ess SI0N8 ,,.iXNS. fyjV? Paired hearing. M "..-A u . - rf rH ties - t,W - -Ti-pjCH OVER h'VI 41 . . . ... i'i ma i CIIKONIC M w5. ."SSi wi "s tea- r .... nilTIVlPATfl aw : . vt ivn R"K. S I8i.r'".Vi;; R nrV. Office v..-oMnrp rnone an." opticians. Hon, graduate opti cian. AUC W"l " , ft.? .5?., S DENTISTS. IireniX,,IiEXTIST. yrrn.i. i I1N.V, DOT ST, OrriUK in no- TWe, red Z7I, VETERINARY SURGEON. ItUcXAnB, J'KTKI'.INAltl' SUIt- m Ollce t Tallmon a; ton. .... tii in nil SAHIV9 rtllw Dnwit(W! KM Interest on time deposit. a Men anil domestic exchange. promptly aiienueu m. iieury wejldent. T, J. Kirk, vlce-pres- riUIEHS- BANK 01 WUSTON. llreton. Does a general liank- KTFhnnrr. linnpht nml nnlri raptiy attended to. It. Jam il 1 Dirtman. M. II. Johns. T. ii. u ura, j, r. KllRore. itnli- rDMKTOX BAVIKUK HANK. Capital. S100,0Oi); surplus. 1(HI,- ' uu mi nine uenottiiK. MJIMl, lul ., ,..,.. fjfiui mention elver, to col li. J t'nraliK (AalAt. . T Itoarj. usUtant cnshler 'J; BANK 0. VV.SM.V. WUl, J,0,00(), Kurnlus. ; .i l l UUItlUVSH. liX- 1 tMMl Kntilrtnn. t t... n 2!. . n5.Uco. Nw Y"rk ail(i ITFrTe Akm T" ifc"UrVd,,n,Ljo!; niiciiiTutn' and sir aui,t'i'T1!A('Ti: and .rt '? tum,ls1"'11 ' "l'r S2S""am riLl SJ, S (io nil kinds "in it eJ.?" H 'tone walls, ,.tc Mt u'onIan nttlw agtt. ..ABCIIITBCT A.M. ?Suffi:to11 a.n'ii n:- i it IiJn:. V.Ruaranteed. klrtTItonKT'l?. Hectrltttl r 1 lrSr- Ka.i ... "VViricni llr. PaSty.- "'""Hi. LcTSW,r.n(c wi,,; aT .Jtn mm afjaf AH0 TRADES, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS K. S. DUTSON, ATTOIINEY AT I,AW: Collcotlona aad lisurance. Offlc In B. O. building. J. M. I1ENTLEY REPRESENTS THE OLDEST and most tollable Are and accident Insurance, companies. Office with Hartman Abstract Co. JOHN HAILRY, JR.. tJ. 8. IAND COU mlaaloner Specialty made of land flllnra and proof; Inauraoce and collection. Of ace In Jndd bnlldlne. room 16. JOB H. PAKKES, OFFICK 120 COURT HT. land office biialneea, such at filing of claim and Initiating contests a apeclaltj. BOARD AND LODGING. ItOTKIi At.TA, COUNEK ALT A AND Mill streets. Board by the day or week. Good table set. Hates $3.50 and M.CO per week. Pendleton Feed Yard In connection. W. V. F.dmlsten, l'rop. TIIK STKAUON KOOMINO HOUSE. CIS Main street. Mrs. II. E. Cooper, Prop. Everythlns strictly tlrst-class. liates 25c, GOc and $1 per day. WHEN YOU 00 TO PILOT ItOCK STOP lit the City Hotel. Rood meats and first-class rooms. Speclnl attention given to commercial travelers. Mrs. C. II. Illc tel, Pilot Itock, Ore. THE WHITE HOARDING AND I.ODQIN0 House. UOt South Main street Mrs. Helen Whlttemorc, Proj). Housekeeping rooms and lodging rooms. Good comforta ble rooms and clean, well-kept beds. Lodging 25 cents. MRS. H. L. HUNTINGTON nAS PURCHASED the Lodging Home at 02) Garden Street, wherx she will be glad to cc bar friends and palrona. TONSORIAL PARLORS. HILLY KHASKIG, IIAItHEU SHOP AND Hath rooms. Main street, three doors north of Hotel St. George. First-class service. NEW TONSORIAL PARLOUS, COURT ST. Three doors west of Golden Rule Hotel. J. H. Pace, prop. Flrst-cluss workmen ! everything cImiii ; nil modern Improve ments. PATTON'K SANITARY ItARHER SHOP, Despaln block. Court street; best work manship; nil the modern Improvements; all tools sterilized ; bath rooms In con nection. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. THE DEPOT STAIII.ES, COTTONWOOD street, between Altn nnd Webb streets, II. Stewart, Prop. Rest enre taken of horses. Good stables nnd plenty of feed. THE CITY LIVERY HOARD AND SALE Stnblc. M. J. Carney, jn-oprietor, for flue turnouts. Stock boaruea nt reasonable rates, Stable US Alia Street. COMMERCIAL STAHLES, U. M. PROOME Prop. Livery, feed nnd boarding. All ktttdh of turnouts. Competent drivers. Opposite Hotel Peudletou. 'Phoue, main 1(11. THE TELEPHONE LIVERY, FEED AND Hale Stable, Court street, opposite Court House; boarding horses a specialty; good turnouts; rigs delivered. 'Phone, main 3S1. FRATERNAL ORDERS. DAMON LODGE. NO. 4, MEETS EVERY Monday eveniug in Secret Society hall, LnDiiw block, ut Pendleton, Ore. R. W. Fletcher, IC. It. S.; W. J. Keycs, C. C. PENDLETON CIRCLE, NO. .127. WOMEN of WiMidcrnft. meets every Friday even ing ut Heudrlcks hull. All vlsltlug neigh burs lire cordially Invited to attend. Min nie Stilliunu. Guardlnii Neighbor; Eva Fletcher, Clerk. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. STAR EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 038 Main St.; It yon need help or seek em ployment call on os. 'Phone, main 1011. BLACKSMITH I NG. COPELAND & SON. GENERAL BLACK smithing and repairing; horseshoeing a specialty; work promptly attended to; call and see us ; shop 314 West Webb street. Just three blocks below Main street. MISCELLANEOUS. OLD NEWSPAPERS TO PUT UNDER carpets, on shelves, walls, or for wrap ping purposes. Old newspapers In large hurdles ot 100 each at 2S cents a bundle at the EAST OREGONIAN offim. Peudle ton. Oregon. Babbit Metal, best In the world, In bars. Price, $1 per bar, at the East Oregonlan Office. Stock For Sale "5 liead of woll-Kfaileil Shorthorn cat tle. 1 registered Shorthorn bull. 30 head of horses, mares, KelUIngs and young stoclt, grade Ulydes, anil 10 head or Cleveland Bays. IS head broko to work; weight, 1200 150( pounds. 1 stallion, 2UuU pounds weight, Clyde nnd Shire. Cash, or time with bankable notes. Address JOHN L. COX, C20 Thompson St., Pendleton, Oregon. (Would llko to dlsposo o stock be fore turning out on rango.) T 'HE QUEEN HOTEL. Clean comtortnbie roomt Irom 2, cants n.v HauIv fiirnUhntl throughout. Queen Chop Home lu connocti n. Menln at all hours. Only white help em ployed. Oho Hi a trial, v '. 5ltiioid The new hi?h rmA ing for low co$t work. On ihedi, factoriei, warehousei, barm, depota, wharves. AH buildings of large roof sur face that require protection from the elements. A better roofing at the same price has never been produced. Sen! for booklet. 4 The Paraffine Paint Co. San Francisco, Stattlt, Portland. Lot Anttlea and Denver, Colorado. WOMEN'S SYMPATHY Is Proverbial Pendleton Women No Exception. How much we owe to the sympathetic side of womankind! When others suffer they cheerfully lend a helping hand. They tell you the means which brought relief to them that they may profit by telr experience. Read the testimony given here by a Pendleton woman. Mrs. h. Hodson, of 717 Aura street, says: "While my kidneys have never caused me any trouble which made Itself apparent In tho kidneys them selves nor In the secretlonB, I have been bothered more or less by an ach ing across the small of my back, then down and through my kidneys. When 1 caught cold It hurt me across my loins and made me feel lame and sore. I got a box of Doan's Kidney Pills at the Urock & McComas Co. drug store and used them. While I did not take them according to directions, be ing a poor hand to dose myself with medicines at all, they benefited me In every way, making my back stronger, and toning up my whole system." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents per box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name DOAN'S and take no other. The angry father kicks the young man from the front steps. "Sir," says the young man, picking himself up, "1 would like to call your attention to the goods handled by my house. We make the best Hue of soft-rubber soles and heels that you cap find anywhere." Father goes back Into the house rub bing his chin and wondering whether, after all, he has not made a mistake In refusing to welcome so great a business genius Into his family. Judge. THE GOE COMMISSION CO. Holds no customer re sponsible (or more than the margin he places on a trade. A margin of one cent a bushel is required on grain, and $2 a share on stocks An eighth cent a bushel commission is charged on grain and ) of one per cent on stocks. F. W. BOULTER Alanager Pendleton Office 120 COURT STREET Custom Made Shoes to Fit $2.50 to $4 A. EKLUND Cor. Court and Main Sat. Judd Block GEN. MILES' REPORT HAS BEEN HELD UP FOR THREE MONTHS. Administration Afraid to Let the Truth About the Islands be Known Civilian Reports Branded as Po litical Capital. Washington, May 8. Tho report of General Miles regarding; his personal observations In the Philippines, though presented to the war depart ment in Febntray last, has Just been given to tho public. There Is always much official re luctance at Washington to let the peo ple know anything satisfactory re garding conditions in tho Philippines. When a civilian writes accusing of ficers or privates in the United States army of cruelties or inhumanity In the Philippines, a chorus of indigna tion arises from the Imperialists who swiftly convict the accuser of an un patriotic intention to "smirch" the fair fame of the American 01 my. But no one will have the hardihood to say that tho commanding general of the army. In the report above mentioned, was actuated by bad motives in relat ing numerous Instances of torture nnd atrocities brought to his attention In tho islands. The first part of the report of Gen eral Miles Indicates that tho cllmato or the Philippines Is decidedly bad for white men. He says troops which go there in the best of health and tho prime of manhood are seriously af fected by two or three years' service; that very few escape bad consequences and the majority are debilitated. In November last he found 17,674 troops on duty and 1515 sick. This army of occupation was scattered through 122 stations, nearly all of them remote so that the service, he says, Is de pressing and demoralizing. See Doom of Small Colleges. Chicago, 111., May 8. Representa tives of nearly 100 colleges and uni versities throughout the country are attending the conference which open ed at Northwestern" University today to consider the relation of tho college to the professional school. Tho con ference arises from the general fear expressed among leading educators that tho expansion of the American high schools and of the professional schools will ultimately destroy tho usefulness of the college as a prepara tory school for the professions. The conference will endeavor to agree upon somu method of co-operation be tween the Independent college nnd the university professional schools or Independent professional schools, by which mutual recognition of work done In the respective institutions may be secured, thus Insuring to the Independent college equal privileges In this regard with the university col lege. WIRELESS TELEGRAPH NEWS. Scrlpps.MeRae the First News Com pany In the Field. New York, May 7. The Scrlpps-JIe-Rae News Association has completed arrangements with the I)e Forest Wireless Company for the exclusive use of their service for reporting the International yacht ru"es. I Iorton, chief operator of the BeFotest com pany, sailed today by the Dctitschland lor Olasgow, carrying a full equipment for Upton's yacht, Erin, together with two reporters, one of which will be placed on each of the Shamrocks In order to maintain communication while crossing the Atlantic. DoForest has three stations. One at New York harbor, one at Port Judith. News Irom the Krln will thus be received three days prior to the arrival. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury. Aii mercury will surely destiny the h-iikc of smell nnd completely derange the whole MHtt-ni when entering It tlirouidi the nut- eoiiK surfaces. Such tirtleleH should never be used except on prescriptions rrom rep utable physicians, us the damage they will do Ik ten fold to the good you can pnKibly derive from them Hull's Catarrh Cure, manufactured bv F. J. Cheney & Co, Toledo, (., contains nu mercury, ami is IilKeu inienuiiiy acting ilircciiy upon me blood and mucous surfaces of the s)stem III buying Hull's Catarrh Cure lx sine you get the genuine. It Is taken Internally 11 ml made In Toledo, Ohio, by F .1 Cheney A ''11. Testimonials five. Sold by druggists, price Trie per bottle. Hall's I'll Hilly Pills lire the best Notice to Water Consumers, All water rents are now due and ! payable at the water works ollico on or before the lflth day or tho mouth. Pleabe call and settle and avoid tho water being turned off. . J. V. BROWN, Superintendent Waters Works, , Quick Arrest. J. A. Guelledge, of Verbena, Ala., 1 was twice In tho hospital front a so I vere caso of piles causing 24 tumors. I Alter doctors and all remedies failed, 1 Bucklen's Arnica Salvo quickly curort him. It conquers aches and kills I pain. 25c at Talltnan & ('', drug gists. Away Behind. "They're not In society much, ato they?" "Mercy, 110! He hasn't even got over making smart leumiks when hn picks up an Ice cream fork." Chica go Heialil. He" Is wise that suits himself to the time. ' HOTEL. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel In Pendleton and as good as any. The Hotel Pendleton has just been refitted and refurnished tnroughout. Phone and fire alarm connections with all rooms. Baths in suites and single rooms. Headquarters for Traveling Hei Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 & $2.50 Special rates by week or in outb. Excellent Culalue. Prompt Dlnlugrooiu service. Bar and billiard room In connection Only Three Blocks from Depot GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Corner Court and .lohnon Street, Pendleton, Oregon. M. F. Kolly, Proprietor. HEATED BY STEAM LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY Amor ion n Pliiu, rotes l.-.'5 to $U.OO iwr dnv. European Plan. fide. 70u, tl.OO. HM-c'lnl i-utOH by wimiL or month. Free 'bus meets all trains) Commercial trade solicited Fine sample rooms Special Attention Given Country Tntff HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STS GEO. DAfiVEAU, Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heatea Buropean Plan. Illock and a half from depot, Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE 50c, 75o, $1.01 THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON American Plau, ti per day and upward iiMiinn.ri.ri fnrtuuriiti ind conimerclal trav clera. Special rate made to families and alog U gentlemen. The management will be pleased a ail limea io tnuw iwm. m , p. modern Turklih bathcatablUhiuentiu lb hotel 11 C llOWKKS, Manaaci HI MANHOOD afafA. J J afafM s....'lu. I (II ...... la. ihui-pv. ThU Kreut t Vgeiable Vliuluer. tho preunpuun or a laiuoua j-renco .. , '. ,.T ...... .. ii ............ ... HI.., ii u. I Ik, vMfi.rnllt n nrv.ii.. ftmh 11 ...J! I'i.......,..!,.. l'uln. lu tho llurk. Meruluul KuUaluita, Ne i h.ibin'imv'H aVTl'IUIINK.treiuitiena aod ruitiinu. Tim re-iaou aiirrerera aru not oured by WJS?.K, iUMvmi i'ru.lollll t UI'IllKNK la Ihu onlranoml ioeuro wltteut an operation. CjUJU te.tlmornau. iZitZiiliiSil aV.?ii a olritViiro. HI.imiu AJ'lri-M U.VVor, StWtlCI.Ni: CO.,Nuu I'l, L'ul. SOLD BY TALLMAN A CO., DRUGGISTS, PENDLETON, OREGON, Uixea uo not eae'-l TRANSPORTATION UNM. mm. ahd union Pacific Two Trains to the East Daily Through Pullman itandard andTooriat alua Ing oars dally to Omaha, Chicago. toorUI sleeping ear aatlr to Kanaas city s thuasfc Pullman tourlit (leering ears (personally coat, dueled) weekly to Chicago, Kanaaa Clir, M. tows ana Mempnisj reclining cnair cars (m ire) 10 me BMioaur. Dsraat Ttmo Schedule aaarra roa From I'emdlototi raoat Portland Portland Special No. 1 Tha Bast Silt am Chicago Chicago Special No. I FortlaM saopm 5:oaa rortiand Mall and Kspreta Tha aWt lttOam TheEaat; Mall and KiprtsiNo.t roftUo4 tiSOam 4:ua Ptndlston Paaaeniar BpakaM No.7 5:a apokana Spokane fatMnier StlSam No. 8 Pendleton Branch , Mixed Train No. 41 1 4yi m Walla Walla Branch fltoopm MUed Trala No. Ocean and River Schedule. rBOM FOBTLA.MD. Alt sailing dates ab- :00 p.m. rKco Ball every ft days. Dally Stoop m. To Astoria and Way Saadaj Saturday Landings, 10 .-00 p. in. AVIllamotto Ktver. Boata leave Portland dally, except Bander, fataie ol water permitting) for Willamette aaa Yamhill River points. Leave i Leave Klperla Snake River Lawtstoa :05 a.m. Hlparla to Lewlaton 7:00 a. aa. Dally ! Oallr ExcplUon' Xxcpt Meal F. F. WAMSLKY. Agent, I1 a die tost. Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this route for Chicago, Ht Paul, Ht. Louis, Kaa mm City, Ht. Joe, Omaha, and All Points East and South Portland and points on tho Sound TtMK CARP. Leave Pendleton, dally except Baudaya pm. ........ ........... . Arrive renaiewa aiouoay, n nunu.j Friday U5 pa. . . Arrive Pendleton Taetder. Thatsdsr aa4 Saturday S3B am. LeavH Walla Walla dallr. eaat bound. II M) aa. Arrive Walla Walla dally, weal bound. :i5 am. or information reaardlni ratee and modatlona, call on or address W. A 11 A MS, agent Pendleteu. Orearaa 8. B. OALDIKIIKA D, O P. A., nana waua, naaa. Scott's Santal-Pepsin CipsHbt A POSITIVE OIHW rorlnflaunmatlOaof CaUirfr of the Uuuldtr ftntl IJUwi4 KldMi, No onre no pmj Cur qalokly m4 Porta neatly lh worst oihi ol 4Jwfirrlioa mad CI( no mtter of how long aUoi lag. AlwolaUlr bavrmles. HJlal bv dnisrsTlaU. Prlo l.W, or by tuaila taOsjtwOJ, 1.00,3 bo iMtHTt; TH mALWIK 60- BtLIfOMTAIHsI, OHIO. Sold by F. W. 8chmldt A Co. MEN AND WOMEN. Um IligUM uaaataral fljrhare,lallaiaaatiiea, rilutluoa or ulcralteue llHiewulOHtyiciiOo. sentoriKilwaou. t...... r... .. -i i'iiImj. mua ne aeuen xmeITl,0. euie t e, or anl In lala ,'ffial Circular east u iiaiiasl. . U.B. UHICHESTER'S PILLS rrjw Ilrlaliiol and ulr Uonulue. j,7rhP Hle,iJr4 U.m,Jj, J be S ftv. pis 0,0tM tMiiutalaU. LvJl,4a leVa(a4 'f riiinir.! r.ii n mulihii m BCt !' KtrUllU Utc, mia! wub Idusi rlbbun. TmLw nu witter KrfWaM HukslllutltHilinltatlui. '7'' i'tutiM WMiivl lt-rHllbfflusiftrtftr llaraalMM. 'I'Mllasaal la. 1st BU.1 JlokL4 f' i I.taUkra, If rtturu JMt.II. HwU b sUl .it-t-tM hi. Iu'li-r krtlc flew III IteVw) eTW RESTORED pbrilclan, wtS ualtat mmm0 r-veua llebllltr. 1! K 111 A Uatl 1 11 at V I'll I lit. YurlOCl. ISUl d Ikia eked JeaJA 'alH inu iire iriIllKhi! tb tlni uiilvknotfii reonjilr uuuior. . A vrniwii gnaranwe Kiveu uiui iiivnyr raiuruni ii i boil ill forUUUIir mull, heiut tot fi-ee circular awl sfciaO I unionists. . -r.v. uf IUII