. Those present were Messrs. and
Mesdamcs Fred Judd, Leon Cohen, W.
E. Brock, Frank Frazler, Thomas
Warner. J. F. Itoblnson, Dr. Vincent,
t. u. Taylor, h. F. Johnson, Henry
Guernsey nnd Miss Nova Lane. Mr.
Jackson returned from Portlnnd to
lend his presence.
F. & S. Bitters
The great System Tonic.
The remedy that is so
popular because of its
real nririt. Now is thu
time to take F. & S. Bit
ters and tone up your sys
tem. One bottle is equal
to a month's recreation.
Manufactured by
Gold Medal Butter. Pure.
Sweet, Clean. The chief
characteristics of good butter
are purity and cleanliness.
This butter combines both,
and will letain its rich and
delicate flavor to the last.
Try it and you will never
use any other. Your money
refunded if you do not like it
. - dc SUN - .
Penland. Mathews.
One of the prettiest homo weddings
which has taken place In this city for
some time, was solemnized at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. J.. S. Mathews,
Muesuay ovening, when their daugh
ter, Mabel Mathows. was united In
marriage to Clarence Penland. The
ceremony was performed by Robert
J. DIven .pastor of the Presbyterian
church, and the wedding march was
played by Esma Sawtoll. Miss Dena
Hendley ncted as bridesmaid and J.
Wllllfred Earl was best man. Tho
brldo was elegantly gowned in white
nnd carried white roses. The brides
maid was attired in pink and carried
carnations. Tho groom was dressed
in black. Many beautiful and appro
priate presents wero received. After
the ceremony tho wedding supper
was served, tho following friends be
ing present: Hev. Robert J. Dlven
and wife, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. S. Mathows.
Mr. and Mrs. Penland. Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Penland, L. E. Penland, Will
Penland, Mrs. M. J. Quick, Mr. nnd
ins. w. l'. isvnns, D. C. Clark, HnlpI;
Ward, Clarence Knight. Ben K. Davis
Miss Denn Hemlloy. Miss Esma Saw,
tell. Miss Amy Mathows and Mnster
Eldon Evans.
Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clocli
Hov. Robert J. Dlven, of the First
Presbyterian church, united In tho
bonds of matrimony Miss Augusta
Aiacuarne and fllr. Grant L. Ham
monu, both of this city.
Tho wedding was a oulet and Infnr,
mal nffalr and was witnessed bv n fow
of tho most intimato friends of the
principals. Miss Mnrston, presided at
mo piano, and rendered tho wedd n
march from Lohengrin as tho party
came into tho parlors. Mr. George
iitiuuiuuu, oi ueritoioy, California
acted as best man for tho crnom.
Tho brido formorly resided in Phila
delphln. whllo tho groom came hero
from Tacoma to take charge of the
local onico of tho Now York Mutual
i.uo insurnnco Uomnanv. Mr nmi
Mrs. Hammond will bo nt homo to
meir mends at siilto 31, at tho Pen
Tho guests at tho wedding wero Dr.
and Mrs. C. J. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J.
F. Robinson, Georgo Trueblood. of
erneiey, California, and Mrs. Mars
guests departed wishing Miss Peter
son a very pleasant visit In the me
tropolis. if, .
Presbyterian Ladles' Luncheon.
Another large attendance was the
reward of tho Presbyterian ladies at
their luncheon given nt the church
parlors Friday nfternoon. These
luncheons nro given tho first Friday
of each month, not with a view to
profit unanclally from them, but for
tho promotion of sociability among
tho church members and their friends.
A small sum is asked for all tho
choice viands of the season.
Mrs. George Hartman Receives.
Mrs. George A. Hartman gave an In
formal reception on Tuesday aftor
noon, to meet her daughter, Mrs.
Hartman, of Portland, who is hor
guest. Tho house was prettily decor
ated for tho occasion and many ladles
called during the receiving hours.
Miss Mable Nye, Miss Nellie Cameron,
Miss Maud JonkJns and Miss Jessie
Hartman assisted."
If you want to know what smartly dressed men will wear
this season, ask to sec Stein. Bloch Smart Clothes."
There is One Make of Clothes
Maccabee. Social.
Tho lady Maccabees held a very In
teresting and pleasant meeting In La
Dow hall last ovening, at which time
four now members wero taken into
tho order. Following the regular
meeting the ladles spent a social hour
very pleasantly together. Ico cream
and cake was served and a very en-
joynble evening spent.
Social and Personal.
Mrs. C. E. Roosevelt has as her
guest her sister, Mrs. Dr. Keoley. of
Walla Walla.
Mrs. E. Y. Judd Is expected to ar
rive in the city from tho East the lat
ter part of next week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Nye announco
tho engagement of tholr dnughtcr,
Miss liable, to Mr. Lachlan Macleay
of Olympla, Wash. Tho wedding will
taKo place the fore part of June.
that in every way equalB the expensiye
custom tailor's products, yet costs but
a trifle more than the common ready
made kind.
They are
the clothes
tha tbear
a label that has -become famous through
out the country as the '"imprint" ol the
makers of
that high class tailoring-skill and human
engenuity ever produced.
We arc the agents for Stein Bloch Smart
Clothes here, and invite vou to call nnd '
amine every feature of the garments as critics!,
ly as you know how. You will be mightily
pleased and sure to learn something about
"fine clothes-making" that will be worth
while knowing.
imnimni'D ninn urn-rp J
n vvumuiG ulud nuilo.
Farewell Party.
Miss Ella Peterson was tendered a
inrowcu party at her home on Jack
Even children drink Graln-O
because they like It and the doc
tors say it is (food for them. Why
not ? It contains all of tho nourish
ment of tho puro grain and none
of the poisons of coffee.
.trroctreovtrjwhcro; 1st ami 83c. p4r ,sck,ee '
Tho Current Literature Club held
Its last meeting for tho year, Friday,
at tho home of Mrs. Tnompson. It
has been n most successful yearunder
tho leadership of Mrs. W. J. Furnish:
the interest In tho years work, "Ore
gon," has steadily Increased. The
more we study the history and re
sources and prospects of our stato.
tho moro wo may take prldo In being
native or adopted Orcgonians.
Tho Woman's Club will hold its last
regular meeting on Tuesdny of next
week. Tho meeting on May 26 will
no tno annual meeting, and will bo
held according to tho old custom, nt
mo nomo of the president on Locust
Several topics of interest will bo
discussed Tuesday afternoon. There
seems to bo an opinion current that
if tho Commercial Association, tho
Progress Club nnd tho Woman's Club
would unlto In a petition to the pow
ers that be, wo might have a now
railroad station In Pendleton.
That a now station would nil a long
leu want or need in Pendleton needs
no demonstration. Ono has only to
look nt the present dirty. Inconven
ient, unsuitable, crowded depot, to bo
convinced. Tho civic committee of
tho Woman's Club will can on the
officers of the men's clubs and get an
expression of their vlows on tho mat
ter and report Tuesday.
Tho annual election of school direc
tors is not far off. Wo are told that
three directors are to bo elected this
year. Moro than over our club wo
men aro Interested In the schools, be
cause this year thoy havo dono moro
work for them. What wo nut our
money and our personal efforts Into
Is sure to interest us. Tho old ones-
tlon comes up, would not a woman on
ino scnooi board bo a helpful factor
m scnooi work In Pond oton. Wn
navo only good reports from tho towns
where women servo In this capacity.
Thin la ..Al !. ..I '
,n uiiu ui mo jiiuuuh wucro
It would seem that woman could nrovo
untu mora ner usefulness "not as a
ruling rorce, but as a succestive
Stein-Bloch Smart Suits and Spring Overcoats
$15.00 to $25.00
.t. a . . . . . .
' ' -w -v- ws w v
Baseball Excursion.
Tomorrow, at Walla Walla, l'msn.
ball. Pendleton vs. Walln Whlln. Kr.
curslon via tho O. R. & N.. $1 round
trip. Leaves Pendleton 8:1G a. m.
Columbia College Prosperous,
nov. Olbbs. agent for
College, at Milton, Is in tho city on
Ills way to lloppner. Tho college is
doing flnclv from
Vlow. Tho attendance Is lnrirer lhnn
ovor beforo, whllo Mr. Olbbs has rals
od ovor $8,000 of tho proposed endow
ment of $10,000. Thero la
about the entire amount being secured.
O. R. & N. Excursion.
The O. It. & N. will clvo a ratn of
$1 tomorrow to Wtalla Walla and re
turn to tho baseball game there. Leave'
Pendleton 8:15 a. m. Leave Walla
Walla 7 p. m.
We have a stock of goods that ranee from a
J. J o -
. ww w m m n k. k. ami m w a -A v a a a a m r mm m-m mm mm w v r m w m w ww r- u
v fB.w i-v iuuijui tw uuuiLkiiifl u fi rv iiiiiii v mi mini l sui
vuuwiiwo uiiu jTiwifirt vrri v i iiiimirir iiii iiiiiiiiu iil. in
' 7 IllViHMiiilk -
ful designs for the home also some plain yet elegant
leather couches for office or library.
uur line oi i,arnefs mnorpc fmm 7 nr a nv inpra
f i. w w ii viu tmt vr a v V h j O
I heavy Wiltons and body Brussells of latest designs. We
t . . , . ... ... . .
A mm, m m, mJ ma m-M U m L, A I. U r . . . w. -a m- ft . 1 1
j , o 7 -. luuillllgo UIIU IlllUlkUiuu
We are not selling our goods at cost as we are in
ness to make a living, but we buy in car load lots so tha
t can &cii mem in vou cnennpr than imu hnv mem
r a .. j j. . . . J
4. i;a?M hiiii mv mpm nntvn haca 4 cnfa pyh
i mi WVTW II H WM m mW U 1 m m
our goods and get our prices on what vou want. If we
t sell you a better grade of goods at as low prices as you
I get eisewliere, why we won't expect your trade.
Baker & Folsom