East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 09, 1903, Image 10

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Today I offer the following city and
iountry property:,
N20 por acre lor choice 160-ncro farm
about ono rnllo from city limits,
now nousc.
B10;000 for 600 acres, part bottom, tm
provea; asu acres m wheat.
acres fine orchard; 10 minutes
St! out
iMIO.OOO 320 nrren nf flnl-rlnnc wlinnt
. - , 1 1111 II 1 m nrnvrxl nrnn nnna
,1 1 ............... "J' 6UVD I. i l.J
liiuvu; OU17 iwo mucs OUl.
1,800 a now house and lot In hot
and up for lots on south side.
A nice business which pays, for about
fivu. i u uinur uuhiucss open
N. T. Conblin.
IS! :At Pastofflri.
R;Phone, Red 277.
IjLET us fill
We can supply you with
Building Material of all
descriptions and save
Your Mother
can bp provided with an annual
income for life in event of your
death, at less cost than you can
make the same provision lor your
wife or your. children.
This contract can be obtained at
a low cost.
In writing for terms state the
amount of cash you would like to
draw out at end of limited payment
period, your age, your mother's age
and the amount of annual income
for life you would like to provide
r i f .1 1 1.
ior ner in case ui your uumu.
This form of contract was devised
and introduced by The Company
which ranks
Flag Raising and Sacajawea Statue
Among the Principal Points of Dis
cussion and Meeting of Committees.
Firtl In Age.
Firtl In Anstte.
Firtl-a Amount Paid Policy-holder.
The Mutual Life Insurance
Company of New York,
Richard A. SIcCddv, rresldent.
RIclmrd A. McCurdy. president.
Alma D. Katz, manager, Boise, Idaho.'
Frank L. Hammond, District Manager,
Pendleton, Oregon.
you money
1 Building paper lime
cement, brick and sand.
Wood gutters for barns
and dwellings a specialty.
Oregon Lumber Yard
Alta St., Opp. Court House
Going to
Fine baled wheat hay
for sale at
Dutch Henry's
Feed Yard
We have purchased the second
hauil etore nt 312 Court street. We In
tend to relit It and Increase the ntcoli.
We would be glad to liave our friends
drop In If you need anything In our
line. II you liuve anything to sell let
us know, we can nell It for you. Drop
in anil see our uiieoi Indian curios.
Give us n trial, we will treat you light.
Gurdane & McBroom
Repair your homes or places
6of business by having them paint-i
lea'or pnpereu.
to us
Large and nicely selected
stock of wall paper and paints.
E. J. Mutpfcy,
111 Court Street.
Auenov for
mass Faint.
the Sherwin-Wll-
Cor W. Alta and Lillith Sts.
Stock For Sale
75 head of well-graded Shorthorn cat
1 registered Shorthorn bull.
50 head of horses, marcs. KOhlinirs
and young stock, grado (Jlydes, and
10 head of Cleveland Bays.
1 15 head broke to work; weight, 1200
iiuu pounus.
1 stallion, 20u0 pounds weight, Clyde
and Shlro.
Cash, or timo with bankablo notes.
Address JOHN L. COX,
020 Thompson St.,
Pendleton. Oresron.
(Would llko to disnoso of stock be
fore turning out on range.)
Help wanted to harvest thn straw.
berry crop In the vicinity of Milton
and Kroowater. Tho cron promises
to bo unusually largo, and outsliln
help will bo needed. Thero will ho
employment for a largo number of
persons In harvesting tho crop. Fam
ilies who wish to talto a six weeks out
Ing and combino profit with nleasnrn
nro Invited to como up to tho Freo
water strawborry fields. Camping
grounds will be furnlsheil frnn
Twonty-flvo cents por crate Is nald
for picking. Address N. W. Mum
ford, Frcowater. Oroiron.
Motley, Milton. Oregon.
Portland, May 9. The women of
Oregon aro anxious that a women's
building bo provided at the Lewis and
Clark Centennial Exposition. This
fact was mado evident yesterday at a
meeting of representative women
workers held In tho parlors of tho
Perkins Hotel, when It was unani
mously decided to ask tho directors of
tho Lewis and Clark Fair to mako an
appropriation to cover tho expenso
of erecting n women's building.
Tho meeting was well attondPd.
Thoro wero 23 representatives of tho
women's clubs, both Portland and out-
sldo Oregon towns being represented.
The meeting was Intended merely ns
a conferonco of tho leaders In tho
work, nnd the showing of strength
was Interpreted by those Interested
In the fair as a most favorable sign
of the women's hearty co-oporatlon.
Not only were members of tho reg
ularly organized Lewis and Clark wo-
I men s clubs In attendance, but women
who havo been prominently identified
with tho Federation of Wjomon's Clubs
wero also present. Not a word was
spoken during tho entire afternoon
that Indicated that there was any
trace of factional differences between
tho representatives of different Inter
Tho suggestion for the erection of
a woman's building came originally
from tho federated clubs. It was
taken up yesterday and indorsed by
tho general conference. No plan of
control was under discussion. Tho
women advocated a building wherein
could bo displayed tho products of
women's work, and whero also the
women who will visit tho Lewis and
Clark Fair might rest or meet other
women also in attendance, nnd spend
a very profitable day In tho building.
Tho plan for collecting an exhibit of
tho handiwork of Filipino women was
approved. This plan contemplates thd
form a part of tho general display i.f.
work of tho women of tho Phlllpplno
Islands and placing ono of their num
ber In charge of tho exhibit. Slnco tho
Philippines bear a closo trade rela
tion with Portland and other North
west points, It is bolloved this would
be a featuro of tho exhibition of wo
men's work that would nttract general
Tho Sacajawea monifment project
was regarded In a favorablo light. Tb
women who met yesterday declared
this monument should bo erected near
tho women's building, and should
form a partof tho general display of
women's work. An annronrlation for
uio erection of the monmr.unt win bo
asked from tho directors of tho Lowls
and Clark Fair.
Tho flag raising ceremony was dls
cussed to a limited oxtent. It Is nro'
rosed that the women of Orcitun shall
purchase and ralso the first flag to bo
floated over the exposition grounds.
Already the approval of the directors
of tho Lewis and Clnrk Fair has been
secured. It is likely the women will
maio dcnnite arrangements fur so
curing tho flag and complete other de
tails of tho ceremony at tho com nc
convention of women's Lewis nnd
Clark clubs to bo hold in Portland
on May 20.
Tho exposition committee on ceie
monlos will have general chargo of
tho flag raising ceremonies. It is be
lieved that tho flag will bo raised over
tho grounds at tho time ground Is
broken. It is likely somo ceremonies
will bo observed nt this time, and the
women will bo given a prominent
place on whatever program Is ar
ranged for tho occasion.
Nat Goodwin and His Wife, Maxlne
Elliott, Have Parted.
Cleveland. O.. May 9. With to
night's performance In this city, the
firm of Goodwin nnd Elliott will dis
solve, and husband and wife will fol
low tho example of so many other
married stars and each head a sepa
rate company. For more than six
years tho popular comedian and his
talented wlfo havo starred Jointly and
while their success, both artistically
and financially, has been satisfactory,
it is felt by both that the public de
mands their professional separation.
Thnlr exnnrlence In the mnttor is
merely a repetition of that suffered
by James K. Hnckett and his wife.
Miss Mary Mnnnerlng, and other mar
ried couples who have attained popu
lar favor behind the footlights.
Maxlne Elliott will take n long rest
preparatory to starring next season
In "Hor Own Wnv." n new ploy by
Clydo Fitch. Tho latter part of tho
month sho will sail for Europe. Eng
land and Franco will bo visited, and In
tho Bummer, It Is said, she will go
as tho guest of Emperor William ami
the Empress on a long cruise In tho
Unltlc. Meanwhile Nnt Goodwin and
tho company will keep on playing
across the continent. Miss Elliott's
part In the cast Is to be taken by
Florence Rockwell, formerly leading
Jndy with Henry Miller.
Mi 4
The Past Winter Worst Ever Known
In Idaho.
Edwin J, Ilurko, the popular wool
buyer, representing .Tudd & Iloot, of
Hartford, Conn., Is In tho city, says
the H'eppner Gazetto.
Mr. Hurko came In direct from Ida
ho, whero ho has been for tho past
month looking over tho Held In tho
interest of his firm. Ho was nil along
tho Oregon Short Line, and says that
prospects among tho sheepmen this
spring nro not flattering.
The past winter In Idaho has been
very sovere, In fact, one of tho worst
seasons over known, so far as It af
fected the sheep Industry. Losses havo
been very heavy. It Is conservatively
estimated that the losses will average
30 por cent, almost one-third of the
sheep In Idaho having died during tho
past winter.
She Tho milliner told mo that
sho had been down to tho dentist's
to hnvo a norvo killed.
He Well, from tho prices sho askB
for hats I should say tho dentist
must havo killed tho wrong ono.
Prominent Idaho Man Is the Victim
of Dropsy.
Boise, Idaho. May 9. Colonel W. H.
Dowey died of dropsy Friday morn
ing at the Dowey Palace hotel at
Nnmpa. Ho was SO years of nee. and
a nntivo of Now York .
Colonel Dowoy was one of tho very
prominent men of the state. He mado
a fortuno In tho mines In Silver City,
and more recently doveloped tho valu
nblo Dowey mine nt Thunder Moun
tain. Ho built two short lines of
railway, one from Nampa to Murphy
the other from Nampa to Emmctt
Another monument Is his Namna ho
tel. which was opened threo months
ago. It cost $250,000. His estate Is
estimated at from $1,000,000 to $1
Met After Half a Century.
J. L. Reel, of Oklahoma. I. T.. nrrlv
cd hero last evening and was embrac
ed by his brother, J. Wv Heel, of this
city, whom he hod not sighted in 54
years, says the Baker City Herald
Tho brothors parted in Western Iowa
in 134!), J. Wi Heel cominc West to
try his fortune. It will bo remember-
eu tno latter officiated for somo timo
as pilot or tiio Iono car which travors
ed tho Baker City lino until two years
uko. wnon l no o 11 wn to linrse nml
patienr unvor entered other vocations
uno meeting between tho brothers
was indeed a hnnpy ono.
Scotsmen clnlm St. Patrick ns
countryman, nut t a not so wnil
Known mat tho erstwhllo robel ditty
Tho Wearln' o" tho Green." Is claim
ed on. behalf of a Scottish comnosnr
James Oswald. Tho song Is 150 years
om ii u is a day.
of suffering from Indigestion If you
eat what you want, or of starving
vniirantf n r 1 ! i 1 1 . ..
.Plenty of stalls, large corrals for Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets taken after
loose norses anu cattle. Hay and ""uung win digest your food perfectly
T XT rl f - ..
, u. inch, lormeny ottne riotel
f'.Alta, has chntce of the Old Dutch
'it Henry Feed Yard, and would be
pleased to care for our horses
.Train for sale.
Chop mill in con-
Lee's Lice Killer
j Insect powder and Poultry
Supplies, also Hay, Grain
and Feed.
O F. Colesworlhy
127-129 East Alta St.
Farmers Custom Mill
Fred Walters, Proprietor
Capacity 150 barrels a day
Flour exchanged for wheat
Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, eU
always oa band.
and freo you from all tho dlsagroeablo
symptoms of Indigestion and Dyapep-
ou. cat wnai you into at any time,
um lane nn CKer Tablet afterward
Tl.lll 1 . . -.-
i uauivuiy guuranieea. Your monoy
win uiways do refunded If von
nro not satisfied. Write to us for a
freo sample. W, II. Hooker & Co.,
jiuuaio, ri. 1.
& T r KIMn lvllR
Young girls at
this period of life,
or their mothers,
are earnestly in
vited to write Mrs.
Pinkham for advice; all such letters are
strictly confidential ; she has guided in a
motherly way hundreds of young women;
and her advice is freely and cheerfully given.
School days aro danjror days for Aniorican trirls.
Often physical collapse follows, nnd it takes years to recover th
lost vitality. Sometimes it is never recovered.
Perhaps they aro not ovor-careful about keeping their feet dry
through carelessness in this respect the monthly sickness Is ustiauy
rendered vory severe.
Then begin ailments which should bo removed at once, or they will
produce constant sufl'oring. Headache, faintness, slight vertigo, pains
in the back and loins, irregularity, loss of sleep and apjwtite, a tendencT
to avoid the society of others, are symptoms all indicating that woman
arch-enemy is at hand.
Ijydlu 13. Plnkliam's Vegetable Compound has holped many a
young girl over this critical period. With it they have gone tlirongli
their trialo with courage and safety. With its proper use the yonsg
girl is safe from tho peculiar dangers of school years and prepared for
hearty womanhood.
A Young Chicago Girl Studied Too Hard."
" DuAit Ins. Pinkham : I wish to thank you for the help nnd bei
oilt I have received through tho use of Lydia E. lMiiklmm's Vege-
uuue uiMuiMMuiu uiiu juivor x'liis. vvnen 1 was about seventeen
years old I suddenly seemed to loso my usual good
health and vitality. Father said I studied too
Hard, but tiio doctoi thought different aM
prescribed tonics, which I took by tk
quart without rohef. Reading one day in :
tho paper of Mrs. Pinkham's great cures,
and finding tho symptoms described an
swered mine, I decided I would give IyiU
ii. .Pinklmnrs vegetable Compound
trial. I did not say a word 'to the doctor;
I bought it myself, and took it according
to directions regularly for two months,
and 1 lound that 1 gradually lnrproTOO,
and that all pains left me. and I was mj I
old solf once more. Lillie E. Sinclub, I
17 E. 22d St., Chicago HI."
"Miss Pratt Unable to Attend School."
"Deau AIks. Pinkhasi: I feel it my duty to tell all young womffl
now mucu ijyaia ri.i-iiiKiia.nrs wonueriui vegetable joniminan
done for me. I was completely run down, unable to attend school, and
uul not care for any lund of society, but now I feel like a new person,
ami nave gamed seven pounds of Hesn 111 three months.
" I recommend it to all young women who suffer from female weak
ness." Miss Alma Puatt, Holly, Mich.
Iiydlu K. rinklititti'8 Vegetable Compound Is the one suro rem
edy to be relied uum at tills important period in 11 young girl's Ui-
Cfinfi FORFEIT If vr cannot forthwith prolines the orhrlnnl letters and slgsJiM''
UlulJlIU .ff.nii'jmaif, wuicu win pruvn ineir nmoimu ci'iiuinom'as.
ifwwww l.y,a i:. rinlllmm .Mcriicinu Co., I-jrnn,
A Society Bollo of London, Canada.
of London, Ontario,
Can.Kl.1. it n liointi.
ful girl who knows what
Buffering is anil Wino of
Canlui has brought her back
to health. Sho is one of the
tocial favorites of her homo
and her recovery to health
na3 permitted her to enjoy
the company of her many
friends instc.nl nf
5. 1 . ?,CSnes3 nnd suffering. For
credit to Wine of Cardui. She writes:
lent rtmedy for female trouble. Isuffered
lor three yean with terrible bearing-down
plaJ at the menstrual period. I could
7 ?flni?a mV iut and was never
'.el1- Wme of Cardui was the only
medicine that I could depend on to do roe
HSf8'" I'Kveralwithcosuo
Wine of Cardui cured me and I
nave now enjoyed perfect health for two
years, and give you all the credit for I
know you deserve it."
l,Fkriyo'ln,?Birl Wino of Cardui is
the best remedy to guide her through
womanhood by starting the menstrual
IIUl May ilarlulL
ilnff in n. hcaltbv and ml-
ural manner. Menstruation
started right is very easy
keep regular through the
years of mature womauu;
Tl.n (.o "rhuniro of htt
need not be feared.
Wino of Cardui is woman f
best relief from youth to
old age. A million women
havo secured blessed reiw
from their sufferings dj
intr this treatment. It relieves ran
strual troubles in an incredibly oo"
time. In a simplo caso of deran
menses Wino of Cardui never fails.
relieve disordered menses is to remote
tho cause of other femalotroubles.JW
physician will tell you that to 1 remote
tho cause of a discaso renders the core
easy, in fact seldom fails to complew
the cure. If you would have wejafj
relief which Miss Markell secured W
Wine of Cardui. You can take it
out an examination and without ;
publicity whatover. You can taieiiw
the privacy of your home and .sew
just as much benefit as if a doc or W
prescribed it for you. fiffiS
men aro feeling the vigor pi: returns
health by taking Wino of Cardui.
A million suffering wob
have found relief U I
Winu 01 waruui.
I Ml AT m A KTtT e Write the East 04
-MAjJ..i9 n,art fof a free 1
aiogae ot them. A ftdl sopply always kept In stocK.